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Face: Openers, pre-openers, post-openers (A): 10 important
ones / Circumstantial Openers (AC): 7 / Tests (T): 6 /
Sweetheart Tests (TN): 4
Sexual flirtations:
Telephone closures:

Openers / Pre openers / Post openers on the street
 1 A “Hello, I have to tell you something. I saw you and I loved
your style, the truth is that I am very embarrassed to do this,
but I thought that if I don't know her now, surely we are not
going to cross paths again in our lives. I'm Charly” (Show your
 2 A “Hello, how are you?” There are two options, either you
were really lost or you were looking for me with the GPS to
see if you could find me” Situational opener when you see
that a girl is looking at her cell phone Video 26
 3 A “I know you were writing to me, but you don't need to
write to me anymore because I just arrived and we can get to
know each other” (Good opener for a girl who is writing with
her cell phone) Video 16 “I came here to make you laugh,
And if I don't get it from you, the truth would make me very
 4 A “I have to tell you something, I love girls who come to
take advantage of their time while sunbathing to read and
cultivate themselves with books, it's been a while since I've
seen you, I saw you and said 'I have to meet her because if
not then I'm going to to regret'” Opener with the girl in a
bikini, it is better not to use a very direct opener such as “I
saw you and I loved your style” because it could be very
uncomfortable for her Video 23.
 5 A “Sorry,… I have to tell you something, I would love to kiss
you here right now” “Do I find myself attractive?” If you have
a boyfriend?" No “Then there is nothing that prevents us from
kissing right now” (Look for rejection to remove anxiety)
 6 A For an interaction in which the girl is in a hurry:
Opener: “I saw you and you seemed super attractive and I
told myself I have to meet her, since she drove me half crazy”
Opener re direct since there is no time.
You ask him where he is from,… what he is doing here,.
And if you see IDIS,…. Enough to try to close the phone:
“Well, let's do something, give me your phone number, I want
to see you again, because I found you very attractive and I'm
sure that not only are you like that externally, but even more
so internally.” Not only praising their physique but
complimenting their personality or how she is internally.
Video 14
 7 A “I'm going to sit there,… but for 5 minutes because I have
to go ” Time limitation so that the girls feel much more
comfortable from the beginning Video 24.
 8 A “I was passing by here, I noticed this girl and I had gone
quite far away, but I came back because she caught my
attention and I said to myself 'either I know her now or else
I'm probably never going to come across her again in my life..
So here I am trying to get to know you despite this your friend
and it makes me even more nervous” Opener for when there
are two friends and one you like, as you will see you are first
addressing the friend and then to her. In addition, this opener
applies to show your vulnerabilities Video 24.
 9 A This is not an opener but rather prior to the opener,…
you: “Sorry”,… her: "I'm in a hurry" you: "Well, I'm in a hurry
too, but to meet you." Video 9
 10 If the girl is very rude, what can you say:
“I love meeting nice girls, have a good day.” Theory [UP TO
 11 A “Hello, how are you?” We don't know each other,
right?,...Because I saw you and I loved your style,... and I told
myself either I'm going to meet you now or I think I'm not
going to meet you in my entire life, so here I am . "
 12 A “Hello, how are you... I have to tell you something,... I
was walking on the other side so as not to get burned. But I
saw you under the sun and I told myself I have to meet her,…
even though that means standing under the sun and burning
my porcelain white skin a little.”
 13 A “I was walking, I saw you and you caught my attention
and I thought at least I want to take 5 minutes of my life to
find out if it is as interesting as it seems” Very direct opener
that includes a time limiter in which you demonstrate a lot of
confidence. Video 8
 14 A “Hello, how are you?” I know this is not the best moment
of our lives, maybe we are waiting for something better, but
in the meantime we can sit, talk and share different
moments” Improvised opener when, for example, she is
sitting waiting for time to pass. Video 12
 15 A “Hello, I have to tell you something, I could ask you for
an address but I'm not going to lie to you, I saw you and I
liked your style, I loved your look and I told myself,... 'I have to
meet her', because if I don't I'm talking now, maybe I'll never
see you again in my life” Sincere opener variation Video 18.
 16 A “Hello,... I have to tell you something,...... I saw you here
reading and I don't understand how a girl with all the plans
she can make during the summer has to come here to read”
Opener Video 21 her: “always It's good to do something” you:
“If I think everything is good then it would also be good to
know me, wouldn't it?” sexual flirtation
 17 To you: “I'm going to tell you something very quickly but
not so fast that you can walk either….. Are you in a hurry or
can you spare me a minute?..... Can you give me a minute
and tell him your opener” Pre opener Video 22
 18 A “Sorry, I have to tell you something, I never do this, and
it really scares me to approach a woman I don't know, but I
saw you and I can't live with this fear forever and I have to
lose it today. . Then I saw you, you seemed attractive to me
and I think it would be a good day to meet” Opener Video 25
 19 To you: "Forgive me, I have to tell you something, I was
sitting with a couple of friends, I saw you, you caught my
attention and I said 'I have to meet her'" her: "Are you
serious?" you: "I'm completely serious, I wouldn't go 50
meters to come meet someone if that girl didn't really interest
me." Super direct opener, you show that you're a sure-fire
guy Video 27

Openers in a business
 AC1 “Hello, my friends tell me that these jeans don't fit me
well, but I think they do. What do you think? I see that you
have a lot of style so I'm sure you can help me ;). Theory
 AC2 “I have to buy something nice for my sister, but I have no
idea about women's clothing. What would you buy her? With
the good taste in dressing that you have, I'm sure you can
give me a hand. Theory

Opener in a means of transport

 AC3 “Hello, line X goes to Y? Actually it's an excuse, I saw you
and wanted to meet you. Theory

Opener in a cafe
 AC4 “Hello, is this chair free? (They say yes, waiting for you to
take it) (You sit in front of her and start talking to her) About
Theory .

Opener at the traffic light

 AC5 “Stop!! I know you want to commit suicide and get run
over but I'm not going to let you. “First I want to meet you.”
Openers in the supermarket
 AC6 “Hello, I live alone and I don't understand anything about
cooking. Can you help me?” Theory
 AC7 “Do you know how to cook this well? Because when I
want to do it,…… It doesn't look anything like the photo!!”

Passing Tests
 T1 Her: “You always do this thing where you go talk to
someone” You: “What day is it today? 17 are the odd days,…
the even days I stay asleep to gain energy for the next day”
Pass the test in a funny way with horny exaggeration Video
 T2 If she answers something like “Did you have it prepared
from home?” You can respond with a horny exaggeration to
pass the test: “Actually, I prepared it a month ago and I have
been rehearsing it for 25 days, I tried to do it alone and it
never worked out but with you it all came out in one go,….
You must have inspired me.”
 T3 Her: “How many people did you tell this to?” You:
“Number 1343 is with you,….you don't see me, I already have
dark circles under my eyes. I've been doing this for four days
without stopping.” They give this test to you when they see
you are very seductive and you pass it. with an exaggeration.
Video 15
 T4 Her: “This really works for you” She gets tough and gives
you this Test : “normally yes, today I decided to put this into
practice to see if it worked and I think it will work for me”
Video 21
 T5 If she asks you: “Do you go out and talk to people?”You:
"No, I'm going out for a walk but put yourself in my place, I'm
walking here and suddenly I find an attractive girl like you,
who catches my attention and seems interesting, so I said to
myself,..."I'm going to talk to her to see if she is as interesting
as she seems… From time to time things can come up and you
have to take advantage of the moment” ,…..if she tells you
that it is strange “you can tell her it is strange but maybe the
strange thing could be Entertaining” Tool, blame her by
making her understand that if you got close it is because she
provoked it Video 23.
 T6 Her: “I'm not going to give you my number, I'm not an
easy girl.”
You: “We have two options. We can give each other the
phone number because we had a great time and we deserve
to see each other again or we can not give each other the
phone number and never see each other again or have such a
good time. “I would like this not to end here.”

Passing “I Have a Boyfriend” Tests

 TN1 Her: “I have a boyfriend” We don't know if it's true or
just a test.
You: "I think we are people who understand very well the
situation we are going through and since we are older, we
will know how to separate courtship from friendship, I only
came here to meet you and I wouldn't like us to go so
quickly..." So you tell her that you prefer to go slowly, you
steal her frame as if she were the one going fast. Later we will
find out if she really has a boyfriend or it was a test Video 6.
 TN2 Her: “I have a boyfriend” you: “If it's true, you have one
and he's on your right (if, for example, you're on his right)”
Video 13
 TN3 Her: “I have a boyfriend” You: “It seems to me that your
imagination runs too fast, just because you have a boyfriend
doesn't mean that I'm going to take him away from you or
steal him from you, for the moment we first have to get to
know each other and then we'll see what happens.” It can
happen” Response for when they tell us that they have a
boyfriend Video 22
 TN4 If she says she has a boyfriend, you: “Even if you have a
boyfriend, I think you are sensible that you have a boyfriend,
that you are not going to get carried away, that you are not
going to fall in love because you already have your thing,
which will not prevent you from taking a coffee with someone
because you know what you are going to do and that you are
not going to be unfaithful” her: “but I know that if I tell him
he is going to get angry and I don't want to hide it from him”
you: “So don't hide and tell him,... I met a very cool boy , and
we liked each other very well and we talked about ,…like me”
she: “on the contrary, I wouldn't like him to do it to me” you:
“since we know that maybe relationships don't last forever,
….maybe we'll talk in 10 months and I'll You say, oh, I'm no
longer in love but I'm very out of love” Video 16
Comfort: Comfort questions (CPC): 11 / Qualification (CCU): 3 /
Bait (CCE): 9 / Comfort for foreigners (CPE): 3 / KINO 13
Phrases to generate comfort:
 Tip: Always remember to take a comfortable position as this
will also make her feel more comfortable in the conversation
(you have to imitate the other person's body posture to
generate familiarity, for example, if the girl is sitting, crouch
down] Video 8).
 Tip: If she tells you that she is going to leave soon, tell her the
same thing to establish a false temporal limitation by
returning to a less tense situation and always if you see the
girl a little uncomfortable... then emphasize the attraction.
 Tip: In the moment of comfort, you can bond with the girl by
showing how, for example, you know what her job is like
(empathy, same vibe, exceptionality), so that she is
comfortable and wants to continue the interaction. (e.g. She
is a manager at a clothing business and you have friends who
are also managers and you talk to her about your knowledge
through them, such as the strategic locations of certain
garments for marketing). Video 8
 Tip: [Talking about one's own childhood + personal
experiences is one of the topics that we can ALL talk about
without having to invent anything and activates the
emotional part of it, instead of the logic that we have to avoid
at all costs].

 1 CPC Where are you going in such a hurry? Wildcard

question to create comfort after the opener Video 9
Her: “I'm going to see a friend” You: “Oh, are you a lesbian?”
Misinterpretation to make her laugh and clarify that no.,….
you: “It's okay, you can tell me, I like open girls” she: “no, no,
but I'm not a lesbian” You: “I at least At first I thought I liked
men but I checked, checked, checked and in the end I realized
that I liked 'Noelias' (if her name is Noelia)” Sexual flirtation
to create attraction. Video 9
 2 CPC If she is sitting “What were you doing sitting here?” Ask
to start creating comfort. If, for example, she missed a bus or
something happened because of which she is still there, you:
“This could be destiny, you wanted to leave but you couldn't,
and thanks to that we are going to get to know each other
and, above all, have a lot of fun.” Video 18
 3 CPC “I imagine you have good plans to make today,
although I don't know what ones” (Indirect question with a
statement) excellent phrase for after the opener if you can
think of what to say.
 4 CPC “And what are you doing here?” Wildcard topic to
continue the conversation after the opener and create
comfort,...if for example he tells you that he is going to his
house you can say "It's good that you are going home to eat
and regain energy so that later when we see each other you
will be well rested” (sexual flirtation)
 5 CPC “And what do you do?” [Talking about jobs to generate
comfort can always be alternated with attraction, for
example sexual flirtation] .
 6 CPC Where do you work? a question to create comfort,…. If
she said, for example, “in a bridal shop,” you could say, “I just
met you and you work in a bridal shop,…..” It is definitely
destiny” Sexual flirtation [All themes related to destiny and
things that happen for some reason that women love
because they represent their fantasies of something they
have been waiting for for a long time happening to them can
be seen in any romantic comedy] .
 7 CPC If you ask her “What do you do with your life” and after
she tells you,… she asks you “and what do you do?” ,…. You
can say , “Surprise me, what do you think I do?” (you propose
a game),….. And if he tells me that I look like I'm studying,...
You can tell her “About studying girls like you” (joke). Video 7
 8 CPC “I feel very comfortable talking to you ” This phrase will
make her feel more comfortable too Video 19
 9 CPC You: “What do you do in your free time?” Ask to
generate comfort (it is best to always be very attentive, to
discover on your own what their hobbies are through the way
they dress, some other detail or something else they tell us),
….. her: “I like to go out,…..” you: “Perfect because it means
that if you like to go out,…. "We can go out." She: "Well, we'll
see." You get tough: "You're a short mambo (laughing to
make him laugh),….This is all your fault, if you hadn't been
here, you wouldn't have looked at me that way." and if you
hadn't been reading the book so carefully (for example), I
wouldn't have approached her” with blaming her you easily
get over it and you let her know that if you are talking to her
it is because she provoked it to you Video 21.
 10 CPC What are you going to do on vacation? Ideal
conversation topic for dates prior to vacation since talking
about trips is one of the best ways to generate comfort.
 11 CPC If he laughs a lot, you can tell him: “You know that
there is a psychological movement that says that emotions
are contagious. In fact, recently a video came out where 4
elderly people start laughing for no reason on the subway and
after 2 minutes laughing, the whole car laughs senselessly
because emotions are contagious,... They needed an excuse
to laugh and they gave it to them” Psychological issues are of
great interest to women and knowing about the subject will
differentiate you a lot from the rest of the men Video 24.

 1 CCU When the topic of age comes up and they tell her, she
can tell you: “I look less, don't I?” You can tell him: "I gave
you that age but not because of your physique but because of
the maturity you have when it comes to speaking,
communicating, expressing yourself, twenty-year-old girls
generally say 'there is, I don't know, I don't know how much'
On the other hand, you are calmer and you have much more
control of what you say and it shows that you have
experience in life, even if it is just a little” Qualification that
you can do when the topic of age comes up Video 27
 2 CCU 1 KINO If it is a girl who feels uncomfortable for a long
time (with which you will have to emphasize comfort) you: "I
see that you are a person who has a hard time trusting
people, but later when you trust them you relate to them."
eyes closed from the confidence you have. Open people often
betray you from the beginning” Video 23 cold reading to
redirect the situation, if she agrees with you ( here you can
apply the 5 KINO shock ) she will relax a little.
 3 CCU When, for example, you confront her or at some point
she tells you I'm ashamed, you can tell her: “I think you are a
girl who is not intimidated by any type of situation, or at least
that is what you want to convey with your image. , maybe
later you will be the shyest in the world,… you never know”
Cold reading to create attraction. Video 8

Bait to get them to invest in the conversation

 1 CCE 2 KINO “ If you had to define yourself with three words,
what would they be? Three adjectives” (Bait for her to qualify
and invest in the conversation),…. Next you can do a mini cold
reading, for example: "I think you are a fairly extroverted
person, quite nice, direct and transparent,... well I said four"
[This is how you encourage her to continue participating in
the interaction, it is always beneficial that she believe that
you are looking better if she participates than if she doesn't]
,... if you ask her again "how would you define yourself" she
can surely tell you "How did you define me" ,... then you tell
her laughing "Come on ,…come give me a hug” you reward
her with a hug ( KINO magnetic physical contact) and tell her
“Look how transparent you will be that I see who you are
from the first moment.”
 2 CCE “Tell me what you're doing here, because I arrive, I tell
you my things and until this moment you haven't stopped
talking and you won't even let me talk” He asks to get me to
invest and a bad joke, if he laughs it's an IDI. Video 21
 3 CCE 3 KINO “Tell me,…. What was the most impressive
thing that happened to you in your life?” (Bait for her to
invest in the interaction) she may respond,… “Apart from
getting to know you” and there you can give her another hug
to reward her “Come, come,…..” Give me another hug”
(Rewarding the nice things he says to you with hugs or
another type of KINO is a trick to advance in physical
 4 CCE You: “What was the strangest thing that happened to
you lately” ask me to invest Video 23
 5 CCE “When was the last time you did something for the first
time?” (question that requires effort) From Theory
 6 CCE (When I say something nice to you) “I'm sure you say
that to all the skinny ones,….” (she will make an effort not to
make it seem like that is not the case) From Theory
 7 CCE “What I hate the most is people who are not sincere” (If
they say they are sincere, they will be investing and putting
themselves at your level) Theory.
 8 CCE (To a very pretty and confident girl) “Beauty is
something common, nowadays anyone can be attractive with
a little care or with a couple of operations. What
differentiates you from the rest besides your physique?”
 9 CCE “I would like you to give me some excuse to continue
getting to know you, are you a girl worth knowing?”
her: “I'm not the one who has to sell herself” [she gets tough
because she knows she's very hot and has a line of men
behind her, why would she have to do something for a man?]
you: “You should do it”,…” We have two options: a) we know
each other and we have a great time because we are 2
attractive people or b) that I run away and that this remains
an anecdote that we will never remember again,... I would be
very disappointed if do not choose option a). her: “I don't
think b) that I dislike it” you: “That is, you are between option
a) and b)” her: “I told you that I like b)...” but if you want to
reach your own conclusions” [continue being tough, there is a
duel of egos] you: “Well I like b) maybe since I am the one
who designs the options, maybe I can modify it and it will be
similar to a)” . [You can end up overcoming the situation in
which you had shown arrogance with humor] A horny
situation Video 6.

Comfort phrases for foreigners

 1 CPE If she is foreign or from another place, phrases to
generate comfort,... you: “Where are you from?” You: “Are
you on vacation or are you planning to stay for a while?”
Video 19
 2 CPE If you are from outside: “How long have you been in
Buenos Aires?” ask to generate comfort: “And what are you
doing?” Another question for comfort and if he tells you that
he doesn't have a job now you can tell him, "Well now
your job is to know me" Sexual flirtation and if he laughs IDI
Video 21.
 3 CPE If he is from abroad and came on a trip You: “Tell me
what your best experience was in Argentina” Bait to get him
to invest in the conversation. Video 19
Jokes or funny comments (CH): 6
Jokes or funny comments:
 CH 1 A little joke if at some point you might get run over: “Be
careful with donating blood, maybe they will donate yours,…
maybe they will run over you and donate your blood.”
 CH 3 If they tell you that they are going to get married and
you notice that it is true that they have a boyfriend, you can
have a funny exit: "Let's do something if next year you don't
get married, here at the same time on this same day we
agree to meet." I'm going to be here waiting for you” Fun
conversation closing for when you see that she really has a
boyfriend and it's not worth spending more time Video 22
 CH 4 “Better not search on Google for what could happen.
You could suddenly find yourself with the greatest seducer in
Argentina” ,… her: “or a psychopath” you: “unfortunately I
am the second, there is someone better than me,… I am not
going to tell you his name because otherwise you could tell
me 'with him' I've already been there so I can't be talking to
you now'” funny comment Video 26
 CH 5 If they talk about the weather, the heat, autumn and the
cold, to create comfort, when winter arrives you can say the
following: “Winter is a little cold,… for example if I go skiing I
will die of cold because I am Super cold and I start to shake.
That's why whenever I go skiing I need to be accompanied by
someone because otherwise skiing is not the same, I like to ski
in two different ways, first with this (you make the gesture of
picking up) and then night skiing, which is the most fun. ”
Doing this with a stranger after you exchanged a couple of
words is showing that you have balls,…. And chota. You
sexualize Video 26.
 CH 6 Her: “I'm embarrassed to be in a bikini” you: “Well, I'll
wear boxers so it doesn't bother you,… leave me the top part
of the mesh” (if she is sunbathing and it bothers her) Video 13
 If she is waiting for a friend who was late,... you: "I also had
that problem many times with friends and many times I was
late so they had to wait for me, and still do you know what
happened???, …that I ended up arriving earlier,… very
embarrassing” bad joke to generate IDI Video 21
 If he says, “ I'm going home, ” you can respond, “ We just met
and you're already inviting me to your house?” I'm sorry but
for me it's too early, I don't like having sex on the first date
"De Teoria

horny exaggerations
 When talking about your career, you can say, for example: “I
finished my career as a sweeper, then I became a systems
analyst and now I'm a porn actor” ,…. Horny exaggeration
“we're doing bachelor parties and all that and it's something
very fun now.” that women usually look at you strangely and
then at the bachelorette party they look like desperate
piranhas,…. When I take off first the top part and then the
bottom part,… they literally want to devour you completely,….
They are unrecognizable,… What's happening? Have you not
seen a man in your lives?” Video 16

Truths that bother a little

 “I thought you were going to be unfriendly, not very
outgoing and I told myself he was going to send me to hell,
…. but then I was met with a big smile and bewitching looks
that make me feel as comfortable as if I had known you all
my life” ,…. “On the way I came to see you I thought about
the negative, the positive I realized while I was here with you
. ” Tell truths that bother a little. Technique to create fun
conversations. Video 8
 “I really liked you, to tell you the truth I thought you were
going to be unfriendly but deep down you ended up being a
charm” (truths that bother a little) if the girl is very hot I'm
sure that if you face her in a bowling alley more than 3 AM, I
wouldn't even give you the time (to get the guys off your
back) but since it's daytime things are different and with this
phrase you use it to your advantage
 “I was about to tell you something but thank goodness I
didn't tell you”,…. Her: What? (is interested) you: What I like
most are sincere people, right? Her: Yes, of course,….you:
Perfect,… when I arrived I thought you were a little
unfriendly but then little by little I realized that you are very
cool and open” Truths that bother a little with a game
approach so that I ask you to You tell him what you think and
all this creates emotions. Video 12

Sexual Flirt
 After our handshake with a kiss she: “The handshake thing is
very strange to me” you: “I shake your hand and then I give
you a kiss, I give everything because that's how we touch
each other with our cheeks, we We touch with our hands and
that way we are more comfortable.” If you use words like
“comfortable”, “at ease” and similar, it creates more
comfortable situations for the women you seduce on the
street. Video 15
 “You were the one who invited me to sit down, we were
talking and you made me feel so comfortable that I thought,
…'I'm going to accept the invitation you made me',….. not
with words, but with your look” Sexual flirtation with a tool is
your fault Video 24.
 Her: “And what did you do for talking to me? I say to you:
“Because of you, I saw your look, I loved your style, and I
thought,... I'm going to give him a chance since he's
encouraging me to go” Blame him Video 12
 If, for example, he is from another place, you can say , “You
have to tell me what you are doing here and why I like you so
much” (comfort + sexual flirtation).
 “You're Argentine, right?” “Because you don't look like it”
“You looked German or something like that” “Your features
are different and I think that's why I found you attractive from
the first moment” (sexual flirtation and you highlight her from
the rest) If, for example, you perceive that she has features
that are not 100 % Argentines and you use it to highlight her
from the rest, she will most likely love that you notice and
may start talking about it and investing, it may be a part of
herself that she values.
 “I like talking to you, that you are so nice, so open and so
outgoing,…. I'm just telling you, if this happens to us and
we've only been there for two minutes, imagine when you
and I
"Let's be at a table having something." (Very direct sexual
flirtation, you are taking risks) .
 “I saw you and you caught my attention because of how you
were dressed and I told myself, I'm going to meet her and see
if she's as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside. Do you
think you are a person worth knowing?” (sexual flirtation +
bait so that she becomes caulified and continues to invest) if
she bites, she responds, for example, caulifying herself like
this: “I consider myself a good person,….I think so,…” (IDI).
 Her: "We can be friends", you don't have to bite. You: "I don't
promise anything... I think that friends is a start, but for
friends and people who kiss me on the cheek, I have my
mother, we have to get to know each other, see if we are
trustworthy people, and what we do with our lives and then
we will see” This is how you make your intentions clear. from
the beginning and sees that you are a self-confident guy who
goes for what he wants, and he will like that. And if she stays
and continues comfortable with the conversation, it means
she agrees to have something with you.
 “I think you exceed my expectations” her: “Thank you very
much” you: “Don't thank me, just take advantage of it
because today I see myself capable of falling in love.” (Sexual
flirtation) Template response for when you tell them
something and they respond, thank you very much /Video 22.
 “Now that you look at me in that sexy way,... What do you
think I do?” (Attraction through sexual flirtation and a game
to guess what you do). If she says that she doesn't believe it
because something similar has never happened to them in
their lives,... therefore her first reaction is not to think that
you are talking to her because you feel attracted to her,
therefore you can answer "Yes, I came here." It's for a
reason... so you shouldn't be that bad” (again I sexually flirt
with you)
 If a friend appears, you can tell her that you have been talking
about her because it is essential to pay attention to her, so
that she also feels comfortable with your presence from the
beginning and does not want to sabotage your interaction
[The trick is to treat with a lot of familiarity to the person
who appears in the group as if you have known him for a
long time, thus an obstacle becomes an ally] .,…. If the target
girl asks you “Do you like my friend?” (Test for you to answer
yes or no and make yourself look bad) you can answer "I have
already fallen in love with you, at the moment I don't know
how nice she is because she has barely opened her mouth but
if she hangs out with you she must surely be nice” [When girls
expect a simple YES or NO answer, responding with an
exaggeration is a good way to get out of the way
 “It would be strange if you didn't dedicate yourself to the
world of fashion.”
Her: “For what?”
You: “To seduce me” sexual flirtation (attraction) Video 6.
 5 KINO “Anyone would say you're nice, I only saw you laugh
like seven times,….. and now an eighth time” it's laughter, it
would be an IDI, you can reward her with a kiss KINO Video
 [If a girl sees that you are capable of successfully
overcoming a tense and difficult situation, she will
automatically see that you are a different man from the rest
and will be more receptive to your advances] Video 6
 6 KINO You: “Give me a hug” she: “I'm afraid of your hugs”
you: “Because they can be so addictive that you never want
to separate, right?” KINO – Sexual flirtation Video 6
 If she asks you to accompany her to her destination, say
No ,... since at no time are you going to be the good guy who
entertains her and accompanies her wherever she tells you
(until her friend arrives and decides that she doesn't need
you) ,…. Heh, above all, you are going to surprise them,
especially if they are hot since they are used to all the boys
obeying their orders ( it is important not to lose the point
that you are the prize ) "I can't because I have to go and I'm
in a hurry." ” .,…that is, since she has to leave, it may be
necessary to act quickly,… you can give an excuse (a good
plan) to achieve a telephone closure Video 9.
 A qualification that you can do if you did not have much time
to generate comfort, you achieved a telephone closure and
you want it to be more solid “I like how fast and effective you
are, how well you do everything and above all that you are so
nice, open and honest,… It's been a long time since I met
someone like you” Video 9
 “I haven't felt so comfortable in a while” Phrase to memorize
after closing the phone . [With this phrase you get her to
think the same as you, making her feel more comfortable. It's
like putting thoughts in your head. You are sharing your
feelings out loud] .
 I skipped video 11
 You: “You tend to have conversations with strangers” she:
“not many” you: “I think this is the second conversation
you've had with a stranger, but the first one wasn't as good
as this one” Sexual flirtation if he laughs IDI Video 12
 You: “Tell me about your life,… What is the most interesting
thing that happened to you in the last month? Apart from
knowing me ;)“ He asks to generate comfort but we stand
out from the rest with sexual flirtation. It is a plus point to
assume that you are an attractive and liked guy, that act of
being nice and giving thanks so that they listen to you is a
mistake. her: if she answers, for example, I went on a trip
saying that I had a great time, you can ask again,... you:
“Describe to me what it is very good because it is a very
abstract detail but it must have been very good due to
different experiences” her: describe her trip you: “If you and I
went on a trip and saw new places we would have a great
time” Future projection Video 12,… if she answers that if it is
an IDI you can project a travel story into the future with her
(like a game of reading the future) e.g. ”One day I'm going to
blindfold you, we're going to travel on a plane, you're going
to wake up in a new place and I'm going to take you to see
new places and you're going to tell me I had a great time with
you Carlos,…. Then they're going to ask you what's going on
with Carlos?... Very good!! It was an experience in which I
saw so many places and I also got to know Carlos well, he
was not the type of person I expected,... I thought he was less
romantic,... more rational and I discovered that he is different
and I had such a good time with the one I love. May we travel
many times together. Within 3 or 4 days you are going to tell
your sister and within 15 or 20 you are going to tell her that
you want to have something with me. I'm just reading the
future... The rest is already in our hands. If we don't have to
travel and do crazy things, we're going to do it." Video 12
 If she, after asking you,… He asks you: “And what did you do
interestingly in the last month?” IDI,…. You: “One of the
interesting things I did was meet you,… it could be better but
at the moment we are in a fairly superficial moment and
when we connect better with our emotions it will improve
much more,… it will be much better,…. We are already doing
what we like,…. Because we like it” Sexual flirtation,….. If IDI
laughs,… then you can talk about something that generates
comfort and subcommunicates that you have an attractive
life. Video 12
 “Why do you like “HIS PROFESSION”? ,…And why do you like
me?” Sexual flirtation, if she laughs IDI. Video 12
 You: “Look at me, it was very complicated to find myself here
and in the end we found each other, everything can be very
complicated but it depends only on us that things can
happen,…. You just have to do your part and I do mine” she:
“and if I don't want to do my part” you: “Well then I'll do two
of mine” Video 13
 “First we are going to be couples, then we will get married
and then we will get divorced,…..” if she tells you that getting
married is not your thing: “Then we will have sex without
commitment” Sexual flirting, and if it seems okay to her it is a
very strong IDI you: "then maybe something will appear, then
we will be ex-boyfriends and finally we will be good friends"
,... her: "why are you telling me this suddenly" you: "because I
saw you I let myself go and everything flows naturally in My,
… you inspired me with these kinds of things” Video 15
 You: “If I'm honest, this is the second time I've seen you and
the first time I saw you I wanted to talk to you, so when I saw
you this second time I told myself I don't think there will be
more opportunities, destiny doesn't give me things are so
easy every day so there are things that have to be taken
advantage of,… do you think that opportunities have to be
taken advantage of or should they be let pass?” ,….. her: "I'm
one to take advantage of" (this was a bait that falls with this
answer),... you: "well then this is our train, are we going to
take advantage of it or are we going to let it go?" Video 15.
 7 KINO If it's hot and she's sweaty and you do KINO : "Are
you sweating because of me or because of the heat?" If the
body is sweating for something it will be, do not deny the
decisions that your body has, no matter how much you want
to deny it with words” Sexual flirtation Video 15.
Comfort is used in the Daygame when the initial girl does not
show interest in you, but in the case where there is chemistry
from the beginning, it is best to use a lot of attraction from the
beginning and as far as it goes ;).
 8 KINO If she has glasses, you can: "Don't look into your eyes
yet,….(you take them off) I have to tell you that you are
prettier without glasses, you have a deep look" you: "But you
look good on me, don't you?" ? With or without glasses,….”
her: “yes” you: “you are divine, know it” her: “you more” you:
“Give me a hug, we don't like each other” Sexual flirtation and
you reward her for her comment KINO
 Study video 18 well, it has an excellent mini quote.
 “But if you're late for me, it's a good thing, right?” Video 21
 9 KINO “When I came, I thought you weren't going to give me
any attention because I thought you were very focused on
your reading, but then I was struck by how extroverted you
can be, how you can't stop laughing and, above all, how
sweet your voice is. you have,….. "You always talk like that
with everyone or normally when you talk to others you use a
man's voice" Truths that bother a little a little creative,...if she
laughs IDI Video 21,...if she says that the sweet voice is only
for you, give her a I hug KINO and deep down you tell him
you are divine.
 10 KINO If the sub tells you something nice more than once,
you can tell him,…. “Give me another hug,……You're earning
it, the fact that I hug you so much is your fault,…..” It's been a
while since I had such a good time in 5 minutes” Reward her
for saying something nice to you IDI KINO Video 21.
 If it's hot and everything is going well you say: “I'm starting to
sweat, I don't know if it's because of the heat or because of
our proximity” Sexual flirtation Video 21 This video is the one
with the most sexual flirtation.
 11 KINO You: “I'm going to tell you something, I see that you
can't stop touching your hair, that you're a little nervous,
what's happening doesn't usually happen to me, every day I
don't meet someone who is reading and who In such a short
time we get along so well... If we had such a good time in
such a short time, imagine when we go out for a drink and we
stay there for 1 hour,….. Tell me something,…… What was
your greatest craziness?” , can say all this by holding her
arm KINO , she may tell you one of them is to be talking to
you which can give you the perfect excuse to chain her and
do the closure with a kiss (with the help of the claw
technique) and Then say: "I did many crazy things but the
greatest crazy thing is this" Video 21
 If she tells you that you are going too fast, for example
because you wanted to close with a kiss, you can retort:
“because I'm used to stepping on the accelerator of the car
and I'm used to getting a lot of tickets, but I didn't expect to
get this ticket.” Now,…I'm realizing that despite how
extroverted you are, you put up a lot of barriers for what you
want to do, but the comfort I'm having and how much fun I'm
having with you, I wouldn't change it for anything. I told you
several things that I like about you, now I would like you to
tell me at least one thing that you like about me” you are
asking me to invest a little. Video 21
 If he is sunbathing and tells you that the situation is strange:
“Imagine that I put a blanket next to you, I start reading and
while we read we talk, only I skipped the book step,….. So why
am I going to pretend something when in reality what I want
is to meet you” Video 23
 If she tells you: “I would love to be as social as you ” (IDI) you:
“Then one day we will combine and I will teach you” Video 23
Sexual flirtation
 “You can't stop laughing, in the end you're going to make me
fall in love” sexual flirtation Video 24.
 “I just want to be your friend,…. your friend in quotes” sexual
flirtation Video 24
 Synopsis Video 25 : Example of being very direct without
worrying too much about comfort (logically if she doesn't feel
uncomfortable) and limits herself to making sexual intentions
very clear. From time to time you can make approaches of
this type so that in a few minutes you can make your
intentions very clear and if an appointment occurs, you will
already know what you are going for. Very effective approach
if the girl is a foreigner and is visiting since they are looking
for adventures that they can then tell their friends about.
 “I'm a little attracted to you,…Do you find me attractive?”
[question from VitalizdTV] you made things clear to her and
you were very direct, she can act tough (they never want to
seem easy),… There you can sexualize yourself as much as
possible: “one day we are going to meet to not have
relationships, just to be together, have a drink, laugh a lot
and say goodbye” although you propose not having
relationships, it is quite clear that the proposal is to do
something and then have them. Sexual flirtation Video 25
 her: “You would be fine for TV or public relations, you're not
ashamed” you: “But because you inspire me a little, normally
I'm not like that, but if I have someone who is motivating me
all the time it makes it much easier for me.” everything”
Sexual flirtation (subcommunicates that it is special) Video 26
 If she was walking a dog, you could tell her: “Your dog and I
are going to get along well, because we are both sexy and we
like to hang out with good girls.” Sexual flirtation Video 27
 4 KINO If she tells you, for example, that you behave and/or
express yourself very well, you can tell her and leave her
speechless: “When we go out, during the first 10 minutes of
conversation I will be quiet so that only you can speak,
seeing how you speak.” , how are you doing and if you do it
as well as you say I do,… although I don't believe you” Future
projection, assuming that there will be a date if she answers
yes it is a great IDI and you will be able to tell her “you are
beautiful” and reward her with a kiss on the cheek KINO .
 “Very nice things can happen in the future, let's live in the
present and let the present take us to a future that we
decide” Future projection. Video 12
 Sometimes telling the truth about your profession is not the
best option, but rather what they would like to hear, but if
you decide to tell the truth, you have to be consistent with
your story.

Attraction phrases for foreigners

 If you are from outside, you: “What was your best experience
in Argentina?,….the first one you are going to tell your
parents”,… apart from knowing me of course Bait for me to
invest + sexual flirtation Video 13
 Her: “I like the city but I wouldn't live here” you: “Well that's
because you don't know me, but after knowing me you're
going to change your way of thinking . ” Sexual flirtation
Video 18
 If he is from outside and you are going to leave: “Don't leave,
… you know that you like Argentina, you know that Argentina
loves you and you know that you are comfortable with me”
sexual flirtation Video 18
 If he is from abroad and has to leave quickly, you: “You have
to talk to your parents and tell them,… I'm sorry but they are
going to have to miss me for 4 more months, because I fell in
love with an Argentinean” Sexual flirtation (IDI) Video 19
 If it is from outside for the telephone closure AND SEXUAL
FLIRT you: “I love you,… you have those [your origin] that
Argentina does not have” ,… her: “I don't know” you: “I don't
know either, but I have to tell you that I like it because this
doesn't happen to me every day” Video 19
 If it is from outside,… “since you came to Buenos Aires, what
do you like the most”,….. “If you don't include me in this
answer, you can tell me other things but don't put me in
there,… I know you were going to tell me” Bait for me to
invest + Sexual flirtation Video 21
 If the girl is from another place and you were once there, you
can tell her “I feel like going back to ,…. A girl cannot convince
me so quickly, although if you ask me with that smile you will
convince me very quickly” sexual flirtation Video 24.


 If you ask her, for example, what she is going to do in the
afternoon and it turns out that they are going to be nearby,
you can tell her that you will call her later, knowing that you
don't have her phone number (Bait to provoke an exchange
of phones). She may take the bait and say , “What are you
going to call me?” ,.. so there is no excuse anymore.
 If you ask her for her phone number and she makes an
excuse, you can tell her: “You know I made an effort to come
here, stop and talk to you, we can do two things, make this a
casual meeting and make sure we don't see each other again.
life or having such a good time, or we can say how we had a
good time and we feel comfortable, at least we are going to
have a beer and see how far we can go,…. I would like to see
you” (Routine of the two options) Having a beer is more fun
than having a coffee,... you can have a coffee with a friend,
whereas a beer you don't know how it ends.
 If they tell you if you always do this or if you have it prepared:
“If this were prepared it would be shit, although if they
recorded it and showed it on TV I would like it a lot…. When I
get home I would love to see this moment repeated because
it is not something that happens to me every day.”
 “I really liked you so another day I would like to have
something with you (Future projection), a day when you don't
have to work; have a coffee, a beer, (and if you do sports to
make it more fun) a pot of protein, some egg whites or
whatever” her: “Let's leave it in the hands of fate as it
happened this time” you: “We can leave it in the hand of
destiny, but I don't believe it, I have already left many things
in the hands of destiny and I am not going to risk this time
because I like you and normally I am not one to do this, so
with you I want to make an exception and I want to give you
an opportunity"
 Telephone closure when the girl wants to book your number
on her phone, book it for her on her phone,... So then you
give yourself a touch, since 90% of the time they will never
write to you, so you must have their phone number
(remember to schedule yourself with a funny and/or original
name so that the closing is more solid) Video 5.
 If you asked him for the number and he didn't give it to you,
you can say, "I'm not one to do this, asking for a phone
number seems pretty empty to me, but it's not every day that
I meet someone that I like so much and who laughs at that." "
Sometimes you have to insist a little for things to work out,
you don't have to give up on the first try. Video 8.
 You: “I would like to see you another day” Her: “But you say
that to all the girls” You: “No, normally it seems stupid to ask
for a phone on the street, because it seems a bit empty to me,
but I do see that there is something behind that person, and
you not only externally but internally seem very attractive,
then I say to myself 'I'm going to give this girl a chance.'”
Telephone closing technique. Video 9 you: “Put yourself in my
place, if you are me and you are walking down the street and
you see a very attractive girl, and when you talk to her she
makes you laugh three times in a row,… Would you ask her
for her phone number?” or not?,... I don't want to be left with
the doubt” Tool, blame her, so you can communicate to her
what she has caused you. It is a good tool to justify your
interest in a genuine way. You can say this if, for example,
you ask them for their number and they doubt or do not
believe what is happening to them, this will happen to you
when you gain a level in the daygame, they do not believe
what is happening to them. Video 9.
 “I have to go, I would like to have your phone number, I'm not
one to ask anyone for their phone number but I really liked
you and I'm going to make an exception for you” Telephone
closure Video 12
 You can tell him a truth that bothers him, and then you tell
him,... you: “I realize that you are extroverted, happy, friendly
and that you like to enjoy life and the opportunities it gives
you, and here we are getting to know each other and you give
him a high 5... We didn't spend so much time in a
conversation and that's where it all ends... It can't be, we're
going to do something because I'm in a hurry and you cut him
off on the phone.” Video 16
 When a girl carries a book, look closely at it and express the
topic as much as you can. Video 17
 If she is in a hurry, you have to act quickly, there is no more
time to create comfort: “Give me a minute, I love the style
you have and the truth is that every time I look into your eyes
it is a feeling of panic or not.” I know that, for the first time in
my life, I think I feel afraid. I would like to lose this fear and to
lose it, we could one day have something to drink” ,….. And if
she tells you that she has a boyfriend, you can tell her,
“That's fine, but just because you're dating doesn't mean you
can't help me lose this fear. I don't want you to go so fast,
because at the moment I'm not looking for anything, the first
thing of all is to get to know each other, and I'm not going to
deny that I would like to get to know you.” Video 17
 If she tells you to give her your number and that she will call
you, you can tell her: “Let's see if it's true, at the latest I want
it in 3 hours 45 minutes 30 seconds” Telephone closing part
Video 17.
 You: “I would like to get together for a drink another day, I
normally don't ask people for their phone number because it
seems a bit empty to me,... Yours is an exception, so I would
like to treat you as such, and if destiny wants and above all
we want, we will see each other” Closing the phone you :
“We have two options, either we can forget about what
happened or we can see each other another day, I would be
disappointed if you did not choose option B”
 If we establish a plan for the future and she asks you for
Facebook ,…”I normally ask for the phone number, I like it
more, it is something more personal that not everyone can
see us” ,… her: “Then not Facebook” you: ”no, Facebook
later ;)” telephone closing part Video 24
 When he writes down your name and asks you for your last
name, you can say: “My mother calls me honey or if I have
inspired another emotion in you, you can give me the name of
another emotion,…. [and if not, you can say a word that
represents something you have been talking about and is
funny, also establishing complicity between both of you]” part
of the telephone closing Video 24
 12 KINO You: "We're in touch" you give him a high 5,... you:
"Give me a hug" you give him a long hug and establish a plan
for the future. You can give him a high five again and you can
give him 2 kisses. Kino + future plan Video 25
 After the kiss you can tell him,…. You: “In my house we have
3” she: “how is that?” you: “it's like this,…1,2…3 (you give it
to them in the mouth)” Closing with a kiss Video 26
 13 KINO You can tell him you know it's a pleasure to see you
and while you give him a high 5 to generate Kino, you can
give him a turn and hold his hand so that you can tell him that
you are a man with confidence and you can close the phone
for example If it is from outside you: "Before you leave I
would like us to say goodbye, we can have a coffee or we can
have anything" KINO + security communication sub + future
plan Video 25

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