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Before Christmas Dinner, the Family gathers together at
birth and a Christmas carol is sung:
- Singing
Guide: Oh good Jesus, who for love of us made you You
are Child, teach us to recognize your love, and light our
hearts, so that we learn to truly love you, and so that,
free from all selfishness, we recognize We love all men
as brothers, and we love them. we sincerely. You who
live and reign for the yes gloom of the centuries.
All: Amen.
Guide: Reading the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke
(2, 1-20).
All: Glory to You Lord.
In those days, a decree came out from Emperor Au
taste, for which a census had to be carried out in all do
the empire. This was the first census, when Quirinius
was governor of Syria. Everyone, then, began to move to
be registered, each in their hometown. Joseph also, who
was in Galilee, in the city From Nazareth, he went up to
Judea, to the city of David, called Bethlehem, because
he was a descendant of David; There he registered with
María, his wife, who was pregnant zada. While they were
in Bethlehem, the moment of childbirth came for Mary
and she gave birth to her first-born son.
He wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a
manger, since there was no place for them in the main
room of the house. In the region there were shepherds
who lived in the countryside and who took turns guarding
their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to
them, and the glory of the Lord surrounded them with
clarity. And they were very scared. But the angel said to
them: “Do not be afraid, for I have come to tell you good
news, which will be a cause of great joy for all the
people: today, in the city of David, a Savior has been
born for you who is the Messiah and the Lord. Look how
you will recognize him: you will find a newborn child,
wrapped "in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a multitude of celestial beings appeared They
went to the angel and praised God with these words.
bras: “Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace to
men on earth: this is the hour of his grace.” After the
angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to
each other: “Let us go, then, "Go to Bethlehem and let's
see what has happened and what the Lord has made
known to us."
They hurriedly went and found Mary and Joseph with the
newborn baby lying in the manger. Then they found what
the angels had told them about the child. All those who
listened to the shepherds remain They were amazed at
what they said. Mary, for her part, kept all these events
and meditated on them again within herself. Then the
shepherds returned praising and glorifying God for
everything they had seen and heard, just as the angels
had announced to them. ciated.
Guide: Word of the Lord.
All: Glory to you, Lord, Jesus.
Today, there are men like Saint Joseph, who accept as
their son someone who was not engen dred by his own
blood. Saint Joseph and the Virgin Ma estuary, although
they did not have physical relations, they were united by
love and mutual help to know how to guide the Hi of God
in his earthly life.
The family of Christ has two fundamental values: the
integration of the couple through love, beyond the
physical relationship, and educating their child as a
couple by mutual agreement. Let us remember that it is
in the family where we learn to love, to not live for
ourselves, to willingly sacrifice ourselves for others, to
serve them. It is at home where the habits of order are
acquired, clean za, punctuality. It is at home where the
values of honesty, truth, rectitude, justice are learned.
responsibility, are with those at home with whom we will
have to cultivate the capacity to love and
Forgive when forgiveness is necessary. Dignity,

greatness, and fidelity are expected from the father. And

from the mother tenderness, understanding, help,
affection, love and everything she can give.
Before placing it at the birth, one of the fami liars (it may
be the smallest of those present) is going to give us to
kiss the image of the Child Jesus. Once everyone has
kissed him, the image of the Child is placed on the pe
sow, meanwhile a Christmas carol is sung.
= Song
Guide: Like every celebration, and being the center of
our party, we sing the mañanitas to the Child Jesus.
= Song: Mañanitas to the Child Jesus (Mañanitas
GUIDE: Let us ask the Child Jesus that just as the cen of
this birth today, let every day be the center three of our
lives and our family.
All: We ask you, Lord.
Guide: That Jesus, although he could have been born
rich, wanted to be born as the poorest of the poor; teach
us to live with simplicity, austerity and to be content with
easily and understand your word better. All: We ask you, Lord.
All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you. Guide: May Jesus, who came to found the best family in
Guide: May we know how to have a party when we find the world, ensure that in ours, and in all other families,
you, bringing to others the joy that you have given us. love, union, and the desire to be helpful to each other
always reign.
All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you.
All: We ask you, Lord.
Guide: May we know how to see the signs that you give
us in creation in order to discover you, who are the Guide: For those who suffer pain and suffering this
supreme beauty and the maximum power. Christmas tastes, instead of joy and peace.

All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you. All: We ask you, Lord.

Guide: Like the Three Wise Men, we know how to ask Guide: Our Father, who made this world shine Holy One,
those who know the most about you, in order to find with the birth of your son, true light of the world, grant us
you. jor. that, illuminated on earth by the light of this mystery, we
may also enjoy the Glory of Your Son, who lives and
All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you.
reigns with you forever and ever. .
Guide: Like the Three Wise Men, when we find you, we
All: Amen.
give you the best we have.
We give each other a Christmas hug and go to dinner.
All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you.
Guide: Lord Jesus, make this feast of Kings unite us all
in a big hug around you, as well as mo all the wheat
grains of our Rosca are forming a single bread.
Like the Three Wise Men we want to adore you and
recognize you know that you are, not only our brother,
but also well our God. We ask it of you who live and
reign forever and ever. Amen.
that we have with everyone's efforts.
Guide: Precisely because that little doll, or sometimes
they put several on it, if the donut is big, it symbolizes

hiding of Christ .
King Herod, for fear of losing his kingdom, ordered the
killing of all the children who were born at that time,
which is why the child is found inside the thread and re
presents the Baby Jesus that Saint Joseph and the
Virgin Mary protected from being killed.
Whoever gets the doll must have the party on February
2nd, Candlemas Day when the forty days of the birth of
the Child Jesus pass and when the raising of the Child is
We are going to try to live deeply this coexistence around
our Rosca de Reyes invo I sing to God.
(Everyone can join by shaking hands)
Guide: Let's all say after each request:
All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you.
Guide: Like the Three Wise Men, we too know how to
search for the truth in all things so that we can find you,
who are the supreme truth.
All: Jesus, give us the joy of finding you.
Guide: Like the wise men, we too unite, so together we
can find you more
To the wise men and from their data he knew exactly the December 24, Christmas Eve and has have a very
time in which the star had appeared to them, After abundant dinner.
sending them to Bethlehem he told them: go and find out It is customary to eat turkey and other dishes typical of
carefully about that child and when you find him train let the season, it is intended to be a special dinner, different
me know so I can also go to worship him. from everyday, since the Na foundation of the Son of
The wise men, after hearing the king, stood up. mino and God. This custom was born in Eu clothing and symbolizes
behold, once again the star that they had seen in the East the abundance that Christ brings us with his arrival.
went before them, when they saw the star They were
filled with immense joy.
They entered the house, they saw the child with Maria,
Guide: Today on Christmas Eve, we especially have cial
his mother. dre, and they fell down and worshiped him,
and as the center of our family to Jesus Christ, our Lord,
then they opened their hearts fresh and offered him gifts
we will light a candle in the middle of the table so that this
of gold, frankincense and myrrh, and warned in a dream
candle makes us think of Jesus, light of the world, and we
not to return to Herod, they retired to their country by
will thank God for having sent us his Son Jesus Christ to
another route.
free us from sin and teach us the way to salvation.
Guide: Today we celebrate the memory of those Magi,
Guide: Thank you Father, who loved us so much that you
who although the Gospel does not say so, some people
gave us your son.
believe san that they were important kings of the East,
what we do know is that they were wise people. All: Lord, we thank you.

Among us it is said that there were three of them and we Guide: Thank you Jesus, for having made you a child to
called them: Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar; but in other salt varnos
countries they say there were twelve, the important thing All: Lord, we thank you.
is that by remembering them we gather today around this
Guide: Thank you Jesus, for having brought us the Love
Rosca in a kind of game or coexistence.
of God into the world.
Why do they hide a doll inside La Rosca? tro?
All: Lord, we thank you.
Guide: Christian families usually meet in the che of
Guide: Lord Jesus, you taught us that God loves us and made in a special way for For this festival, its shape is
that we should love others. round and hollow inside, like a crown, this should make
All: Lord, we thank you. us think that today is the festival of the Three Wise Men.

Guide: Lord Jesus, you taught us that it gives more joy to But, Who are the Three Wise Men?
give than to receive. Let us hear what the Gospel of Saint Matthew tells us (Mt.
All: Lord, we thank you. 2, 1-12).

Guide: Lord Jesus, you taught us that what does We do it Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is a small town that
to others, we do it to you. belongs to the Jewish nation, at that time Herod was
King, it was then that some Wise Men from the East
All: Lord, we thank you.
arrived in Jerusalem asking where the newborn King of
Guide: Thank you Mary for having accepted to be the the Jews was.
mother of Jesus.
Because they said, we have seen his star in the East and
All: Mary, we thank you. we have come to worship him, Herod who was the King
Guide: Thank you Saint Joseph for taking care of Jesus became nervous and also the people of Jerusalem who
and Mary. his Because of the news, the king summoned all the main
priests and wise men of the people, and through them he
All: Saint Joseph, we thank you.
was informed of the place where the Christ was to be
Guide: Thank you Father for this night of peace and love born.
that you give us by giving us your Son.
They told him: in Bethlehem of Judah, because this is
All: Lord, we thank you. what was announced by the prophet. Then the king called
You can start by singing or listening to a Christmas carol. aside

- Singing
Guide: We have gathered to break our Rosca de Reyes,
but have we ever asked ourselves: What does the Rosca
de Reyes mean? Well, the Rosca de Reyes is a bread
Guide: We ask you to bless us and to bless these foods

THE THREAD OF that, given by your goodness, we will sea, and may you
bless the hands that prepared them with so much love,
through Christ Our Lord.

KINGS All: Amen.

Origin and tradition

This traditional January 6 bread arrived in Mexico in the Viceroyalty and every year sweetens the table of millions of homes. Know
its history.

3rd century
In the Roman festivals to the god Saturn, round breads made with figs, dates and honey were distributed.

XII century
In Navarra, a "roscón" of bread was made and the child who found a bean hidden in the bread was designated "King of Faba."

XIV century
The pagan tradition is Christianized in France and the "Epiphany" is commemorated. A bean is hidden in the bread, symbolizing the hidden child God.

Century XVI
The tradition comes to Mexico from Spain. It is garnished with figs, atey and citron. Later the bean is changed to a figure of a child.

Whoever finds the figure: He will be the godfather of the Child God of the house and will dress him to take him to the church on Candlemas Day (February 2) Invite atoley tamales to the diners on Candlemas Day

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