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1. What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the reading? Please start
by saying ' Before reading the article, I used to think that (insert thought). After reading
the article, I now think that (insert thought)'.

Before reading the article, I used to think that when a person matures, their emotional
intelligence stays at that point forever. (1)I now think that emotional intelligence can
fluctuate but mostly improve as you gain more experiences and interactions throughout
your life. (2)I now think that emotional intelligence (EQ) has more significance than IQ
because the former manages our behavior, navigates complex social situations, and
makes personal decisions. Nonetheless, IQ is also important because it helps us in
problem-solving and enables us to think based on reason and logic. (3) I now think that
having high emotional intelligence gives a person an advantage in almost any
circumstance over a person with low emotional intelligence. For example, in school, in
the workplace, and in decision-making, having high emotional intelligence makes you
think positively and can also make you an effective leader.

2. What three (3) things about the reading are unclear to you?

It is unclear to me how a person with high EQ can be strong socially. Because if they can
read others’ emotions, would that not mean they are also more sensitive emotionally?
Moreover, it is also unclear to me how a person’s emotional intelligence can decrease or
not. Lastly, it is clear to me that emotional intelligence plays a critical part in
adolescence. What is unclear is if this emotional intelligence development stops or slows
down after adolescence or if it is continuously evolving and developing.

3. What three (3) questions that you want to ask about the reading?

Three questions I would like to ask are, what common obstacles hinder a person from
achieving high emotional intelligence? Is there a negative/dark side to emotional
intelligence? Lastly, how do those concepts apply to handling a confrontation?

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