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Speaking Project Script

Topic: Talking about birthday celebrations

Student’s name: Brayan Stiven Quitian Moreno

Level: 3 (Básico II)

 Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
 Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
 Consider time in each section.
Link to the video on Youtube:

Say hello using a common expression. Hello there

Introduce yourself (mention your name, My name is Brayan Stiven Quitian

last name and subject) Moreno
Say what you are going to talk about in In this video, I’m going to talk about my
the video. (“In this video, I’m going to last and next birthday
talk about...”)
1. Introduce your topics, use some I celebrated my last birthday going to a
simple sentences. river. on my next birthday we will go to
another river or maybe the same.
It is a good place to be.
2. Talk about your topics and There we had lunch and we hung out
examples. Make sure all the both in the river and on a beach that
participants speak. was nearby with my family and I played
with my cousins,
What advantages does it have?
It has good views, a smooth current
shallow areas and shaded spots to
rest; such a good place to be.
3. Express your opinions and ideas I invite my classmates to join me on
based on the topic of your video. Close this trip so why should they go?
the topic. because it is a good experience
besides the river has a gentle current
allowing you to float along with ease. It
is a lot of fun.
Farewell Well that’s it Goodbye! Take care and
(Say goodbye using a common have a great day!

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