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Nash: Good morning, Everyone! We are the group __, We are going to be presenting to you 3 informative topics
for our Health Presentation for today! And those three are Consumer Rights Act of the Philippines, National
Environmental Awareness and Education Act, and lastly is the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act. Let us
have a smooth and informative presentation for all of you in accordance to the topics I’ve mentioned, but before
we start let us introduce ourselves! I am Nash Joshua L. Supan… (Ituloy lang kung sinong sunod sunod sa PPT)
Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, let us start our Presentation with the Consumer Act of the Philippines!
Arriane: For the last quarter we also have talked about Consumer Rights, but in this lesson, we will be going
through more information about the Consumer Rights Act of the Philippines! But before that, what is a consumer?
(Continue lang sa ppt ^o^)
(After ng What is a Consumer):
Why is this Act important to a Consumer?
This law is crucial for consumers because it safeguards them from unfair business practices and lays out their
rights as well as the obligations of sellers, producers, retailers, distributors, and manufacturers. These, however,
are not the only places where consumer rights can be found. And this law is intended to safeguard your health
and safety.
Kaycee (Concerns for each Departments)
Kaycee (Say this before saying each concern): and it’s concern for our consumer’s are:
1) Department of Trade and Industry
-Consumer product quality and safety
-Deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales acts and practices
-Weight and measures(metrication)
-Consumer products and service warranties
-Price tag
-Labeling and packaging
-Liability for products and services
-Service and repair shops
-Advertising and sales promotion
2) Department of Agriculture
-Quality and safety
-Labeling and packaging
3) Department of Education
- Consumer education and information
(Si Ariane Tanglao na dito hati na kayo sa concerns)
4) Department of Health
- Quality and safety
- Labeling and packaging
- Advertising and sales promotion
- Price tag
5) Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- Consumer credit transactions extended by banks and other financial intermediaries
6) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Credit facilities extended to consumers by financing companies
(kay Tanglao)
How do they connect to the Consumer Act.
Well, they connect to the consumer act as they give consumers a chance to know and have a more
variety of information/help in the process of buying, refunding, or gaining knowledge as a consumer. As these
departments can give you benefits that could help you in scenarios that would need these departments.
(For Claire Nasa ppt naman na so you can read the PPT nalang ^^)
Roman (Instead na yung sa PPT: What can Filipino do to save/bring awareness for the Environment ito nlang):
There are numerous strategies to preserve the ecosystem. Recycling is one approach to help the
environment. It helps preserve natural resources and lowers the carbon footprint. It reduces the quantity of waste
that is dumped in landfills, which protects water resources from pollution. Utilizing eco-friendly products in your
life is another strategy. By lowering the amount of toxic chemicals and pollutants in the air, ground, and water,
this can help create a healthier environment. We should also be aware of what and how we consume. Our air,
water, and soil quality are affected by a variety of circumstances, but it is better to start simple by constantly
taking the environment into consideration. Tree planting also helps protect our environment by reducing global
warming, soil erosion etc. We can reduce the carbon footprint through carpooling instead of driving, which is
cheaper and reduces our energy usage and emissions.
(After ni Roman si Ariane Tanglao ule)
Janella’s Script:
(After 1st slide ni Janella): So the explanation of this Act in the book is a lot and a little long so let me just explain
it to you in a much simpler way so basically the goal of this policy is to support and be able to offer a variety of
conventional and complementary/alternative health care options that are reasonably priced, easily accessible,
and effective for our population or for us Filipinos.
(Examples of Medicinal Plants): Some examples of these medicinal plants are lagundi for cough and asthma,
sambong for Anti-urolithiasis or kidney stones, ampalaya for lowering of blood sugar and anti-diabetes, tawa-
tawa, also known as gatas-gatas is for treating viral infections, including colds and cough, fever symptoms, nti-
bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. And many more herbal medicines that could help you whenever
you’re feeling ill.
(After Alternative Medicine Slide): Also, what is the known benefits for the different types of Medicine?
As said earlier the traditional and alternative medicine aims to provide quality and affordable health care
options for every Filipinos, so of course one of its benefits is being budget friendly. Other benefits are herbal
remedies very rarely have side effects as they are completely natural. They are more affordable than most
conventional medicines, they are easy to obtain and don’t require prescriptions, they strengthen the overall
immune system, they can stabilize hormones and the metabolism, and they can be found in nature, so cost very
little to harvest and produce. Traditional and Alternative medicine has helped people for hundreds of years and
will continue to help people for years to come.

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