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Let's take care of each other!

Topic: The horror story.

1) Read the next text.

The cursed house

If one goes by the title, the house was cursed. It was an old mansion built who knows when on
the banks of a road that over time became covered in weeds, since no one dared to walk there.
For a long time, people had avoided passing by its surroundings and those who remembered
the old building - customers at the store, exaggerated old ladies, people who liked to enlarge
everything they heard - spoke of strange movements of silhouettes on the second floor, doors
that slammed loudly and abominable screams. , inhuman, that even from a distance gave
goosebumps and terrified the occasional witness.
It was said that the sinister Vanderruil family, who had lived in the house more than sixty years
ago, continued to “live” there. There was no shortage of people who claimed to have seen the
youngest of the Vanderruils, the hunchback Victorius, walking in the company of his ferocious
Mastiff, the dog that disappeared the day its owner was buried. There was also a neighbor who
swore he had seen old Vanderruil whipping his skeletal horse near the cursed house and even
said he had heard the old man's shrill laughter, the same sinister laughter that the oldest people
in the town - they swore - had heard him say. ever.

This is how the story began.

Then the writer had the idea of having an eleven-year-old boy go one night to investigate the
house, accompanied by a friend of the same age. { …}
Ricardo Marino

2) Answer by marking an x in the option that you consider correct.

a- What type of house is described?

A castle A small house a modern building an old mansion

b- Where is it located?

On the outskirts of town On the shores of a lake Next to an abandoned road.

c- What was the family that lived in the house like?

kind gentle sinister strange generous

d- This description can be the framework for what type of story?

Humorous Sci-fi wonderful Horror

e- Who is the author?

Elsa Bornemann Ricardo Mariño Silvia Schujer

f- What type of narrator does the story have?

Narrator who tells his own story Narrator who tells the story of others

To know (Copy)
Horror stories tell stories that seek to cause fear in the reader. That's why there
are scary characters, like monsters, ghosts and witches. Some horror stories are
resolved with humor, that is, at the end of the story, the reader discovers that a
character who seemed scary is not so scary. Thus the actions that disturbed him
become comical.

3) In the text, the narrator says that the writer thought of including a
boy and a girl in the story. Imagine what they can see on their
expedition to the cursed house and complete the story. An
important fact. The end of the story must be resolved with humor.
Then write it in your folder.

The story continues.

One day, a boy and a girl of eleven years...
4) Write these sentences related to the text and point out the nouns,
adjectives and verbs.

For ex.

 The house was cursed .

noun verb adjective

 The exaggerated old women spoke of strange movements.

 The Vanderruil family had resided in the house.

 Victorius walks with his ferocious dog.

 A neighbor swore he heard the old man's laughter.

 Two eleven-year-old children will go to investigate the house.

Optional Task

Enter the Read 20-20 Challenge or read strange or

suspenseful stories appropriate to your age. Then briefly
write what it is about, who the author is, and what type of
narrator he or she has.

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