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Basic Manual of



Fabián Ignacio Beltrán Roa

Susana Gómez Bohorquez
María Consuelo Moreno González


The University of Santander-UDES, in accordance with the internationalization process
that it is currently carrying out and aware of the importance of cultural and linguistic
plurality on the world stage, supports efforts such as this Basic Mandarin Chinese
Manual to offer the Santander community a alternative for communication with
businessmen and delegates from the Asian country who visit our city.

This product has as its background a Chinese language course carried out by the
authors from April 17 to June 14, 2006 at Unab, directed by native and visiting teachers
from China: Líu Yún Fēi and Yán Xiào Wēi.

The authors Fabián Ignacio Beltrán, María Susana Gómez and María Consuelo Moreno
wanted to make a Basic Manual, based on the compilation of the materials studied in the
first level of Mandarin and reports on the phonetics, grammatical and lexical content of

Eight lessons are offered below. Each lesson is organized by thematic sections that
include a dialogue, an exercise and vocabulary; in addition to communicative functions.
The annexes are intended to provide reference material. The Internet pages were
reviewed on the date of preparation of this material, therefore, we cannot guarantee that
their content remains published as indicated. This material contains a series of
recordings on an audio CD with the dialogues of each lesson, with the Vowel Sounds,
Tones and Consonant Sounds chart, as well as some listening exercises.

It is our hope that this material is useful to whoever has access to it. We thank professors
Líu Yún Fēi and Yán Xiào Wēi for their teachings and valuable contributions to our
cultural and linguistic enrichment. Thanks to them we were able to become a little more
familiar with their mystical country. In this way, our worldview was positively affected. We
hope that they in turn take something from Colombia to continue their pilgrimage through
Name: Líu Yún Fēi
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Occupation: (2006) Student of Beijing Foreign Studies University Age: 21
Hobbies: cinema, history, food, bodybuilding.
Message: To all Mandarin students, I thank you for your diligence and enthusiasm in the
process of learning this very difficult language. It has been a great honor to serve as
cultural ambassador between Colombia and China. The kindness and hospitality of
Colombians have left an unforgettable impression on me. May we continue cultivating an
eternal friendship.
Table of Contents


1. Lesson 1 Dì yī Kè 第一课 Hello, how are you?
2. Lesson 2 Dì èr Kè 第 二课 What is your name?
3. Lesson 3 Dì sān Kè 第 三课 How do you feel?
4. Lesson 4 Say yes Kè 第 四课 When are you coming?
5. Lesson 5 Dì wǔ Kè 第 五课 What do you want?
6. Lesson 6 Dì liù Kè 第 六课 Who is it?
7. Lesson 7 Dì qī Kè 第 七课 Where do you want to go?
8. Lesson 8 Dì bā Kè 第 八课 What are you doing?

According to traditional philology, languages are located in three branches: Romance,

Anglo-Saxon and tonal languages; Mandarin Chinese is located in the latter because a
word can have different meanings depending on the tone given to it.

Mandarin Chinese or Pūtōnghuà,普通話/普通话, ("common language") is a language of

the Sino-Tibetan family whose origin is, of course, in China , the second largest nation in
the world after Russia; and in the term mandarin , which etymologically comes from
mandare, a name given to the officials in charge of collecting taxes for the emperor.

In China, multiple ethnicities and cultures coexist, the majority of its population grew up
near rivers or the sea (Hoang-Ho River or Yellow River, the Yang-tse-Kiang or Blue River
and the Yellow Sea); while a minority was located in regions isolated by natural
formations such as mountains, lakes, etc. Furthermore, before the first dynasties of
emperors appeared, Middle Eastern nomads from various tribes crossed the Chinese
plains and walls and left in their wake traces of their customs, habits and testimonies of
the enigmatic places from which they came.

Currently, the population of China amounts to one billion three hundred million
inhabitants. 95% are Chinese speakers and 0.5% are from different language families,
such as Tibetan, Mongolian, Lolo, Hmong and Tai. In addition, Chinese is spoken by
communities that have emigrated to Southeast Asia (Indonesia and Singapore), America
and the Hawaiian Islands. This language has the largest number of speakers in the world
(more than 900 million speakers as a mother tongue) followed by English and Spanish;
and it is the official language of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Singapore and
the United Nations.

The history of the Chinese language includes the following stages:

ARCAIC CHINESE, from the 14th to the 11th century BC. C. It is the language of
oracular inscriptions on bones and turtle shells. The oldest inscriptions come from the
Shang dynasty (c.1400-1100 BC) and were discovered in the ancient capital of Anyang
and contain 2,000 characters.

CLASSICAL CHINESE ( wenli ), covering from the 11th century BC to VIII AD His
literature includes the lives and works of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, Han Fei, Mo Tzu,
and Chuan Tzu. After the burning of the books by Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di (231 BC)
the classical texts were difficult to reconstruct.

MODERN CHINESE. It essentially retains the vocabulary and morphology of classical

Chinese but enriched and adapted for the use of modern society.

Here it is necessary to clarify that unlike Western languages, in Chinese the graphic
alphabet does not necessarily correspond to the phonetic one. Legend attributes the
invention of writing to Cang Jie, minister of the Yellow Emperor Huang Di who wrote on
ox shoulder blades and tortoise shells. This type of writing is called Jiǎgǔwén ( 甲 骨
文 ) . The Chinese writing system is made up of thousands of characters called hànzì
(漢字/汉字). Each character corresponds to a syllable or a morpheme. Likewise, the
official transcription system for the Latin alphabet (romanization) of Chinese is the pin yin.
In summary, the three basic elements of Chinese writing are pictograms, ideograms and

There are different classifications of Chinese dialects depending on how strict the
criterion of mutual intelligibility is, which is difficult to define. A common classification is
the following:

Mandarin (北方話/北方话), 836 million speakers.

The wú (吳語/吴语), 77 million.
Cantonese or yuè (粵語/粤语), 71 million.
The mǐn (閩語/闽语) dialects, 60 million.
The jìn (晉語/晋语), 45 million.
The xiāng or Hunanese (湘語/湘语), 36 million.
The Hakka or kèjiā (客家語/客家语), 34 million.
The gàn (贛語/赣语), 31 million.
The huī (徽語/徽语), 3.2 million.
The pínghuà (平話/平话), 2 million.

Almost all Mandarin dialects are mutually intelligible and are further divided into various
Lesson 1 – Dì yī Kè ^^^
Hello how are you?
Dialogue - Duìhuà □ □
Fabián Hello, Consuelo.
Nĭ hăo, Consuelo.
Consuelo Hello, Fabián. How are you?
Nĭ hăo, Fabián. Nĭ hăo ma?
Fabian Very good! And you?
Hĕn hăo. Nĭ ne?
Consuelo Very good. See you in Mandarin class tonight.
Hĕn hăo. W ŏ mén jīn tiān wăn shang zhōng wén kè shang jiàn.
Fabian Okay. Bye!
Hăo. Zài jiàn!
Consuelo Bye!
Zài jiàn!

Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^
Lăoshi teacher.
Xiansheng Sir
Taitai lady
Xiăojie Miss
Nĭ hăo ma? How are you?
Wŏ hĕn hăo. I'm very well.
Hĕn very
Hăo good
Bù hăo evil
yi bān regular
Kuai le cheerful
Read tired
Bing sick
Zhēn de ma? Oh really?
Nĭ ne? And you?
Yĕ also.
Zăo shang hăo good morning!
Xià wù hăo Good afternoon!
Wăn shang hăo good night!
Wăn ān good night! (already at bedtime)
Nĭ hăo hello
Zài jiàn! Bye, see you later.
Wăn ān see you tomorrow
Qing please
Qĭng wēn excuse me
Lesson 1 – Dì yī Kè ^^^
Hello how are you?
Duì bù qĭ sorry
Méi guān xī don't worry
Xiè xie thank you
Bù (yong) xiè you are welcome! / to
the order.
Exercises – Liànxí ^^
1. Complete the following dialogue:
A Nĭ hăo?
b ______________________________________________________________________
A Nĭ hăo ma?
b ______________________________________________________________________
To Zài jiàn
b ______________________________________________________________________

2. Make up your own dialogue using the vocabulary from this unit.
Lesson 2 – Dì èr Kè ^ ^ ^
What is your name?
Dialogue - Duìhuà □ □ :
Consuelo Good morning!
Zăo shang hăo!
Fabián Good morning!
Zăo shang hăo!
Consuelo What is her name?
Nĭ jiāo shén me ín zì?
Fabián My name is Fabián Beltrán.
Wð jiāo Fabián Beltrán.
Consuelo Where are you from? Nĭ shì nă lĭ rén?
Fabián I am from Colombia.
Wð shì gēlúnbĭyà rèn.
Consuelo How old is she?
Nĭ jĭ suì le?
Fabián I am 32 years old.
Wð sān shì èr suì le.
Consuelo What do you work on?
Nĭ gàn shén me gōng zuò?
Fabián I am an English teacher. Wð shì yīngyŭ lăoshi.
Consuelo Do you speak Mandarin?
Nĭ huì shuō zhōng wén ma?
Fabian A little.
Yī diăn diăn.
Consuelo Thank you very much for your information .
Fēi cháng găn xiè nĭ de xìn xī.
Fabián You're welcome .
Bú yòng xiè.

Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □
Xiăo xué shēng Primary student
Zhōng xué shēng High school student
Dà xué shēng University student
Gōng cheng shī Kŭ Engineer

Kāi ché
mandarin chinese
Zhōng wén Kè class, lesson
Xī bān yá Spanish
Yīng yŭ English
Gong office work
Exercises – Liànxí □ □
1. Identify the character's country of origin with the corresponding flag:

Wð jiāo Kathy Chang, wð 20 suì le, wð shì kāi ché de Singapore hai zhōng
i 1 to 1
Wð jiāo Líu Yún Fēi, wð 21 suì le, wð shì xī bān yá dà xué shēng de Shang Hai
dà xué.

Wð jiāo Susana Gómez, wð 35 suì le, wð shì lăoshi dà xué shēng de

Bucaramanga dà xué.

Wð jiāo Hanz Chistoffers, wð 15 suì le, wð shì zhōng wén xué shēng de zhōng
xué Munich.

Wð jiāo Yán Xiào Wēi, wð 22 suì le, wð shì xī bān yá dà xué shēng de Beijin
dà xué.

2. Based on the above, write your personal information

Lesson 3 – Dì sān Kè ^ ^ ^
How do you feel?
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :
Fabián Good afternoon!
Xià wŭ hăo!
Consuelo Good afternoon, doctor!
Xià wŭ hăo, Yīshēng!
Fabián , tell me why you came?
Nĭ zĕn me?
Consuelo Doctor, my head hurts really bad.
Yīshēng, wð tóu hĕnténg.
Fabián What other part hurts the most?
Hăi yŏu nă lĭténg?
Comfort Around the eyes.
Yăn jīng zhōu wéi.
Fabian Let's see! Ah... open your eyes.
Eh, zhēng kāi nĭ de yăn jīng.
Consolation Now, open your mouth.
Eh, xiàn zài zhāng kāi zuĭ.
Fabián Say: “a”
Shuō “a”.
Consuelo “A”
Fabián prescribed these pills. Come back in two weeks.
Wð kāi zhè xiē yào gĕi nĭ. Liăng zhōu hòu zài lái.
Consuelo Thank you very much doctor.
Fēi cháng găn xiè, yīshēng.

Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^
Tou fa Hair
Shðu bì arm
Pì gŭ gluteus
Dà tuĭ leg
Yīshēng doctor
Teng to hurt
Kai open
Shuo say
Yao tablets
What a win trunk
Exercises – Liànxí □ □
1. Write the parts of the body in the following diagram. To expand the vocabulary, use the “Body Parts”
section of Annex 6.

2. Build sentences like this:

My head hurts: Wð tóuténg .

Lesson 4 – Dì sì Kè ^ ^ ^
When you come?
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :
Fabián Consuelo, do we have Mandarin class today?
Consuelo, Jin tiān wðmén yŏu zhōng wēn kè ma?
Consuelo What day is today?
Jīn tiān xīng qī jĭ?
Fabián Today is Tuesday.
Jīn tiān xīng qī ér.
Consuelo Ah...!, yes.
Á, shì de.
Fabián What time?
Jĭ diăn ne?
Consolation At six.
Liù diăn.
Fabián And when do we finish the Mandarin course?
Wðmén shén me shí hòu jíe shù zhōng wén kè.
Consuelo On January 14, 2007.
Èr lín lín qī nián yī yuè shí sì rí.
Fabián So, we have time to go talk before class.
Eh, nà wðmén zài kè qián yŏu shí jiàn zuò duìhuà.

Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^
Jĭ diăn le what time is it?
zuò tiān Yesterday
jīn tiān Today
ming tiān Tomorrow
xián zài Now
yĭ qián Before
yĭ hoù Then
nian Year
Monday: xīng qī yí
Tuesday: xīng qī èr
Wednesday: xīng qī sān
Thursday: xīng qī sì
Friday: xīng qī wǔ
Saturday: xīng qī liù
Sunday: xīng qī ri/ xīng qī tiān
Lesson 4 – Dì sì Kè ^ ^ ^
When you come?
Months of the year
January: yī yuè
February: èr yuè
March: sān yuè
April: yes yuè
May: wǔ yuè
June: liù yuè
Julio: qī yuè
August: bā yuè
September: jiǔ yuè
October: shi yuè
November: shí yī yuè
December: shí èr yuè

Exercises – Liànxí ^^
1. Tell the time on the following clocks

2. Go to Mandarin on the following dates

- New Year January 1, 2000

- Valentine's Day February 14
- Labor DayMarch 1st
- Holy Week from April 10 to 14, 2006
- Mother's Day May 13
- Start of the World Cup in Germany June 9, 2006
- Colombian Independence Day: July 20, 1810
- Battle of Boyacá: August 7, 1810
- Fall of the twin towers: September 11, 2001
- Discovery of America: October 12, 1492
- Saints' Day November 1st
- Christmas December 24

3. Write the date of your birth and the birthdays of two friends
Lesson 5 – Dì wǔ Kè □ □ □
What do you want?
Dialogue - Duìhuà □ □ :
Comfort Are you hungry yet?
Nĭ è le ma?
Fabian Yes, it's already 7.
Shi. Xian zai yĭ jīng qī diān le.
Comfort You want to eat?
Nĭ xiăng chī fàn ma?
Fabian Yes, I'm very hungry.
Shì de wð hĕn è.
Comfort Where are we going to eat?
Wðmén qù nă lí chī fàn ne?
Fabian McDonalds...or a restaurant...
Màidāngláo huò fàndiàn.
Comfort What do you want to eat?
Nĭ xiăng chī shén me?
Fabian I want to eat chicken and vegetables.
Wð xiăng chī jī ròu hé shū cài.
Comfort Do you want fried or roasted chicken?
Nĭ xiăng chī zhá jī huò chī kăo jī.
Fabian Grilled chicken.
Kăo jī.
Comfort What do you want to drink?
Nĭ xiăng hē shén me?
Fabian A lemonade. And you, what do you want to eat?
Yī bēi níngméng zhī. Na nĭ xiăng chī shén me ne?
I also want chicken. Wō yĕ xiăng chī jī ròu.
Fabian Let's go to KFC.
Na wōmén qù Kĕndeji.

Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □

shāo jiŭ schnapps

wēi shì jì whiskey
bái lán dì brandi
lăng mŭ jiŭ Ron
fú te jià vodka
băi jiŭ traditional Chinese sorghum-based liquor
băi shì Pepsi
qì shui soda
năi milk
Cheng orange
CAT peach
Mù guā papaya
Lì zhī type of asian fruit

Exercises – Liànxí ^^
1. Write the ingredients of a paisa tray in Chinese.

2. Select the fruits and drinks and make your own cocktail.
Lesson 6 – Dì liù Kè ^ ^ ^
Who is it?
(Phone call) Dialogue - Duìhuà □
Wei □:
Yes, talk to Liu
Shì de. Wǒ shi Liύ
Thanks grandma.
Xièxiè Wàipó
OKAY. See you there
Hao de wǒmén nà lĭ jián
May it be well. Bye bye!
Zhù nĭ yί qiè dōu hăo zàijiàn
It was my grandmother.
Shì wǒ from Wàipó.
He wanted to congratulate me on my birthday and he wanted my younger brother and I to
go help him in Shanghai with the bicycle business this holiday.
Tā xiāng zhù hè wǒ de shēng rì hài xiăng văng wǒ hé wǒ dìdì zhè gè jià qī dāo
Shanghai bāng tā zuò zìxίngchē de sheng yì
My younger brother and I like to go, because my grandmother cooks very delicious.
Wǒ dìdì hé wǒ dōu hĕn hăo qù, yīn wèi Wàipǒ zuò fàn zuó de hĕn hăo
In addition, we earn money and it gives us satisfaction to help my grandmother and
Er qiĕ wǒmén kĕ yĭ zhuàn qián er qiĕ bāng zhū Wàipó he Wàigōng shì yí jiàn fēi
cheng lìng rén măn yì de shì qíng
We will leave in a month.
Wǒmén yí gè yué zhī hoù chū fā
There we will also visit my grandfather and grandmother.
lĭ wǒmén yĕ kĕ yī qù bāi fāng Yéyé hé Năinăi
We are your favorite sun zi
Wǒmén shì tā men xĭ zhì huān de sūn zi

Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^
Family tree
Mother Branch Paternal
Grandmother Grand Branch Grandf
Wài po Wài gōng mother ather
Mother Father yé yé
Mother Slime
Son Senior Brother Senior Sister Junior younger
Brother sister
Daughter Gé gé Hee hee say say Mei mei
Granddaughter Grand
Sūn nǚ son
Sūn zi
Exercises – Liànxí □ □

1. Make a diagram of the family tree of your family or a famous family.

2. Create a family dialogue with what you have learned so far

Lesson 7 – Dì qī Kè ^ ^ ^
Where do you want to go?
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :
This is the Mundo Oriental Travel Agency.
Zhè lĭ shì dōng fáng shì jiè lǚ xίng shè
Today we are offering a tourist plan for San Andrés Islands! (eight days)
jīn tiān wǒmén tuī chū yί gè dăo Shèngāndelièsī dăo de lǚ xίng jì huà shί jiān wéi yì
The plan includes:
Lǚ xìng jì huà bāo kuò
-Transport by plane Bucaramanga- San Andrés
Cóng Bùkălāmànjiā daò Shēngāndelièsī dăo de jī piào
-Car transportation around the island
Dăo shàng de jìao chē fύ wù
-Boat transportation to the Rosario Islands
Dào Luòsàlĭaò dăo de yóu chuán
-Breakfast and lunch included
Bāo kuǒ zăocān hé wǔcān
-Accommodation in a five-star hotel
Rù zhù wǔ xīng jί de jiǔ di diàn
-Entrance to tourist sites
He lǚ yóu jĭng diăn de nén piaò
All for only $600,000
Zǒng jì fèi yòng liù shί wàn bĭsuǒ
We are waiting for you!
Qī dài nίn de guōng lίn

Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □
Exercises – Liànxí □ □
Lesson 8 – Dì bā Kè ^ ^ ^
What are you doing?
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :
Guadalupe is not Colombian.
Guadalupe bù shì Gēlύmbĭyà rén
She is from Mexico.
Tā shì mòxīgē rén.
She is an engineer.
Tā shì gōngchēngshī
She works for a Mexican company in Bogotá.
Tā zàì Bōgēdà de yī jiā mòxīgē gōng si gōng zuò
Every day she goes to the gym in the morning;
Mĕi tián zăo shàng tá dōu qú jiàn shēn fáng and then goes to his office.
Rán hoù qù bàn gōng shì
On weekends she visits her friends, Zhōu mò tā jīng cháng băi făng tā de péng you
men. He goes camping and watches television.
Qù yé yíng huò zhĕ kăn diàn shì.
He also likes to cook Thai food.
Tā yĕ xĭ huān zuò tái guó cái

Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □
Open/turn on: Kāi Amar: ài
Dance: tiào
Drink: hē Kiss: gīn Change: huàn Walk: piaò Sing: Chàng Close/turn off: guān Cook: shāo Eat: Chī Drive:
kāi Wish: xiăng Wish: yào Return: huán Hurt: téng Sleep: shuì Make a mistake: cuò Be: zài Miss: xiăng
Win: yíng Speak: Shuō Do: zuò
Go: what
Call: jià
Ride: qi
Lose: kuī
Power: huì (ability)/ néng (ability)
Practice: liàn
Have: yoŭ
Use: yòng
Coming: Lái
Back: I fled

Exercises – Liànxí ^^
In Chinese, unlike Western languages, the verb does not present accidents (mode, tense, voice or person).
This makes it very easy to structure sentences following the SVC model: Subject + Verb + Complement.

Observe the model with the verb to be :

- Wð shì zðng tðng : I am president

- Nĭ shì wāi guón rén: You are Chinese

- Nĭ shì Colombia rén: You are Colombian

- Tā shì Guadalupe: She/He is Guadalupe

- Tā shì yi gðu: That's a dog

- Tā shì yi chuáng: That is a bed

- Wðmén shì gōng chéng shī: we are engineers

- Nĭmen shì duì: You are a team

- Tāmen shì guài: They are foreigners

To make negative sentences, the particles bù or méi are written after the subject. The structure then looks
like this: subject + negation + verb + complement.

Example: Wð bù shì zðng tðng: I am not president

Interrogative yes/no sentences have the particle ma at the end. The structure would be: subject + verb +
complement + ma


Nĭ shì Colombia rén ma?

For questions that request information, the following words are used:

- Shén me? What? How?

- Shei? Who?
- Duō shăo: How much?
- Duō shăo qián? How much does it cost?
- Pronoun + zài ná lĭ? Where?
- Jĭ diăn le? what time is it?
- Shén me already know? What color?
- Jīn tiān xīng qī jĭ? What day is today?

Now, make up your own sentences with the following verbs:

to ei a Y oror
Consonant names

Consonants with a vowel

pa za h
ma AC ee qi
fa sa xi
gives zha g
ta cha ka
na sha ha
ba In Mandarin,
the 'y' and 'w'
reare consonants with a vowel sound.
Consonants with vowels
to either and -Yo Yo or or
b ba bo bi bu
p pa po pi pu
m ma mo my mu
F fa fo fu
d gives of gave du
t ta tea you you
n na ne neither wildebee wildebee
l the you li st
lu st

z za ze zi zu
c AC EC ci cu
yes sa HE Yeah his
zh zha zhe zhi zhu
ch cha hey chi chu
sh sha she shi shu
r re ri ru
j hee ju
q qi what
x xi xu
g ga gee gu
k ka ke ku
h ha I have huh

Consonants With Vowel Groups

b Q m F d t n 1 z c yes
ai Bai pai Mai dai tai nai the I zai cai Sai
he bei pei mei fei dei nei read zei
year beam pao mao dao CAT nao lao zao cao sao
ou pou mou fou dou tou nou lou ZOU cou sou
an ban bread man so give so nan Ian zan dog saint
in ben pen menu have nen Zen cen sen
ang bang pang mang fang dang Tang nang Lang zang cang sang
eng benq peng meng feng deng teng neng leng zenq ceng seng
ngo dong tong nong long zong cong song
ia Ila
iao biao piao miao diao uncle niao liao
ie good foot wed die tie nie lie
Iou meu diu niu Liu
Ian bian yaws mine dian tian nian lian
in bin pin min nin Lin
iang niang hang
ing bing ping ming ding ting ning ling
wow duo your nuo luo Zuo cuo suo
uei dui tui zui cui sui
uan duan tuan nuan luan zuan how suan
a dun you n mon Zun cun sun
zh ch sh r j q x g k h
ai zhai chai Shai gai kai hai
hey zhei shei Gei hey
year zhao bye shao rao gao kao hao
□u zhou chou shou rou gou kou hou
an zhan chan Shan ran gan khan they
in zhen Chen shen ren gene ken have
ang zhang chang shang range gang kang hang
eng zheng cheng re ng qeng keng heng
ngo zhong chong shong rong gong kong hong
ia Jia qia xia
iao jiao qiao xiao
ie Jie whoa xie
Iou jiu qiu xiu
Ian jian qian xian
in Jin qin xin
ang jiang qiang xiang
ing Jing qing xing
iong jiong qiong xiong
ua zhua shua gua ku a hua
wow Zhuo chuo shuo ruo quo kuo huo
uai zhuai chuai shuai wow kuai huai
uei zhui chui shui rui gui kui hui
uan zhuan chuan shuan ruan guan kuan huan
a Zhun chun shun run gun Kun hun
uang zhuang chuang shuang guang kuang huang
EU thu that xue
üan Juan Quan xuan
a jun who xun


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Nǐ (you)

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Wǒmén (we)

T ā mén (they)

T ā mén (them)

T ā mén (they
- objects)
The following list is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of Internet resources for learning
Chinese. However, it can be taken as a reference to find extra materials that help us reinforce
what we have learned and have access to authentic and teaching materials. The pages cited
here are in English. In addition, these links were in operation at the date of publication of this
Learn Chinese “online”. Use its link options to practice grammar, writing, listening, reading,
Chinese-English dictionaries, among others.
Created and maintained by Dr. Tianwei Xie. of the Dept. of Asian and Asian American
Studies, California State University - Long Beach.
Dictionary, readings, vocabulary, strokes, links, and the very useful FAQs section
Min Multimedia offers free Chinese lessons. Selected readings for beginners, free files in MP3
format to practice listening skills, virtual tour of China, the daily phrase, among other
It is not just a Chinese course, this page is a toolbox for people who are learning and using
this language.
How to get the name in Mandarin. The mathematics behind

the Chinese New Year.
This site resolves your concerns related to the display and use of Chinese characters on
computers. In addition, it offers explanations, links and sample programs.
This is a good site to learn how to draw Chinese characters. Here is a “Talking Chinese
Dictionary”. It has functions to translate words directly from internet pages, view stroke order
animations and more functions.
On this page you can learn how to draw Chinese characters. The characters on this page are
in UTF-8 code. Site created and maintained by Tim Xie.
On this page you can access short videos of basic Chinese. (Video Clips of Survival Chinese)
This site presents vocabulary and expressions by thematic groups with their respective sound
file. Below is a list of the topics included on this page.
Adoptive parents now can learn to say "I love you," "I am your Mommy," "It's bed time,"
and "No, you may not date until you are thirty-five!"
How to say "Hi" in Chinese? What would you say when you are invited by a Chinese
friend or vice versa? When introduced, how would you meet with your new Chinese
friends? And finally, how to say "Bye"?
Shopping is fun but always full of adventure, especially in a different culture. How to
strike a good deal and get what you want? A few Chinese may be able to help prevent
you from being ripped off.
Chinese food is yummy. Knowing a few Chinese expressions will make you enjoy your
meals, and more importantly, the experience all the more.
Do you hate package tour? With a little necessary Chinese vocabulary, you will be able
to embark on your own tour of Chinese alleys and villages and come ever closer with
the people you will meet.
Time, Weather & Holidays
How to ask time, day, date, month, season and weather? Do you want to say some of
the Chinese holidays and translations of some of the Western holidays such as
What & How
Here you will learn to say the what, who, where, when, why and how, basic structures
that help you get on to a conversation.


The following list is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of Internet resources for learning
Chinese. However, it can be taken as a reference to find extra materials that help us reinforce
what we have learned and have access to authentic and teaching materials. The pages cited
here were in operation at the date of publication of this material.

• Learn and practice

Mandarin with a native speaker in a language exchange using email, text chat and
voice chat.

• Learn
Mandarin Chinese online. Pinyin, Chinese dictionary, sources, flashcards, statistics,
discussion forums, history and culture, grammar.

• Types of Tests: Direct (Chinese to Spanish), Reverse (Spanish to Chinese), Direct

Aural (Recognize Chinese words) Reverse Aural (pronounce Chinese words)

• In the Thematic Dictionary, the option to print vocabulary cards and writing cards for
each group is offered.
TO ǎi 矮 ài 愛爱 ā n 安
b bā 八 bǎ 把 bà 爸 bái 白 bǎi 百 bài 拜 bān般
bàn 半辦 b ā o 包 bǎo 保 běi北 bě n 本
办 bào 報报 bèi 備备
bǐ 比筆笔 bì 必 biān 編编 biàn 便變 biāo 標标 biǎo 表 good

bīng 兵 bìng 病 bō 波 bo 博伯 bǔ 卜 bù 不布

c cài 菜 cān 參参 cè 廁厕 céng 層层 chá 查茶 chǎn 產产 cháng 常

Cháng 長 chǎng chē 車车 chén 陳陈 chī 吃 chí 持

长 場场 chéng 城
chǐ 齒齿 chóng 蟲 ch ū 出 chu 除 chù 處处 ch ū n 春 cí 詞词

cǐ 此 cì 次 cōng 聰聪 cong 從从 cuì 存

d dǎ 打 dà 大 dāi呆 dài 帶带 dàn 但 dāng 當当 dǎng 黨党

d ā o 刀 dǎo 倒導 dào 道到 dé 德 得 of 的 d ě i 得 dēng 燈灯
d ě ng 等 dī 低 day 敵敌 dǐ 底 diǎn 點 diàn 電电
笛 dì 地第弟 AND 店
diào 調调 d ī ng 丁 dǐng 頂顶 dìng 定 dōng 東东 dǒng 懂 dòng 動动

dō u 都 dǒu 斗 dū 都督 dú 讀读 dù 度肚 duì 隊队 du ō 多
AN ér 而兒 er 二
F fā 發发 fǎ 法 fǎn 反 fàn 泛 fāng 方 fáng 房 fàng 放
fēi非 fèi 費费 f ē ng 分 f ē ng 風 fèng 鳳凤 pho 佛 fu 服

fù 附付復

g gǎi 改 gài 概 gǎn 感 gāo高 gē哥 gé 格革
gàn 乾干
gè 個个各 g ē n 根 gèng 更 gōng 工功 gong gǒu 狗 gù 固

gu ā 瓜 guān 觀观 guǎn 管 guāng 光 gui 規規 guó 國国 guǎi 拐

guān 關关 guǎng 廣 guǐ 鬼 guǒ 果 guò 過过
h hǎi 海 hǎo 好
hào 號号 hé 和合 hēi 黑
hái 還还 hàn 漢汉 浩
hěn 很 hóng 紅 hou 猴 hòu 後后 hú 狐 hǔ 虎 huā 花

huá 華华 huà 畫画 huài 壞坏 huān 欢 huán 還还 huàn 換换 huáng 黃

ran huì 會 h ū n 婚 fled 活 huǒ 火 huò 或
J. jī 基機 jí 極极及 jǐ 幾几己 jì 計计記 ji ā 家加 ji ā n 間间 jiàn 見见
机雞鸡 級级 记 嘉 件建
jiāng 將将 jiàng 降 jiǎo 角 jiào 叫教 ji ē 接街 jié 結结 jiě 解姐
較较 階階阶
jīn 斤金 jǐn 緊紧 jìn 進进 jīng 京精 jǐng 井 ji ū 究 jiǔ 九

jiù 舊旧 jīng 經经 jù 具 Thursday j ū n 軍
舅就 覺觉決决 军
K kè 克客
kǎ 卡 k ā i 開 开 kàn 看 kǎo 考烤 ke 軻 kě 可 .g NE
kǒng 孔恐 kuài 快块 kuǎn 款
l lā 拉 lái 來来 lán 籃篮 làng 浪 láo 勞 lǎo 老 lè 樂乐

le 了 léi 雷 lěng 冷 lì 利立力 lián 連连 liáng 良
lǐ 理李里 厲厉
liǎng 兩 liàng 量 liào 料 lin 林 liú 流 liù 六
两 lǐng 領领
lóng 龍龙 lóu 樓楼 lǚ 旅 lǜ 綠绿 lù 路 luàn 論论

M mā 媽妈 more mǎ 馬马 ma māo 貓 mao 毛 mào 冒

me 麼么 mei 玫霉 mě i 每美 mèi 妹 menu mèng 夢 mǐ 米
煤沒 梦
miàn 面 min 民 ming 明 mìng 命 mo 摩 mò 末 mǔ 母

mù 木
N nǎ 哪 nà 那 nài 耐 ne 呢 nèi 內
nán 南男 nǎo 腦脑
néng 能 nǐ 你 nǐn 您 níng 凝 nián 年 niàn 念 niú 牛
nóng 農 nǔ 努 nǚ 女

Q pái 排 pàng 胖 péng 朋彭 pī 批 peep pian 便 pīn拼

píng 平蘋苹 pò 破
Q q ī 期七 qí 其 qǐ 起 qì 器氣气 qián 前錢 qi à n 倩 q ī ng 青

qíng 情 qiú 球 q ū 區 区 qǔ 取曲 qù 趣去 quán
qǐng 請请
R rán 然 rè 熱热 rén 人 rèn 任認 rì 日 ru rù 入

ruì 瑞睿叡
Yes sài 賽赛 s ā n 三 shān 山 shàn 善 shāng 商 shàng 上
sh ā o 燒 p

shǎo 少 shé 蛇 shè 社 sh ē n 深 shén 什 shě n 嬸 sh ē ng 生

sheng 勝 shéi 誰谁 shī 師师 shí 十石 shǐ 使 shō u 收

實实時时 shì 識识
食 式示是室
shǒu 手 shòu 壽瘦 shū 叔舒 shǔ 鼠屬 shù 數数 shuǐ 水 shu ō 說
書书 属 说
sī 思私司 yes suàn 算 suì 嵗岁 suǒ 所

T tā 他它她 tài 太 tan 談 谈 tang 堂糖 tea tenerg 疼 tī梯

you 提題 tǐ 體体 ti ā n 天 tiáo 條条 tiào 跳 t ī ng 聽 tíng 停庭

题 听
tō ng 通 tóng 同 tǒng 統统 tóu 頭头 you 圖图 tǔ 土 you

tuì 退
tuán 團团
W wài 外 wán 完 wáng 王 wǎng 往 wàng 望 wě i 委
wàn 萬万
wèi 為为 wén 文 wèn 問问 wǒ 我 wú 無无 wǔ 五 wù 物
x x ī 西希 xí 席習习 xǐ 喜 xì 系 xià 下 xiān 先鲜 xiǎn 險险

xiàn 現现 xi ā ng 相 xiǎng 想 xiàng 像 xiǎo 小 xi ē 些 xiè 謝谢
綫线 向象
xīn 新心 xíng 行型 xìng 姓興 xi ō ng 兄
馨 形 兴性 xi ū 休修 xuǎn 選选 xué 學学
xu ě 雪
AN and ā 壓 yà 亞亚 yán 言研 yàn 驗验 yáng 羊陽 yàng 樣样 yào 要
压鴨鸭 嚴严
and ě 也 yè 業业葉 and ī 一 yí 移宜 yǐ 已以 yì 意義义 and īn 因
and īng 鷹 yíng 贏赢 yòng 用 yóu 由猶 yǒu 有友 yòu 又 yú 于与鱼
鹰應应 犹油遊游

yǔ 雨語 yù 預预 yuan 原元 yuè 樂乐 yùn 運运

语 育遇 員员 越粵月

Z zào 造 zé 則则 z ē ng 增 zhǎn 展 zhàn 站戰 zhāng 章

zài 再在 战 張张
zh ě 者 zhè 這这 zhe 着 zhē n 真 zhēng 爭 zhèng 正 zhī 支之
珍 争 政
zhi 直 zhǐ 指只 zhō ng 中 zhǒng 種 zhòng 重 zhōu 週周
zhì 志制 种 眾众 州
zh ū 猪 zhú 竹 zhǔ 主 zhù 住 zhuān 專 zhuàn 轉 zī 資资
专 转
zǐ 子 zì 自 zū租 zú 足 zǔ 組组 zuì 最
zǒng 總总
zuò 做作
Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ France fa guó
□□ United States of America (USA) mei guó
□ □□ Canada jia ná dá
□□ Africa fei zhou
□ □□ Oceania dá yáng zhou
□ □□□ Australia áo dá li yá
□□ Egypt ai hee
□□ Greece x la
□ □□ Portugal pú tao ya
□ □□ Belgium bi li shí
□ □□□ Romania luó ma ní yá
□□ America (American continent) mei zhou
□□ Brazil ba xi
□□ Europe ou zhou
□ □□ Spain xi ban yá
□□ Japan ri ben
□□ Russia he guó
□ □□□ Bulgaria bao jia li yá
□ □□ Austria áo di li
□□ Swiss rui shi
□ □□ Ireland ái er lán
□□ China zhong guó
□□ England ying guó
□ □□ Italy yi da li
□□ Asia ya zhou

Parts of l Body
Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ rib lei gu
□□ abdomen du zi
□ foot jiao
□□ knee xi gái
□ waist yao
□ kidney shen
□ back bei
□□ brain nao zi
□□ muscle ji rou
□ blood xue
□□ ligament ren dai
□ bone gu
□□ joint (anatomy) guan jié
□□ language she tóu
□□ fur pee fu
□ face (body part) mian
□ stomach wei
□ ear er
□ head you
□□ nose bi zi
□□ neck bo zi
□ hand shou
□□ shoulder jian
□□ finger shou zhi
□□ ability, capacity shou wán
□ elbow zhou
□□ liver gan záng
□ heart xin
□□ lungs fei záng
□□ eye yan jing
□□ tooth ya chi
□□ heart xín záng
□□ chest xiong tang
□□ lip zui chun

Characters Digit Pinyin líng yi er
3 saint
K 4 Yeah
Y 5 wu
TO 6 Liu
± 7 qi
TO 8 ba

TO 9 jiu
+ 10 shi
AN 100 Bai
D 1000 qian

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ tomorrow ming tian
□□ day after tomorrow hou tian
□□ today jin tian
□□ before yesterday qián tian
□□ recently jin ri
□□ afternoon (time of day), in the afternoon wu hou
□□ tomorrow (time of day) sháng wu
□□ in the afternoon, evening (time of day) xiá wu
□□ last year what a nian
□□ spring chün tian
□□ next year ming nián
□□ week xing qi
□□ January yi yue
□ □□ in three days da hou tian
□ □□ three days ago da qian tian
□□ now xián zái
□ □□ Tuesday xing qi er
□□ yesterday zuó tian
□□ noon zhong wu
□ evening wan

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□ red chi
□□ sky blue color tian se
□ white, clear bai
□□ grey hui se
□□ white bái se
□□ black hey yeah
□□ yellow huáng se
□□ blue lan se
□ □□ pink fen hong se
□□ green Lu: Yes
□□ golden, the color of jin se gold
□□ brown zong se

Food in general
Characters Spanish Pinyin
□ meal fan
□□ wheat xiao mai
□□ oatmeal yan mai
□□ rye hey mai
□ □□ sandwich san ming zhi
□ dish, cai food

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ veal (veal) niú rou
□□ bacon xian rou
□□ fillet rou pái
□□ ribs (gastronomy) lei tiáo
□ chicken hee
□ snake sheh
□□ ox huáng niú
□ cow niú
□ Sheep yang
□□ lamb yáng gao
□□ Pork Meat zhü rou
□□ mutton yáng rou
□□ sausage xiang cháng
□□ duck ya zi

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□ □ hake xu yu
□ □ salmon gui yu
□ □ trout zun yú
□ □ dao yu swordfish
□ □□ tuna jin qian gyu
□ □□ sardine sha ding yu
□ fish yu
□ □ eel mán yú
□ □□ octopus ba dai yú

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□ water shui
□□ milk niú nai
□□ coffee ka fei
□□ beer pee hee
□ came jiu
□□ Cocoa ke ke
□□ Coca Cola what
□ tea cha
□□ guo zhi fruit juice
□ milk nai

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□ □□ radish luó bo tóu
□ □ bean sprouts dou ya
□ □ seeds of soy da dou
□ □ celery qín cái
□ □ asparagus lu sun
□ □ spinach bo cái
□ □ Chinese cabbage bai cái
□ □ tomato fan qié
□ □ cucumber huáng gua
□ □ tián cái beet
□□ zucchini gu sui
□□ leek qong suan
□□ corn yú mi
□□ garlic da suán
□□ cauliflower cái hua
□ □□ carrot hú lu obó
□ □ lettuce wo hoo

Fruits and Nuts

Spanish Pinyin Characters
□ □ grape pu tao
□ □ tangerine jú zi
□ □ watermelon xi gua
□ □□ melon ha my guide
□ □ pineapple bo luó
□ □ nut hé tao
□ □ almond bian táo
□ □ peanut hua sheng
□ □ lemon níng méng
□ □ strawberry cao mei
□ □ plum li zi
□ apricot xing
□ □ peach tao zi
□ □ mango mang guo
□ □ apple ping guo
□ pear li
□ □ almond xing rén
□ □ coconut ye zi
□ □ cherry ying tao
□ □ banana xiang jiao

Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ hu jiao pepper
□ sugar tang
□ salt yan
□□ cinnamo rou gui
□ n vinegar cu
□ □□ parsley hé lán qín

Character Spanish Pinyin
s □ cake gao
□□ frozen bing ji lin
□□ custard boo ding
□ □□ chocolate qiao ke li
□□ cookie bing gan

The family
Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ older sister jiéjie
□□ (informal) mom ma ma
□□ (informal) dad ba ba
□□ eldest brother ge ge
$3*3 paternal nai nai
93 Wái Pó
44 paternal Ye Ye
9 maternal Wai Gong
H*4K I love you Wo ái ni

Public Establishments
Characters Spanish Pinyin
□□ drugstore yao dian
□□ pub (in the sense of bar) jiu pu
□ □□ train station huo che zhan
□□ sea port) gang kou
□ post Office you
□ □□□ Supermarket bye hee shi
□□ court (courthouse) fa yuan
□ □□ police station jing chá jú
□□ airport jichang
□□ hotel lu: wow
□□ bar (drinking establishment) jiu ba
□□ university da xué
□□ courthouse, court fa ting
□ □□ cinema dian ying yuan
□□ theater xi ho
□□ restaurant fan dián
□□ park (public park) gong yuan
□□ bookshop shü dian
□ □□ library you shü guan
□□ bus station che zhan
□□ bank (banking establishment) yín háng
□□ school xué xiáo
□□ hospital yi yuan
□□ primary school, primary education xiao xue

Interrogative words
Characters Spanish Pinyin
□ how many? hee
□□ where? na li
□ interrogative particle for yes/no questions ma
□□ where? na li
□ who? whose? shei
□ much, excessive, too much duo
□ □□ What country? na guó rén
□ interrogative particle for elliptical questions ne
□ □□ as? how are you? (referring to an action performed) zen meyang
□□ what, what shén me
□ □□ because? wei shen me
□ □□ how old are you? how old are you? duo da le
□ who? shei
□ □□□ when? what time? shén me shí hou
□□ how much? what amount? how many? duo shao
(Track 2) EXERCISE 1.
1. aoe
2. aoe
3. aoe
4. aoe
5. aoe
6. iu ü
7. iu ü
8. iu ü
9. iu ü
10. iu ü

(Track 4) EXERCISE 2

Dialogue - Duìhuà □ □............................................................................................7
Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^.....................................................................................7
Exercises – Liànxí ^^..........................................................................................9
Dialogue - Duìhuà □ □ :........................................................................................10
Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □.................................................................................10
Exercises – Liànxí □ □......................................................................................11
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :.........................................................................................12
Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^...................................................................................12
Exercises – Liànxí □ □......................................................................................13
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :.........................................................................................14
Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^...................................................................................14
Exercises – Liànxí ^^........................................................................................16
Dialogue - Duìhuà □ □ :........................................................................................17
Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □.................................................................................17
Exercises – Liànxí ^^........................................................................................18
Vocabulary – Shēngcí ^^ Family tree..............................................................19
Exercises – Liànxí □ □......................................................................................20
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :.........................................................................................21
Vocabulary – Shēngcí □ □.................................................................................21
Exercises – Liànxí □ □......................................................................................21
Dialogue - Duìhuà ^ ^ :.........................................................................................22
Exercises – Liànxí ^^........................................................................................23
Appendix 1...................................................................................................................25
V ocal Sounds , Tones and Sounds C onsonantal.......................................................25
Consonants with vowels...........................................................................................26
Consonants With Vowel Groups..............................................................................26
To nexus 3....................................................................................................................31
English W eb Pages for Learning Chinese..................................................................31
To nexus 4....................................................................................................................32
W eb Pages in Spanish for Learning............................................................................32
To nexus 5....................................................................................................................34
Some Chinese Characters.............................................................................................34
To nexus 6....................................................................................................................39
V ocabulary by C ategories..........................................................................................39
Food in general..................................................................................................42
Fruits and Nuts..................................................................................................44
Public Establishments.......................................................................................45
Interrogative words...........................................................................................46
To nexus 7....................................................................................................................47
Phonetic Exercises........................................................................................................47
(Tack 8) EXERCISE 3
1. bá bá pa pa
2. give pa
tea tea

3. mā mă nā nă

4. lé lè ré rè

5. zā ză cā că

6. cé cĕ know sĕ

7. zhà zhă chà chă

8. zhé zhè she she
9. hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

10. gī gĭ xī xĭ

11. gá gà ká ká

12. á é hà hé

(Track 9) EXERCISE 4

1. bō bó bò pð

2. dā dá dà tā

3. pī pī pì bī

4. you you tù dū

5. I know cé zé sè

6. zì cī yes cì
7. cu zū sū cū

(Track 10)

1. zhé ché she zhē

2. chi shī zhī chi

3. shu chŭ zhŭ shŭ

4. re re rè hé

5. hè hey hē rē

6. ru hù ru hu

7. re ri re ri

(Track 11)

1. jí qí xí jĭ

2. jŭ qŭ xŭ jü

3. jī xī jū xū

4. qì xì qù xù ˇ ˇ
5. lĭ nĭ lü nü

6. ní ńü lí lú

7. gü kū hū gū (Track 14)

1. pen peng ben peng

2. man mang nan nang

3. feng teng leng zeng

4. kang shang cang sang

5. gian lian chuan huang

(Track 15) EXERCISE 6
1. dai dei dao dou

2. tai fei tao tou

3. hai hei hao hou

4. zai zei zao zou

5. zhai zhei zhao zhou

6. ken kang keng kon g

7. gan gang geng gong

8. ren rang reng rong

9. shan shen shang sheng

10. cen cang cen g cong

11. lia jia qie xiu

12 niu liu nüe lüe 13 jiao tiao

qiao liao 14 miu niu diu xiu
15 tian gian pian jian

16 ping jing gin nin

17 liang xiang jiong goes 18 zhua zhuo zhui zhuai 19 zui rui kui tui 20
hui chui quai kuai 21luan huang ruan guang 22 sun cun kun run 23 nüe
lüe xue Thu 24 qun jun xuan juan

Kantor, Philippe (2006) Chinese Writing. The characters stroke by stroke

Marco, Consuelo (2008) Schemas of China: Grammar and linguistic uses. Madrid:

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