The Four Parenting Styles and Their Influence On The Emotional Development of Children

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The family is the most important parenting context in the first years of our children's lives, where the
first skills and habits are acquired that will allow them to master autonomy and behaviors that are crucial for

Parenting styles describe how parents react and respond to their children's emotions, that is, it is
related to the way they feel emotions.

The family is the main source of information about one's own worth, roles and norms. Therefore, the
involvement of both parents in raising children is important, as well as the availability, good communication
and the degree of instrumental and emotional support.


Parenting styles are important because we have a great influence on the behavior of our children,
because, according to how we interact with them, we will form the basis of their future social and emotional
development, and therefore, their well-being.

Parenting styles will affect the way our sons and daughters perceive themselves, their values,
resources and strengths. As well as the way they perceive others and adapt to their environment .

. Read the following chart and identify which style best describes you and also how you were raised.

Parents Sons and daughters Example

Style -They are capable of showing -They think that it is only good “I know you
Discard affection and being affectionate but to feel happy. miss dad, but
they do not consider it important to -They learn that certain let's go do
“Neither deal with their children's “negative” emotions cannot be trusted something
demanding nor emotions. That is, they tend to (sadness, anger, etc.) fun like watch
flexible” ignore feelings and try to “distract” -They try to “avoid or movies.”
children from them. “overcome” certain emotions
They see the excitement coming instead of understanding
and become protective because them.
perhaps they are not sure what to -They learn to hide emotions
do and miss the opportunity to and that they will not become
connect with them when they need evident until they intensify.
it most.
Disapproval -They believe that some feelings are -They think that some “You don't
Style “good” and others “bad.” emotions can be “turned on” have to be
-They tell their children to sit or “turned off” by will. afraid of the
"Rigid" differently, that is, they treat -If they feel emotions such as dark, go to
feelings as behaviors. sadness, anger or fear, they your room
-They do not value emotions and tend to think that something is and sleep.”
believe that they should not allow wrong with them.
negative emotions to happen. -Less probability of sharing
-Does not understand that their emotions.
emotions are natural reactions to -They believe they can disguise
our experiences. emotions so that others do not
Style -They are compassionate parents - They learn that their feelings “I'm so sorry
No and aware of their children's are valuable and they have the your friends
Interventionist emotions, they show unconditional ability to express them. don't want to
love. - They believe that it may be play with
“Permissive” -They are afraid to set clear limits normal to throw tantrums or you.”
on their children's behavior act out when they feel strong
because they believe that they can emotions.
make them think that love is only - Difficulty acting appropriately
related to good behavior. in one's environment and
- Responsible but not demanding maintaining friendships.
Emotion -They value the moments they -They learn that emotions are “Sit with me
Training Style share emotions with their children. important and that they can and let's talk
-Empathic parents try to put be trustworthy and trust about how
“Assertive” themselves in their children's others you feel right
shoes, show that they understand -They know how to name now.”
them and guide their behavior. certain feelings and
-Training your emotions requires understand them.
practice, each emotional event is -They know that they are not
different and therefore needs alone with their feelings, that
flexible training. they can trust their parents
-They can't do it all the time but with the assurance that they
they do it every time they can, they will be loved and comforted.
help study their children's emotions -They learn to solve everyday
since it lays the foundation for problems.
strong and healthy relationships. -They know how to calm
-They teach that all feelings are themselves when they have
good but not all their behaviors are strong emotions to be able to
good. concentrate better.
-They learn about their
feelings and about others,
forming strong bonds.
Tener en cuenta que aunque existen cuatro estilos de crianza,
la mayoría tenemos un estilo dominante pero utilizamos una
combinación de todos. Incluso los entrenadores de emociones
sólo usan este estilo el 30% del tiempo, lo cual es suficiente
para hacer una gran diferencia en el vínculo de padres – hijos.

No olvidar que los sentimientos son naturales y que los niños

no pueden controlar como se sienten.

Es muy importante enseñar límites de comportamiento, a

ellos les gusta conocer sus límites y saber que es aceptable o

Dejar que sientan sus emociones y reconocerlas es el inicio

para ayudar a nuestros hijos a entenderlas.

No evite o ignore a su hijo por sus emociones, cuando surjan

hay que explicarle y enseñarle como manejarlas. De esa
manera tendrán una relación más estrecha.

Ayudar a nuestros hijos a saber qué hacer cuando

experimentan emociones fuertes.

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