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Week 6 Assignment

Compliance with Organizational Objectives: Analysis of the implementation of policies,

procedures and management tools.

Antonio Soto Avendaño

Strategic Management and Management Control

IACC Institute


Consider the LATAM Company. This company offers air transportation services with different

national and international destinations. Considering this company, you are required to answer the

following questions:

• What would happen if the LATAM company decides not to update its technology for 5 years

because it considers that it is enough? Explain your approach.

We know that the world of Information Technologies does not stop and this is why, if we see

the evolution of cell phones in recent years, we have that 5 years ago the basic cell phone still

used vga type cameras (very low quality ) and the memory was in Kilobytes, unlike the most

advanced one that had 1 Gb memory, but currently the most basic cell phone has 2 megapixel

cameras and 2 Gb of memory. Taking this evolution, as an example, innovations in air traffic

and in aeronautics in general have also advanced, with the incorporation of flight control apps

on the ground, cargo supervision in air traffic and obviously communications, the taking of a A

decision as important as technology stagnation can represent a fall in business and considering

this option must be taken several instances of measurement and evaluation, with different

quantitative instruments, in addition to the use of diagrams, where l Operations research is

essential for the analysis of data, which leads senior management to make such an important

strategic decision. And the big question is, what would happen? Mechanically, the planes and

operations would continue to operate, but at a slower pace, with a high possibility of customer

dissatisfaction, since the equipment and processes are very old, after 5 years. On the other

hand, at the end of this period, we would see that the investment to update operations would

have very high costs to be able to match the competition, which leaves the company at a

disadvantage compared to its weaker competitor, since that they adapted to the market and the

demands of their clients for 5 years, which would imply, for their competition, a low
investment to remain above them, in addition to elements such as administrative control that

would be far below the needs of clients. internal and external, social control would be

diminished since by not updating the technologies, customers would be faced with planes with

lower performance, which for some people who travel frequently, having WIFI and places to

charge their cell phone are essential, even more so if They are people dedicated to business.

• How does an information system support the strategic management of LATAM? Explain your

approach. Mention an example of an information system that can be implemented in the

company under study.

LATAM has information systems in several of its areas of strategic management and

operations, but its strategic focus is on the efficiency of its operations, which seeks to

make them as simple as possible and with various levels of flexibility that allow

Decisions are made in the shortest possible time, using technological means for long-

distance meetings, with translation apps incorporated into their video conferences, in

order to guarantee the participants of these fluid communication, to reach agreement on

the decisions. taken. On the other hand, being competitive in terms of costs implies

generating savings in fuel, rates, purchases, operations, general expenses and distribution

costs that are allowed by information systems, which, when intertwined with each other,

allow us to have a vision of the current situation at any time, which implies that the

accelerated pace of work does not stop, leaving its competition behind, becoming

undisputed leaders. We know that ICTs are modelers of strategies that go hand in hand

with communications through virtual means.

• What would happen if a public service worker decided not to use information systems and

reported keeping written control of their operations? Explain your approach.

This situation can occur and in fact has occurred on more than one occasion at the

Santiago Airport in the domestic flight area, when the information and communication

systems have failed or the electricity was out, where the Counter operators have had to

momentarily implement a variety of manual instruments for the correct development of

the operation, from control with printed passenger forms, manual checking and

registration of luggage, use of communication radios for communications between the

Counter and the boarding gate ( which is commonly used today), radio communication

between the head of operations and the Counter and his control of passenger forms, the

entry and boarding of passengers, control of the cargo registration of passengers and

cargo of shipping companies. this. In addition to all these operations, which only name

the most relevant, it should be considered that the staff must be doubled or tripled, for the

registration, dispatch and delivery of information to each person involved in the

operation, the long lines of dissatisfied customers for long periods of time. delays in the

registration of your data, delay in flights due to the delay in the Counter, but in the face

of a contingency situation, the application of previous protocols may allow the operation

to work, not in the best way or in the way that It is usually expected, but with staff

trained in handling conflict situations (exalted passengers) success can be achieved at the

end of the day, but maintaining this situation over time as a habitual tool will end up

collapsing the collaborators and the The company will quickly see the losses due to

dissatisfied customers, which represents a significant percentage of the negative publicity

that a business can have when things are as customers expect them to be.

IACC (2021). Administration of internal operations by the organization. Part I. Internal

operations management. Strategic Management and Management Control. Week 6.

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