Analysis and Design of Reports

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Layanne santana medina 5to A tecnico

Las Americas Educational Center

Prof. Glenys Jiménez

Analysis and Report Design:

Analysis and Report Design:

3 methodologies, applications and technologies to support decision making, the generation and analysis of
information and the evaluation of business indicators.

4 decision-making tools you should explore

1. Information systems
Information systems constitute one of the most reliable decision-making tools that guarantee the best

When a company integrates all the data obtained from its processes on the same platform, it is able to
validate and store each source to have it as a reference in the future.

This greatly favors the application and adjustment of new production, management or business strategies.

Furthermore, having all this information available under the same platform gives any director or manager of
the company the possibility of using this data as a regular piece of confirmation of actions.

2. Data analysis
This activity is much more than a tool for decision making. Its value focuses on determining business models,
finding opportunities and predicting market behavior.

When an organization uses data analysis, through tools such as Big Data or Business Intelligence, it opens up
a wealth of infinite possibilities for the growth of its company.

For example, using Business Intelligence, it is possible to purify and transform the company's historical data
— which generally have no relationship with each other — to unify them and have a clear and broad
perspective of the operational, financial, structural and administrative reality of the company. .

Using this technological trend, you will be able to take advantage of gaps that are generated in the markets,
anticipate the competition and take the data generated throughout the Internet to examine products,
services or any aspect of relevance to your business and meet the needs of your customers.

Now, data analysis can be divided according to the objectives you have for it, for example:

• descriptive: historical information that, when simplified and emptied into a database, allows obtaining a
simplified and understandable view of the activities and processes that are and are not producing results.
Layanne santana medina 5to A tecnico

• predictive: here Big Data comes in, which, with correct application and reading, can achieve correlations
between variables and determine possible scenarios that can happen and thus “predict” the behavior of the
market, competition, among others.

• prescriptive: with the data organized and studied, prescriptive analysis allows determining routes and
quantifying the effect of decisions in relation to the achievement of the company's strategies.

3. Detection and identification of problems

Among the decision-making tools most used by organizations of all types and that are related to technology,
are those that serve to detect and identify problems.

This generally occurs when the company does not have a system or strategy for measuring or quantifying
problems. And to take the correct actions and, more important than this, that they be done on time, it is
necessary to have a way to find them.

To do this, there are several actions, such as:

Early warnings
Using KPIs, and establishing a verification period, alerts can be defined when these indicators exceed or are
unable to reach a minimum limit.

Google Analytics is one of those decision-making tools that greatly helps in early detection of problems.

Constant analysis
If within the company there is an area or collaborators in charge of studying this data day by day or week by
week, obstacles or inconveniences can be found in time and not suffer serious consequences for the

data scientist
Directed procedures to analyze and interpret the data generated in all the company's internal processes,
through statistics, algorithms and mathematical calculations.

Using these and other procedures it is possible to understand the business to understand the problems that
arise and thus, dedicate time to make the correct decisions.

4. Cybersecurity
Finally, and taking into account that we have talked exclusively about the digital activities and processes that
can be used as a tool for a company's decision making, we cannot leave aside the protection of this data and
the choices that come with cybersecurity. .

Today there are platforms and programs to guarantee the protection of all those “secrets” of your company
that, combined with Artificial Intelligence, are presented as valuable and essential options for any

Processes as simple as incorporating security in the access of collaborators and partners to each section of
the activities, security in data transfer such as file and database encryption, or automatic audits, represent a
brake on malicious intentions against your business.
Layanne santana medina 5to A tecnico

All of the above greatly favors the correct choices regarding the operational, financial and administrative
future of any organization.

Digital transformation has been a relief response in terms of decision-making tools that, in the past, had to
be made without a clear picture of the reality of the market or business.

If this met your expectations, then you can't miss our article on data analysis. So that you continue learning
about these techniques that are so necessary today.

Business Intelligence
The concept 'Business Intelligence', or business intelligence, refers to the use of data in a company to
facilitate decision making within it. It is a set of strategies and tools focused on the data analysis of a
company through the analysis of existing data.

Hospital Report
In a hospital, you are the administrator and you want to have a report of how many
patients were treated in a period of three months.
You want to know the number of patients, the name of the area doctor and the nurse
who treated those patients, the number of patients each nurse treated and whether
that nurse treated other illnesses and in which room the doctor was.

Mocoso Puello Hospital

Report of Patients Served
January-March Report
Patient Registration 001-1 002-2 003-3

Reason for visit Check Emergency Check

Patient waiting room 101-1 202-2 303-3

Patient admission date 10/01/2020 15/02/2020 8/03/2020

Doctor who treated him Dr. Angelo Castro Dr. Hillary Mendez Dr. Juan Pablo

Specialty General General General

Name of the nurse who was Mario Hernandez Maria Perez Jose Castillo

Number of patients that nurse 9 12 14

cared for
Layanne santana medina 5to A tecnico

Diseases treated by the nurse High fever Poisoning Flu

Patient Dismissal Date 10/01/2020 16/02/2020 8/03/2020

Total Patients: 3

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