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Evidence GA2-210601023-AA1-EV02.

Formulation of the action plan in accordance with

the organizational diagnosis


Albert Villegas Agamez

Karen Rico Galeano


Blanca Monica Ariza Castellanos



Program: Agribusiness Management

virtual mode


Formulate an action plan in accordance with the organizational diagnosis to maintain or

increase its competitive capacity.

Specific objectives

 Propose a strategic and operational action plan that allows for the continuous

improvement of the organization.

 Analyze primary information and compare it with the theoretical constructs

addressed in the research.


In the previous investigation “Evidence GA2-210601023-AA1-EV01. Workshop -

Development of organizational diagnosis “the current state of the Camagüey SA company

of the municipality of Galapa-Atlántico, a leading company in the Colombian livestock

industry dedicated to the production, conservation and marketing of meat and its

byproducts, was diagnosed.

This is an investigation that seeks to design a strategic plan that allows strengthening the

operation of the company studied, through analysis of the external, internal, sector and

competition environment, which help in the formulation of the strategic plan with its

respective mission, vision. , strategic objectives, strategies, structure and the subsequent

design of the monitoring and control system of the previously established plans, showing

the relevance of this type of tools

organizational in modern companies which seek to be more productive and competitive.

The methods used for its development were deductive and mixed, by comparing real facts

with theoretical concepts and the application of a survey that allowed obtaining quantitative

and qualitative data that allowed generating strategies aimed at increasing competitiveness

in the local and international market. , with systematic and structured steps that allowed the

organizational diagnosis of the company to be carried out and a strategic and operational

plan to be designed, taking into account its internal and external environment.

In today's business environment, it is essential that organizations conduct a systematic and

comprehensive assessment of their internal functioning to identify areas for improvement

and maximize their effectiveness. This assessment, known as an organizational diagnosis,

provides a comprehensive view of a company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the

opportunities and threats it faces in its environment.

Once the organizational diagnosis is completed, it is crucial to formulate a strategic action

plan that addresses the identified problems and establishes clear guidelines for achieving

business objectives. This action plan becomes a framework of reference that will guide the

organization's decisions and actions in the short, medium and long term.

The process of formulating the action plan in accordance with the organizational diagnosis

involves the critical review of the findings and recommendations obtained during the

diagnosis, as well as the identification of the specific measures that must be taken to

address each of the identified aspects. It is a dynamic process that requires the participation

of all stakeholders and the alignment of the organization's resources, capabilities and goals.

This work aims to present a detailed action plan based on the results of the organizational

diagnosis carried out in our company. The main problems and challenges identified will be

analyzed, specific measures will be proposed for their solution and key performance

indicators will be established to evaluate the progress and impact of the implemented


Through this action plan formulation process, we seek to strengthen our organization,

improve its competitiveness and ensure its long-term sustainability. He

The resulting action plan will serve as a strategic guide that will allow us to make informed

decisions focused on achieving our business objectives, as well as the satisfaction of our

clients and excellence in our internal processes.


Below is the Matrix where the most relevant strengths, weaknesses, threats and

opportunities of the previous diagnosis made to the company Camagüey SA are listed

to outline the corporate objectives.

SWOT matrix Endogenous Factors

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Camagüey Brand: 1. Lack of

Important trajectory of synchronization and

the quality of delays in the efforts of

"Colombian Beef" public organizations

worldwide. regarding the

processes of

authorization of

2. Local availability of raw destinations abroad.


2. Lack of training in

quality regulations for

human talent and

livestock farmers.
Opportunities FO lens DO objective

1. Sustained demand

for beef and

byproducts. 1. Position and maintain the

Exogenous Factors

2. Contribute to the
Camagüey refrigerator
growth and
2. Priority beef brand nationally and
development of the
markets: Chile, internationally as a leader
livestock sector.
Curaçao, the in quality, innovation and
Middle East and service.

Aim Aim
Exogenous Factors

1. Increased 3. Diversify the 4. Improve the training

competition in the refrigerator's product and of human talent in

national and service offering, focusing regulations and

international on innovation and optimize dispatch

market. operational excellence. processes.

2. Health crisis due to

the generation of

bad odors that

affect the


SWOT matrix Endogenous Factors

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Camagüey Brand: 1. Lack of synchronization

Important trajectory of and delays in the efforts

the quality of of public organizations

"Colombian Bovine regarding the processes

Meat" worldwide. of authorization of

destinations abroad.

2. Local availability of raw 2. Lack of training in

materials. quality regulations for

human talent and

livestock farmers.

FDO Strategic and Action Initiative


1. of beef and

Exogenous Factors

1. “Program of excellence in regulations and product quality”

2. Priority beef implement this program with the purpose of further
markets: Chile, strengthening the position of the brand and ensuring
Curaçao, the compliance with the requirements to maintain and expand
Middle East and exports to other countries.


Threats FDA Strategic and Action Initiative

1. Increased

competition in

the national and


2. Establish a team dedicated to managing the authorization

processes to export to new destinations. This team will focus

2. Health crisis due
on streamlining the procedures and requirements,
to the generation
guaranteeing compliance with international regulations and
of bad odors that
eliminating delays that may affect expansion into new
affect the

In accordance with the previous “Dofa Matrix” scheme, two strategic initiatives were


1. “Program of excellence in regulations and product quality” implement this program

with the purpose of further strengthening the position of the brand and ensuring

compliance with the requirements to maintain and expand exports to other


2. Establish a team dedicated to managing the authorization processes to export to new

destinations. This team will focus on streamlining the procedures and requirements,

guaranteeing compliance with international regulations and eliminating delays that

may affect expansion into new markets.

These strategies aim to strengthen the brand and expand it to new markets (other countries)

through the “program of excellence in regulations and quality” and the creation of a team

dedicated to managing the enabling processes for new markets.


 Identify what type of qualification human talent is receiving.

 Identify shortcomings when dispatching an order.

 Evaluate the company's low percentage of service provision

 Identify delays of cargo vehicles.

 Evaluate the reason for the return of some shipments.

 Evaluation of the company's financial resources to assign an adequate budget.

 Analysis of the infrastructure and plants available in the company.

 Identify the loss of the cold chain in meat products.


Investigate and select research entities specialized in procedures in regulations, product

quality and management team to export to other countries.

Establish a collaborative relationship with the selected entities and define roles and



Financial resources come from:

 Organization budget.

 Investors and shareholders

 external loan and financing

 Self-financing.

This helps ensure that established objectives are being achieved and that timely corrective

action is being taken when necessary.


Provide team members through training with the necessary training to acquire or improve

skills effectively in accordance with the stated objectives, in this case: “Program of

excellence in regulations and product quality” and “team dedicated to managing the

authorization processes to export to new destinations.”


The risk and contingency evaluation is an essential part of the plan and the following

aspects are taken into account:

 Risk identification

 Risk analysis

 Impact evaluation

 Contingency planning

The Galapa Slaughterhouse must be treated as a company through the

training and awareness process for officials and the integration of

principles of modern administration such as planning, direction and

control, to make up for the weaknesses that arise in these areas and that affect

visibly its integral functioning.

Profitability must be a priority through the execution of the

proposed strategies, in addition to the execution of a reduction program

costs where effectiveness added to efficiency achieves optimal productivity of the


The municipality's livestock businessmen can be widely

benefited because their transactions and, consequently, their profits

will increase.

The implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Galapa Slaughterhouse will bring

As a result, important benefits in several vital areas for the municipality:

in your economy, as it increases your income by satisfying the demand for good

part of the region; Socially, it generates employment and offers the community an essential

product, of optimal quality for its nutrition. From a professional and academic point of

view, it is considered a necessary contribution to the municipality and region, whose topic

is closely related to the administration of agricultural companies.


 Camagüey. (s/f). Camagüey cold meats.

 SENA (2023) Training material for “Management and administrative process” titled

virtual training, technologist in agribusiness management

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