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Language Teaching

Language assessment if purely to inform
the educator about the quality and
efficiency of the already learned content by In both languages need two
the students. important parts to carry them out,
Language teaching can enlighten as about teachers and students.
the language abilities of students based on
the content being student at that point.

Language assessment evalue the whole

process of learning that was already carried
Learners get involve in task,
out in Language learning. Focus on the results
of the teaching learning process. conversations and activities that
Language teaching use a bunch of different involve the use, develop and
methods, techniques and strategies to left the production of this language being
students use the vocabulary develop acquired.
grammatical constructions of their own and
actually produce their own English.

Language assessment collect samples of Language assessment and Language

students development in accordance of teaching inform each other about the
the contents already learned from the areas of language ability to be
syllabus. assessed following the objectives and
Language teaching use a large amount of contents and the kinds of the
task to continuously practice, review and assessment to be used in teaching
learn the contents of the syllabus. learning tasks.

Language assessment the direction of tasks

The relationship between assessment
can evaluate the final production of the
language in any skill or sphere in depend of
and teaching is that they form a
the assessment planned. balanced cycle where teaching
Language teaching led the cognitive, provides the material, assessment
emotional and social development according evaluates understanding, and the
to the age of the learner. results guide further teaching.

Cobern, W. W. (1993). Contextual constructivism: The impact of culture of the
learning and teaching of science.

Hofstadler, N., Babic, S., A., Mercer, S., & Oberdorfer, P. (2021). The
ecology of CLIL teachers in Austria–an ecological perspective on CLIL teachers
wellbeing. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching.

Johnson, K., & Jackson, S. (2006). Comparing language teaching and other-skill
teaching: Has the language teacher anything to learn?.

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