Pym's Video Worksheet 2

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Translation & Interpreting English Language and Culture

Unit 1: English, linguistic heritage

Week 3 – Diglossia

Professor Pym’s video worksheet

1. Pym points out that there is a distinction between Bilingualism and Diglossia in English
sociolinguistics. What is that distinction?

2. How does Pym illustrate Ferguson’s definition of diglossia in terms of the German

3. What are the social functions of the language called in English? Please explain the
rationale behind this naming.

4. Pym states that there is a more relaxed definition of diglossia. How does this differ from
Ferguson’s definition?

5. Pym suggests that diglossia accepts asymmetries and that this is not something negative.
Explain this in your own words and please give your position on it.

6. In the history of the English language “the L absorbed the H”. What did Pym imply
by this?

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