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Operations Management Questionnaire

Why study operations management?

It is important because managing operations is one of the tasks

Most important aspects of business, studying it allows us to know how
It organizes people to produce and the way in which goods or
Services are generated, in addition to being one of the parts that risks
More money in the company..

What is the difference between the terms “management of the

Production” and “operations management”?

Production management refers to the company and its

production while managing operations to the
Refer to the value chain to be able to obtain the products

How does the role of an operations manager differ from that of a

Marketing manager or that of a finance manager? in
That look alike?

The operations manager is in charge of producing under the

financing made by the finance manager and the
Marketing is responsible for making it sell. Similarity
Among these areas is that they are the most important for the operation in
the company and that follow a single objective which is to generate profits
to the companies.

4. How is the field of management related?

operations to human resources, information systems
or accounting?
Operations management is directly related to
human resources which are the basis of quality and
productivity. Information systems make work
more dynamic, reduce registration times and control the machines
computerized. Accounting supports to give me in terms
monetary and real, what is the amount of resources that I can use
in each period. Without these areas, operations management will not
He would concentrate his most time on producing in an effective way.

5. Describe the nature of operations management in

the organizations listed below. In doing so
first identify the organization's goal and products;
Then use the four types of decisions to identify the
important operations decisions and responsibilities.

a) University library
to. Admr. Objective of operations
Maintain a student material loan service and
agile and orderly study areas.

b. Organization Products
Yo. student material loans
ii. study area loans

c. Important decisions and responsibilities

Yo. Keep the book inventory area tidy and
easy to locate.

ii. Maintain an up-to-date computer system

iii. Maintain study areas, personal services and

neat and clean documents.

iv. Have the optimal number of personnel throughout the


b) Hotel
to. Admr. Objective of operations
Prioritize customer satisfaction through services
fast and effective attention.

b. Organization Products
Yo. Hosting service
ii. Various services depending on the structure of the hotel
c. Important decisions and responsibilities
Yo. Have all rooms and services organized
ii. Ensure customer satisfaction.
iii. Be in charge of purchasing operations and
sale of resources for the company.

c) Small manufacturing company

to. Admr. Objective of operations
Ensure optimal production without delays, organizing
personnel, productive and financial resources.

b. Organization Products
Yo. the product you manufacture

c. Important decisions and responsibilities

Yo. have control of the manufacturing of the product
ii. take care of the purchase of raw materials
iii. take care of the staff
iv. take care of inventory
v. take charge of innovation and new technology
for production

6. For the organizations mentioned in question 5,

Describe the inputs, the transformation process, and the
production system outputs.





STAY (small terms).



7. Describe the decision-making and system perspective

transformation of operations management. Because
Both are useful to study the area of administration of

Transformation system management involves monitoring

continuity of the system and its environment. A change in the environment
cause management to alter inputs, products,
control system or the transformation system itself. For example,
A change in economic conditions could cause
operations managers will review their demand forecasts and how
As a result, they will hire a greater number of people and increase their
ability. Likewise, a reduction in quality levels
of the product can cause operations managers to review their
quality assurance procedures to realign the
transformation system. The role of the operations director is
constant supervision of the transformation system and its environment
to be able to plan, control and improve the system. As shown
in the figure.
Although the supervisor almost always makes decisions alone, there are
times when you should take advantage of having your group
of subordinates to make certain decisions.
Decision making in modern organizations is carried out
in groups or work committees, are individualized at the time
in which they become part of the well-structured or
These individual or group decisions each have their own
advantages and disadvantages, which decisively influence the role
of the management of our organizations.

8. Write a short document regarding one of the challenges to which

that operations management faces in the future.
Use newspapers and business magazines from the library or
Internet as its main sources.


Operations managers operate in a system that
subject to constant changes and challenges; These come from the
stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, owners, lenders and
employees. Both interested parties and government offices
require managers to act with social responsibility
in order to have a clean environment, safe workplaces and
ethical behavior. If operations managers
focus on increasing productivity in an open system in which
which stakeholders have a voice, then it will be easier to confront
many of these challenges. The company will use fewer resources,
Employees will be committed and the ethical environment will improve.

9. How do changes in the environment, such as

modifications in demand, new laws for the control of
pollution, the changing value of the dollar, and
Price changes affect operations? Mention
specific impacts on operations for each of them.

 Modifications in demand  Will affect the volume of

 New laws for pollution control  Type of
 The changing value of the dollar  Costing system used
 Price modifications  Alter product quality

10. Find examples of well and poorly managed operations in

recent business magazines, such as Business Week,
Fortune and The Wall Street Journal or others What can you learn
of these examples?

Tai Loy: It was a family business that grew over the years.
years, which did not know how to handle the increase in the volume of its
sales, the administrative part was not ready, the orders were
took by hand and the collections were very late, this indicates that
They only worried about selling without first seeing the administrative capacity,
In this case that flaw is clearly seen. However after this
company emerged with the investment of a new partner, so now the
company is still afloat and operating.

Embarcadero 41: This company not only works on preparing good

dishes of food, but also in the service, and the owners for this
work on marketing strategy, who are dedicated to making
surveys and focus groups. Its success is due to the quality of the food, since
They have good suppliers and sponsors, also to the concept
that have been molding the public.

eleven. Identify some of the current trends in operations

that are considered of fundamental importance.

There are various trends when it comes to the area of operations.

Below is a list of the new concepts
administrative problems that appear as a consequence of automation.
 CAD
 Modular design
 Cellular Manufacturing
 Numerical Control
 Robot Cam
 CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
 FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System)
 CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
 Visual systems.
 Automatic identification systems.
A prior study must be done before deciding to carry out a process
of automation, since it is expensive. That is why generally the
Business automation follows the following steps:

1. Simplification and reorganization of the plant design and its workshops,

in search of greater efficiency (without necessarily automation).
2. Creation of "islands of automation", with manufacturing cells
flexible and computerized controls.
3. Union of the islands, integrated into a CAD system.
4. Use of expert systems (that allow learning and change),
to integrate administrative decisions with the CAD, and
automation of other administrative tasks such as planning
production and MRP (material requirements planning).
5. Extend the use of expert systems to all areas of the
decision making, from production planning to
customer satisfaction.

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