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1st. Secondary Level Grade (previous 7th. Basic Level Grade)

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communication, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, scientific, environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.


Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Conceptual: Identify the elements that make up the scenic
stage performance representation.
Describes the benefits of applying instrumental vocal
YO. Artistic expression . Vocal and instrumental technique
techniques in musical performance.
He synthesizes his ideas by Understands the concept of color synthesis in the visual
expressing himself Color synthesis in the visual and applied arts
and applied arts.
artistically through various
Procedural: Represents credible characters, showing bodily, vocal,
Construction of characters as an element of psychological and emotional characteristics when
scenic representation. participating in dramatic situations and group plays.
Vocal technique (body posture, breathing,
articulation, diction for the emission of the
spoken and sung voice) Perform hymns showing proper posture, breathing and
Interpretation of national and school anthems
II. Aesthetic and Artistic
applying techniques He creatively composes hymns that highlight personal
and/or collective interests, values or events.
Understands Synthesis in
Composing songs addressing themes of
the artistic field and
personal and collective interests.
identifies it in texts,
He experiments the synthesis of color with the
images, sounds and diverse Making pointillism works based on their
technique and style of pointillism, incorporating it
languages. knowledge of color synthesis.
freely and consciously in his artistic creations.
Assessment of one's own artistic creations and Appreciate your own and other people's artistic
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Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
creations in different contexts .
those of other people in different contexts.

Take care of your voice when speaking and singing,

Care of the voice when speaking or singing.
arguing its importance.

Expression of ideas and feelings of solidarity

He communicates his social sensitivity through art.
and/or denunciation in their artistic creations.
It shows its capacity for synthesis by stating the
Assessment of synthesis in artistic
essential in any communicative act.

1st. Secondary Level Grade (previous 7th. Basic Level Grade)

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communication, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, scientific, environmental and
health, Personal and spiritual development.


Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression: Conceptual: Recognizes, in different dance works, narrative or abstract
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Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Carry out creative processes Interpretive styles in theater and dance. interpretive styles.
analyzing the relevance of Ballet and modern dance.
the application of artistic Recognizes, in different theatrical works, realistic or formalist
techniques and styles. (extra-everyday) styles.
Dominican popular music: merengue and Recognizes rhythms, melodies, texts and performers of
II. Aesthetic and Artistic bachata. merengue, bachata, salsa and bolero.
Enjoy different artistic Caribbean popular music: salsa and Identify similarities and differences in terms of speed,
manifestations and analyze bolero. instruments and performers of Dominican and Caribbean popular
fundamental elements in music.
technical genres and styles Model and architecture Understand the function of the model for a project.
present in them. Distinguishes and uses elements of architectural language, from
the colonial to the republican.
Procedural: He composes and performs plays and choreographies with ideas,
Exploration of various forms of experiences and emotions, using different theatrical and dance
expression in theater and dance styles.

Vocal and instrumental interpretation of He performs popular Dominican and Caribbean songs, from the
popular Dominican and Caribbean songs existing repertoire and of his own.
and rhythms using recorder and
conventional and unconventional
percussion instruments.
Creation of simple melodies with the
studied rhythms.
Making models of architectural works He makes architectural models proposing ingenious solutions that
that solve current social problems, respond to social problems.
analyzing elements and styles in
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Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Reflection on individual and collective Interacts in different contexts assuming the appropriate behavior
behavior, based on the analysis of dance in each case.
or theater pieces.

Assessment of indigenous Dominican It values indigenous Dominican and Caribbean rhythms as part of
and Caribbean rhythms. the artistic heritage that bases its cultural identity.
Development of imaginative capacity and Values originality as a fruit of artistic imagination.
appreciation of originality.

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.

3. Artistic Education: CULTURAL DIALOGUES

Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression . Conceptual:
Create and recreate artistic Syncretism in Dominican artistic Understand syncretism by identifying the historical-social and
works based on culture (Guloyas and Congos) cultural context of Los Guloyas and Los Congos.
contributions from various
national and Caribbean Dominican and Caribbean Describes characteristic elements of Dominican and Caribbean
cultural dialogues. costumbrista dramaturgy costumbrista dramaturgy.
Repertoire of Dominican symphonic Recognizes Dominican symphonic composers from different
composers from different eras eras.
Cultural syncretism in the Relates the elements of syncretism present in the Dominican and
II. Aesthetic and Artistic Dominican and Caribbean visual Caribbean visual arts and applied arts.
Appreciation. arts and applied arts.
Values artistic expressions
Dialogues between cultural Identify cultural references present in the visual and audiovisual
of cultural syncretism by
references present in the visual and languages of Dominican and Caribbean artists.
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3. Artistic Education: CULTURAL DIALOGUES

Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
identifying its constituent audiovisual languages of Dominican
elements. and Caribbean artists.
Representations of works of
It stages works of Dominican and Caribbean costumbrista
Dominican and Caribbean

Representations of Guloyas, Congos

Performs dances that reflect the integration of two or more
and other dances integrated into
cultures, identifying their characteristics.
Dominican culture.
Listening and identification of
Auditory identifies folkloric elements in Dominican symphonic
Dominican symphonic composers
compositions from different periods.
from different eras.
Application of elements of
Consciously applies the elements of syncretism in visual works
syncretism in his works.
or art objects.
Reflection on syncretism in
Critically reflects on syncretism in Dominican and Caribbean
Dominican and Caribbean visual
visual and applied arts.
and applied arts.
Creation of works taking into
account the dialogue between His understanding of the plurality of cultural references present
cultural references in Dominican in Dominican and Caribbean art is explicit in his works.
and Caribbean art.
Assessment of the contributions of
It values the contributions of different cultural influences that
different cultural influences that
converge in the syncretism of national artistic expressions.
converge in the syncretism of
national artistic expressions.
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3. Artistic Education: CULTURAL DIALOGUES

Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Appreciation of Dominican
symphonic composers from
Appreciate the works of Dominican symphonic composers from
different eras as a contribution to
different eras by listening to them.
the enrichment of the national
musical heritage.
Strengthening personal and social
It identifies itself as part of a syncretic culture through its artistic
identity by assuming oneself as part
processes and creations.
of a syncretic culture.
Development of an attitude of
flexibility in the face of the plurality It shows a flexible attitude towards the plurality present in
present in Dominican and Caribbean Dominican and Caribbean artistic languages.
artistic languages.

1st. Secondary Level Grade (previous 7th. Basic Level Grade)

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.
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Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Choreographic composition: roles, rhythmic Identify basic elements of the choreographic structure in different
patterns, design (displacements in space). dances.

Stage direction: dramaturgy, characters,

conflict, time, space and technical aspects. Identify elements of stage direction .
Understands the functions of musicalization in various artistic
The musicalization
languages, emphasizing its communicative effects.
YO. Artistic expression .
Communicate ideas, Thoughtful Artistic Journal He recognizes the usefulness of an artistic journal in
emotions, feelings and systematizing his reflections.
experiences through various
artistic manifestations. Procedural: Stage short theatrical pieces, coordinating elements of stage
Assembly of short theatrical pieces, using direction.
II. Aesthetic and Artistic elements of stage direction: dramaturgy,
Appreciation. characters, conflict, time, space and technical
Values the communicative aspects.
capacity of different artistic Collective composition of short dances, using
expressions, understanding elements of choreographic design: roles and Stage short dances, using elements of choreographic design.
message, form and content. rhythmic patterns.

Musicalization of works from various artistic Musicalize visual images, videos, small theatrical scenes and
languages and environments. school events.
Design and bind your artistic journal using environmentally
Design and binding of an artistic journal.
friendly and easily accessible materials.
Preparation of an artistic journal of reflection He creates an artistic journal with his reflections throughout the
and application of various techniques school year, constantly updating it with various artistic
(drawing, collage, photography, texts, among techniques.
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Specific Competencies Seventh Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Attitudinal: Assume responsible leadership when coordinating group
Leadership in group creation. creation.

Rating teamwork. Values teamwork, assuming their role and respecting agreements.
Preserves natural resources, rationalizing their use and taking
Preservation of natural resources from an
advantage of waste by creating artistically.
artistic perspective.

Reflective and critical attitude when recording Manifests self-knowledge and originality by creatively recording
your ideas and communicating them. his reflections and communicating them.

2nd. Secondary Level Grade (previous 8th. Basic Level Grade)

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.
1. Artistic Education: LIGHT, SPACE AND CREATION.
Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression: Theatrical techniques based on light: Black Identify the origin, evolution and characteristics of
He uses different artistic methods and Theater and Shadow Theater (puppets). the techniques of Black Theater and Shadow
techniques to express himself Theater
creatively, appropriately using light The stage space in dance.
and space resources in his execution. Identify the role of space in choreographic
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1. Artistic Education: LIGHT, SPACE AND CREATION.

Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Describes the characteristics of tonal color
II. Aesthetic and Artistic Tonal rating scale
Appreciation: assessment.
Recognizes different artistic Recognizes the characteristics of spaces and
Spaces and objects in scenic representation.
techniques, describing the objects used in scenic representation
fundamental resources for their Explain the differences between musical
execution. Musical interpretation, creation and improvisation.
interpretation, creation and improvisation.
He integrates tools from shadow theater and black
Production practices with Black and Shadow
theater in his performances.
Theater techniques (puppets).
Explore possible uses of space in dance
Exploration of possible uses of space in dance
Application of the tonal value scale using different
techniques and colors in your artistic creations. Appropriately applies the tonal value scale by
incorporating it into his works.

Preparation of spaces, dolls and objects for the Create props and scenery appropriate for various
Black Theater and Shadow Theater. shows.

Composes songs, melodies and own rhythms using

Musical creation using technology resources.
various technological resources.
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1. Artistic Education: LIGHT, SPACE AND CREATION.

Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators

Attitudinal: Show sensitivity by enjoying the tonal variety

Aesthetic sensitivity to the tonal variety present in
present in artistic works and nature.
artistic works and nature.

He shows enthusiasm by freely expressing himself

Freedom to create and improvise.
in his creations.

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.

2. Art Education: URBAN ART

Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression:
Prepare individual and collective Conceptual: Recognizes the origin, evolution and performers of
artistic proposals, communicating Urban dances. different urban dances.
ideas, conflicts and situations using Identify stilts as a tool for performing street
aesthetic references of urban art. Street theater; stilts theater.
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2. Art Education: URBAN ART

Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Mural painting (including graffiti), as an Recognizes the origin, evolution and expressions
expression of public art. of mural painting (graffiti) as public art.
II. Aesthetic and Artistic
Identify similarities and differences in rhythms,
Values the importance of urban and Urban music melodies, texts, instruments, technological means
popular art as a means of and performers of urban music.
communication and social
Creatively and critically interpret small routines.

He creates characteristic choreographic designs of

various urban dances and socializes them.
Interpretation of small routines and choreographic
designs of different urban dances.
Performs urban dances selecting theme and
Incorporation of construction techniques and use
choreography based on critical analysis.
of stilts in open spaces.
Build and use stilts, incorporating them into stage
performances carried out in open spaces.
They collectively design and create murals and
Collective creation of murals and graffiti
graffiti, incorporating social content related to
applicable to different community environments.
their different community environments.
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2. Art Education: URBAN ART

Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators

Creation of rhythmic and melodic ostinatos with

the voice, the body, technological resources
(overlaid recorded tracks and mixes) and
conventional and unconventional percussion Create rhythmic and melodic ostinatos by
instruments (made with recycled and practicing them with others and recording tracks.
environmental materials).
Vocal and instrumental interpretation of urban
melodies and rhythms.
Shows openness in enjoying and valuing new
Assessment and esteem of new trends and artistic
artistic expressions.

Valuation of the arts as a means of communication Values artistic expressions as a means of

of social conscience. communicating social conscience.

Openness to dialogue between traditional art and Value artistic culture, understanding its process of
new art forms. constant renewal.
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SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.

3. Artistic Education: ART AND SOCIETY

Specific Competencies Eighth grade-contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression:
It shows its cultural identity, by Conceptual: Identify elements of the history of Dominican and
interpreting and creating pieces from The Dominican and Caribbean scene. Main Caribbean theater.
different artistic languages. groups, techniques and cultists in theater and
dance. Recognizes outstanding groups, techniques and
II. Aesthetic and Artistic practitioners of Dominican theater and dance.
Appreciation. Works by national, Caribbean and Latin American Identifies works by national, Caribbean and Latin
Issues opinions on various national, modern visual artists. American modern visual artists.
Caribbean and Latin American artistic Soloists of national lyrical singing. Recognizes soloists of national lyrical singing.
works, arguing about their
fundamental characteristics.
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3. Artistic Education: ART AND SOCIETY

Specific Competencies Eighth grade-contents Achievement indicators
Exhibitions and debates on the Dominican and Discusses the main groups of the Dominican and
Caribbean scene. Main groups, techniques and Caribbean scene.
cultists in theater and dance.
He performs fragments of pieces from Dominican
Assembly of fragments of pieces of Dominican and Caribbean drama.
and Caribbean dramaturgy.
Stage fragments of Dominican choreographies
Montage of fragments of Dominican and
Caribbean choreographies.
Art and society: Recognition of works by modern Argues the relationship between the sociocultural
artists (national, Caribbean) and associating their contexts of modern artists and their works.
content with each context.

Listening to musical works performed by national Identify female and male voices of Dominican
lyrical singers from different eras. lyrical singing, classifying them according to their
Attitudinal: It understands the relationship between art and its
sociocultural context in which its manifestations
Understanding the relationship between art and occur.
Appreciate the works performed by Dominican
Appreciation of lyrical singing. lyrical singers from different eras by listening to
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SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.


Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression: Conceptual:
He communicates artistically by Analyzes the specific characteristics of dance
Dance-theater: Interaction of gesture, text and
effectively mixing different theater as its own and independent genre.
languages. Exhibitions, samples and arts competitions: Explains characteristics of visual arts exhibitions
individual and collective. and competitions.
Identify resources, techniques and uses of different
II. Aesthetic and Artistic Handmade accessories
types of handmade accessories.
It includes the composition of artistic
manifestations where various Recognizes the musical story as a means of
The musical story
languages interact, identifying them. integrating music, text and dramatization.

Procedural: He researches and creatively exposes his

Research and video forums of representative knowledge about dance theater, the pieces and
dance-theater pieces. artists that represent it.

Creation and assembly of dance-theater pieces. Stage dance-theater pieces presenting them to
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Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-contents Achievement indicators
Presentations in intra and extracurricular
different audiences.
Preparation of handmade accessories for different
Make handmade accessories using different
uses incorporating materials from the environment
materials or recycling them from the environment.
or recycling them.

Visits to exhibitions, physical or virtual,

He reports his critical comments on the works
individual and collective.
observed and the artists who produce them.

Create musical stories incorporating sound

Preparation of musical stories incorporating elements that represent characters and the setting.
instrumental and ambient sound elements.
Uses various vocal, bodily, traditional and
Creation of musical motifs to represent the unconventional instrumental as well as
characters and elements of a musical story. computerized electronic sound sources when
creating musical stories.

Values exhibition events as spaces for the
Evaluation of individual and group exhibitions
expression of the arts and exercise of cultural
and competitions in the dissemination of different
expressions of the visual arts.
Preservation of natural resources from an artistic
perspective. Preserve natural resources by creating works of art
Discover the aesthetic possibilities that natural
Creativity when transforming nature's resources resources have when transforming them into
into artistic pieces.
artistic pieces.
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Specific Competencies Eighth Grade-contents Achievement indicators

Become aware of the value of strengthening your

Openness when enjoying or creating works that
communication by integrating various artistic
integrate diverse artistic languages.

3rd. Secondary Level Grade (previous 1st. Middle Level Degree)

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SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.

1. Artistic Education: THE DYNAMICS IN POPULAR ART

Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression: Identify merengue, salsa, bachata and waltz as
It incorporates elements of popular Conceptual: popular manifestations of dance.
culture into its artistic expressions, The popular currents of the performing arts.
identifying its influences and Recognizes vaudeville and situation comedy as
characteristics. popular manifestations of theater.

II. Aesthetic Appreciation:

textile design Understands the characteristics, importance and
He estimates popular art as a result of
basic procedures of textile design.
the people's need for communication,
understanding the artistic languages
that constitute it.
Learn about the characteristic elements of kinetic
Kinetic sculpture: The mobile
The melody: Motifs, phrases and semi-phrases in Identify the motifs, semi-phrases and phrases that
the melodic structure of popular songs. constitute the melodic structure of popular songs.
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1. Artistic Education: THE DYNAMICS IN POPULAR ART

Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-contents Achievement indicators


Research on the main popular manifestations of It exposes characteristics of popular manifestations

the performing arts in the last 5 decades. of theater and dance.
(collective creation, living statues, hip-hop)
Popular dance practices: merengue, bachata, salsa Dance popular dances in coordination with your
and waltz. partner.

Create textile designs using natural dyes with

Preparation of textile design using organic dyes.
environmental materials.
Making mobile sculptures, with various materials
Make mobiles with various materials.
(wire, clay, putty, objects), incorporating shapes
and movements based on popular themes.
Create new melodies (original or from existing
Construction of own melodies using their voice or
Musicalize texts with simple melodies.
conventional and unconventional melodic
instruments. (flutes, keyboards, objects and
Listen and repeat melodies of popular songs,
electronic media)
recognizing their similarity to spoken language .

Creativity and experimentation when making Shows creativity and openness when making the
designs that your artistic projects require. designs that his artistic projects require.
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1. Artistic Education: THE DYNAMICS IN POPULAR ART

Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-contents Achievement indicators
He enjoys coming into contact with various artistic
Enjoy the increase in appreciative abilities. expressions, understanding some of the elements
that make them up.

3rd. Secondary Level Grade (previous 1st. Middle Level Degree)

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.
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Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
YO. Artistic expression: Explains the origins and characteristics of musical
The musical theater. History and main exponents.
Undertakes collective artistic projects, theater.
integrating artistic forms in the
solution of communicative and
aesthetic problems.

II. Aesthetic and Artistic

Appreciation: Identify the basic elements of photography and
Photo reports
Enjoy integrated artistic their power of communication and description.
manifestations, identifying their
components and valuing their
Identify aspects of the history of costumes and
Clothing: types, materials and shapes. the role they play in the works and the
relationship with their context.
Recognizes characteristics, historical aspects
Opera, operetta, zarzuela and musical revue. and main composers and performers of the
various manifestations of the opera genre.
Research on musical theater: Broadway and the Presents results of research on musical theater.
Dominican Republic.
Stage short pieces of musical theater.
Recreation of fragments of musical theater works.
Making photographic series that illustrate texts or Make photo reports of events in your school or
stories about the school or the community . community.
Design and creation of costumes for characters in Create appropriate costumes for the
artistic projects. characters in your artistic projects.
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Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Recognizes works from the opera repertoire
that he appreciates.
Listening to operatic music in live shows, video
or internet. Attend presentations of musical magazines,
zarzuelas, operas and operettas that take place
in the country by making a report.
Assessment of the different manifestations that Values different manifestations of integrated
make up the musical, performing and visual arts.

Esteem for the operatic genre. Shows esteem for the operatic genre.
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3rd. Secondary Level Grade (previous 1st. Middle Level Degree)

SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.


Specific Competencies: Ninth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators

YO. Artistic expression: Conceptual: It relates the main characteristics of Western

It incorporates into its cultural History of Western theater: From Antiquity to the theater from its origins to the Renaissance.
heritage fundamental aspects of the Renaissance.
arts in their historical context, Identify fundamental aspects of the emergence of
contrasting them with their artistic History of dance: From ballet to modern dance ballet and modern dance.
productions. Dominican cinema Recognize and name Dominican films from
different times.
II. Aesthetic and Artistic
Appreciation: History of music: From Antiquity to the Recognizes characteristics of ancient, medieval
Enjoy artistic manifestations from Renaissance . and Renaissance music.
different periods, valuing their Procedural:
historical context and their
significance over time. Historical documentation of theater and dance Create a physical or digital portfolio with the main
elements and characters from the history of
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Specific Competencies: Ninth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators

through the creation of physical and/or digital Western theater and dance.
folders with elements and main characters from
the history of Western theater and dance.
Appreciation of Dominican films that highlight Reports critical analysis of Dominican films,
personal, family or national interest problems. evaluating thematic and technical aspects.

Listening and identifying characteristics of music Identify elements of music from Antiquity to the
from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Renaissance.
He shows respect when analyzing Dominican
He enjoys appreciating Dominican films arguing films and is critical when presenting his
critically and autonomously. arguments.
Appreciation of the arts throughout history as a Appreciates the artistic manifestations of past eras,
contribution to the enrichment of universal artistic valuing their contributions to the enrichment of
heritage. universal artistic heritage.
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SKILLS: Ethics and citizenship, Communicative, Logical, critical and creative thinking, Problem solving, Scientific, Environmental
and health, Personal and spiritual development.


Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Conceptual: Describes the way acting, dance, and music are
The integration of the arts in musical theater. integrated into musical theater.
It identifies film exhibitions and festivals,
Film shows and festivals recognizing their contributions to the
dissemination of the visual arts.
YO. Artistic expression:
Music in the theater, the musical magazine and the Recognizes the function of music in theater,
Participates in the realization of
cinema. musical revues and cinema.
artistic projects, disseminating the
works produced. Understands the importance of craft markets in the
Craft samples and markets. dissemination of productions created by national
II. Aesthetic and Artistic artisans.
Appreciation: Procedural: Participates in musical theater works, properly
Enjoy various artistic and cultural Productions of musical theater works. integrating the elements that constitute it.
manifestations, incorporating them Organization of film shows (documentaries, shorts
into your productive entertainment He organizes film shows and socializes them.
and feature films) at your school.
and leisure programming.
Listening and analysis of musical themes used in Analyzes the text and character of the songs and
cinema, theater and musical magazines. music and their relationship with the script and
scripts of the works.
Montage of songs and choreographies of musical
theater Perform songs and dances in the mu sicales.
Creation of handmade pieces, inspired by
He exhibits the handmade pieces he creates.
everyday needs.
Assessment of the integration of the arts in artistic
Values the integration of the arts in artistic shows
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Specific Competencies Ninth Grade-Contents Achievement indicators
Assessment of artistic programming as an offer for
Enjoy artistic programming as an offer for the
the culture of entertainment and productive
culture of entertainment and productive leisure.

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