ALP Intermedio 3

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Group Members:

Alicia Milla (Interviewer)

Karla Sernaque (patient)
Elsie Mariño (Doctor)

General Idea:
A national TV show presents the most recent news about a medical negligence presented for
Alicia. Karla and Elsie will be guests and they will explain the very dangerous heart surgery. Karla
has some symptoms after the surgery and she shares her attention in the hospital after the

(Grammar) Describing symptoms; I have a stomachache, etc.
(Vocabulary) Symptoms; shiver, dizzy, exhausted, etc.
(Useful Expressions) Accepting advice/ fusing Refusing Advice/ giving serious advice
(World Bank) call in sick; sick days; be worried sick
(Grammar) Reported Speech and Command; The use of told and asked
(Past simple, Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous)

A conversation and roleplay about medical negligence.
Karla, Elsie will be in Alicia's news TV show and then explain the situation to the program.

Alicia: Good evening guys! and welcome to another night with us, “Your health is our problem”.
When you have a physical problem; I mean, you have a headache, a stomachache or a sore throat.
You go to the hospital in the worst of the cases. And, Our guest Karla did it and maybe she wasn’t the
best of the traits, she said “I’m sick of the hospitals! they’ve never helped me”, and today she is here to
tell us all the history.
Good evening Karla, How are you?

Karla: Good evening Alicia, I’m fine

Alicia: Great, So, tell us. How long have you been feeling these symptoms?

Karla: I've been with these symptoms for one week. The first day I felt drowsy, exhausted and I'm
shivering, so I went to the doctor.
The doctor told me to take pills but it didn't work for me.

Alicia: Oh, sorry to hear that. What happened next?

Karla: I decided to go to another doctor because the symptoms continued and I felt really bad.
They told me to wait for your turn, this was a terrible attention! Because it was an emergency! and I
waited one hour for my attention. Then, they carried to the consulting room and they asked me to
be quite for the questions

Alicia: Wow, you really had a bad attention. But, to solve the problem, I’ve called the doctor Elsie
to tell us about her version, and she is here!. Welcome Elsie, you can coming.

Elsie: Thank you so much, Alicia. Well, first I'm here to tell you about what happened this day. The
patient waited for one hour because the hospital was crowded with other patients. We tried to give
the best attention, so we asked her some questions about her health.

Alicia: Yeah, the doctors are always involved in their work, especially with Karla. Can you tell us
what happened with Karla?

Elsie: We saw that, the patient had problems with her heart and we had to carried to the room of
surgery urgently, we did a surgery and Karla was fine, I told her to rest and take care, nothing of
stress, spicy foods, cold drinks And I asked her to pass to the office for she will have a special
attention with her problem. According to the diagnosis and test she had covid and she had a heart
attack for the pressure of the moment and her symptoms about covid.

Alicia: I’ve never heard a case like this, but I don’t understand When Karla had a bad attention,
Karla, do you remember all of this story?

Karla: I only remember I felt weak, then my chest hurts and I can't remember more.

Alicia: So.. You only remember when they ask you questions of your health?

Karla: Yes, but…

Elsie: Because she fainting and the nurses carried to the room of surgery, If I were you I tried to
be more relaxing

Karla: But I’ve been trying to get something for my symptoms, I’ve never known that I had this

Elsie: You had problems with your heart, we only tried to help, I understand that you don't believe
in us for this reason I always advise people to register family's Phone number in reception for any

Alicia: Yes Karla, maybe when you were in the hospital your family was worried sick about you.
Next time, be careful and stay relaxed.

Karla: What could I do to avoid the problem with my heart?

Elsie: In my opinion, you should be relax, follow the recommendations and take the pills at hour.

Karla: I could never do that, because is impossible to me to be relax, I have a lot of thighs for to do

Elsie: I think the best idea for you, is to create a schedule, to reduce your working time and have
more time to do your hobbies such, read a book or listen to music.

Karla: You`re right. Thanks for the advice, I hope that with the creation of the schedule I can be
more organize and lower my stress levels to avoid problems with my health.

Elsie: Don’t worry, and Remember I wait you for your next cheking 🙂!

Alicia: Nice! This looks like the final of our program. One problem in a hospital changed to a really
serious health problem, thanks to our guest and see you next time.

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