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Card: The Fool

Numerical value: 0

Symbol: Air

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Fool" shows a young man embarking
on a journey into the unknown. He points ahead as he struts across a bridge over the water and
appears to move away from the mountains in the background. Carry a simple package of
belongings. From the clouds, Santa Muerte with a blue cloak watches over El Loco, one of her
hands holds a newly turned hourglass and the other points to where El Loco has come. There is
a skeletal dog on the bridge, which looks as if it is trying in vain to stop The Fool from
Symbolism: Mountains symbolize the spiritual realm, or "the heavens," while water in the form of
a river symbolizes the separation between the physical world and the spiritual world. Confidently
crossing a bridge away from the mountains in the background, it can be inferred that The Fool is
leaving the spiritual behind and entering the physical: he is being reborn.

The blue color of Santa Muerte's mantle is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, which
represents the lessons that El Loco will learn on the path ahead. The newly turned hourglass
held by Santa Muerte symbolizes a new beginning/new beginning for El Loco. His hand pointing
at The Fool in the opposite direction, as if to say that he should turn around, represents advice
and input that is not heard.

The skeletal dog is a symbol of a guide or companion due to the notion of being man's best
friend. The dog also symbolizes the earthly kingdom because it is made entirely of bones, and it
is our bones that remain on Earth the longest after our death.

Despite Santa Muerte's accusing finger telling El Loco to turn around, and despite the skeletal
dog's efforts to block El Loco's path, El Loco continues, either unaware of external warnings or
despite of them.

In a vertical reading, this card represents new beginnings, rebirth, adventure,

freedom/independence, idealism, and confidence in a new beginning. This card may also
indicate unheeded warnings from friends and loved ones, especially those considered wise.
This card reminds us that we are ultimately responsible for the paths we take, and whatever
path we decide to take is ultimately our own decision, for better or worse.

Conversely, The Fool represents a bad start and struggles along the way. Where the upright
representation of The Fool means confidence, this reversed card should mean apathy,
indecision and negligence. A new path of challenges or obstacles ahead. Santa Muerte's
hourglass appears almost empty when this card is upside down, signifying a real or perceived
lack of time.

The Magician / The Magician

Numerical Value: 1

Astronomical Symbol: Mercury

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Magician" shows a young,
authoritative magician, apparently in the middle of a magical ritual. He is dressed in white and
adorned with a bright red cloak, and is shown holding a cup in one hand, a club in the other,
carrying a sword on his belt and a pentacle-shaped gold coin around his neck, the symbols of
the four suits of the Santa Muerte Tarot. The Magician stands next to an altar table on which sits
the image of a human skull and a cup of fire or some type of bubbling concoction. On the other
side of The Wizard is a small pillar, above it floats the elemental symbol of fire: a vertical
triangle. Watching over El Mago is the white-cloaked Santa Muerte, the White Girl, whose
energy is protective and purifying. Behind her, on both sides, float a white cloud and a black
Symbolism: The Magician represents a person in control of his life. Just as one masters the four
suits of the Tarot (cup in hand, club in hand, sword on the hip, and five-pointed coin around the
neck), one also masters the four elements, which represent control over external forces. The
skull on the table next to The Magician represents the self, and here it represents mastery over
one's thoughts, emotions, desires, etc., or mastery of internal forces.

The cup on the altar burns or bubbles and represents having rather than wanting. Not only is the
Magician in control of internal and external forces, but he can also reap the positive rewards of
that control.

With his white cloak, he watches over The Magician, purifying and protecting him and his work,
and listens to his requests. The fire symbol of an upright triangle on a pedestal is significant
because the energy of fire represents creation, destruction, and transformation. His presence in
the ritual space of The Magician, as if energy were summoned by The Magician during a
magical ritual, shows that he is ready to successfully exercise his will, whether his will is to
create, destroy or transform.
The presence of both the black cloud and the white cloud symbolizes that now is a time when
one can successfully work both white magic and black magic. Now is a good time to do magic,
cast spells, pursue objectives, and make additional special offerings to Santa Muerte. The
white-caped Santa Muerte watching over The Magician symbolizes his presence in the rituals
and his power over magical work.
In a vertical reading, The Magician represents intellectual knowledge, intelligence and skill,
since all great magicians are people of great knowledge, intelligence and skill. A master at
directing energy at will, The Magician represents someone who can get what they want, and
when this card appears upright in a reading, it marks a period of spells being fulfilled, requests
being answered, and goals being fulfilled. that are achieved. It's time to cast magic and chase

On the contrary, The Magician represents a swindler or an inept person. A charlatan, a fraud or
someone with bad knowledge. The complete opposite of a respectful and powerful magician.
When this card appears reversed, it means a bad time to perform magic or even pursue goals.
The pursued objectives end in failure. Magical workings create negative results.

The Priestess / The Priestess

Numerical Value: 2

Astronomical Symbol: Moon

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Priestess" represents a young and
authoritative priestess of Santa Muerte. She is dressed in white and adorned with a bright red
cape, and is shown raising a cup in offering to the heavens. He wears a Crown of Isis on his
head and a moon-shaped amulet around his neck. Towering over our priestess is the image of
the white-caped Santa Muerte wearing an owl and holding a candelabra. The Priestess stands
between columns of fire, black columns on one side and white on the other. Just beyond The
Priestess is the image of clouds, and she appears to be standing right in front of a rising veil or
curtain; The veil or curtain is actually the floating cape of Santa Muerte that rises above.
Symbolism: The Priestess represents dominion over wisdom, symbolized by the owl on the arm
of Santa Muerte and the crown of Isis on the head of The Priestess, which in itself is a symbol of
the wisdom learned through the three stages of life: youth, adulthood and old age. It also
represents pure intuition, symbolized by the candle lit in the hand of Santa Muerte (to illuminate
the truth), and the symbol of the moon around the neck of The Priestess, symbol of intuition and
enlightenment. His white cloak represents purity and goodness, and his red cloak establishes
his authority. The cup that she raises in offering to Santa Muerte represents the authority of the
Priestess in matters of spirit, since she is the one who makes the offering to the heavens, no
one else. The fact that she appears to be standing in front of a curtain that is being drawn
represents her prominence and her role as guardian of the other world, since it is through her
that we must go to see beyond the veil of life, in the kingdom of holy death. The fire symbolism
on the card, particularly the fire on the pillars surrounding The Priestess, represents creation,
destruction and transformation. The fact that half of the pillars are white and the other half black
represents that creation, destruction or transformation can be positive or negative, but The
Priestess does not worry because she is a master at divining the future and trusts her intuition.
The fire symbolism on the card, particularly the fire on the pillars surrounding The Priestess,
represents creation, destruction and transformation. The fact that half of the pillars are white
and the other half black represents that creation, destruction or transformation can be positive
or negative, but The Priestess does not worry because she is a master at divining the future and
trusts her intuition. The fire symbolism on the card, particularly the fire on the pillars surrounding
The Priestess, represents creation, destruction and transformation. The fact that half of the
pillars are white and the other half black represents that creation, destruction or transformation
can be positive or negative, but The Priestess does not worry because she is a master at
divining the future and trusts her intuition.

In a vertical reading, The Priestess represents intuition, hidden knowledge and introspection. If
you are struggling with a decision, take some time to seriously meditate and trust your inner
intuition. Something unknown will become known and could create, destroy or transform. Now is
a good time to practice divination in order to learn more about the future and trust your psychic
visions, dream symbols, and other forms of intuition. It is also a good time for more advanced
mystical workings such as necromancy or contact "beyond the veil."

Conversely, The Priestess represents failed intuition. Whatever you believed before, it's
probably false. The ultimate future is still "too close to call": not a good time for divination,
necromancy, or other mystical work. The wisdom and knowledge represented by this card
upright represents secrets, gossip, and other hidden agendas while upside down. Pay attention
to people who beat around the bush and those who try to keep secrets or hide things from you.

Letter: La Emperatriz / The Empress

Numerical value: 3

Astronomical symbol: Venus

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Empress" shows Santa Muerte as an
empress, dressed in green, with a crown of jewels on top. head, holding a jeweled chalice in her
hand, and sitting on a throne made of bones. A white cloud raining water and a bright sun hang
in the blue sky above the scene. Beautiful flower beds grow on the ground between the throne
of The Empress. Rows of skulls also adorn the grounds, as do four tombstones at the base of
The Empress's throne.
Symbolism: The Empress represents female energy and fertility. The fact that Santa Muerte
herself is represented as The Empress represents the authority that this card carries. Her
representation of a queen is reinforced by the use of a crown and her placement on a throne of
bones. Green being a symbol in Santa Muerte's magic for law and justice, the fact that her robe
is green symbolizes that The Empress is legal and just. The chalice she holds is a symbol of her
feminine energy, the chalice being a symbol of the womb and the power of a woman to bring life
to the Earth.
Behind The Empress is a blue sky, a bright sun and a white raining cloud, which represent
fertility and growth. When land receives plenty of sun and rain, it can produce crops, which can
feed people and sustain life. That's why the flower beds in the picture look full and lush.

Skulls and tombstones are interspersed among the flower beds, representing death. The image
of death on a fertility card, however, represents a good kind of death, the kind that must occur to
bear fruit. The death symbols in this card represent the fact that, from death, new life can grow.
When one thing ends, something new can begin.

In a vertical reading, The Empress is a sign of embracing feminine energies such as creativity,
nurturing and love. Do something creative. Foster a new or current relationship. Express your
gratitude and love for those around you. As a lawful and just Queen on a throne, never take the
power of introspection for granted, as your decisions impact much more than yourself. The
Empress is also a sign of new life, from the literal new life of a pregnancy to a new life for a
project or endeavor. When this card appears upright, it indicates a good time to work on a
project and nurture something to fruition. If the effort is just and benevolent, then Santa Muerte
will smile on you.

Conversely, The Empress represents a loss of stability: your throne of power feels upside down.
This can also mean a creative block, inability to foster good relationships, and a lack of feelings
of love for oneself or others. It is not a good time to carry out projects, or to pursue certain
goals. Trust your intuition to figure out which goals should be put on hold. This card can also
represent a lack of self-care: nurturing other people to the point of forgetting about yourself to
your own detriment. Feeling taken advantage of by others. This card can be a warning that you
should spend more time making yourself happy and better manage the time you spend helping

Card: The Emperor / The Emperor

Numerical Value: 4

Symbol: Mars

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Emperor" shows a powerful emperor,
with long white hair and a white beard, sitting on a high, ornate and golden throne decorated
with two griffins, mythical creatures identified by their upper bodies resembling eagles and lower
bodies resembling lions.
Smoke is seen from two incense pots at the base of the throne. The Emperor is seen wearing
royal purple robes as he points over his kingdom, as if he is in the middle of giving an order. His
other hand grips a tall spear-tipped staff, but he is not the only one holding it. Towering over The
Emperor in the image is a red-caped Santa Muerte surrounded by fire, her right hand gripping
the top of her staff. The sky in the background burns red.
Symbolism: The Emperor is the counterweight to The Empress: he represents masculine
energy and dominant authority. He is a wise and worldly man; this is represented by his long
white hair and thick white beard. The Emperor wears a crown and sits on top of a throne. The
crown and throne are both symbols of his authority, but the throne appears to be the more
dominant symbol in the image. The symbolism of the griffins on the throne can be concluded
based on their place in mythology. Considered in myth to be the kings of all beasts, and
believed to be the protectors of valuable and priceless treasures, the griffin is generally seen as
a symbol of divine power and is considered a guardian of the divine. The fact that griffins adorn
The Emperor's throne symbolizes that his position is protected by divine right.

The incense pots burning at the base of the throne are additional symbols of royal authority, but
also representations of fire and air. Fire represents creation, destruction or transformation, while
air represents knowledge, wisdom and intellectual thought. Our powerful emperor has the power
of fire to create, destroy or transform at will, and also the control of air to make intelligent,
cunning and tactically accurate decisions.

In Santa Muerte magic, purple is the color of spiritual knowledge and intuition. The purple robes
worn by The Emperor symbolize his mastery of spiritual knowledge: he is a self-confident man
who trusts his intuition. Red, in Santa Muerte Magick, is the color of love and passion. A double-
edged sword, love can turn us into anything from kind and caring to vengeful and dangerous.
The red-caped Santa Muerte is burning with passion, and that passion is being fed directly to
The Emperor's hand by means of the spear-tipped staff. How he decides to channel that
passion is ultimately up to him.

In a vertical reading, The Emperor represents authority, passionate leadership, sound decision
making, and dominant control. When this card appears upright, it can indicate that a decision
must be made and that you should trust your intuition to make the decision. It can also
represent "running full speed" toward a new project or endeavor. If your decision has already
been made, then you must run towards your goals and do everything in your power to achieve
them. This card is a sign that Santa Muerte will bless your efforts if you bring her fire and
passion to the world. Don't be surprised if you encounter The Emperor in the form of an older or
authoritative male figure or in the form of a powerful organization. Make an effort to impress and
you will find the figure more than willing to help you succeed.

Conversely, The Emperor represents a loss of authority, ineptitude, and inability to make a
decision. Where The Emperor was once powerful and wise, he falls and his incense vessels are
emptied when this card is reversed. Expect a negative encounter with a leader, older male
figure, or group/organization, possibly involving misuse or abuse of authority. If you are faced
with a decision, this reversed card warns you to spend more time gathering facts and
considering the consequences. Emotionally, this card can represent feelings of loss of control,
as if the power you once wielded over your kingdom is now fading.

The Hierophant / The Hierophant

Numerical Value: 5

Astronomical Symbol: Neptune

Note: In ancient Greece, a Hierophant was someone who interpreted sacred mysteries and
esoteric principles. Today, the title would probably be something like "priest." In fact, in many
other tarot decks, "The Hierophant" is actually "The High Priest."

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "The Hierophant" represents a single scene in three
different parts. In the middle of the card is a religious ceremony that takes place on an elevated
stage. On stage is our young, authoritative Hierophant in a white ceremonial robe and black
cape, his body turned and hands raised toward a raised altar of the Holy Death. Incense pots
burn on both sides of the stage and lit candles line the path leading to the altar. A bouquet of
flowers also adorns the base of the Santa Muerte altar. Below the stage an audience is visible,
eyes fixed on The Hierophant and the ceremony he performs. At the top of the billboard, above
the audience and the stage, the face of Santa Muerte is seen against the background of a starry
night sky, as she observes the scene from the sky.

Symbolism: The Hierophant represents ritual and tradition. The colors of his priestly vestment, a
white cloak and a black cloak, represent The Hierophant's perpetual duality between the
spiritual realm he worships and attempts to understand, and the physical world from which he
and his congregation come. Burning pots of incense introduce the element of air into this card,
which symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and intellect. They also introduce, along with the candles
leading to the altar, the element of fire, which can symbolize creation, destruction or
transformation. In this case, the fire in this image represents transformation: the stage, the altar,
the incense pots, the candelabras, and even The Hierophant himself are all things that come
from the physical world, but when combined with the proper intention, They are transformed into
sacred elements to create a sacred space where you can worship Santa Muerte. The bouquet
of flowers next to the altar of Santa Muerte represent the beauty and goodness of Santa Muerte.
While some may cringe at the thought of worshiping the image of a skeleton, this Hierophant
and his congregation know that she is good and worthy of their praise.

The audience watching the ritual in the foreground represents the idea of congregation,
togetherness, and being with other people. The Santa Muerte at the top of the image, watching
the ritual from the heavens, represents that Santa Muerte loves those who follow her and pays
attention to their rituals, requests and prayers.

The card The Hierophant represents the masculine opposite energy to the feminine The
Priestess / The Enchantress. Where The Priestess represents knowledge, enlightenment and
"crossing the veil", The Hierophant represents the path to higher education, the path to
enlightenment and all the steps that lead to "the veil". Before one can know, one must learn.
In a vertical reading, The Hierophant represents an organization or group of people. It can be
anything from a church to a university classroom to a large corporation. The transformation
symbols on the card indicate a transformation from an individual to a member of a group of
people. As tradition and ritual dictate, your interaction with this organization will go much
smoother if you follow the rules, understand and accept your role within the organization, and
make an effort to work with other members rather than against them. Especially if you are new
to the organization, The Hierophant symbolizes the benefit of listening more than you speak, of
taking your place in the audience so that you can learn the things you want to learn and know
the things you want to know. As shown on the card,

On the contrary, The Hierophant represents the evil side of organized belief. Beware of
intolerance, inquisition, fanaticism, and abuse of belief systems. When this card is reversed, the
ceremony performed on stage falls apart and the audience loses faith in their priest. The
reversed Hierophant represents false prophets, false teachings, and attacks on other people's
belief systems, not just religious beliefs, but any form of strongly held beliefs, such as political or
economic. If you are considering joining a new organization in the future, take some time to
think about your reasons for wanting to join the organization and whether those reasons and
that organization fit into the grand scheme of what you want your life to be like. If your intuition
has been bothering you about an organization, pay attention: you may not like what the group or
organization has to teach you. Conversely, this card symbolizes the loss of faith.

Letter: Los Enamorados / The Lovers

Numerical value: 6

Astronomical symbol: Gemini

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "The Lovers" represents a pair of naked lovers,
staring into each other's eyes. They stand in pairs in front of the red-caped Santa Muerte, on
fertile soil under bright sunshine and flocks of birds. A winged heart floats above Santa Muerte.

Symbolism: Lovers generally represent a happy union. The two lovers looking deeply into each
other's eyes are symbols of that happy union, as is the winged heart above Santa Muerte. The
fertile land and the bright sun are symbols of fertility and growth, which means that many good
things will blossom from the happy union. The birds in the image represent the air element
which represents knowledge, wisdom and learning, all of which are important ingredients for a
successful partnership/relationship. Birds also represent something else: birds have long been
symbols of communication, and these birds represent the need for communication to maintain a
strong relationship. Notice that five birds appear to fly over the man's side, and another five
birds appear to fly over the woman's side. This represents a balance in the relationship; a
balance of knowledge and wisdom, as well as a balance of communication. In a balanced
relationship, both parties feel heard and both parties feel equal.
The Lovers is a card that represents a happy union or partnership. It can represent a romantic
union, a brief union of sex and lust, or a completely non-physical type of union or partnership as
in business or platonic relationships.

In a vertical reading, this card means a balanced and happy relationship. If you are thinking
about having a romantic relationship, entering into a new business partnership, making room for
a roommate, meeting your girlfriend's parents for the first time, or whatever, know that Santa
Muerte despises union and smile. that. Good things will come from union or association, as
recognized by the fertile land, bright sun and balance of birds in the image.

On the contrary, Los Enamorados represent a relationship in crisis, an unbalanced relationship.

There is a lack of communication in a relationship, or a potential relationship is likely to sour, if
things continue as they are. When this card is reversed, the birds that once flew in the sky now
lie dead on the ground: there is no communication, things are not said, and the parties are going
crazy. The root of the confusion must be addressed, it must be communicated, so that there is
any hope of saving the relationship.

The altar
Numerical Value: 7

Symbol: Uranus

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "The Altar" represents Santa Muerte with a white
cape on an altar with wheels. The altar is ornate and adorned with offerings that travel with the
altar as it moves. The upper part of the altar represents a tapestry of stars hanging over Santa
At the base of the altar, one wheel is white and the other is black. In the background the
silhouette of a city appears. White clouds hang in the sky above, and a flock of birds is visible in
the upper left of the card.
Symbolism:The Altar represents the miracles granted, victory and the determination to succeed.
When devotees of Santa Muerte face particularly serious or urgent problems, some promise
Santa Muerte to erect a public altar (as opposed to a private or hidden altar) in exchange for the
miracle. Building and maintaining a public altar can become a full-time job, so it is not a promise
to take lightly and is usually reserved for the most serious requests. That being said, the sight of
the Santa Muerte altar in this card, as well as the sight of said altar in real life, is a symbol of a
miracle granted and a victory over an obstacle. It also represents the determination of the will to
succeed on the part of the devotee, who makes and fulfills the promise to erect the altar.

The tapestry of stars at the top of the altar represents Santa Muerte's connection to the spiritual
realm or the heavens. The white wheel and the black wheel on which El Altar stands represent
the station of Santa Muerte between the world of the living and the world of the dead and,
therefore, her power over death to effect changes in the world. real.
Visible on the front of the altar are several offerings typically found on Santa Muerte altars, such
as lit candles, incense, and flowers. The symbolism of the offerings here represents the
devotion to Santa Muerte that allows devotees to ask of her, as well as the determination of her
devotees to have their requests heard.

White clouds, like those at the top of the image, are symbols of peace and hope, and a sign of
what is to come from the miracle granted or victory represented by the card. The four birds that
fly in the sky above Santa Muerte are symbols of communication and a sign that prayers and
requests have been heard.

The images of the city in the background of this card show that the altar depicted is actually
outside the city, far from the trappings of materialism. This is an important symbol for this card
because it shows that one must move away from materialism, from the sometimes obsessive
attachment to the physical world, in order to receive blessings and miracles from Santa Muerte.
This does not mean that one has to abandon wealth and leave the city in order to work
successfully with Santa Muerte, only that one should not become so attached to the physical
world that they become blind to the power of the spiritual.

In a vertical reading, this card represents a victory followed by a period of peace and hope, a
positive outcome after a period of prayers and petitions. Whatever a person may be expecting,
rest assured that if confidence and self-determination continue as they are, the outcome will be

Conversely, The Altar represents loss or defeat. In the absence of actual loss or defeat, this
card can also represent feelings of impending loss or defeat, as if there is no hope because
there is no altar to pray at. When no real loss or defeat has been experienced, this card serves
as a warning that negative thoughts and emotions must be controlled because they may very
well lead to a type of self-fulfilling prophecy. A person's own negativity about a situation can be
what brings down the altar.

Justice / Justice

Numerical value: 8

Symbol: Libra

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "La Justicia" represents Santa Muerte with a blue
cape holding the scales of justice over a fiery flame that burns on an obelisk. A heart sits
balanced on one side of the scale, counterbalanced by the weight of a feather on the other. The
all-seeing eye observes the scene, which is located between two large pillars, one white and
one black.
The floor is also black and white, like a chess board. Clouds are seen in the background.
Symbolism: Justice represents justice and truth. The scales of justice represent fairness under
the law, where the facts dictate and all people are treated fairly. In ancient mythology, the
weight of the heart against the feather represented the weight of the person's acts of life
(represented by the heart) against the principles of truth and justice (represented by the
feather). The all-seeing eye on Santa Muerte, as well as the blue cloak she wears, represent
knowledge, truth and wisdom, all essential ingredients for justice to work. The burning flame
upon which Santa Muerte holds the scales of justice represents the light of truth, illuminating
darkness to reveal secrets and knowledge. The obelisk is a symbol of the sun, which also
represents the idea of truth as light.

The dichotomy of black and white pillars and tiles represents universal balance. Just as the
pillars of the card support the temple in the image, and just as the floor serves as the foundation
of the temple, so justice serves as the basic foundation of human existence, supported on this
Earth by the pillars of truth. and justice. The clouds in the background of the images represent
the veil of death and the power and control that Santa Muerte has over it. This display of Santa
Muerte's authority in the card reveals her status as the ultimate bringer of justice and equity, as
she embraces us all in the end.

In a vertical reading, this card represents the delivery of justice and fair treatment. Depending
on the reading, this card may mean that justice and fairness will be received, or that a person
may be called to dispense justice and fairness in a position of authority. If you have been
wronged, expect justice to be done, with or without the help of the law of man. You may win a
lawsuit or a person who harmed you may suffer a magnification of what they did to you.

Conversely, Justice represents inequality, lack of justice, false accusations or also the delivery
of justice that you may not like, such as being reprimanded or punished for doing something you
knew was wrong. Stay alert to make sure you are not taken advantage of, and don't be
surprised if legal or other official decisions don't go your way. If you did something that you
knew was wrong, then expect your behavior to come back and haunt you, especially if you
continue on the same path you are on now.

The Hermit / The Hermit

Card: The Hermit / The Hermit

Numerical Value: 9

Symbol: Virgo

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "The Hermit" represents an old man, a hermit, in
purple robes with a staff in one hand and a lit candle in the other. It appears on the side of a
mountain, next to a human skull at its feet and next to what appears to be a cave whose
opening resembles the reflective surface of a mirror.
The black-caped Santa Muerte towers over El Hermitano and looks at him. A large and powerful
owl also flies over El Hermitano. A bright sun and a white cloud appear in the background.
Symbolism:The Hermitage represents enlightenment and spiritual growth through introspection
and meditation. The hermit's old age, shown by his long white beard and tired posture,
represent wisdom and knowledge of the world. Their purple robes symbolize their spiritual
mastery, as purple is the color of the astral realm and intuition. The staff the hermit uses to help
him walk is a symbol of power, authority and patriarchy, as carried throughout time by leaders
and patriarchs. The lit candle in his other hand shines as a symbol of enlightenment and the
search for truth. The top of the mountain in this card represents personal growth and inner
achievement, but also the fact that true self-reflection can be a mountain of a challenge that not
everyone may be prepared for. The human skull next to The Hermitage's feet represents the
truth of life that, ultimately, spiritual mastery and enlightenment require knowledge,
understanding and acceptance of death: only when you are fully aware of your own mortality ,
you will begin to truly live for yourself. The reflective surface of the cave entrance represents
self-reflection and learning to seek truths from within rather than without.

The Santa Muerte at the top of the image, looking down at the hermit from above, represents
that Santa Muerte protects and guides those who withdraw from the main world to reflect and
meditate. Do not fear your journey of self-discovery and know that the power of Santa Muerte
can destroy all obstacles and challenges on your journey inward.

The great owl depicted is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, the things you will gain as a
result of your introspection and meditation. The shining sun, a symbol of fertility and growth,
represents the personal growth of El Hermitano and those who follow in his footsteps. The white
cloud is a symbol of peace and hope, where your inner journey will guide you.

In a vertical reading, this card signifies a time of self-reflection, meditation and introspection, a
time to figure things out. Like The Hermitage, you'll have to disconnect from the conventional
world to turn off the noise and really examine what you want and how you want to get it. The
answers to your questions are already within you, you just have to look within to discover what
those answers are.

On the contrary, The Hermitage represents too much disconnection from the conventional
world, a tipping of the balance towards the end of the spectrum. A certain amount of withdrawal
from the mainstream, meditation and self-reflection is always a good thing, but not if it turns you
into a real hermit, devoid of personal and meaningful connections and trapped in a depressing
world of loneliness. At this point, an effort to come out of your shell may help.

Card: The Wheel

Numerical value: 10

Symbol: Jupiter
Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "The Wheel" represents Santa Muerte covered in
gold with her hand on a large spinning wheel, La Rueda, the wheel of life. . The wheel is made
of wood and features various astrological symbols around its rim. Three small naked human
figures are also represented.
One stands on the ground beneath the wheel, arms extended toward the sky. The second floats
at the top of the wheel, arms at his sides, enveloped in light and rising towards the heavens.
The third small human figure can be seen falling or jumping into a lake or river of fire just
beyond the edge of the cliff on which the wheel stands. In the background, white clouds loom
over black clouds.
Symbolism: The Wheel represents the ups and downs of life. The gold-caped Santa Muerte
represents earthly fortunes and worldly success, which always seem to come and go with the
ups and downs. The wheel has long been a symbol of the cycle of life, and the wheel in this
image is made of wood (an element of the Earth) and is adorned with astrological symbols
(symbols of the spirit and energy of the universe). With these characteristics, The Wheel serves
as a symbol of the connection that all humans share with each other and with the universe, as
children of Santa Muerte, our Holy Death.

The fact that Santa Muerte has her hand on the Wheel represents her important role in the cycle
of life and serves as a reminder that we too have our hands on the wheel of life and are fully
capable of directing our lives in the direction we want. .

The small human figure on the ground stretching towards the sky represents the beginning of
life, when everything is new and the path ahead is open. The figure at the top of the wheel rising
towards the heavens with arms outstretched represents adulthood, success, achievement and
coming into your own. The human figure seen falling or jumping into the fire represents the end
of life, or the culmination of a journey, and the ultimate end that comes to everything we know.

The cliff represents a fork in the path of your life. On the one hand, the cliff represents the end
of the road, at the same time, it represents the platform from which you can jump to the next
adventure on your life path.

The white clouds in the background represent peace and hope, and the black clouds represent
problems and uncertainty. However, the fact that white clouds are depicted above black clouds
symbolizes that peace and hope will ultimately triumph over problems and uncertainty. Along
with the symbolism of the rest of the chart, the presence of both white clouds and black clouds
represents the cycle of ups and downs, peaks and valleys, that we must all go through.

In a vertical reading, this card means a turning point in your life, the beginning of something
good. Even if times seem difficult and uncertain, have faith that these times will pass and
eventually lead to positive, open paths ahead. Keep a steady hand on your own wheel of life
and focus on thoughts and actions that promote positive energy, well-being, and the direction
you want your life to take.
Conversely, The Wheel represents a time of trouble, uncertainty and negative energy. If trouble
and uncertainty are what lies ahead, as indicated by this card appearing in the "future" position
of a reading, remember that you have a hand in your own wheel of life and can choose to step
away from the negative and negative. towards the positive. If you give up now, the negativity will
consume you, but if you keep pushing, you can be sure that you will come out better and
stronger on the other side.

Card: The Force / Force

Numerical value: 11

Symbol: Leo

Representation: In the Tarot of Santa Muerte, "La Fuerza" represents Santa Muerte with a white
cape, covered in a bright yellow light, towering over a scantily clad woman who is herself
supported by a powerful lion, beast which the woman seems to have tamed.
Santa Muerte runs her hands through the woman's hair, while the lion rests in a position of
protection or surveillance for the woman, staying at her side and looking outward with a fierce

The scene appears to take place at the top of a hill, off a hiking or horseback riding trail. The sky
in the background appears dark and ominous as lightning bolts and swirls of gray fog appear,
but the three characters appear strong and confident.
Symbolism: The Force represents strength in all its forms. The white-cloaked Santa Muerte in
her context in this card represents spiritual purity, lending herself to ethical strength and
strength of conviction. La Santa Muerte is also enveloped in a bright yellow glow; Yellow is
associated with physical health in the magic of Santa Muerte, which lends itself here to physical
strength and vitality.

The scantily clad woman in this image is a symbol of inner strength, emotional strength, and
intuitive strength. All characteristics associated with feminine energies are represented as
strong and powerful by the woman posing. The wild beast she leans against, the fierce,
glowering lion, symbolizes both the woman's ability to calm and tame a wild animal and strength
in the form of courage.

The ominous background representing the swirling gray fog and crackling lighting represents
the external factors that will require our strength. Although a storm is brewing around us, this
card reminds us that strength, internal and external, physical and spiritual, is our best option if
we have any hope of weathering storms, taming wild beasts, and being at peace with Santa
Muerte, Our Lady. Santa. Holy death.

The scene appears located at the top of a hill or on the edge of a cliff. The three characters on
the card appear to be looking in the same direction and, although you cannot tell what they are
looking at, it is obvious that the lion appears on guard and ready to pounce, symbolizing that
potential threats may be surrounding our characters. despite how strong and confident they
seem. The walking path depicted in the foreground of the image represents our own life paths
and serves as a reminder that all paths eventually lead to struggles or moments that require

In a vertical reading, this card means the presence of strength in the face of adversity. It serves
as a reminder that with the power of Santa Muerte behind us, we are strong enough to tame
beasts and face threats from any direction.

Conversely, The Strength represents weakness, the exhaustion of strength, and submission to
the control of external forces. Strength reversed is a sign that external struggles may be taking a
heavy toll on physical, emotional, or spiritual strength. A person may feel defeated when this
card appears reversed, or as if they have lost the will to try to overcome adversity. If the period
of weakness has not yet passed, then whatever is sapping a person's strength must be
addressed before it is completely consumed.

Card: El Colgado / The Hanged Man

Numerical Value: 12

Symbol: Taurus

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "The Hanged Man" represents Santa Muerte with a
black cape, a scythe in one hand and a naked man hanging from a rope in the other. The man
he hangs is hanging by his ankle, upside down, with water dripping from his head onto the bare
earth beneath him. His legs bend to form a number six.
The scene appears to take place on the sand of a beach. At the bottom right of the card you can
see a treasure chest and what appears to be a piece of ocean, and at the bottom left you can
see a skull and some vegetation. The sky behind Santa Muerte is both a night sky and a day
sky, with the sun and moon visible at the same time.
Symbolism: The Hanged Man represents a period of surrender or suspension to accept help
from others, perhaps from someone you are not expecting. The black-cloaked Santa Muerte, in
her context here, represents hidden knowledge and protection against negative forces. She
serves not only to protect the man she hangs from, but also to reveal to him a different
perspective on the world.

Dripping, unconscious and hanging upside down from a rope, it appears as if this man is
drowning beneath the waves, trapped by some sort of obstacle binding him, before being freed
and pulled out of the ocean by Santa Muerte. The thought of Santa Muerte's scythe swinging in
your direction may terrify you, but she swings to free you from your bondage. The nakedness of
the man in the image represents the vulnerability that is required for one to accept the help of
another, although the idea of being vulnerable to the help of another can be terrifying.

The fact that it hangs upside down is a symbol of the need to see things from another
perspective, which also requires a level of vulnerability and nakedness.

The number six is often considered the most harmonious of the single-digit numbers. Now that
the naked man in the image has accepted the help of Santa Muerte and can see the world from
a different perspective, his legs fall into position to form the number six: he is in harmony
The closed treasure chest in the lower right corner of this image is a symbol of the treasure you
can gain if you change your perspective and allow others to help you. Exactly what you hope to
win remains hidden (for now). The skull in the lower left corner of this card, in this case,
represents the next step: now that the man has been saved from drowning, he can reflect on the
lessons learned and move on to the next phase or challenge to conquer. The greenery in the
same corner is a symbol of the growth that will come from experiences.

The double sky in the background, represented by the moon and sun, further represents the
importance of seeing things from a different perspective, as things often look very different
during the day than at night.

In a vertical reading, The Hanged Man represents surrendering to the help of another and
seeing things from a different perspective. You may be afraid at the thought of being so
vulnerable to another person, but harmony, hidden treasure, and growth await you if you can
allow it.

On the contrary, The Hanged Man represents a clear desire not to change. Where this card
upright represented the man surrendering to the help of Santa Muerte, in reverse it appears as if
the man was fleeing from Santa Muerte, rejecting her help and going to carry all the burdens
alone. The man's legs that formed a six when the card was upright now form a number four, a
symbol of constant and unchanging nature, a further sign that help is stubbornly refused. If this
continues, The Hanged Man could lose his chance at treasure and personal growth.

Card: La Santa Muerte / Holy Death

Numerical value: 13

Symbol: Scorpio

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "La Santa Muerte" represents Santa Muerte dressed
in white, surrounded by various symbols that represent Santa Muerte and her power. . In his
right hand he holds a scythe and in his left he holds the world. Behind Santa Muerte,
illuminating her image, is the bright sun.
Also surrounding the image of Santa Muerte are images of the moon, an owl, an hourglass, and
the scales of justice. The background is black and cloudy and makes it appear as if Santa
Muerte is floating high above, beyond the heavens and beyond all time. One foot appears in
front of the other, as if Santa Muerte was about to step out of the card.
Symbolism: Santa Muerte represents endings, new beginnings, transformations and transitions.
The Santa Muerte cape on this card is white, a peaceful and protective aspect of Santa Muerte,
but the cape is darker than other white capes in the deck. This is because there is a light
transition in the image, but whether the darkness of the image enters or leaves the image is a
matter of perspective. While death may be the end of our physical existence, it is also the only
way to move beyond this physical existence, into whatever may be next.

The scythe in Santa Muerte's right hand represents her power to cut the thread of life when she
sees fit. The globe in his left hand is a symbol of his dominion over the world, where death is a
fact of life for all who inhabit it. The bright sun behind Santa Muerte is a symbol of life itself, but
the fact that Santa Muerte stands in front of the sun is a constant reminder that even the
brightest suns will set.

Balancing the images of the Earth and the sun is the moon, used here as a symbol of the
stages of life: new, waxing, full, waning. The owl represents wisdom and knowledge, a symbol
of the things we will learn in death. The hourglass represents the unstoppable nature of life and
the inevitability of death. Finally, the scales of justice represent equality, here symbolizing the
absolute justice of death and the fact that it comes for all of us, no matter how successful or

The black, cloudy background that makes Santa Muerte appear to be walking on air is a
representation of the infinite reach of the spiritual or non-physical realm, which is another
symbol of the all-encompassing certainty of death, because there is no place in or out of this
world where you can hide from her. The fact that she appears to be walking out of the card is
another symbol of the constant progress and unstoppable nature of death, as no matter how
much you don't like the idea, death is slowly walking towards you right now, at this very
moment. . moment.

In a vertical reading, La Santa Muerte represents the end of a chapter in your life, the beginning
of something new, and the beginning of a transformation or transition to your next new self.
Although it may seem scary and uncertain, change and transition are as certain as death itself,
and your ability to move with the current of change will serve you well as you maneuver from
one stage of growth to the next.

On the contrary, La Santa Muerte represents a period without growth or progress. It's a sign that
you may disagree with the change or even be actively working to avoid it. While it may make
sense to you, your inability to accept change and progress may be preventing you from living
the life you want or learning the things you need to learn.
Letter: Temperance / Temperance

Numerical value: 14

Symbol: Sagittarius

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "Temperance" represents Santa Muerte in a white
cape holding two golden cups, one in each hand, pouring a red substance from one cup into the
other. It appears floating on a white cloud, over a wide open green field.
The sky behind Santa Muerte appears divided in two, with one side dominated by a black rain
cloud and a dark sky, and the other side dominated by a bright rainbow and clear skies.
Symbolism: Temperance represents moderation, self-control and patience. Santa Muerte's
mantle in this card is white, a harmonious and peaceful aspect of Santa Muerte. The two cups in
the hands of Santa Muerte are here symbols of balance, since they share the contents that are
poured from glass to glass. This image of pouring the contents of one glass into another
symbolizes moderation and self-control, as instead of overfilling a single glass, Santa Muerte
distributes the contents from one glass to another. The substance that is poured is red, a
symbol of love. The cups appear golden, with golden cups being a symbol of wealth and
abundance. This red substance poured between golden cups represents a holistic balance
between the physical and the spiritual.

With white clouds typically a symbol of peace and hope, the fact that Santa Muerte appears
firmly planted on a white cloud symbolizes that moderation and patience will provide a
foundation for peace and hope in the future. The green terrain over which Santa Muerte hovers
represents the earth below, and the sky behind her represents the heavens above. Santa
Muerte's placement between heaven and Earth is an additional symbol of balance and self-
control, choosing to exist between two planes rather than being completely on one or the other.

The duality of the sky in the background, with one half a dark rain cloud and the other a bright
rainbow, is another symbol of balance and patience here. Dark skies are a necessary evil that
allows us to appreciate the beauty of bright rainbows, and as much as you think dark skies will
never end, they are often necessary before we can experience our brightest moments.

In a vertical reading, Temperance represents a period of waiting, searching for balance and
exercising patience. Instead of rushing toward one side of the spectrum, you can find more
peace and harmony by seeking balance between two extremes or waiting for a better time to
make a final decision.

Conversely, Temperance represents the lack of patience, haste in decisions or lack of balance,
which may be the cause of the current negativity. In this case, Temperance is a sign that you
should look for opportunities to restore balance to your life through the exercise of patience and
Card: El Diablo / The Devil

Numerical Value: 15

Symbol: Capricorn

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, "El Diablo" represents Santa Muerte in a black cape
holding a scythe in one hand and a nearly finished hourglass in the other. Below her, a bright
red goat-man who looks like a horned demon crouches on the ground controlling a puppet with
one hand and using the other to stick needles into a voodoo doll.
A series of nine yellow stars can be seen at the top of the scene, and the background is
consumed by fiery red, orange and dark gray clouds.
Symbolism: The Devil represents a period of struggle or bad luck in your life that may be due in
part to black magic and evil wishes against you, but the card also represents the potential for
salvation from those struggles. Santa Muerte in this representation wears a black cape, which
represents power and protection against black magic and spiritual attacks. The hourglass he
holds in his right hand is a symbol of the fact that nothing lasts forever, including bad luck and
periods of sadness. In his left hand he holds his infamous scythe, blade facing down, as if it
were halfway down and pointing at the devil.

Whatever you are going through, be it bad luck or black magic, the devil himself is the
personification of your struggles, while the puppet and voodoo doll represent you, pricked with
pins and controlled by negative external forces. .

The five-pointed star, among other things, is a symbol of protection. Here, a line of stars forms
an arc over Santa Muerte, to further represent Santa Muerte's ability to protect her devotees
from the devil's pranks. The fact that there are nine stars is also significant, because the number
nine itself is a symbol of the absolute and complete. So here, the nine stars here represent
Santa Muerte's absolute and complete ability to protect.

Dark clouds are generally symbols of trouble and uncertainty, while bright, fiery shades of red
and orange are colors that represent heat, intensity, and intense emotions.

In a vertical reading, The Devil represents the triumph over black magic and bad luck, and a
general reversal of bad fortunes. Whatever problem you think you are experiencing in your life,
no matter how intense it may be, know that Santa Muerte is approaching with her scythe to
drive away the demons you are fighting.

Conversely, The Devil represents black magic working against you, a period of struggle or
sadness and general negativity. Beware of traitors and traitors, and take steps to protect
yourself physically and spiritually.

Card: The Tower / The Tower

Numerical Value: 16

Symbol: Pisces

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Tower" shows a large Santa Muerte,
in a black cloak, standing next to a tower made of brick. La Santa Muerte swings a scythe
through the center of the tower, splitting it in half and sending bricks and debris into the air. Fire
and black smoke roar from the top of the tower.
The land on which the scene takes place is shown as dirt, and buried beneath the surface of the
earth are three items: a skull, a sword, and a crown. The background of this scene is marked by
a blazing sun placed directly behind Santa Muerte's head, along with orange, red, and white
Symbolism: The Tower represents liberation, escape and the end of struggles. Santa Muerte in
this representation wears a black cape, which represents protection against direct attacks,
including spiritual attacks and black magic. The scythe she wields, which she uses to cut the
threads of life, is here a symbol of Santa Muerte's ability to destroy obstacles. The collapsing
brick tower that she destroys, itself a prison, represents the destruction of the problems and
obstacles that currently hold you captive. The fire and black smoke pouring from the top of the
tower represent not only a break with obstacles, but their complete destruction.

Dirt is often associated with worries and blockages. Here, the earth beneath the tower hides
three symbols, a skull, a sword and a crown. The skull is often used to represent the self,
especially self-reflection, introspection, and self-acceptance. The sword is often considered a
symbol of power and bravery. Lastly, the crown represents material wealth and success.
Although these three symbols are hidden underground in this image, removing the obstacles
represented by the destruction of the tower will allow these treasures to be found. In other
words, through the destruction of the obstacles that hold you back, you will find yourself, you will
find your power, and you will find your success.

The sun shining behind Santa Muerte represents life itself, but the fact that the sun shines
behind Santa Muerte reminds us that even the brightest suns will eventually set. Here, the sun
reminds us that just as the brightest suns must set, so too will the sun set on the things we care
about and the obstacles that stand in our way.

Finally, the white clouds in the background of this image represent hope for the future, while the
red and orange clouds represent the heat, intensity, and high emotions that often accompany
problems and obstacles in life.

In a vertical reading, The Tower represents an escape from negativity, freedom from obstacles
and the end of a period of problems in your life. When these obstacles and problems are out of
the way, you will find self-acceptance, power and success.
Conversely, The Tower represents negative consequences, accidents and broken plans. If
you're trying to build something or working on a project, expect to feel like things are falling
apart. This reversed card can also represent anxiety about your circumstances and feeling like
you are hopelessly trapped in a position from which you cannot escape.

Letter: The Star / The Star

Numerical value: 17

Symbol: Aquarius

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Star" shows a naked woman standing
in a shallow body of water, appearing to rest near the base of a mountain range. Holding a set
of water jugs, one in each hand, the naked woman pours the water from the jugs into the water
where she is standing.
Looming over the naked woman is Santa Muerte, dressed in white, holding a jug of water
upside down. Above the head of Santa Muerte shines a bright white star. Eight smaller yellow
stars shine in the night sky behind Santa Muerte, four to the left of Santa Muerte and four to the
right. White clouds also appear in the background of this image.
Symbolism: The Star represents inspiration, clarity, new ideas, positive emotions and hope.
Santa Muerte in this representation wears a white cloak, which represents harmony and general
protection. As mentioned, the pitcher that Santa Muerte is holding is upside down, making it
look like the naked woman was poured directly from it. Considering that the woman portrayed
seems young and beautiful, the fact that she was poured from the pitcher symbolizes the
manifestation or sprouting of new and good things, she herself is a muse that Santa Muerte
gives us to inspire us and give us hope. . The fact that it is naked represents birth or renewal,
another symbol of the birth of new ideas and having hope for the future.

Mountains like those depicted in this image typically represent the spiritual realm or "the
heavens," while bodies of water are generally used to symbolize the veil or wall of separation
between the physical and spiritual realms. The presence of this mountain and water image in
this card, with the naked woman standing near the mountains but in the water, symbolizes the
spiritual source of things like inspiration, creativity, new ideas, and hope. Here, our muse pours
from the heavens to pierce the veil that separates the spiritual from the physical. Water is
poured from the jugs held in each hand of the naked woman, which falls into the body of water
in which she stands. This image of flowing water poured from pitchers represents the forward
flow or outpouring of inspiration/hope that the naked woman stands by.

The five-pointed star is a symbol of protection and peace. This card contains the image of eight
yellow five-pointed stars hanging in the night sky, as well as an additional white star shining
brightly above the head of Santa Muerte.
The eight yellow stars hanging in the sky are further depicted as evenly distributed with four
appearing to the left of Santa Muerte and four appearing to the right. This is appropriate
because the number eight is a symbol of balance and harmony. In this card, these eight yellow
stars represent the balance and harmony that you will experience from the inspiration and new
ideas that Santa Muerte will reveal to you.
The addition of a white star above Santa Muerte's head represents her presence and authority
in the lives of the devotees. When we need inspiration, clarity and positive emotions, we can
look to Santa Muerte. The number one is also associated with strength, leadership and
willpower, and here represents the strength and willpower that you will need to have to act on
the inspiration and new ideas that Santa Muerte will reveal to you.

Counting the eight yellow stars and one white star together makes nine stars on this card. With
the number nine commonly associated with the absolute and complete, the nine stars above
this image together represent the absolute and complete power of Santa Muerte over the
energy of death.

White clouds, like those in the background of this image, symbolize peace and hope.

In a vertical reading, The Star represents inspiration, clarity of thought, new ideas, optimism and
positive emotions. It represents a good time to start new projects, as well as a period of balance
and emotional fulfillment.

Conversely, The Star represents confusion, depression, pessimism and negative emotions. This
card represents a bad time to start new projects, as well as a period of emotional imbalance and
lack of fulfillment.

Card: La Luna / The Moon

Numerical Value: 18

Symbol: Cancer

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Moon" shows a Santa Muerte with a
purple cape, scythe in hand, with a golden yellow glow surrounding her body. She stands right
in front of the full moon, which itself hangs in a night sky dotted with gray clouds. On both sides
of Santa Muerte there are towers, a black tower to her right and a white tower to her left. Each
tower has seven levels or floors.
Connecting the towers is a wall, with a tunnel entrance in its center. In the foreground of the
image there are two dogs, one black and one white, both looking at Santa Muerte. Between
both dogs is a pool or water trough that reflects the moon from the sky. A red crab is in the
water pool/trough.
Symbolism: The Moon represents the land of dreams and intuition, and our need to trust our
intuition. The representation of Santa Muerte on this card is shown wearing a purple cloak, and
in Santa Muerte tradition purple is associated with intuition, divination, psychic visions, etc. The
scythe he holds is a symbol of his ability to pierce the veil between the world. The bright light
around her figure serves to make her more prominent, a beacon to which we can look for

The moon, seen in the background and again highlighted in the reflection of the water in the
pool/trough, represents intuition, spiritual enlightenment, and emotions. The gray clouds in the
sky are light and dark, or white and black, at the same time, representing an uncertainty or fog
about the circumstances in question.

The towers in this image represent heightened consciousness, rising above the noise to
determine your own truth. Also notice that each tower has seven stories. The number seven is a
magical number often associated with being between the worlds, both divine and earthly. These
towers are a symbol for consulting one's higher consciousness through intuition, as it is from the
top of each tower that a larger picture can be formulated and more information can be learned.

The dogs in this card represent protection and instinct. The fact that both dogs are staring at
Santa Muerte is a sign that you should follow your instincts and follow your intuition.

The black and white colors of the two towers and the two dogs represent the dual nature of the
human mind: left and right brain, sleeping and awake, consciousness and subconsciousness,
etc. towers of insight and the need for balance as you follow your instincts. In other words,
combine what you know about the outside world with what your intuition tells you. Pay as much
attention to earthly signs as you do to the symbols in your dreams.

Water is a symbol of intuition and emotional intelligence, as is the crab. The water in the image
seems calm, and calm waters are a sign of peace and tranquility. The crab in this image, like
the two dogs, also appears to be looking at Santa Muerte. The crab in the pool of water,
therefore, is a sign to look to your own intuition for the answers you seek, as this will lead you to
peace and tranquility.

Finally, the wall connecting the two towers separates the symbols in the foreground of the Santa
Muerte card, representing the division of where we are in our world and where Santa Muerte is
in the world beyond. The tunnel in the center of the wall, however, tells us that it is not
impossible to receive information from the world beyond, and is an invitation to receive this
information through our intuition and the help of Santa Muerte.
Reading in an upright position, the Moon is a sign to trust your intuition. Your own intuition,
instincts, and emotions are the best guide you have and you would be wise to pay attention to
Conversely, this card represents a warning to reexamine how you feel about a situation or
person; you may be wrong. This reversed card could also be a sign that you are ignoring your
intuition or instincts. Conversely, the calm waters are interrupted and would spill over, resulting
in a loss of peace and tranquility. Before embarking on a new relationship or endeavor, meditate
and reflect on it to make sure it is truly what you want and the best decision for your life.

Card: The Sun / The Sun

Numerical value: 19

Symbol: Sun

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Sun" shows a red-caped Santa
Muerte floating high above the green land of Earth. He appears right in front of a blood-orange
sun, clutching a large disk in both hands: the image of a golden beetle on a blue background
features prominently on the disk. The clouds and sky in the background appear bright
Symbolism: The Sun represents triumph, pleasure, satisfaction, sincerity, abundance and good
relationships. A success card containing strong love energy, the sun itself is often considered a
symbol of life; Therefore, this card represents a good time in life and potentially a birth. Santa
Muerte in this card wears a red cape, the color associated with love in Santa Muerte tradition.
The green land over which Santa Muerte hovers represents fertility and abundance. The sun in
the background is blood orange, as a very early morning sun would appear - the sun in this card
rises to greet a new day.

The medallion in Santa Muerte's hands is a golden disc that appears to have the symbol of a
golden scarab (beetle), on a blue background. The beetle has long been a symbol of life and the
cycle of life and rebirth. The color blue is associated with wisdom and understanding, and gold
is associated with wealth and things of value; These colors, along with the beetle, represent a
time in our lives when our wisdom bears fruit.

Clouds are generally symbols of hope and fertility. The bright gold/orange color of the clouds
represents intensity and vibrancy, emphasizing the message in the rest of the card.

In a vertical reading, this card means a triumphant and satisfying period of your life. The love
and fertility symbolism in this card can also represent an exciting new journey in your love or
family life. This card represents a time of abundance and a period of growth.

Conversely, The Sun represents defeat, possible money problems and a period of
dissatisfaction. In reverse, the rising sun becomes a setting sun, marking the beginning of a
period of darkness. You may not get what you want in terms of personal satisfaction.
Relationships and projects can go wrong.
Letter: The Judgment / The Judgment

Numerical Value: 20

Symbol: Fire

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Judgment" shows a white-cloaked
Santa Muerte floating over an open coffin, with one hand extended to greet the walking
skeleton. outside the coffin, the other holding an expired hourglass. The inside of the coffin
appears bright purple, and the headstone that would mark the coffin's location appears to be
The ground around the coffin is barren, but a dark forest or line of trees can be seen in the
background, separated from the foreground by the image of a misty lake or other body of water.
Also in the background are dark clouds against a dark sky, while a bright white light envelops
Santa Muerte. Rays or lines representing vibrations can be seen in the upper left corner of the

Symbolism: The Judgment represents the dawn of a new dawn, and a favorable judgment or
result, a liberation or inheritance. The word Judgment literally translates as Judgment, which is
not the same as judgment, since judgment comes after judgment. Therefore, this card is
representative of the end of a trial and a favorable outcome. Santa Muerte in this card wears a
white cape, the color associated with peace and harmony in the Santa Muerte tradition. Her
outstretched hand represents her presence in your life, guiding you when some trial or
tribulation comes to an end, as represented by the expired hourglass on Santa Muerte's other

The breaking of the tombstone and the vibrations from above that seem to be causing it to
break, represent chaos, but notice how that chaos occurs behind the skeleton, a symbol of
yourself, which appears consoled by the presence of Santa Muerte. This scene represents the
chaos of your own trial or tribulation now behind you, and the presence of Santa Muerte in your
own life, helping you get back on your feet so you can move on to your next chapter.

The coffin in the image, and the fact that the skeleton is emerging from it, represents a rebirth, a
new beginning in the face of something else ending. The bright purple color of the interior of the
coffin is a color associated with royalty and importance, and symbolizes your high status as a
son of Santa Muerte, one with whom Santa Muerte walks.

The bodies of water such as the lake or misty river that appear to separate the background from
the foreground are symbols of the separation between the physical and spiritual worlds, with the
trees in the background representing the physical world we know, and the scene in the close-up
representing the unknown. You are on the new path ahead. The dark clouds in the sky are more
symbolic of the unknown nature of the new path or chapter ahead, but the bright white energy
radiating around Santa Muerte balances the unknown with peace, calm and hope, a sign that
things will work out. good. .

In a vertical reading, this card means the end of a trial or tribulation and the beginning of a new
chapter, one more favorable than the one you are leaving behind. La Santa Muerte will help you
stand up and comfort you with her presence.

On the contrary, The Judgment marks the beginning of a new path, but not an easy one. With
this card reversed, the skeleton falls from the coffin and the hourglass resets. Just as judgment
comes after a trial, this card can represent the consequences of the negative behavior that is
occurring. No matter where this path goes, remember that you are always a child of Santa
Muerte, and that her love will always be near, even when you seem to stumble.

Letter: The World / The World

Numerical value: 21

Symbol: Solar cross

Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The World" shows a Santa Muerte with a
white cape who appears to float against a background of a dark sky with dark clouds. , holding
the Earth in his hands. A bright, full moon shines behind Santa Muerte's head like a halo. A
scythe floats on one side of Santa Muerte, and an hourglass appears to float on the other.
Symbolism: The World represents worldly success, promotion, advancement, achievement and
reward. The mantle of Santa Muerte in this card is white, a peaceful and protective aspect of
Santa Muerte. She presents the world, and everything in it, with both hands in your direction,
ready to take.

The scythe represents Santa Muerte's power to cut the thread of life, but the scythe in this
image appears behind her, rather than in her hands. Her hands, as mentioned, are giving you
the world, a symbol that Santa Muerte wants you not to worry about death for now and enjoy the
fruits that the world has to offer. The hourglass is a symbol of the finite nature of life, but the
hourglass in this image is obscured enough that it is a mystery how much time is left on the
clock, again suggesting that now is the time for enjoy the world, instead of concentrating. in the

Santa Muerte in this image appears to float high in a light blue sky dotted with dark clouds. Dark
clouds are typically a symbol of uncertainty or chaos, but the sky in the background appears to
be in transition, one in which a new sun is rising, as indicated by the light blue color.

The moon that appears as a halo behind the head of Santa Muerte is a symbol of both the
arrival of a new cycle (a better cycle) in your life, as well as a symbol of the wisdom that has
brought you to this point.
In a vertical reading, this card represents worldly success, success in work or business, and a
general time of advancement and fulfillment. The fruits of the labor will be harvested and the
world will be yours to enjoy.

On the contrary, The World represents a period of obstacles and roadblocks. Business
frustrations can be expected, as well as problems completing projects. This reversed card can
also signal a physical illness.

Card: The Other World / The Other World

Numerical Value: 21

Symbol: Saturn
Representation: In the Santa Muerte Tarot, the card "The Other World" represents a Santa
Muerte with a white cape, black robe, clutching her magical scythe. His image is high up and
surrounded by black clouds, but it radiates a brilliant golden light. Below Santa Muerte is a
magical cemetery scene. In the scene, four skeletons and four ghosts are represented next to
four tombstones.
Ghosts and living skeletons appear next to a spinning vortex of blue light and against a
background of tall forest trees. One of the tombstones appears illuminated by a single lit candle.
Buried underground appears a closed coffin, a skeleton and a treasure chest.
Symbolism: The Otherworld represents positive interaction with the spirits of the dead, help from
ancestors beyond the veil, and recognition of offerings. Santa Muerte's cape on this card is
white, but she is also shown wearing a black robe over her white cape. This duality of color in
Santa Muerte's appearance is a representation of her dominance and her ability to walk
between the worlds of the living and the dead. In one of her hands, Santa Muerte holds her
magical scythe, a representation of her power to cut the thread of life whenever she sees fit.
Notice how the scythe in this image is shown as an actual scepter, rather than a weapon. Santa
Muerte is not exercising her power in this image, but rather presiding over her dominion;
keeping a watchful eye. Black clouds are generally a symbol of problems and uncertainty,

In the scene below Santa Muerte, four ghosts and four skeletons are shown next to four
tombstones. The number four is generally considered a number of grounding, stability, and
certainty. With four ghosts, four skeletons and four tombstones represented on this card, it
would suggest that the spirit world is firmly rooted and actively working in your life to move you

The spinning vortex of blue light is a literal representation of the gateway between the worlds of
the living and the dead, and further represents the ease with which your spirit guides or
ancestors move back and forth between the worlds within and Out of your life. An outline of tall
forest trees in the background of the lower scene reinforces that what we are seeing on the card
is occurring between worlds, as the forests/tree lines are often representations of the edges of
our world, or places where the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.

The single lit candle on one of the four tombstones, as if to mark it or draw attention to it, as well
as the presence of the coffin, the skeleton and the treasure chest that appear still buried
underground in the image, all symbolize that the spirits or ancestors who have been interested
in your life are not over yet, and more good things will come. In other words, the best has yet to
be revealed.

In a vertical reading, The Other World represents a positive interaction with the spirit world. Your
spirit guides, potentially the spirits of your ancestors, are actively working in your life to help and
protect you. If you have been making offerings to the dead, then they are recognized and

Conversely, The Otherworld is a sign of negative interaction with the spirit world. You may feel
harassed or attacked by forces from beyond the grave. Your spirit guides or ancestors may feel
ignored if you haven't recognized them in a while, and they may be calling for your attention.
The coffin, skeleton and treasure chest that appeared underground when the card was upright
now risk falling from the sky when the card is upside down: this represents a surprise death (the
coffin falling from the sky) , the revelation of secrets (the skeleton is suddenly revealed), or a
sudden surprise debt (the treasure chest falls and spills).

Los Bastos / The Wands

Ace of Wands - Ace of Wands:

Renewal of strength and power. Creativity and optimism. The beginning of a new job or project.
Weakness, illness, pessimism and fear.

2 of Wands - 2 of Wands:
Freedom, breaking of chains. Conflicts were resolved and stalemates were broken. Enthusiasm
to move forward.
Expiration, indecision or wasted efforts. No results. Caught up in confusion. Little or no
movement towards outstanding obligations.

3 of Wands - 3 of Wands:
Exploration and adventure. Go in search of new places and experiences. Move with purpose
and clear direction.
Feeling lost and scared. I have no idea where to move or look next. Disorientation. Feeling
frozen with fear.
4 of Wands - 4 of Wands:
Compliance, a job well done, or a word/promise kept. Grow despite the struggle, succeed with
dignity. A deserved achievement. Hard work pays off.
Unaccomplised promises. Procrastination and excuses. Fake achievements, negative shortcuts
or cheats.

5 of Wands - 5 of Wands:
An important argument, confrontation or competition. A public spectacle with high probabilities
of victory.
at a disadvantage in a conflict, fight or lawsuit. A public spectacle with high probability of defeat.

6 of Wands - 6 of Wands:
Victory, winning in different areas. Promotion or reward.
A competitive loss or failure to win a prize. Feel worse. Looking bad in front of others, or others
forming a negative opinion of you.

7 of Wands - 7 of Wands:
See a threat and face it head on. Courage and confidence in the face of adversity. Defensive,
but full of will to fight.
False sense of security, or misinterpreting the facts. Uncalculated risk. Lack of preparation and
bad news.

8 of Wands - 8 of Wands:
Concentrated energy and coordinated action. Mutually beneficial union. Strength in numbers.
Lack of energy and coordination. Discord and infighting. Wasted energy.

9 of Wands - 9 of Wands:
A strong position, a defensive fortress. In a safe place with the ability to endure. Strong allies.
Bad prospects, fewer resources and decreased energy. Lack of support.

10 of Wands - 10 of Wands:
A heavy burden, or feelings of guilt. Trying to do too much at once, or trying to make everyone
happy. Feeling spread too thin.
Exhaustion and despair. Submission to a false doctrine. Feeling broken and hurt.

Page of Wands - Page of Wands:

Young, enthusiastic person. Desire to learn and achieve goals. Creativity. Fertility.
Apathy, or childish attitude. Without desire to progress. Discouragement.

Knight of Wands - Knight of Wands:

Passionate and brave, but sometimes hasty and impulsive. A lot of energy to tackle many
projects and advance in any field.
Immature and lazy attitude. Lack of attention and inability, especially at work. Undecided.

Queen of Wands - Queen of Wands:

Maturity and patience. Generosity and good fruits. Joy in creating and caring for loved ones.
Immaturity and desperation. Wanting to leave everything behind, wanting to get divorced.
Exhaustion and frustration.

King of Wands - King of Wands:

Maturity and expertise. Ability to work and produce with confidence.
Immaturity and useless habits. Weakness and exhaustion. Fear and loss of hope.

The Cups

Ace of Cups - Ace of Cups:

A new love or relationship. A good time to start a new relationship. It can represent
companionship or falling in love.
It is not a good time to start or continue a relationship. The love you think is present is still far
from coming. Take things slowly, since a relationship is not what you expect.

2 of Cups - 2 of Cups:
Love, courtship and friendship. A desire to be together. Mutual trust.
A relationship or partnership with little love and a possible breakup. Dissatisfaction within a
society. It may represent a need to work on rebuilding a relationship.

3 of Cups - 3 of Cups:
Celebration, dance and enjoy. Good relationships and getting along with others.
Volatile relationships and bad company. A bad ending to a joyful celebration.

4 of Cups - 4 of Cups:
Individuality and self-sufficiency. Careful consideration of present circumstances, thinking with
your feet on the ground and keeping emotions in check.
Depression, sadness and rejection. Problems coping with loneliness.

5 of Cups - 5 of Cups:
Sadness, loss, anguish. Feeling helpless without knowing where to turn.
Deep depression and destructive emotions. Toxic relationships. Despair.

6 of Cups - 6 of Cups:
Friendship, trust, protection and support. Guidance from good people. Good relations.
Getting carried away by immature or unreliable people. Trust the wrong person. Naivety and

7 of Cups - 7 of Cups:
Vice and hallucination. Deliberate indifference to reality, inability to see what is real and what is
false. Dependence on destructive behavior or fanatical ideas.
Lack of self-control. Extremism or fanaticism. Possibly a drug or alcohol addiction. Toxic

8 of Cups - 8 of Cups:
Desire for personal improvement. Fighting to free yourself from an unhappy relationship or bad
situation. Following your heart and making a change.
From the frying pan to the fire. Escaping from one problem only to find another. False exit.

9 of Cups - 9 of Cups:
Happiness and satisfaction. Positive emotions and desire to do things. Motivation. Potential for
rest and relaxation.
Dissatisfaction. Immobility, heaviness and blockage. Feeling fed up and restless about the lack
of progress.

10 of Cups - 10 of Cups
Solid relationships with family and friends. Sense of belonging and enjoyment of family time.
Mutual trust, emotional support and emotional balance.
Hypocrisy and distrust. Fake or dangerous friends. Unbalanced relationships.

Page of Cups - Jack of Cups:

Friendly, excited and inspiring attitudes. Motivation to make good things happen.
Immaturity and detachment from reality. Feeling alone and not heard. Preventing growth.
Negative feeling.

Knight of Cups - Gentleman of Cups:

Move forward or get back on track. Excited or motivated by a new goal. Potential flow of
emotions / a new relationship.
Getting lost and stumbling on a dangerous path. Lack of emotional direction, confusion and
disorientation. Blackmail.

Queen of Cups - Queen of Cups:

Love, protection and support. Positive emotions, especially in family relationships.
Stagnation. Inability to forgive and forget. Bitter resentment and repressed emotions.

King of Cups - King of Cups:

Serenity, tranquility, patience and understanding. Emotional control.
tyranny, manipulation and selfishness. Repressed emotions that manifest as explosive temper.
Guilt and bitterness.

Las Espadas / The Swords

Ace of Swords - Ace of Swords:

New ideas or creativity. A new adventure along an intellectual or creative path. Creative
problem solving. An intellectual or artistic project to undertake.
Lack of creativity or understanding. Confusion. A difficult mental block. Inability to move forward
or express yourself. Fear of fighting for what you want.

2 of Swords - 2 of Swords:
A time of cooperation and agreement. Truce. Feel inspired to make peace.
Distrust and disagreement. Mutual suspicion. Hidden agendas. Without desire to listen to
others. Boiling temper.

3 of Swords - 3 of Swords:
Risk of lying and betrayal. Inability to know the true motives. Threat of being stabbed in the
back. without confidence
Being a victim of betrayal and lies. Or an enemy who divulges facts or reveals secrets to
damage your reputation. People talking behind your back.

4 of Swords - 4 of Swords:
Stay calm and evaluate your options. Take your time and don't rush. Consider other arguments
and wait for the right moment.
poor planning, lack of preparation and hasty decision making. Moving forward in confusion, and
when the full picture is not understood.

5 of Swords - 5 of Swords:
Defeat, obstacles and attacks. Risk of loss. Threats wait around the corner.
Trapped by circumstances. Loss of power and facing a blocked path. Closed minds.

6 of Swords - 6 of Swords:
Victory. Coming out at the top. Your enemies are weak, it is a good time to advance.
Battle won, but not the war. Avoid complacency and remain alert to future threats.

7 of Swords - 7 of Swords:
Hidden enemies and unknown threats. People talk behind your back. Conflict from multiple
Attacks from unknown forces that seem to come from all directions. Damage caused by strong
slander. Feeling hopeless and surrounded by darkness.

8 of Swords - 8 of Swords:
Feeling trapped or blocked. An arrest, or accusations made. Temporary confinement.
Long-term prison sentence or punishment. Without hope, without alternatives. A dead end.

9 of Swords - 9 of Swords:
Fear, worry and concern. Danger from others, threatening words and criticism.
Destructive criticism. Real danger due to threats posed. Mental anguish and constant worry.

10 of Swords - 10 of Swords:
A crisis or difficult situation will reach its climax. Arguments and internal struggles between
members of a group. Being attacked, with the potential to emerge victorious.
A negative self-fulfilling prophecy. Destroyed by others. Circumstances beyond repair.
Page of Swords - Jack of Swords:
New ideas and mental clarity. Positive attitude. Learn or know something new.
No desire to learn or understand. Empty words and wasteful ideas. Lack of comprehension.

Knight of Swords - Gentleman of Swords:

Quick reaction to a challenge. A clear plan of attack. Tactical intelligence.
Confusion, ignorance and lack of direction. Inability to concentrate.

Queen of Swords - Queen of Swords:

Intelligence and strategy. Good consultation, cultivation of ideas and clarity.
Lack of original ideas. Baseless arguments and meaningless diatribes. Rigid adherence to
outdated views. Contrary.

King of Swords - King of Swords:

Creativity and knowledge. New ideas and intellectual superiority. Wisdom and valuable
Lack of knowledge, direction and usefulness. False or vulgar ideas. Senseless bureaucracy.

The Pentacles / The Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles - Ace of Pentacles:

A time of new resources and receiving money. Wealth, achievements and good news. Good
health and healing.
No improvement in finances. Financial uncertainty and risk of poverty. It is not a good time to
invest or start a new business. Potential for poor health/non-healing.

2 of Pentacles - 2 of Pentacles:
Speculation, chance and betting. Medium-term risk and delicate health.
Bad luck. Loss of balance or assets, especially in matters of finances. A dangerous bet, or an
unnecessary risk.

3 of Pentacles - 3 of Pentacles:
Meaningful action. Long-term work and productivity. A solid foundation of quality materials and
capable people. Structure.
Low productivity, lack of creativity and limited success. Ill-defined plans, poor management and
lack of structure.

4 of Pentacles - 4 of Pentacles:
Treasure and stored wealth. Saving resources and taking care of money. Invest little, but retain
a lot.
Lost treasure. Wealth in danger. Lack of resources. Greed and contempt. The disappearance of
something valuable. Hidden illness.

5 of Pentacles - 5 of Pentacles:
Debt, theft and economic losses. Important items lost, heavy taxes, heavy interest owed.
unpayable debt, bankruptcy or unemployment. Theft or loss of something important. Eviction.

6 of Pentacles - 6 of Pentacles:
A gift, prize or donation. Receive the fruits of work. Good harvest and greater production.
An unwanted gift or minor prize. Breakeven points or very low profits. Lend carefully.

7 of Pentacles - 7 of Pentacles:
Good time to invest and investigate future investment plans. Get ready to take advantage of
your current opportunity.
bad investment, wasted economic efforts, little or no results, bad time for business.

8 of Pentacles - 8 of Pentacles:
Working with enthusiasm. Dedicated to making a dream come true. Improve the skills and
abilities of your trade.
Waste of energy and dissatisfaction with work. Unrealistic goals. Inability.

9 of Pentacles - 9 of Pentacles:
Abundance and wealth. Hard work and investments pay off well. Many resources for new
projects. Now is the time to seize the moment and enjoy what you have before it's gone.
Disappointment, not getting what you want. Rapid loss or expenditure of money. Obstacles in
business and potential for scams.

10 of Pentacles - 10 of Pentacles:
A new business opportunity, and a good time to look for work. Pay attention to the opportunities
and resources at your disposal. A new source of income will appear, treasure found.
Inverted: The
pursued goals remain out of reach. Possible loss of income. Good opportunities can be missed
or overlooked.

Page of Pentacles - Jack of Pentacles:

Enthusiasm and motivation. Desire to learn and seek economic stability. Progress toward goals.
Financial immaturity and bad financial decisions. Fantasies of wealth without a clear
understanding of how to make them come true. Poverty.

Knight of Pentacles - Knight of Pentacles:

Prudent progress, one step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race. Attention to details.
Careful exploration and consideration of possibilities.
Recklessness and getting carried away. Lack of direction, lack of knowledge. Impulsiveness.
Financial immaturity.

Queen of Pentacles - Queen of Pentacles:

Maturity, generosity and honesty. A person who manages money well is good at business and
can bring projects to fruition.
Immaturity, greed and dishonesty. A person who creates financial problems for themselves and

King of Pentacles - King of Pentacles:

Great business and investment acumen. Good manager of people and resources. Generation of
wealth and achievement of objectives.
Immaturity. A bad manager and businessman. A cheater. That which generates losses and

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