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Chart of accounts
Microenterprise Natural fibers

1 Asset
1.1 Current active
1.101 Cash and its equivalents
1.10101 Box
1.10102 petty cash
1.10103 Banks
1.1010301 Current account
1.1010302 Savings account
1.102 Accounts and documents receivable
1.10201 Trade accounts receivable
1.10202 Estimation for uncollectible accounts
1.10203 Documents receivable
1.10204 Advances to suppliers
1.10205 Loans and advances to personnel
1.10206 Other accounts receivable
1.103 IVA tax credit
1.10301 VAT on purchases
1.10302 VAT withholding
1.10303 Remaining VAT
1.10304 VAT withheld from third parties
1.104 Inventory
1.10401 Merchandise for sale
1.10402 Estimation for inventory obsolescence
1.105 Prepaid expenses
1.10501 Insurance
1.10502 Rentals
1.10503 Stationery and supplies
1.10504 Payment on account Income tax
1.2 Non-current asset
1.201 Land
1.202 Buildings
1.203 Furniture and equipment
1.20301 Furniture and office equipment
1.20302 Furniture and sales equipment
1.20303 Equipment
1.204 Machinery
1.205 Other fixed assets
1.206 Transport equipment
1.207 Other fixed assets

1.208 Accumulated depreciation of own property, plant and equipment at

1. 20801 Building depreciation
1. 20802 Depreciation of furniture and equipment
1. 20803 Depreciation of other assets
1. 209 Depreciation of revalued property, plant and equipment
1.20901 Building revaluation depreciation
1. 20902 Revaluation depreciation of furniture and equipment
1. 20903 Depreciation of machinery revaluation
1. 20904 Revaluation depreciation of other assets
2 Passive
2.1 Current liabilities
2.101 Loans and bank transfers
2.10101 Bank overdrafts
2.10102 Short term loans
2.10103 Current portion of long-term loans
2.10104 Other loans
2.102 Accounts and documents payable
2.10201 Suppliers
2.10202 Documents to pay
2.10203 Credit letters
2.10204 Promissory notes
2.10205 Bills of exchange
2.103 Remunerations and benefits payable in the short term to employees
2.10301 Wages
2.10302 commissions
2.10303 Bonuses
2.10304 Vacation
2.10305 bonuses
2.104 Various creditors and provisions
2.10401 Local creditors
2.10402 ISSS health employer contribution
2.10403 AFP employer contribution
2.10404 WALK
2.10405 CAES
2.10406 Interest payable
2.105 Withholdings and discounts
2.10501 ISSS contributions
2.10502 AFP contributions
2.10503 Income Tax Withholdings
2.10504 VAT withheld from third parties
2.10505 Other withholdings
2.106 VAT Tax Debit
2.10601 For sales to consumers
2.10602 For sales to taxpayers
2.10603 VAT perception

2.107 Tax for paying

2.10701 Income tax
2.10702 VAT payable
2.10703 Municipal taxes
2.10704 Provision of payment on account
2.2 Non-current liabilities
2.201 Long-term bank loans
2.202 Other long-term loans
2.203 Anticipated customer revenue
2.204 Provision for labor obligations
2.205 Other non-current liabilities
3 Heritage
3.1 Shareholders' equity
3.101 Capital
Mr. Arcadio Hernández Muchin
3.102 Surplus due to reassessments
3.10201 Land
3.10202 Furniture and equipment
3.10203 Machinery
3.10204 Other assets
3.103 Undistributed profits
3.10301 From previous exercises
3.10302 From this exercise
4 Debit income accounts
4.1 Costs
4.101 Production cost
4.10101 Raw material
4.10102 direct labor
4.10103 Indirect production costs
4.2 Bills
4.201 Sales and distribution expenses
4.20101 Wages
4.20102 Salaries
4.20103 Extra hours
4.20104 commissions
4.20105 Vacation
4.202 Administration expenses
4.20201 Salaries
4.20202 Rentals
4.20203 Stationery
4.203 Financial expenses
4.20301 Interests
4.20302 Bank fees
4.20303 Bank spreads
4.20304 Expenses for assets received under lease
4.20305 Loss on sale or withdrawal of asset
4.20306 Asset Impairment Expenses

4.204 Income Tax Expenses

4.20401 Current Income Tax
4.20402 Deferred Income Tax-asset
4.20403 Deferred-passive income tax
5 Creditor income accounts
5.1 Income
5.101 Sales
5.102 Financial income
5.10201 Bank interest
5.10202 commissions
5.10203 Bank spreads
5.103 Dividends earned
5.10301 Income from assets leased
5.10302 Gain on sale of fixed assets
5.10303 Income not recognized in previous years
6 settlement account
6.1 Closing account
6.101 Profit and loss




This account represents the money available in cash, the fund for small expenses, the balance
available in checking, savings or fixed-term accounts in a period of less than one year, in
banking entities and their equivalents. It is used to record the income and expenditure of
money mobilized in cash, petty cash or banks.
CHARGED: With all the cash received from the different concepts of the company's own
income (sales, fees for services); the establishment of the petty cash fund or its increase or the
value of remittances or credit notes issued by banks.
PAID: All cash expenditures that correspond to payments, remittances to banks; the decrease
in the petty cash fund or when money is withdrawn from it; the amount of checks issued,
withdrawals and debit notes issued by banks.


This account represents the balances owed by clients or other debtors for reasons other than
the main activity of the entity and records the sale of merchandise on credit and also records
credits covered by documents such as promissory notes, mutual funds and others, with shorter
terms. To one year.

CHARGED: For the value of credit sales supported with or without documents, advances to
employees and any other credit supported by the entity.
PAID: For total or partial payment or payments made by clients or debtors.


This account records the value added tax that the company pays in the acquisition (Purchase)
of merchandise, goods or services for which it obtains the right to credit it against the value
added tax withheld from its customers in the sale of merchandise or provision of services.
CHARGED: With the payment of the value added tax paid by the entity for purchases, expenses
and others
PAID: For the tax accreditation in the monthly declaration, the VAT corresponding to returns,
rebates and discounts on purchases.


The inventory item is made up of a company's assets intended for sale or production for
subsequent sale, such as raw materials, process production, finished articles and other
materials that are used in packaging, in merchandise bases. or spare parts for maintenance
that are consumed in the normal operations cycle.
CHARGED: For the net value of the cost of the merchandise or materials and supplies
purchased, as well as for the amount of raw materials, labor and factory load used in
production and the value of the finished production.
PAID: With the cost of the merchandise sold, the cost of the materials or supplies used in
production; and the cost of products sold


Represents debit balances, whose partial or total amounts are subject to deferral for a period
of no more than one year or longer, depending on the period(s) that will benefit from the
insurance, interest or rent paid in advance.
CHARGED: With payment of insurance and rent in advance.
PAID: With the amortization installments established by the company


1,201 LAND: This account presents the purchase value as well as the cost of sale of the land,
improvements or annexations suffered by it.
IT IS CHARGED: with the value of purchase, transfer, donations or revaluations and the cost of
new annexations or constructions made to it.
PAID: With the cost of sale, transfer or donation
Its balance will be debit and represents the value of the land, improvements and annexes that
the company has at the balance sheet date.

This account represents the purchase and sale value, transfer, donation or revaluation that
the buildings undergo.
CHARGED: With the value of the purchase, transfer, donation or revaluation of the buildings
and with the cost of new constructions or annexations.
PAID: With the sale, transfer or donation of the property as well as with its destruction.
Its balance will be debit and will represent the value of the buildings, improvements or
annexes that the company has at the balance sheet date.


Desks, chairs, bookcases, counters, scales, display cases, office machines, etc. are considered
office furniture or equipment.

CHARGED: Charged with the cost of acquisition or manufacturing of furniture and equipment,
and with revaluation if feasible.
PAID: With the value of its sale, destruction or loss of the furniture or equipment.
Its balance will be debit and will represent the value of the furniture and equipment at the
time of the balance sheet.

It represents the set of machines that industries use to carry out their production.
CHARGED: with the cost of acquiring machinery for the manufacture of products
PAID: with the value of its sale, destruction or loss of the machinery.


Represents the vehicles owned by the company used to transport merchandise.
CHARGED: With the value of the purchase, transfer or donation of cars, trucks, among others,
as well as substantial improvements.
PAID: With sale, destruction or losses.
Your balance will be debit and will represent the value of cars, trucks and others at the time of
It represents assets owned by the company, but not used in the company's ordinary
IT IS CHARGED: with the value of their acquisitions.
PAID: with the lost sale or deterioration of these assets.


This account will be charged with the accumulated value of the depreciation at the time of the
sale, destruction, retirement or losses of the negligible assets.
PAID: with the value of the periodic fee referred to in the income tax law.


They are those assets that represent the use of services or the consumption of goods; but
which are expected to produce future income and their application to results will be a deferred
expense until the year in which said income is obtained.
CHARGED: With the commercial value of any other intangible asset
PAID: With the decrease or liquidation of the value of any other intangible asset.
Its balance will be debit and will represent the value of any other intangible asset, other than
those already detailed, at the time of the balance sheet.


They originate from credit sales supported with or without a document, provision of services
and other normal operations for a period of more than one year.
CHARGED: For the value of credit sales supported with or without a document, advances to
employees and any other credit supported by the entity for a term greater than one year.
PAID: For total or partial payment or payments made by clients or debtors.


2.101 Loans and bank drafts

Bank loans represent the obligations acquired by the entity before a financial institution; and
bank overdrafts represent payments in excess of the balance of the bank account authorized
by an entity in the financial system.
CHARGED: for payments made to banking entities.
PAID: obligations to financial entities.

2.102Accounts and documents payable

Registers the credits acquired by the company, in a period of less than one year with suppliers
or creditors and all those credits guaranteed with bills of exchange, promissory notes, mutual
funds or any other document.
Registers the credits acquired by the company, within a period of less than one year, with
creditors or suppliers guaranteed or not with a document.
CHARGED: for total or partial payments made by the entity
PAID: the value of the obligations that the entity acquired for the financing obtained.

103. Remunerations and benefits payable in the short term to employees

This account represents the salaries, vacations and bonuses that must be granted to
CHARGED: With the corresponding settlements of the obligations for economic benefits to
PAID: With the determined value of employee benefits payable in the short term.

104. Various creditors and provisions

This account represents the obligations derived from operations outside the entity's business.
CHARGED: for total or partial payments made by the entity.
PAID: with the amount of the balances owed.

2,105 Withholdings and discounts

It represents the amount of withholdings made to the payrolls, or to the receipts of fees and
leases, as income tax, from the ISSS, from the pension fund associations, the attorney general's
office and others.
CHARGED: With tax payments and fees that the company delivers to the corresponding
organizations or people.
PAID: With tax withholdings, fees or contributions made by the company when paying payroll,
fees and leases.

2,106 VAT Tax Debit

Records the VAT charged to final consumers or taxpayers for sales or services provided.
CHARGED: when settling the VAT corresponding to returns, discounts or discounts on sales.
PAID: VAT collected on invoices or tax credit vouchers to other taxpayers or final consumers

2,107 Tax payable

Represents all taxes pending payment.
CHARGED: With partial or total payment of taxes due by the company
PAID: With the value of taxes due and pending payment

2.2 Non-Current Liabilities

2,201 Long-term bank loans

This account represents the balances originated by loans or other obligations of the company,
contracted for a term greater than one year.
CHARGED: Based on the journal entry that reclassifies the amount due within one year.
PAID: With loans received for more than one year.

2,202 Other long-term loans

They represent the company's long-term loans acquired from a non-financial institution for a
term greater than one year.
IT IS CHARGED: with the value of the loan cancellation.
PAID: with the value of the obligation acquired

2,203 Anticipated revenue from customers

This account records the products or profits received in advance, that is, they correspond or
must be considered in the results of the year or in periods subsequent to the one in which they
are received.
CHARGED: With the amount of the products or profits that had been received in advance and
that correspond to the profits of the following year.
PAID: With the amount of sales paid in advance.

2,204 Provision for labor obligations

Represents the amount of the provision for labor obligations, in compliance with art. 447 of
the commercial code and those of a voluntary nature of the entity
CHARGED: With compensation payments and other labor benefits for dismissals.
PAID: With the employer contributions made by the company when paying payroll

2,205 Other non-current liabilities

It includes obligations to be paid within a period of more than one year, approximately always
from the date of the balance sheet.

CHARGED: With the value of the total or partial cancellation of the obligations.
PAID: With the value of the acquired obligations greater than one year.

Mr. Arcadio Hernández Muchin
It represents the contribution of the owner Mr. Arcadio Hernández Muchin to the company.
IT IS CHARGED: With capital decreases
PAID: With capital increases.

2 Surplus due to Revaluations

It will be applied to profits obtained from revaluations of fixed assets or market fluctuations.
CHARGED: To settle the account.
PAID: With the profit obtained from the surpluses

3.103 Undistributed profits

It represents the value not yet distributed (or retained) of the owner's profits.
CHARGED:`To settle the account
PAID: With the profit pending distribution obtained in the period.

3.104 Bookings
Represents the amount of legal or other reserves; or reevaluations.
CHARGED: With the liquidation of reserves.
PAID: With the amount corresponding to the reservations.

4 Debtor income accounts

4.1 Costs

4.101 Production cost

They represent the costs in manufacturing products.
CHARGED: With the value of the costs incurred in the manufacture of products.
PAID: At the end of the year to settle them.



It shows the expenses the company incurs to distribute and market its products.
CHARGED: With the value of marketing expenses
PAID: With the settlement of the balances

4,202 Administration expenses

Records the expenses corresponding to the general management of the company.
CHARGED: Expenditures related to the general administration of the company.
PAID: The settlement of this account, against the profit and loss account.

4,203 Financial expenses

It records the disbursements that arise from the need to obtain, as a loan, capital from others.
CHARGED: All expenses incurred to obtain and maintain loans acquired by the company.
PAID: The settlement of the balance of that account against profits and losses.

4,204 Income Tax Expenses

The income tax expense is the total amount that, under this concept, is included when
determining the net profit for the period, containing both current and deferred taxes.
CHARGED: with the amount to be paid for the tax on profits related to the tax profit of the
PAID: at the end of the financial year.

5 Credit income accounts

5.1 Income

5,101 Sales
It is represented as the first account of the income statement; All sales we make to our clients
are recorded, whether credit or cash.
CHARGED: At the end of the year to settle it
PAID: For sales made at the sales price, whether on credit or in cash.

5.102 Financial income

It records income from interest received on bank deposits, securities, among others.
CHARGED: The transfer of the balance from this account to the profit and loss account.
PAID: The value of the interest earned.

5,103 Dividends earned:

CHARGED: at the end of the financial year to transfer its balance to the profit and loss account.
PAID: with the value of the dividends that have been declared to us.

6 Settlement account
6.1 Closing account

6.101 Profits and losses

The purpose of this account is to bring together the income statement accounts, since at the
end of the year it is necessary to group these balances into a single account to compare them
with each other and be able to determine any net profits or losses.
CHARGED: The transfer of all costs and expenses, and they are credited to the accounts they
represent to settle them; The liquid result is transferred to the profit of the current year.
PAID: The transfer of all income and is charged to the accounts they represent to settle them;
The result of losses is transferred to the loss item.

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