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Natural person merchant Income tax taxpayer Property tax Industry and commerce tax Income tax
withholding: If you are a merchant and your income exceeds 30,000 UVT
 VAT: It can belong to the simplified or common regime
sole proprietorship The sales tax will govern if only the redevelopment of the activity
constitutes a generating event for that tax, which could include real estate
if it has not been expressly excluded, the assets where it is appropriate as a
limited liability company with tax obligations.
 Income tax
 Property tax
 Tax of industry and commerce
 Tax auditor: Necessary in some cases
 VAT: They can belong to the common regime
Simplified joint stock They are agents for the withholding of the source of income titles, VAT,
company Ica among others, also issuing invoices, property taxes, keeping accounting
and having a tax auditor for the amount of income or assets.

Collective society Collective, limited liability, limited liability and ordinary mining
companies are subject only to the basic income tax, with the special rates
that are subsequently indicated, without prejudice to the fact that the
partners of such companies, as persons other than the society, pay the tax
that corresponds to them on their shares of profits and on their social
contributions, which are determined in the manner established in this Law.
 Value added tax VAT
 Income tax for equity believes
 National consumption tax
 Tax of industry and commerce
 The generating event of the ICA
Anonymous society The Income and Complementary Tax (Casual Earnings), the Value Added
Tax (VAT), the Stamp Tax, the Tax on Financial Liens, and the Wealth
Tax and the advance collection called “Withholding at Source”.

The same applies to the tax aspects of the simplified joint-stock company,
especially with respect to the liability of the company and the partners.
Liability Company Ltd. It is their obligation from the articles of incorporation as well as from the
economic activity of the same, in which they must present, like any
company, corporate taxes and their annual accounts, depending on the type
of activity.

Simple Limited They have to keep accounting, tax receipts, annual income tax return, have
Partnership a record of operations, have an inventory system as the partner will
contribute to what must be paid in the company.

Partnership limited by As it is commercial in nature like the others, the partners will be in charge
shares of the administration of the company and will be personally responsible for
the social debts since the capitalist is different.
Non-profit entities They are legally constituted legal entities where profits or surpluses are not
reimbursed, nor distributed as such in which depending on whether it is in
a special tax regime, it will give 20% of the income tax and

1. What is the importance of payment of obligations for Colombia?

It is important since with the contributions provided by each citizen to help guarantee
fiscal sustainability as well as the provision of public goods that all
citizens need, such as the construction of infrastructure works such as
roads, schools, hospitals, security, justice, parks, etc.
Any country needs resources for its operation to guarantee sustainability.
state prosecutor.

2. What types of tax obligations are handled in Colombia?

 Special contribution for administration of justice

 Tax on financial movements
 Wealth tax
 Income tax and complementary special regime
 Income tax and complementary ordinary regime
 Income and assets
 Withholding at source as income
 National stamp duty withholding
 Withholding at source in sales tax
 Customs user
 Common regime sales
 Simplified regime sales
 Big taxpayer
 Exogenous informant
 Retaining author
 Obligation to invoice excluded goods or services for income
 Currency buying and selling professionals
 Transfer pricing
 Producer of exempt goods or services
 Obtaining NIT
 Declare entry or exit from the country of foreign currency or legal currency
 Obligation to declare on behalf of third parties
 Sales retention agent
 Consolidated transfer pricing statement

 Individual transfer pricing declaration

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