Basic Techniques For Good Calligraphy

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* Stand straight in front of the table, never leaning. The back is straight and the shoulders are loose
with a light inclination toward forward.
* Stay straight and without leaning on the table.

* Do not cross your legs forward.

*Do not place your feet under the chair.

* Places the right leg bent at a right angle.


* The arms should be almost motionless and the elbows should be level with the table in their
natural position and touching the body.

* To write well it is important to take care of the position of your arms.

* Both arms resting on the table and on both sides of the body.
* Shoulders parallel to the edge of the table where you are going to write.

* The forearms should be supported on the table.

* The right elbow should be close to the body but not touching it.


* Hold the pencil well.

* You have to do it with the thumb, index and middle fingers commonly called a pinch shape.

* The pencil should be rested in the middle of the hand between the thumb and index fingers.
* Do not bring the tip of it close to the angle of your thumb.
* You should not press the pencil too hard as this can strain your hand or transfer the writing to
the sheets below.


* The shape appropriate is to place your hand straight with regard to the
* Get that hand, fingers, doll and arm HE displace with freedom.
* Place your hands on the same plane as your wrists, ensuring that the forearm and the back of the
hands form a straight line.


* It should be slightly inclined to the left.
* You should place the paper in front, move it a few centimeters away and then turn it to the left
so that the top of the paper forms an angle with respect to the table.

* A good position of the paper allows the hand to write under the writing line.


It is essential that children acquire good habits from the beginning. According to psychomotor
specialist, Philippe Kostka, children can begin to acquire good posture from the moment they sit
correctly at the desk. Also getting a child to hold the writing tool correctly from the beginning is
very important, because once children get used to a certain grip, it is difficult to correct it.


Here are some tips to help children place their fingers correctly:

The pencil or pen is held between the thumb and index finger and rests on the middle finger. This
is what is called the “tripod clamp” grip.

The instrument should be held close to the tip, but far enough away to allow the child to see
clearly what is written on the page. The finger must always be flexible and have ease of movement,
but a certain muscle tone is required to form the lines that will give rise to letters, words and

With the paper at an angle, so that he has complete freedom of movement, the child should create
movements such as extension and flexion of the wrist.

The other hand (in the case of right-handed people, the left) must hold the page so that it does not
move, as well as contribute to the balance of the body.

The writing hand should move from left to right when writing.

You don't acquire good writing posture overnight. In preschool, children will begin by learning what
is known as "body image." First they learn to identify the different parts of the body, so that they
can control movements and have a perception of space, what it means up, down, left, right, etc. It
is the time when they learn to move their arms independently of the body, to align objects, draw
lines and curves with a finger, and discover the meaning of horizontal and vertical.

Children should then adopt a suitable body position for writing, helped at home by parents
whenever possible. In a well-lit area, ask the child to sit in an appropriately sized chair, feet flat on
the floor, knees below thigh height, back straight slightly forward. The elbows and forearms should
be able to move easily. The arm you do not use for writing should serve as support, but always
keep your back straight. All hand muscles must be relaxed; the forearm extends naturally, without
flexion or rotation.


Calligraphy and its classes: Chinese calligraphy

Georgian calligraphy
Arabic calligraphy
Latin calligraphy, Bible from 1407
Calligraphy (from the Greek καλλιγραφία [kaligraphy]) is the art of writing with beautiful, artistic
and correctly formed letters , 12 following different styles; but it can also be understood as the set
of features that characterize the writing of a person or a document.

A classical perspective would define calligraphy as the set of written letters that depend on the
flow and rhythm of the pen, brush or flat-edged instrument used to draw them.2 Rufino Blanco
defined calligraphy as "the art of representing with beauty oral sounds through graphic signs, or,
the only beautiful graphic art of the word.3

A contemporary definition of the practice of calligraphy is "the art of writing beautifully" .4 The
history of writing is a story of aesthetic evolutions framed by the technical skills, speed and
material limitations of different people, times and places.5

Calligraphy is the art where abstract expression can take on more importance than the legibility of
the letters.4 Classical calligraphy differs from typography and non-classical handwriting, although a
calligrapher may be able to create all of them.

Almost all civilizations that practice writing have developed an art of calligraphy. However, some of
them have elevated it to a special status depending on particular historical or philosophical
contexts. This may lead to a question about the very use of the word calligraphy applied to non-
Greco-Roman cultures.

Furthermore, the place of this art in the East has been very different from its place in the West,
since learning the art of the line was the basis of the classical training of the oriental painter, in
civilizations where the art of the letter and the drawing .6 In several eastern civilizations,
calligraphy is part of the occult sciences, the hierarchy (thought, the brush, the line and the
philosophical idea are inseparable) .7

In the West, it is the art of copyist monks, but also of great calligraphers responsible for
contributing to the prestige of their sovereigns and aristocrats. With this, the work of the
calligraphers was more along the lines of seeking a perfect execution for the glory of their patrons,
than in a purely "aesthetic" search, a very contemporary notion.

Types of calligraphy

Calligraphy types can be established based on their representation, their use and the functionality
for which they were designed.8

By place of origin

Arabic calligraphy

Main articles: Arabic calligraphy and Kufic calligraphy.

In Arabic language, ‫ ال خط ف ن‬fann al-jatt, "art of the line." Arabic calligraphy is governed by a
series of rules and aesthetic canons that require study and the development of artistic abilities,
skills and talents9 . :Kufic calligraphy is a style of Arabic calligraphy considered the oldest type of
writing in this Arabic language, developed in the city of Kufa from which it takes its name, currently
in Iraq, from a modification of the ancient Syrian alphabet and used to write the first copies of the

Hebrew calligraphy[
Main article: Rashi scripture

Rashi, an acronym for ‫ יצחקי שלמה רבי‬Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, is the semi-cursive font in which
Rashi's commentaries are commonly printed in both the Talmud and the Tanakh. Although it bears
his name, Rashi never used this script: the font is based on the 15th century Sephardic semi-cursive
handwritten script.

Chinese calligraphy

Main article: Chinese calligraphy

Or calligraphy known as 書 法 shūfǎ. Chinese characters can be drawn according to five historical
styles. Normally they are all done with a brush and ink. These styles are intrinsically linked to the
history of Chinese writing.

Japanese calligraphy

Main article: Shodō

Calligraphy known as Shodō ( 書道 shod ō?) is considered an art in Japan, and a very difficult
discipline to perfect; It is taught as just another subject to Japanese children during their primary

Korean calligraphy

Main article: Korean calligraphy

It is the Korean tradition of artistic writing in Hangul or Hanja, respectively, the Korean alphabet
and Chinese characters introduced to Korea as early as the second or third century AD.

Georgian calligraphy

Main article: Georgian calligraphy

It is a form of calligraphy or artistic writing of the Georgian language that has been practiced in all
three Georgian alphabets. There is a centuries-long tradition in this art and Christianity has played
an important role in Georgian literary life, as monks and other religious people of the Georgian
Orthodox Church have left many manuscripts and historical records.

Western or Latin calligraphy

Main article: Western calligraphy

Since Roman times and until the invention of the printing press, calligraphy has been linked to the
history of European culture and its transmission, whose eras are reflected in the different writing
styles. Even later, beauty in handwriting has always been highly regarded as part of education until
very recent times, and flourishes today in the form of handwritten invitations, logo and typeface
designs, commemorative documents and many other works that include writing elements.

Correct position for typing

Head slightly tilted to the right.

Shoulders loose, slightly inclined forward.

Trunk upright and supported by the back of the chair.

Arms hanging naturally with the same inclination of the keyboard.

Elbows at table level, slightly separated from the body.

Fixed view on copy.

Fingers curled over the guide keyboard.

Wrists at close range, without touching the base of the machine

Text on the right side of the machine

Clean the work area of unnecessary items.

His feet firmly on the floor, one slightly in front of the other.

Ihimenidcin mn millimeire
Top edge of monitor Head/neck
at eye level or slightly , in a straight position.
below 1 shoulders relaxed

Mouse/next input devices *.

to the keyboard ............Forearms and
arms at 90'0
a little more

close to the

Legs and wrists, hands
thighs at 9O*o in a straight
a little more line

Thighs and
Feet flat on the floor or on Clearance between the edge at 9O"or a
a palm rest of the little more
seat and knees
Reference posture for work

Correct body position

The student or person who sits down to work at a typewriter or computer must do so correctly, as
illustrated. The position of the body when writing has its technique and if it is not put into practice
from the beginning, it will not be possible to develop the efficiency desired from every good typist.

Get in the habit of keeping your work area clean of unnecessary items. You should only have in it
your text, the folder with enough pages and any other material that your teacher indicates.


Starting school is always a challenge but for children to hold a pencil correctly is an even greater
challenge that lasts over time.

For this reason, it is essential to teach the little ones techniques that help them change bad habits.

Before writing…

Without a doubt, children have the bad habit of not holding the pencil properly before starting to
write. In fact, for this reason it is recommended that you focus on fine motor activities from a
young age.

From the age of two, children are able to memorize the position of their hands when holding the
pencil. By doing these small exercises later, when they are older, we will prevent them from
tensing their hand muscles if they hold the pencil in a strange way. As a result, your fingers will not
get tired when writing.

Now, pay attention to the techniques!

At PAPELSTORE, we propose different techniques so that the pencil grip is done correctly.


To start, choose a triangular or small pencil . The contact with the pencil is not so great and thus it
is not necessary to use more fingers than necessary to use the pencil optimally.


For a correct posterior grip, first of all, we must start with the technique of holding the pen with
three fingers: thumb, index, and middle. Of course, it is necessary to leave aside the ring and little
fingers since these help support the hand.

Secondly, to prevent them from using their ring and little fingers, we can implement different
actions. Among them, it is worth placing a small ball or a piece of paper and holding it with these
fingers while the child writes. Thus, we will be able to eliminate the bad habit.

Finally, all that remains is to correct the position of the index, thumb and middle fingers.


Gripping the pencil with your index fingers and thumb is essential to writing correctly.

The first step to take is to place your index finger on the top of the pencil. Thus, together with the
thumb we will be able to clamp the pencil.

The second step is to avoid putting pressure on the pencil. Since, if they put force on the pencil
itself they will immediately feel pain and will get tired more quickly writing.


The middle finger also plays an important role in this process, so we must not forget about it.

This finger has the function of generating a support platform while writing. That is, it is a support
point and it must be verified that it is used effectively.



With the pencil adapter you will get them to hold the pencil correctly, and it will encourage
children to acquire good writing habits, improving their handwriting.

Importance of Calligraphy

Calligraphy is a type of handwriting and is an important action because it stimulates the person's
fine motor skills and cognitive development. Writing is a skill related to learning, thinking and

It is considered an art of writing since it is characterized by the use of ornate, personalized fonts
with particular designs. Hence the origin of its name in which cali means "quality" and graphy
means "to engrave", that is, the quality of the engraving or line.

The most used calligraphy is English cursive. Also, there are other styles of fonts within calligraphy,
such as Gothic, serif or sans serif.

What is calligraphy used for?

The person who performs calligraphic writing relies on techniques to maintain a certain style
throughout the written document. As with any activity that involves motor skills, technique can be
improved and optimized through practice.

Although calligraphy offers various typographic styles, it maintains the parameters so that anyone
can read and understand it. Another aspect why it is considered important is the possibility it offers
to improve spelling.

Calligraphy has been very important in the unveiling of history, from the ancient documents of the
Church, laws as well as relationships between recognized figures. For example, the letters from
José de San Martín to his daughter, known as “Las Máximas”, which could be interpreted due to
the typographical clarity that was customary at that time.

However, there are ancient writings that have not been able to be deciphered, because they were
made with another writing system or because the typography is not clear and legible. The better
the quality of the typography, that is, the handwriting of the writing, the more likely it will be
decoded correctly.

Purpose of calligraphy

Calligraphy's main purpose is for people to be able to write well, that is, in a way that can be
understood, it refers to the way we write. Importance of calligraphy Its importance is now less than
before, since it lies in understanding well what people write by hand, every day that the digital
divide closes more, people choose to write with digital methods, it is not absolutely essential to
know writing well, but calligraphy DOES NOT MEAN SPELLING, which is necessary at all levels of

Importance of readability and clarity in written works

A written work not only shows your knowledge in a subject or your ability to …see more…

The self-esteem:

Self-esteem is one of the fundamental values for a mature, balanced and healthy human being.
This value has its roots and foundations in the family nucleus.

The relationship

Conventionally, courtship is a temporary relationship between a man and a woman, which provides
the opportunity to get to know each other better in order to decide at a certain moment to move
on to the next phase, which is marriage.


The plastic arts have their own language, which consists of a set of visual aspects of great variety;
These can be organized into easily definable and tangible conformations, whose basic and
structural units are called plastic elements. Just as the writer chooses his words, constructs
sentences, orders his paragraphs. The painter displays his colors on the palette, paints shapes with
those colors on the canvas, combines them in larger groups of variable size and shapes. It includes
lines, colors, lights, shadows and textures, until you configure your work.

What is calligraphy?

Art of writing with beautiful and correctly formed letters, according to different styles. Set of
features that characterize the writing of a person, a document, etc.

The importance of readability

Graphic design seeks to generate aesthetic and functional stability that adapts to everything that
surrounds us. There is some controversy about whether it is considered an artistic discipline or not,
but it can certainly be said that the designer is an artist, since he works in a creative world with
ideas, images and media that imply this, but with an objective. specific: communicate.

When we want to communicate a message through graphic design, it is very important that our
recipient understands what we want to convey. Therefore, we must take into account a very
important term in design: readability. This concept is used to define a quality required in printing
type, in posters and in any type of design that contains words.
What is readability?

We consider something to be readable when we consider it to be easy to read. For the design to be
legible, the designer has to take into account what is going to be transmitted, who is going to read
it, where they are going to read it and when. You have to know all the factors in which the design is
going to be presented, because it is not the same to see a poster on a billboard that you can see in
passing while driving, than in a brochure which you can read calmly and pay more attention to the
design. .

Once we know the intentions of our design, we have to know what type of font we are going to
use. Round and sans-serif are the most common typefaces in Europe and America. These help to
ensure adequate distance between each letter, join letters to form words, and help differentiate
individual letters.

There is a trick to know if a text is readable or not. This consists of covering the lower or upper half
of a sentence with a ruler or a piece of paper. In this way, if the text is legible, it should be read
correctly even if half of each word is covered. It is easier to read each word if they are in a
sentence, since you are guided by the context.

For this reason, readability is not just about the ease of reading. The poet Robert Bridges defined it
as "the certainty of deciphering." This adds a much-needed meaning to the readability of the
graphic design and its text, as it requires a coherent combination of letters, beyond a clear
separation between them. However, there are three rules for readability.

Three basic rules to make your text readable

Characters with a terminal stroke are more readable. This is because those letters that do not have
a final stroke (also known as a serif) look more similar to each other. Thus, the certainty of
deciphering that we talked about before decreases. Furthermore, a set of characters without a final
stroke makes all letters appear the same as a whole. In this way, a monotonous and therefore
unattractive text is created. To avoid this monotony in texts with characters without a final stroke,
it is necessary to touch the line spacing, add several paragraphs, illustrations, infographics, etc.,
which break the heavy uniformity of the text. However, in case it is for a poster design, or in use
other than for a followed text, this typeface well used can be very legible.

Round font is more legible. The round letter has become, as a general rule, the basic letter to use,
both in Europe and America. But this principle should be considered only as a mere guide, since
other types of letters are also very legible, such as inclined round. As always, it all depends on the
use you want to give it and how it is used. The variations of the round font (italic, bold, etc.) were
created for specific purposes such as giving emphasis to certain words, but not for the purpose of
better readability.

The space between words and lines. The basic rule of readability in this regard is: the space
between words should be at most a space equal to the width of the letter "a" and the space
between lines should be greater than the space between words. The average reader reads the set
of words and not letter by letter. If the space between words were excessive, this would worsen
speed reading and, therefore, the readability of the text.
The thousand uses of Calligraphy and Lettering


Although we are immersed in the digital world, what is handmade is acquiring more and more
value. It is very possible that you have not realized it, but if you pay attention you will realize that
you are surrounded by texts and phrases that use Calligraphy and Lettering, following that trend
towards the artisanal.

Calligraphy and Lettering are in fashion, they are everywhere!

Whether on store signs, restaurant menus, t-shirts or framed prints, these two arts of writing
recover the beauty of letters and seek to create texts and phrases in a beautiful and creative way.

In this post we are going to review some of the everyday examples that demonstrate the versatility
of Calligraphy and Lettering. Surely later you will not hesitate to sign up for one of our initiation
courses to join the fashion.

Calligraphy and Lettering on t-shirts

One of the most popular applications of Calligraphy and Lettering is done on all types of clothing,
but especially on t-shirts. Whether they are famous quotes, movie phrases, protest slogans or
motivational phrases, all fashion brands use this resource in their collections.

Surely if you think about it you have more than one in your closet. And it is a fashion that is here to
stay and also adapts perfectly to any style.

Calligraphy and Lettering are so versatile that even if you have already attended one of our
workshops, you can put what you have learned into practice by making your own personalized t-
shirt with your favorite text. You will create something unique and special.

Calligraphy and Lettering on mugs

Think about it, are you sure you don't have a mug in your kitchen with a phrase that cheers you up
in the morning? Chances are you haven't noticed, but the mug you usually drink your coffee or tea
in is designed using Calligraphy or Lettering.

And you just have to go to decoration stores to discover dozens of different models with funny or
motivating phrases to choose from.

The best of all is that, when you have knowledge like that acquired in our initiation workshops, you
can create your own personalized mug very easily. There are specific markers and paints for use on
ceramics that resist heat and water that you can easily purchase.

And not just for you, can you imagine a more original and personal gift for your mother or your
best friend?

Calligraphy and Lettering on decorative sheets

Finally, another of the most fashionable trends today is to use Calligraphy and Lettering in prints
and paintings with which to decorate our home. Even shops and restaurants use them to dress
their walls.

The limit is creativity, so you can find all kinds of phrases and framed texts.

And this is another trend that you can do yourself to design personalized prints with which to
decorate your living room, children's room or even the kitchen, creating unique spaces that reflect
your style. You just have to get started in either of these two arts and start creating.

These are just three of the many uses that Calligraphy and Lettering have, but there are many
more. Are you going to pass up the opportunity to make your own creations and capture them
wherever you think of? Don't think twice and give free rein to your creativity by signing up for one
of our workshops.

Don't worry if you don't have prior knowledge. All our courses are personalized and aimed at
students of all levels. Choose yours and sign up now!

Importance of calligraphy

Both handwriting and our spelling are very important on a personal and professional level, a person
with bad spelling looks unpleasant, even more than handwriting, since it makes the person look
less intelligent.

A person is required to have good handwriting when they work daily writing things, they need to
have beautiful handwriting, so to speak, to make their work look better, and make it look more
professional. Outside of that, having good handwriting also makes you look better on a personal
level, many people see your handwriting as something attractive.

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