Spurious NT Passages

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Spurious New Testament Passages

By Haig M. Mardirossian and Yosef

(Based on the authority of Professor C's notes. Tischendorf on the two oldest Greek manuscripts – the
Sinaiticus and the Vatican No. 1209.)

The following words and phrases, found in traditional versions of the Bible, are not found in the
oldest Greek manuscripts and are evidently not part of the Word of Yahweh. This list covers all
interpolations (additions) discovered to date.
The compiler has condensed this list again and again until what remains represents everything that is
of value to us in Tischendorf's work. From the compiler's point of view, there are very good reasons why
everything on this list should be crossed out in our traditional Bibles, or put in square brackets. Thus, when
the interpolations of Mark 14:30, 68, 72 are removed, the account agrees exactly with that offered by the
other evangelists. Or take John 4:9, it doesn't agree at all with Luke 9:52, which shows that Yahshua himself
had similar dealings. It is omitted from this list, along with dozens of interpolations made by ancient copyists
for the purpose of standardizing all narratives, and the hundreds of non-essential words, the addition of
which, in the judgment of the compiler, does not affect the purity of the message.
The letter P next to a word or phrase indicates that it is found in the Peshita, although not in Greek
manuscripts. In these cases we retain it.
The letter V means that the word or passage is omitted only in the Sinaitic Manuscript , but is in the
Vatican Manuscript . Those not so marked are omitted in both the Sinaiticus and the Vatican . (The
Epistles to Timothy, the last part of Hebrews, and all of Revelation are missing from Vatican Manuscript
#1209, having been lost for fifteen or more centuries since they were written.)
The Sinaitic Manuscript is perfect and complete and is the oldest known copy of the Greek
[apostolic] Scriptures, having been written, believed to have been written in 331 CE. (The sacred names are
Respectfully copied from the Bible Teacher's Beacon Manual Commentaries, and presented to all
who are diligently seeking the truth. -HMM)
Translated, revised, adapted to Spanish, and expanded by JAA The quotes in Spanish have been taken
from the 1960 Reina-Valera version. All these corrections have been introduced in our edition of the
Restored Reina Valera, always taking into account the reading of the Aramaic Peshitta of the 2nd century.

Students of the Scriptures should be cautious when referring to the following:

Matt. 5:22 madly (removed in 1960 edition) P

Matt. 6:13 For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, amen. Q
Matt. 6:25 or what you should drink V
Matt. 16:2 When it is evening, you say, "It is a fine time, for the sky is filled with red." Q
Matt. 16:3 (Full verse) P
Matt. 17:21 and fasting P
Matt. 18:12 through the mountains V
Matt. 20:7 and you will receive what is right P
Matt. 23:35 son of Berekiah V
Matt. 24:10 and they will hate one another (But this is in the Shem Tov .) P
Matt. 24:31 voice of trumpet (should say sound of trumpet) V Shem Tov, P
Matt. 25:6 here comes the bridegroom (should say here is the bridegroom or here is the bridegroom ) P
Matt. 27:52 and the tombs were opened V ST Q
Matt. 27:53 and they came V ST Q
Matt. 28:19 therefore go... (this entire verse is absent in the Hebrew Matthew of Shem Tov, and also in the
quotations of the ancient “Church Fathers.”) P
Sea. 4:37 so the boat was already flooding VP
Sea. 6:51 greatly, and they marveled
Sea. 7:8 the washing of jugs and drinking vessels; and you do many other similar things
Sea. 7:14 to yes (does not appear in 1909 but does appear in 1960) V Not in P.
Sea. 9:29 and fasting P
Sea. 9:44 (entire verse added) P
Sea. 9:45 to the fire that cannot be put out V
Sea. 9:46 (The entire verse was added.) It is in P.
Sea. 9:47 hell (Must be Gehenna, as it said in 1909; or Crematorium.)
Sea. 9:49 and every sacrifice will be salted with salt P
Sea. 10:24 to those who trust in riches P
Sea. 10:30 houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with VP persecutions
Sea. 14:30 twice VP
Sea. 14:68 and the rooster crowed
Sea. 14:72 the second time VP
Sea. 14:72 twice P
Sea. 16:9-20 (This entire passage is a late addition.) P
Luc. 8:45 and you say: Who touched me? Q
Luc. 16:16 and all strive to enter into it * (Furthermore, the Hebrew Matthew of Shem Tov says they spoke
of Yochanan. ) P
Luc. 17:12 who stood afar off VP
Luc. 18:11 with himself VP
Luc. 22:68 You won't even let me go P
Luc. 23:5 teaching VP
Luc. 23:34 Then Yahshua said: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.
Luc. 24:42 and a honeycomb P
John 1:25 they asked him, and VP
John 3:13 which is in heaven (It's in P but it doesn't make sense)
John 4:9 because the Jews do not deal with the Samaritans P
John 5:3 who were waiting for the movement of the water P
John 5:4 (The entire verse was added.) P
John 5:25 and now it is P
John 8:1-11 (All of these verses were added, but they appear authentic.) P
John 8:59 And he passed through their midst and went away.
John 16:16 because I go to the Father P
John 19:23 and also his tunic V
Fact. 6:3 of the Holy Spirit and (Should say of spirit. ) VP
Fact. 15:32 and VP confirmed them
Fact. 18:21 saying, In any case I must keep this coming festival in Jerusalem; but p
Rom. 3:22 and for everyone VP
Rom. 7:6 because we died to that by which we were subject (It should say because we died to that by which
we were subject. ) P
Rom. 8:26 for us P
Rom. 11:6 And if it be of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise the work is no longer a work P
Rom. 14:6 And he who ignores the day does not pay attention to Yahweh.
1 Cor. 2:1 testimony (Should say mystery ) VP
1 Cor. 10:28 for the earth is Yahweh's and the fullness of it P
Gal. 3:1 not to obey the truth (Not in P)
Gal. 3:17 to the Messiah P
Gal. 5:19 adultery (Not in P)
Gal. 5:21 homicides P
Eph. 5:9 of the Spirit (should say of light. ) P
Eph. 5:30 of his flesh and his bones P
1 Tim. 3:16 God (should say he ) VP
1 Tim. 4:12 in spirit V (Not in P)
1 Tim. 6:5 stay away from such VP
2 Tim. 3:3 without natural affection V (Not in P)
Heb. 12:18 to the mountain that could not be touched and that was burning with fire (Must say what could be
touched, the burning fire. ) VP
Heb. 12:20 or past with dart V (Not in P)
St. 5:16 Confess your trespasses (Should say confess your sins ) V (“faults” in P)
1 Pet. 3:8 friendly (Should say humble. ) P
2 Pet. 1:1 of our God and Savior (Should say of our Master and Savior. ) V (Thus in P)
1 John 5:7 in heaven, the Father, the word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one (Not in P)
1 John 5:8 And there are three that bear witness on earth (Not in P)
1 John 5:13 and that you may believe in the name of the Son of God (Not in P)
Apoc. 1:11 I am the Alpha and the Omega (Not in P)
Apoc. 5:9 us (omitted in the Alexandrian MS, one of the three oldest known MS) P
Apoc. 5:10 you have redeemed us (should say you have redeemed [people] ) V
Apoc. 5:10 you have made us (Should say you have made them ) V P
Apoc. 5:10 we will reign (Should say they will reign ) P
Apoc. 9:13 the four horns of the (should say the horns of the .) VP
Apoc. 11:17 and that you must come V (Not in P)
Apoc. 12:12 Woe to the inhabitants of the land and the sea. (Must say Woe to the land and the sea ) VP
Apoc. 14:5 before the throne of God V (Not in P)
Apoc. 16:7 I heard another saying from the altar. V (You should say I heard the altar saying. ) P
Apoc. 16:17 of heaven V (Not in P)
Apoc. 18:22 of any job that is VP
Apoc. 20:5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were completed. V (All this
must be in parentheses, since it is a parenthesis in the statement.) (It is not in P)
Apoc. 21:24 that would have been saved VP
Apoc. 21:24 and honor VP
Apoc. 22:3 more VP

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