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Athletics is a sporting discipline made up of a large number of tests, whether throwing,

speed, jumping, resistance, in order to develop certain techniques and physical skills.
Athletics is the oldest competition in the world of sports.

Athletics is considered one of the oldest sports in the world. Because its appearance
dates back to the first Olympics that were held in ancient Greece during the year 776
BC. But it was Europe during the 19th century that many of the rules and disciplines
known today were established.


Although there are no different types of athletics, there are two types of tests :

Field : it consists of eight tests. All of them are characterized by the fact that both
balance and strength are necessary.

Pole vault : the goal is to reach the highest height in the jump, over a pole. To do this,
the person who performs the jump uses a fiber that can measure almost five meters,
which is called a pole. Certain athletes have jumped higher than a two-level collective.

The jumper runs quickly and supports the pole, which catapults him to jump over the

High jump : the purpose is to execute a jump that overcomes a horizontally positioned
pole called a bar. When jumping, the athlete cannot allow the bar to fall. The athlete
has three chances, if he fails each time he is out of the competition.

Long jump : It is considered to be one of the simplest tests. The competitor must run
at high speed on a track and execute the longest jump he can, inside a sandbox.

Triple jump : this discipline consists of a step, a jump and a jump. These jumps are
only performed by men.
Shot put: the discipline consists of throwing a metal ball, in the case of men it weighs
more than seven kilos. To do this, the sphere must be placed between the competitor's
chin and shoulder.

Javelin throw : javelins used by male athletes weigh at least eight hundred grams.
The competition is held in two stages, first the competitor performs a race to gain
momentum and then the javelin is thrown. The winner is the one who throws the javelin
the furthest distance.

Discus throw : in this case the athlete must turn on his axis and throw the disc, a type
of saucer, always with his arm extended. Each player has the opportunity to throw the
disc six times. The best throwers will be able to advance to the second phase.

Hammer throw : this test is exclusively for male competitors. One end of the hammer
is taken by the athlete before starting to spin in a circle

Track : this type of test is carried out on an oval-shaped track. This has a pair of
straight sections, whose union is given by two curved parts, measuring four kilometers.
Some of the disciplines carried out are:

1. Relay race : in this case the competition takes place in groups or teams, made
up of four people who run in turns, giving each other a small baton called a

2. One hundred meter races : in this case the athletes start the race three meters
before the starting line. You only run on the straight sections of the track. The
start is decisive as it determines a great boost to gain an advantage over the rest
of the athletes.

3. Obstacle course: in this case the competitors must travel three kilometers and
jump a total of thirty-five hurdles that are over ninety centimeters high

4. Hurdle race: this discipline requires great speed and skill. The shortest of the
races has ten hurdles over a meter high and must be covered over a kilometer.

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