BAHASA INGGRIS - Sedimentary Rocks

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Name : Juno Kusuma

NIM : 111230030


Sedimentary rocks are rocks that are formed as a result of lithification of
materials from the rock, as well as the result of denudation or the result of
chemical reactions or the result of the activities of organisms. The original rock
material can be igneous rock, metamorphic rock or sedimentary rock that has been
damaged / weathered due to exposure to the sun, wind, rain, and rain. sedimentary
rocks that have been damaged / weathered due to exposure to sun, wind, rain and
so forth. Furthermore, the weathered rock is eroded and transported to the
deposition basin. Transported to the deposition basin and hardened (petrified) / or
commonly called experiencing lithification.

Picture 1. Sedimentary rocks (1a), metamorphic rocks (1b) and igneous rocks (1c)
are exposed, then weathered (2) - transported (3) - deposited (4) - lithified (5) and
formed into sedimentary rocks (6). lithification (5) and formed into sedimentary
rocks (6).
Sedimentary rocks are many types and spread very widely with a thickness
of from a few cm to several km. The grain size can be from very fine (clay-sized)
to very coarse (> 64 mm in size, for example in breccia or conglomerate). And
some more processes such as transportation media, sedimentary structure and so
forth are quite complex in relation to the sedimentary rock. Compared to igneous
rocks, sedimentary rocks are only 5% of all rocks. That exist in the earth's crust.
Of the 5%, 80% is claystone, 5% is sandstone and 15% is carbonate/limestone.
Sandstone and 15% carbonate / limestone. However, on the surface of the earth,
sedimentary rocks occupy 75% of all the existing rocks and 25% are igneous and
metamorphic rocks.

Body Of Paragraph
Clastic sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks formed by physical
deposition mechanisms. Physical deposition mechanism. According to Pettjohn
(1975), clastic sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks that are formed from the
the re-deposition of detritus or fragments of the original rock that is metamorphic
rocks, igneous rocks, or sedimentary rocks themselves. Another definition of
clastic sedimentary rock is the type of sedimentary rock (sedimentary rock)
resulting from the sedimentation process of igneous rock or other solid material
that undergoes weathering. Or other solid material that undergoes mechanical
weathering. Examples are Breccia, Conglomerate, Sandstone (sandstone),
claystone and other.
Non-clastic sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks that are formation is
different from sedimentary rocks in general. At this non-clastic sedimentary rock,
its deposition occurs through a chemical-biological-biochemical process.
Chemical-biological-biochemical processes.

The process of organic sedimentation (biology) occurs if the body of an

organism is deposited in a certain place, without any chemical or biological
organisms are deposited in a certain place, without undergoing previous
transportation. beforehand. The organism's body then petrifies over time through
the process of diagenesis. Over time through the process of diagenesis. An
example is plants that are deposited to form coal. Another example is a collection
of foraminifera shells that form foraminifera limestones.

The process of chemical sedimentation occurs in a solution that is

saturated with the content of certain chemical elements. If the solution is lost due
to dehydration or evaporation, the solid chemical elements will remain and certain
minerals will be precipitated, according to the precipitated certain minerals,
according to the content of chemical elements in the solution. An example of this
is the formation of the mineral halite (NaCl) from salt solution.

As the name suggests itself, Sedimentary rock is a type of rock that is
formedby sedimentation of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of
water. Sedimentaryrocks provide a multitude of products which modern and
ancient society has come to utilise.Sedimentary rocks cover most of the Earth's
surface, record much of the Earth's history, andbeing used by people for multiples
purposes. Sedimentary rocks is able to storehydrocarbons, store minerals, store
underground waters in aquifers, used as buildingmaterials, form awe inspiring
natural structure and formations to attract people to witness
BSE, T. (2014). Batuan. Jakarta: Buku Sekolah Elektronik.

Winarno, Marin. (2020). Buku Ajar Mineralogi. Semarang: UNDIP Press Semarang.

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