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iTegra System Manual REV.


Index Introduction
System Particularities
Technical support
^ Technical terms used iTegra System
^ Frequently Asked Questions
^ How to use an ABM interface Manual
iTegra system
This manual specifies how to Of:
correctly install and use the Kretz
iTegra equipment management Department of
system version 3.10 . Research and
The purpose of the system is to Development
manage all the information
necessary for the equipment
(products, advertisements, etc.),
transmit it to them, configure the
necessary parameters to
personalize the operation of the
equipment and obtain information
on their use through statistics.

The equipment currently supported

by iTegra are the Report scales in
all their versions, the Advanced
digital indicator and the plura price


• All areas
• Customers


02/28/08 – RJP

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iTegra System Manual REV. 005

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The systems created by Kretz to manage your equipment are developed 100% in JAVA, to allow installation on
any platform and not force you to use a proprietary operating system, thus avoiding paying licenses. The
installer used adapts to the characteristics of the system and allows installation on multiple platforms.
For correct installation follow the steps detailed below:

1. Turn on your computer and log in with the administrator user (or root for Linux) so that the operating
system allows you to install programs.

2. Insert the Kretz CD included in the purchased computer (if it does not run automatically, run the
install.html file). If the operating system gives you a security warning (for example, in the case of
Windows XP), allow the blocked content to run.

3. A page will open in your browser where you can install the version according to the operating system
you have installed. You can press the “ Download Installer for… ” button

Recommended Installation for Your Platform:
Download Installer for Windows...

If it is not visible, you can select the link corresponding to your operating system (the page will turn
green and select with an arrow the option that you should choose intelligently)

Available Installers

Platform includes Java VM without Java VM Instructions

>2 Windows Download (26.3M) View

x macOS Download (9.4M) View

Solaris Download (41.1M) View
T Linux Download (34.4M) View

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4. Once the option is selected, press the “ Execute ” button.

If the system tells you that the manufacturer cannot be verified, press the “ Execute ” button again.
Immediately the system will run the installer, wait while all the components necessary for the
installation are loaded.

5. Select the language and press the “ OK ” button.

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6. You will then see the following screen:

Press the “ Next ” button.

7. You can also select the folder where the system will be installed, it is recommended to leave the
default path:

Press the “ Next ” button.

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If the system will be used with an operating system user who does not have Administrator (or
root) privileges, it is recommended to install in a directory in which all users have read and write
permission, such as root or C (generally The Program Files folder can only be modified by the
operating system administrator user).

8. The installer will ask you where you want to install the system shortcuts, by default it generates them on
the desktop for all users.

If you are not installing the system with administrator permissions, the installation will not be able to
continue, unless you uncheck the “Create icons for all users” option. Press the “ Next ” button.

9. In this step, a summary of the configuration selected in the previous steps will be detailed. If you agree
with this information, press the “Next” button to begin installing the system on your PC.

10. Finally, if the installation has completed successfully, you will be informed in a final dialog. Press the “
Done ” button and run the shortcut to start using the system. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to
consult our authorized technical service.

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System Particularities
The system menu is divided into five (5) well-differentiated groups, each of them grouping functionalities with
similar purposes and can be accessed by clicking with the Mouse or with ALT + capital letter (e.g. ALT + A
accesses the File menu ). The groups are:
• File: Contains system and Kretz equipment configurations, import and export of information to and from
external sources, timers, etc.
• Maintenance: Set of tools to manage the information that will be used by Kretz teams.
• Communication: Tools to transmit information and obtain statistics on the use of equipment.
• Reports: This item groups most of the queries that can be made about the information managed by the
system and the statistical data obtained from the Kretz equipment.
• Help: Help and general system information.

The system has different levels of help. The most important are:
• The “tool tip text” tool consists of displaying explanatory text when you leave the mouse over an object
(such as a text box, for example Enter your username ).
• The “ Help ” button or the “ F1 ” key that opens a window with an explanation of what to do where you

The main framework of the management system has a shortcut button located on the upper
left edge that is intended to facilitate and speed up the use of the system.
The functionality of each button is:

2. Change of price
3. Advertising messages
4. Transmit news
5. Show Stats
6. System Help
7. Get out of the system

8. Activate/deactivate Floating Sellers

9. Activate/deactivate plura online

There are 3 levels of users, who will be able to access different functionalities of the system. The access levels
• User “ Administrator ”: Has access to all system items.
• User “ Data Load ”: Has access to all system items except the creation of a new user and advanced
options in the maintenance menu.
• User “ Query ”: You can only execute the items “Modify password”, “Exit”, “Obtain statistics”, the
entire “Reports” menu and the entire “Help” menu.

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All the system's functionalities are detailed below, in order of appearance.


The first time you enter the system, a welcome and system registration interface or window will appear, where
you must specify the system administrator user (the one who has all the permissions). You will need to enter the
username and password in duplicate (to confirm that it has been spelled correctly).
It is suggested to enter a short, easy-to-remember username, such as the first letter of your first name and your
last name, without spaces (for example, for Rodrigo Puopolo, register the user rpuopolo).

Note that both the username and password are case-sensitive, so rpuopolo is different from rPuopolo.


You must enter the correct username and password to use the iTegra management system. System user
management is detailed in the Create User item.

Both the user and the password are case sensitive, that is, the itegra user is different from the ITEGRA or iTegra

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By default, each user, upon entering the system, has a window that details different news or updates about the
use and features of the system. You can press the Next button to see other news or Exit to enter the system. If
you do not want to see more news every time you log in, uncheck the Show news at startup box.

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This interface allows you to configure parameters to personalize the use of Kretz equipment.

In the “ System ” tab you can select the desired language (it is the only option that requires a system restart). If you are an expert
user running the system from a data console or terminal, you can select the Data Console option to view potential errors and
report them to technical support.
Whether or not you want to see the news every time you log in, select the desired option.

In the “ Report ” tab you can configure the necessary parameters for this scale model. Among the time parameters, you can
configure the seconds for the advertisements to start running after an action and the time between the beginning of one
advertisement and the next (if applicable). Unlike other devices like the plura , you can configure whether you want to show the
advertisements in full screen or just a fragment of the device's display. To perform this operation use the corresponding check
You can also set the display brightness, setting it to 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. An option for advanced users who are not
satisfied with the information presented on the equipment display is to configure screens by pressing the “ Screen ” button.
If you have more than one company loaded in the system, in this interface you can select which one will be printed on the labels.
You can also configure multiple vendors or not (20 vendors for the Report 3600 and 36 for the NX version).

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The floating sellers functionality is implemented in Report NX and allows different sellers to carry out transactions (or sales) on
different scales (as long as all of them are networked and properly configured), and when finalizing the sale with a client, The
ticket can be printed with all the transactions carried out on the different scales.
To configure floating vendors, press the “ Configure ” button and then, in the new window, add as many groups as you want and
add teams to each of them.
For this functionality to be active, you must select the corresponding check box (which corresponds to pressing the floating
sellers button in the system's shortcut bar).

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It is important to note that the equipment configured in different groups will not be communicated with each other, so the
same salesperson will not be able to use them at the same time. However, the more computers that are configured in a
group, the lower the performance will be.

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In the “plura” tab you can configure all the necessary parameters for the plura price checkers.
Among the time parameters, you can configure the seconds for the advertisements to begin running after a user query
action, the time between the beginning of one advertisement and the next (if applicable), the seconds that the advertisement
lasts. information of a PLU query on the screen and those of an offer of the day. You can also set the sound volume and
display brightness, increasing the values from 0% to 100%. The allowed values increase by 5% for volume and by 25% for

You can also configure the corresponding parameters for the plura online functionality (instead of obtaining product
information from the equipment database, it is obtained from the iTegra database or from an external system). To do this,
enter how often (in milliseconds) the device will be asked if it needs the information from any PLU and from where iTegra will
obtain the information to send (if from its own database or from an external one configured in the database importer). data).

An option for advanced users who are not satisfied with the information presented on the equipment display is to configure
screens by pressing the “ Screen ” button.

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In this interface you can select what prices to show on your device's display and whether taxes are applied or not. Option 1
is the default configured on the device.
With the personalized option it will be necessary to configure the window with the papyrus label and window designer and
subsequently send said information, with a complete transmission, to the plura devices configured on the network.

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In the “Advanced” tab you can configure all the necessary parameters for the Advanced digital indicators. Among the
parameters you can lock or unlock the keyboard, select what information will be required when making a movement on the
equipment, and activate or deactivate the equipment relays.

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The barcode configurations of the Report scales can be modified from this interface. For each type of PLU (weighable and
non-weighable) enter the beginning of the barcode and select what you want to display. You may also modify the format or
arrangement of information that will be printed in the code.

If none of the 3 formats satisfy you, select option 4 and press the Customize button.

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Enter the corresponding digit in each text box and make a complete transmission to all devices configured on the network.

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In order to transmit information to the Kretz devices, they must be configured in the system.

To configure them, click with the mouse on the device number you want to connect to the network. In the interface that
will open, you must load the necessary information. When finished, press the Save button. If you press the Delete button,
the network equipment will be deconfigured and your PLU queries will be lost.

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The Team Departments table is used to associate all the PLUs of a section to a team. Sections that are not selected will
not be transmitted (if the section, nor its families and associated PLU's).

For the connection to be possible, it is important that both the system and the equipment have the same configured data,
that is, its IP and port (for TCP/IP or Wi-Fi connections), that they are physically connected and both are turned on. In the
case of Reports with serial port communication, it is necessary that the system equipment number is the same as that of
the Report .

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This interface allows you to import data from a text file (ASCII format) to an entity or system table. In this way, if you have
a system that manages the PLUs (for example), you can export their data to a file with the format that best suits you and
import them into the iTegra system with this advanced tool to be able to transmit them to all the computers you have
configured on the network.
To configure an import, select the destination entity (for example PLU) and the file to import with the Select button. Once
selected, you will be able to see a preview of it where you will see a rule at the top that will indicate the X coordinate or
Subsequently select if the different fields are separated by fixed widths (columns) or by some special character (for
example the comma), in this case you must specify it. In the table of fields to import, select the fields you want to import
and, if separated by a fixed width, the initial and final X coordinates that each field occupies (otherwise, if separated by a
special character, only the fields should be selected in the order in which they appear).
If necessary, a formula can be established for each field, so that a conversion is applied to the specified field for each
record. The available formulas are the following:

Formula Detail
= value; Equals the field to a given value. It is useful for assigning all PLUs (for example) to a specific
department. Example: =1;
/ worth;
Divides the value of a field by a specified value. It is useful, for example, when the value in the
ASCII file does not have decimals, then it is divided to import with decimal. Example: /100;
* worth; Multiplies the value of a field by a specified value. Example: *10;
EAN13() ;
Generates the check digit of an EAN 13 barcode that has only 12 digits. It is useful when
importing PLU's whose barcodes do not include the check digit. Example: EAN13();
TXT (qty,type); This function adapts the number of characters of the imported value. If the type is numeric
(INT) add zeros to the left, if it is alphanumeric (STR) add whitespace to the right. Examples:
TXT(14,INT); or TXT(32,STR);

Note that the formulas are detailed without spaces and always end with a semicolon. Formulas can be concatenated and
are resolved in the specified order.

You can store this configuration so as not to repeat the steps mentioned above by pressing the Save button (for which
we recommend always exporting your system data in the same format so as not to modify the configuration of this tool)
or execute the import by pressing the Import button .

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It is recommended to make a data backup (File Menu, Export item, Create data backup option) before executing the
import, and if it is not successful or does not have a favorable result, said backup can be obtained and recovered in this
way , the original system information.

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In a similar way to the previous item, this functionality allows you to import data from a source external to the system,
only this source is not an ASCII file, but a database. To make the use of this tool more flexible and easy, it communicates
to the data source via ODBC (Control Panel, administrative tools, data sources), which allows communication to any
database, as long as said data source is configured. data in the operating system. Once this is done, select the entity to
import, enter the DSN name, user and password and press the corresponding button to test the connection. If correct,
write the SQL statement (language to communicate with any database) and for each field of said Query select the
corresponding iTegra system field. Press the Save button to avoid having to configure these parameters again.

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This functionality allows you to import data from Pronet Plus (which only manages Report 3600 information) to iTegra .
To carry out the import, select the Pronet.imp file (generated by default in the same directory where that system is
installed) and press the Open button.

It is recommended to make a data backup (File Menu, Export item, Create data backup option) before executing the
import, and if it is not successful or does not have a favorable result, said backup can be obtained and recovered in this
way , the original system information.

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This functionality allows you to import data from a Kretz device configured on the network to the iTegra management
system. It is very important to keep in mind that system data will be lost or modified, which is why it is recommended to
make a backup beforehand.

It is recommended to make a data backup (File Menu, Export item, Create data backup option) before executing the
import, and if it is not successful or does not have a favorable result, said backup can be obtained and recovered in this
way , the original system information.

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This option will allow you to recover a previously made data backup from the system. To perform this
operation you must first select the previously generated file (iTegra extension by default).

Once selected, the system will ask you for confirmation to carry out the operation, since the current data will
be lost and it will be replaced by the existing data in the selected data backup.

If the answer is affirmative, the system will delete the data and the corresponding import and will report, if applicable, the
success of the transaction.

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This option generates a data backup of the information managed by the system. It is recommended to perform this operation
periodically and save it on another PC or drive (CD, pen drive, etc.).
The system will suggest a name for the backup file with the date and a common extension for the system; when selecting the
location, press the Open button.

Once the export, backup or data backup is complete, the success of the operation will be reported along with the location of
the file.

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This interface allows you to manage the data of the users who access the system. Each of the existing users
will have the possibility of entering the system.
The interface format is ABM (see the Technical terms used section of the Appendix for more information), for
more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their respective section in the

Archive Maintenance Communication Reports Help Configuration


General Options • Create User

Go Modify password
Set timer

This interface allows you to modify the password or access code of a particular user. To do so, you must enter the user's
name, your current access code and the new password, confirming it again to ensure its correct typing.

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A timer allows you to configure an action that will be executed automatically at a certain time. This action can be, for example,
displaying a message or automatically importing from an ASCII file (using the configuration that has been made). The
required data is the timer code, which must be unique, a description to identify said timer, selection of the day on which the
action will be executed, entry of the exact time in hh:mm format (for example 14:25), the selection of the action to execute
and if you have selected import from file it will also be necessary to specify what you want to import. If the selected action was
Show message, you can write the reminder in the text area intended for this purpose.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

The action that Show Message executes is to open a window with the entered text as shown below:

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It exits the system correctly, executing transparent maintenance for the user that consists of compacting the database for
optimal operation.


This interface allows you to manage all the necessary information of the departments (sections), which will be assigned to
each team and are the ones that will determine which PLU's (products) will be sent to each team. The required data is the
department number (which uniquely identifies it in the system) and its name (with which you can identify it).

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

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This interface allows you to manage all the necessary information of the families, which are another sub-division of the
departments and serve to group PLU's. The required data is the number of the department to which you belong and the
family number (which uniquely identifies you in the system, together with the department number) and your name (with which
you can identify said family).

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

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This interface allows you to manage all the necessary information about the PLU's (products) that will be used in the Kretz
equipment. The required data is the PLU number (which uniquely identifies it in the system), its name (with which the client
can identify it), its code (in the case of plura it is essential to add 14 digits to be recognized by the equipment), their prices
with taxes (if they exist and are different from zero, they will be applied to their respective prices) and the type of PLU
(weighable or non-weighable).

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

The associated PLU number provides functionality to the plura team's Offers button, and is used to promote other products.
When this button is pressed on the plura device, it will show a comparison of the first price between the product read and the
product offered.

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This interface allows you to manage all the necessary information of the free texts (used in many cases as recipes)
associated with the PLUs that will be used in the Kretz equipment. The required data is the text code (which uniquely
identifies it in the system) and its name (with which the client can identify it).

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

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This interface allows you to manage all the necessary information from the fixed texts, which are used in nutritional labels and
tables. The purpose of this object is to take up as little space as possible on each of the Kretz equipment, for example, the
text WEIGHT that is printed on all labels is saved only once, and all labels that use this legend will only have one reference.
to it (that is, its code). The required data is the text code (which uniquely identifies it in the system) and the text itself.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

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This interface allows you to manage all the necessary information of the nutritional tables associated with the PLUs that will
be used in the Kretz equipment. The required data is the table code (which uniquely identifies it in the system), its description
(with which the client can identify it), the type of table (the standard one is plain text, while the other type It is in table format,
the titles, subtitles and elements of the nutritional table.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

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This interface allows each device to be assigned direct access to a PLU. When selecting a device, the window will simulate
the keyboard, and by clicking on each key you can indicate the PLU number that corresponds to it. If you already have a
configured scale, you can copy said configuration to another of the same model. If you want to print a template just press the
corresponding button.

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This interface is a simplification of the PLU ABM, and is used to change the price of a PLU (product), since this is generally
the most frequent change made in the system. Of course, a change made in this interface will be reflected in the PLU ABM.

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Currencies allow you to view the price(s) of a PLU at different exchange rates. The amount of configured currencies can be
displayed on the plura device by pressing the Currency button when the customer consults the prices of a product. In the
case of Report scales, only the currency symbol 1 can be changed.
The required data is the currency code (which uniquely identifies a currency in the system, see observation), a description
that allows it to be identified, a symbol (several characters) that will appear on the equipment when viewing a price, the
quantity of decimals that currency has (for example, the dollar usually has two decimal places) and the conversion factor with
respect to the code 1 currency.
It is worth noting that the use of more than one currency will require more management in the system, since fluctuations
between currencies will have to be modified and transmitted to all teams so that the conversion of the price from one currency
to another is correct.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

The system will require yes or yes the existence of the currency with code 1, which is the one that will appear by default when
consulting a price. Said currency must have a factor equal to one (1) since it is the reference currency.

The currency factor other than 1 should be calculated by doing 1 / currency rate (for example, for a dollar at 3.20 a unit with
respect to currency 1, you should do 1 / 3.20 = 0.3125).

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This interface allows you to manage the companies that will be printed on the Report scale labels.
The data required is the company code (which uniquely identifies a company in the system), a name that allows it to be
identified, and an address.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

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KRETZ SA 3 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

This interface allows you to manage the vendors that will be used in the system. Its existence serves only to be able to more
easily identify a seller in the system, more precisely in the statistical reports of the Report scales.
The required data is the seller code (which uniquely identifies you in the system) and your name.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 3 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

This interface allows you to manage the operators that will use the Advanced digital indicators.
The required data is the operator's number (which uniquely identifies him in the system), his access code to the equipment
(so he can use it) and his name.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

This interface allows you to manage the suppliers or clients involved in the movement generation process (entry/exit/return) in
the Advanced digital indicators.
The required data is the supplier's number (which uniquely identifies it in the system), its code and its name.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

An advertising message is transmitted when the equipment is not being used by any customer or operator. The time it takes
to appear after using the equipment or the time it takes to change the advertising message can be configured, for this see the
time configuration section of General Parameters.
This interface allows you to select for each device configured on the network, in each time range, which messages to display.

If the time ranges that are configured by default in the system do not satisfy you, you can modify them and add or remove
precision in the display of advertisements by pressing the ABM Schedules button.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

The greater the number of time ranges, the more precise the transmission of advertising messages will be, but their
configuration will be more laborious. If you are not interested in viewing different advertisements at different times and you
want all your advertising messages to be transmitted continuously throughout the day, we recommend that you configure a
single time (by pressing the Delete button, adding a row to the table with the time start and end, for example 08:00 to 22:00
and pressing the Save button).

If you want to add, modify or delete advertisements, press the ABM Messages button and enter the required information.

This ABM has an MP3 player by pressing its respective button. As the plura price checker reproduces a limited fraction of
time, said tool will only reproduce the time that is supported by the Kretz
equipment, so that in this way you can know specifically what it will transmit to
the equipment connected to the network. The interface format is ABM, for more
information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

An offer of the day is a text that appears on a particular day (one or more, depending on what has been selected in the
system) when the customer presses any button on a plura device without having previously passed a product in front of the
scanner. . If there is more than one offer, the customer will be able to navigate between them and view them all with the
respective scroll buttons. The necessary data is the offer code (which uniquely identifies it in the system), the text that will
appear on the display or screen of the plura device and the day on which said offer will be displayed. The associated PLU
number is to promote a particular product and is not mandatory information.

The interface format is ABM, for more information on how to use this type of interfaces or windows please go to their
respective section in the Appendix.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

The System allows you to store a history of the statistics of your Kretz equipment, however, if for any reason you want to
delete all or part of them, you can select this option to delete statistics by date from the system.

You can choose to delete absolutely all statistics (by selecting the “ Delete all statistics ” checkbox or selection box) or by
entering the date range from and until when to delete them. Once your selection has been made, press the Accept button, the
System will ask you for confirmation of this action and will proceed to delete the corresponding records from the database.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

If you want to delete information in blocks (all PLUs or products or all advertisements, for example) you can access this tool.

Once you have selected the items you want to delete from the System database, pressing the Accept button will ask you for
confirmation of the action to be executed.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

The transmission of news must be carried out as long as all the data has been transmitted to the equipment (see next point)
and allows speeding up the transmission since if the system is used to manage the information of the equipment, at the time
of transmission of news will only be sent the data that was added or modified since the last transmission.

Pressing this item will execute the JDataGate communication program that will be responsible for data transmission.

In any type of data transmission, if you have configured TCP/IP equipment, the transmission will be carried out in parallel
(since version 2.0 of iTegra). If you have more than one device with an RS232 (COM) connection, the transmission to each of
them will be sequential (chained).
For this reason, it is recommended for speed and security to work with TCP/IP equipment.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

File Maintenance Communication Reports Help E Transmit news AND

Transmit full data B

Get E Stats

m Advanced options •E
Complete data transmission sends all the information required by them to the devices configured on the network. Although
the configuration parameters are always transmitted, you can choose not to transmit PLUs, advertising messages, offers of
the day or the date and time. If you want to stream to a particular model or device, apply the corresponding filters in the footer
of the interface.

By pressing the OK button the JDataGate communication program will be executed as in the previous point.

It is recommended to perform a full transmission when connecting a device for the first time or when detecting a data
inconsistency in the devices


This item runs the JDataGate communication program and updates the statistics in the system so that they can be consulted

Every time statistics are obtained from Kretz equipment, the records read from it are deleted.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

File Maintenance Communication Reports Help

This item executes the JDataGate communication program, which is responsible for deleting all the data from the Plura
devices connected to the network without updating them in the system.


Archive Maintenance Communication | Reports Help

Transmit news
Transmit complete data
Get statistics

Advanced Options • Delete all data from devices

Clear team statistics

This item executes the JDataGate communication program, which is responsible for deleting the statistics of the Kretz
devices connected to the network without updating them in the system.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 4 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

This interface allows you to configure the list of PLUs, selecting by which field to sort it and in what way (ascending or
descending). You can also apply a filter such as by department or department and family. By pressing the Accept button, the
list is issued that can be printed or exported to different formats as indicated in the subsequent point.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005


When you execute this item, the system gives you the option to connect to the computers on the network and obtain
the statistics so that the data is updated.

Regardless of the option you choose, an interface will be executed where you can select a time period in a basic way
(by selecting the period) or advanced (by entering a date range in the DD/MM/YYYY format).

When you press the Accept button, a window will open with as many tabs as there are types of statistics.
The Report: PLU Totals tab allows you to configure a list with the total sales of each PLU made on the Report scales
in the previously selected period.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

The Report: Salesperson Totals tab displays similar information but grouped by salesperson. It also allows you to
apply filters.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

The plura tab will indicate, for the selected time period, the number of PLUs that were read from the scanner, the
number of related offers that were consulted and the number of times a customer consulted the day's offers.
You can also obtain, by pressing the corresponding buttons, a detailed list ordered by date and by PLU of the
readings of each of them, a list of readings of each PLU ordered by quantity and a report with a graph that shows the
evolution of the queries in the selected period (not enabled when querying the date of a single day).

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

The Advanced tab allows you to configure a list with the movements made in the Advanced digital indicators.

All reports can be exported to PDF, XLS, HTML, etc. formats by pressing the Save button, printing them, moving
from one page to the other with the browser (only enabled when there is more than one page) or enlarging or
reducing them (zoom). .


iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/ _ 2005 0 _ 9:40:00
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

This functionality allows you to consult the stock or availability of each product or PLU, according to the income,
expenses or returns made with one or more Advanced digital indicators and the sales made with one or more
Report scales connected to your network of Kretz equipment. The resulting stock is calculated with the following

Stock = Income (Advanced) – Expenses (Advanced) – Returns (Advanced) – Sales (Report)

When you execute this functionality, the system will ask you if you want to obtain the equipment statistics; it is
essential that the iTegra database is properly updated.

Subsequently, the system will ask you to configure the report with the necessary filters (if required):

Once the Accept button is pressed, the report preview will be executed, which you can export or print.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005


Reports Help
Stock control
Remote equipment

This functionality allows you to check the status of a Report NX , plura price checker or Advanced digital indicator
remotely. In the configured devices interface, simply click on the desired device.

Once this is done, if the equipment is a Report NX , the system will display a window with the status of the display
(the PLU that is being used (or if it is in advertising), the weight, etc.) and the printer (if it has paper or not, if the head
is open, the temperature, etc.).

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

If the device is a plura price checker, it shows the model and firmware version.

If the equipment is an Advanced Digital Indicator…

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

Shows general system information such as version.


Opens help that explains the basic functionalities of the system. All helps open a window with a vertical scroll bar that
allows you to read the entire text.


It opens a window where it details, version by version, how the system has evolved over time.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

Technical support
Kretz S.A. strives to offer its customers the best product on the market and excellent technical support to assist the user.
If you have any problems with the installation or use of the Kretz equipment management system, questions or
suggestions, please contact your local distributor or technical service.


• Manage: Manage information refers to everything necessary to create that information in the system, keep it
updated and delete it or consult it if necessary.

• PLU: A PLU is a set of data associated with a product.

• ABM: High (add) / Low (delete) / Modify. It is an interface or window that manages data.


• Can the system be installed on a PC that does not have Windows installed?
Yes, the Kretz equipment management system is developed 100% in JAVA, a state-of-the-art multiplatform
language that allows operation on any operating system.

• What is the difference between transmitting complete data and transmitting news?
When transmitting complete data, the system sends all the information available in the system to all Kretz
devices, however, the transmission of news only sends the information that was managed since the last
transmission. Example: Suppose you manage 30,000 PLUs and want to transmit them to the devices on your
network. If you select full data transmission, the system will send the 30,000 PLUs to each of the devices. Now
suppose you modified two (2) of them, if you select news transmission only those two PLUs will be sent (and
not the 30,000 that would be sent with the other option), which means a substantial gain in transmission time.

Text box: Area within a window intended for entering information using your PC keyboard.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 5 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

An ABM interface is used to register (add), modify, deregister (delete), or consult a specific record. To simplify the
explanation of the use of these interfaces we will use the example of creating a new user.
When running the interface in its initial state, blank (empty) text boxes appear and the Save , Modify and Delete buttons
are disabled.

If you want to consult information about a particular user, you must fill out the code text box and press the TAB or
ENTER key. Next, all the information related to the entered code will be displayed (which in this case is 1).

The Modify and Delete buttons will be enabled. If you want to modify any data, do so and press the corresponding
button. If you want to delete that record, press the Delete button.

If you want to see all the records managed by this interface (in this case all users of the system) you must press the All

If you want to add a record, press the Add button and complete the required data. The system will suggest a code that
corresponds to the consecutive one of the last registration entered, you can change it if necessary.

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KRETZ SA 6 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am
iTegra System Manual REV. 005

Only the Save , Cancel and Help buttons will be enabled. Once all the necessary data is completed, press the Save
button. If you do not want to carry out the transaction, press the Cancel button. At any time you can press the Help
button (or press the F1 key) to access help that will guide you through the use of this window.

iTegra system iTegra_R005_Manual.doc

KRETZ SA 6 Creation Date 06/12/2005 09:40:00 am

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