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Team #8

2.2 System Diagnostics

Karla Isabel Flores Molina

Cinthia Denis Espino Gómez
Adrian Sagrero Magaña
José Antonio Magaña Águila
All organizations need to know their situation. Organizations are rationally planned,
but from the moment of their creation they are subject to conscious and deliberately
programmed reforms.
According to the open systems approach, the organization can be diagnosed from
three levels:
1. The highest level encompasses the organization as a whole and includes the
design of the company and the various mechanisms for
restructure resources such as reward and training systems
measurement and organizational culture.
2. The next level, involving the group or department, includes the design of the group
and the various mechanisms for restructuring interactions among members, such as
work norms and strategies.

3. The lower level considers the individual job or the position itself. This includes the
ways in which tasks are designed according to job requirements.
Actually, it is considered that the key to making a good diagnosis involves knowing
each level and knowing how each level affects another.
For example, if you intend to diagnose the work of the group, it is necessary to know
what characteristics of the group are
important for its operation, and the way in which the
Organization, as a whole, affects the group. In conclusion, all levels are closely
related and all must
pursue a common goal.
The following diagram represents, according to the systems approach, the
organization, the group or the individual work in relation to its inputs, transformation
process and outputs:

hputs Dissono components Ctitputs

Strategy Technology

Organization Environmental tasks Adjustm Structure

(Ex. Return on investment

Cluster Organization Design Adjustm Task structure Group efficiency (Ex.

ent Relationships Work groups)

Individual Organization design. Adjustm Skill variety Task identity Task Individual efficiency (e.g.
work Group design. ent meaning Autonomy absenteeism,
Personal characteristics Feedback results turnover, job satisfaction,

Personal development)
Diagnostic stages
We can divide the organizational diagnosis into
three main stages:

• Information generation.
• Organization of information.
• Analysis and interpretation of information
1. Generation of information, which in turn encompasses three
1. The way the information is collected, the tools and processes used.

2. The methodology used to collect the

information, which follows two streams, the methods used to obtain
information from the client (interviews, questionnaires) and those used
to obtain it from the consultant (observation).

3. The frequency with which information is collected, which depends

on the stability of the system.

2. Organization of information, where it is necessary to

consider two key aspects:

1. The appropriate storage of data.

2. The organization of the information, so that it is easy to

3. Analysis and interpretation of information, which consists of

separating the basic elements of the information and examining them
with the purpose of answering the questions raised at the beginning of
the investigation.

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