Ielts Pre - Listening 1 - Names & Places

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A: Hello, my name is Maria Tanaka and I’m from _________________.

B: Sorry, what’s your name again?
A: OK, my ______ name is Maria. It’s spelled __________
And my ________ name is spelled T-A-N-A-K-A.
B: Thank you, Maria.

Exercise 2.
1 Hello, I’m Erica from _______. I’m a _________ in college.
I like sports and I go ______________ after school.
I go about once or _________ a week.

2 Hi, my name is Marti Cheen from _______.

I’m a _________ in a big department store.
I like music and I ____________ go to concerts at ____________.

3 I’m ______ Russell from Edinburgh. I’m a college student.

College is very expensive, so I have to do a ____________ job in a restaurant at weekends. I plan to visit
_________ this summer, so I have to ________ almost every penny for this trip as well.

4 My name is _______ from London. I’m in high school at _______. I have a part-time job in a _________
restaurant. It’s Hamburger Heaven. I want to go to a good ___________, so I have to save all my money for
college. I work _________ hours on Saturdays and Sundays.

Exercise 4.
1 All right, Ms. Hee. Let me just check this information. Is your ______________ spelled S-U-E?
No, it’s not. It’s spelled ______, no ___ at the ____. It’s not English name.
Thank you. And you are from _________, correct?
No, I’m not from ________. I come from ___________
I see. _____, so you are ____________
Exercise 1. People are greeting each other. Listen and write each person’s name (mỗi đoạn hội thoại có
hai tên người)

1. ___ and ___

2. ___ and ___
3. ___ and ___
4. ___ and ___
5. ___ and ___
6. ___ and ___

Exercise 2. Listen again. How do the people know each other? Write the correct letter

1 ___ a - from work

2 ___ b - from the gym

3 ___ c - from school

4 ___ d - from a friend’s party

5 ___ e - from the boy’s mother

6 ___ f - from the bus stop

Exercise 3. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words

A - Fun party, isn’t it?

B - Sure is. My ___ is Emma, by the way
A - It’s nice to meet you, Emma. I’m Justin
B - ___ to meet you, Justin. Do you ___ in L.A?
A - No, I’m from San Francisco. I’m visiting my sister here
B - Oh, I love San Francisco. I go there sometimes for work
A - Really? Call me next time you’re there. Let me give you my ___ number
B - Okay, hope to see you again! ___ a ___ time here in L.A!

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