Diyah Tri Sasmita: Education Level

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Depok, West Java, Indonesia 16425
Diyah is a fresh graduate from Universitas Indonesia who aspires to venture into new things and opportunities. She has a mature open
mind with an easy-going persona and excellent communicative skills. Actively participated in organization also play role as content
writing, copywriting, research, data collecting and management.

Education Level
University of Indonesia - Depok, West Java, Indonesia Aug 2017 - Dec 2021
Bachelor Degree in Archaeology, 3.56/4.00
Thesis title: Slavery in Ancient Java Based on 11-12 AD Inscriptions Data.

Work Experiences
University of Indonesia - Depok, West Java Mar 2020 - Present
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Involved in archaeological-cultural related research for 3 projects with Prof. R. Cecep Eka Permana, Dr. Syahrial and Dr. Jajang
Collect, process and analyze data for 2 academic papers.
Co-author for a book entitled "Barong Landong: Tradisi Boneka Besar Suku Lembak Bengkulu" published by Wedatama Widya Sastra
with Prof. R. Cecep Eka Permana as the first author.
Involved as the layouter of a book entitled "Arkeopedia Jilid 1" with Prof. R. Cecep Eka Permana as the first author.

Kalakian Production - Jakarta, Indonesia Jul 2021 - Nov 2021

Freelance Social Media Specialist
Made 2 weekly content plans to deliver on Kalakian Production's Instagram account (@Kalakian_Production).
Writing content and caption for weekly content (For Instagram reels and post).
Made 3 videos for Kalakian Production's Instagram reels.
Gained more than 1000 followers on Instagram, with a 100% followers increase in 2 months (June-July 2021).

Ministry Of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia - Aug 2019 - Sep 2019
Liyangan, Temanggung, Central Java
Field Archeologist
Digging 4 excavation boxes in 2 weeks.
Making daily reports of the excavation boxes, both verbal and pictorial for 2 weeks.
Collect and preserve the artefacts with care to avoid more damage after being excavated from the soil.

Ark.Project - Depok, West Java Mar 2019 - Apr 2019

Made weekly content plans to deliver on Ark.project Instagram account (@Ark.project).
Writing content and engaging caption for 11 Ark.project's Instagram posts.

Betasejarah - Jakarta, Indonesia Mar 2019

Freelance Content Writer
Providing content ideas and writing the content material for 2 Betasejarah's Instagram posts (@Betasejarah).

Organisational Experience
Keluarga Mahasiswa Arkeologi FIB UI - Depok, West Java Oct 2017 - Sep 2018
Non-Field Scientific Division Staff
Arranging programs to improve archaeology students' skills and knowledge by holding seminars, discussions, and workshops.

Keluarga Mahasiswa Arkeologi FIB UI - Depok, West Java Oct 2020 - Feb 2021
Community Service Division Staff
Responsible as a compiler of learning materials for an elementary school during KAMA FIB UI's Community Service in Banten and
content writer for KAMA FIB UI's podcast, Titik Kumpul.

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Hard and Soft Skills: Microsoft Office, Research, SEO Writing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, HTML & CSS, Video Editing, Photo
Editing, Detail-Oriented, Able to Work Underpressure, Strong Analysis, Willing to learn new things, Time management and Teamwork.

Projects (2021): I am creating a friendly front-end coding learning website design as the final project of the Progate x BEM UI
CSS&HTML Bootcamp. I make a website's display concept, logo and tagline. Here is the link to my project:

Modules Taken (2021): HTML & CSS by Progate, EF SET English Certificate 75/100 (C2 Proficient)

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