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Subject name

Degree Name
Criminology and Criminalistics

Student's name
Gabriel Sebastian Duque Páez

Name of the homework

Task week 6 of activities
Unit #
Criminological goals II

Guardian Name
Marilyn Fernandez Azocar


Prediction and measurement of crime is a very important topic in

criminology since it tells us a lot about how to prevent crime and how to
rehabilitate the offender or criminal in case the crime has already

With these studies and analyzes we could lower the crime rate of each
country since they are studies that are not normally done, which is why
the governments of many countries do not give them their respective

At this point, crime prevention constitutes a fundamental basis of

research in criminology with profound repercussions in the applied field.
To do this, we present the different prediction methodologies from the
point of view of the individual, that is, to know if a specific person (who
for different reasons is under the attention of the authorities) has a
greater or lesser probability of committing a crime.


1.- How can criminology predict a possible crime?

A criminogenesis analysis could be done, it would be your research method to know

the birth of criminal behavior or take into account past events in order to anticipate
future events.

2.- Is it possible to treat a criminal?

I think that it is possible to treat a criminal through reintegration and rehabilitation if it

were considered as a training program in penitentiary centers or if there is no
corruption in it.
The offender could also be treated with psychological treatments so that the person
feels motivated to change or reintegrate.

3.- Why is it important to study the effects of crime on the victim?

To know why they were chosen as victims, how the crime was committed, how the
criminal committed the crime, that would be very important to also study the criminal.

The victim plays a very important role in the analysis of the crime since in previous
times she was forgotten but now this is no longer the case. It is important for solving
the crime or crime scene

4.- What do you think of the following phrase? The great criminals have gone
down in history, the victims have generally been forgotten.

I think it is a phrase that makes a lot of sense since the role of the criminal is very
complicated. There are criminals who kill many people and in different ways, so that
surprises society since we cannot imagine that a person could commit that crime or
that number of crimes.

And the victim is forgotten since many times they die and do not contribute more to
the incident. Criminals will always be the main character since they are the ones who
do harm to society.

Sometimes some people consider a criminal like a God, such as Hitler, who ordered
the killing of many people and created extermination camps for the Jews to die, but
nevertheless many people admire him for his sick mind and his way of imposing
himself. .


My conclusion after having completed the essay and the classes received is that
countries need a lot of criminologists to prevent crimes and thus lower all the high
crime rates and that this would only be achieved by creating criminal investigation
centers since governments do not they give importance to criminologists

Carlota Barrios Vallejo, for DISQUS “criminology and justice”, 2018

Legal and Forensic Clinical Psychopathology, Vol 8, 2018, pp 161-192.

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