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International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

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Rapid maxillary expansion and its consequences on the nasal and

oropharyngeal anatomy and breathing function of children and
adolescents: An umbrella review☆
Arturo Garrocho-Rangel, Miguel Ángel Rosales-Berber, Adriana Ballesteros-Torres,
Zaira Hernández-Rubio, Joselin Flores-Velázquez, Esthela Yáñez-González,
Socorro Ruiz-Rodríguez, Amaury Pozos-Guillén *
Pediatric Dentistry Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Dentistry, University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico


Keywords: Objective: To identify, qualify, and summarize the evidence from different systematic reviews about the outcomes
Airway of Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) on upper airway dimensions and breathing function in young patients.
Children Methods: A literature search (from 2000 to December 2022) was conducted through PubMed (MEDLINE), the
Evidence-based orthodontics
Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Dentistry & Oral Science Source. The authors conducted the following umbrella
review phases: research question, study selection criteria (systematic reviews involving randomized clinical trials
and longitudinal observational designs), data extraction, and critical appraisal (bias risk assessment) of selected
articles through the ROBIS tool.
Results: The initial search yielded 65 potential references. After screening titles and summaries, and the elimi­
nation of duplicated publications, 15 articles were eligible for the evaluation of the full-text document. Finally,
11 systematic reviews (5 combined with meta-analysis) were selected, reporting 132 single studies; 38 of them
were unrepeatable. Risk-of-bias assessment showed an average global moderate/high quality among the included
studies. There was high heterogeneity between the systematic reviews’ (and meta-analyses’) methodologies
Conclusions: The present umbrella review concludes that significant and stable increases in the nasal and
oropharyngeal space volumes and a decrease in airway resistance of growing children and adolescents, occur
immediately after RME and at 3, 6- and 12-months follow-up.

1. Introduction respiratory disorders, craniofacial growth, and dental malocclusions [5].

Adequate nasal breathing in children is essential to ensure the proper
Transverse maxillary deficiency (TMD) is a frequent skeletal and maturing of the craniofacial complex [6]. Dysfunctional nasal breathing
occlusal condition in children and adolescents, with a reported preva­ is due to different pathologies, such as allergic rhinitis, adenoid or tonsil
lence between 8.5 and 22%, and it is often associated with ante­ hypertrophy, nasal septum deviation, among other conditions [4,7].
roposterior and vertical anomalies (long anterior lower face height, This condition has been frequently associated with open mouth,
bilateral maxillary crossbite, high arched palate, low tongue posture, maxillary narrowing or constriction, posterior crossbite, high palatal
and incompetent lips), having, as a result, orofacial functional and vault, and subsequent rising of the nasal floor and airway space reduc­
aesthetic problems [1–4]. Etiologic factors for TMD during the facial tion [8,9]. Furthermore, TMD has been considered a potential anatomic
growth stage include congenital, genetic, developmental, traumatic, and etiological factor for a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea in
iatrogenic aspects. Between these, sucking habits and mouth breathing children [4].
are well-known contributing issues in children [3]. Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is a technique in orthodontics that
Dentistry literature has widely evidenced a close association between provides considerable transverse skeletal effects. This approach has been

The present umbrella review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42022320105).
* Corresponding author. Pediatric Dentistry Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Dentistry, University of San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
E-mail address: (A. Pozos-Guillén).
Received 5 March 2023; Received in revised form 3 June 2023; Accepted 11 June 2023
Available online 23 June 2023
0165-5876/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Garrocho-Rangel et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

generally recognized as an early orthodontic/orthopedic therapy for headings) terms.

children and adolescents suffering from TMD [7]. The central clinical This search strategy was adapted to the different databases. The
aim is to open the midpalatal suture, rendering an appropriate and search was restricted to the English language and for articles published
stable width of the maxilla [10]. The suture continues unclosed until the between January 2000 and December 2022. The bibliography of each
age of 12 approximately when new ossified tissue is formed [5,8,10]. selected study was also carefully hand-reviewed. This screening process
RME is performed by placing a fixed orthodontic device with a laterally was independently performed by three experienced researchers (AYBT,
progressive opening system, using a daily activated screw [5,11]. This ZJHR, and YFV). Any disagreement was resolved by discussion until
procedure has shown beneficial results on the surrounding regions, reaching a consensus. Potential eligible articles were then retrieved in
expanding the nasal and oropharyngeal airway dimensions and func­ full-text form for a critical assessment.
tion, and enhancing nasal breathing function in the medium and long
term, because of the anatomical proximity of the oral cavity and the 2.4. Data collection
upper airways [5,8,12,13]. Given the bones of the maxilla constitute an
important part of the structure of the nasal cavity, as long as the mid­ Data from all finally included articles were independently and
palatal suture remains unclosed the nasal cavity walls are also laterally separately extracted and recorded by the other three authors (MSRR,
moved and the palatal vault lowered, reducing thus the nasal and MEYG, and MARB), using a predesigned and prepiloted extraction form.
oropharyngeal airway obstruction and enabling a better airflow passage The collected data included the first author, publication’s year and
[7,10,11,14]. Both zygomatic and sphenoid bones of the cranial base country, the total number of included studies and participants, publi­
exhibit significant opposition to palatal expansion. As a consequence, cation date range of included studies, systematic review methodology
the splitting of maxillary bones occurs in a triangular way, in which the (search strategy and databases, type of included studies, risk of bias
principal enlargement is observed at the incisor level, just beneath the assessment tool, follow-up length, and conduction or not of a meta-
nasal cavity valves [15]. This process results in a wider anterior than analysis), sample characteristics, type of RME appliance, and main
posteriorly, which provides more favorable conditions for the nasal outcomes/findings. Again, in the case of any discrepancy between re­
cavity and also the breathing pattern [1,16,17]. viewers, a consensual agreement was reached by discussion.
The current umbrella review aimed to provide low-biased compre­
hensive evidence from systematic reviews about the therapeutic efficacy 2.5. Evaluation of methodological quality and risk of bias
and dimensional changes of RME on the nasal and oropharyngeal
structures in young patients, in terms of airflow permeability, evaluating Two experienced researchers (JAGR and AJPG) made use of the
also the immediate and long-lasting effects. ROBIS tool [21] to perform an assessment of the methodological quality
and risk of bias of the selected articles. This tool comprises four broad
2. Materials and methods categories: intervention, diagnosis, prognosis, and etiology. The
completion of the following three stages is required for the assessment
2.1. Design and research question process: (i) evaluating the relevance of the review with questions
relating to interventions, (ii) recognizing those concerns related to the
The present umbrella review was registered in PROSPERO and fol­ review conduction, according to four areas [study eligibility criteria (5
lowed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- items), study identification and selection (5 items), data collection and
Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [18]. It also applied the fundamental review valuation (5 items), and synthesis and conclusions (6 items)];
principles for umbrella reviews emitted by the Joanna Briggs Institute and (iii) assessing the risk of bias (3 items); every item is answered as
(JBI) [19] and The Cochrane Collaboration [20]. A comprehensive “Yes”, “Probably Yes”, “Probably No”, “No”, and “No Information”, with
methodological protocol was previously designed by all authors. This “Yes” indicating low concern. The resultant level of bias hazard associ­
study asked the following PECO question: In children and adolescents, ated with each domain is then graded as “low”, “high”, or “unclear”. The
are there significant changes in the nasopharyngeal anatomical struc­ overall risk-of-bias score for every study has three grades: “low”, “high”,
tures when comparing pre-and post-RME therapy outcomes? and “unclear” [22–24]. The inter-agreement value was determined by
Cohen’s Kappa statistics (k = 0.93). Scoring discrepancies were solved
2.2. Eligibility criteria by debate until a concordance was obtained.

The criteria for article inclusion were: systematic reviews with or 3. Results
without meta-analysis, published after the year 2000; studies performed
on human beings under 18 years old; and outcome assessments of fixed The initial search yielded 65 potential systematic reviews. After
RME appliances that occurred in the specific anatomic area of interest. screening titles and abstracts, and the duplicates, 15 articles were
The exclusion criteria were: dual publication; narrative or scoping re­ eligible for full-text assessment. Finally, 11 systematic reviews (pub­
views; also reviews involving surgically assisted RME, RME in lished between 2009 and 2021; 5 combined with meta-analysis) were
conjunction with other treatment (orthodontic/orthopedic) strategies selected for the current umbrella review (see the flowchart of study
(for example, when mini-screws were employed for assisting RME), and selection, Fig. 1). These reviews comprised in total of 33 unique single
patients with cleft lip/palate or with craniofacial and/or neurological articles (the vast majority were randomized clinical controlled trials);
genetic syndrome diagnosis. and included 4022 participants in total. Two RME systematic reviews
were excluded because they were not specific to upper airway changes
2.3. Search strategy and study selection [25,26]; and two others, in which RME was applied simultaneously with
other orthodontic/orthopaedic devices (e.g., miniscrew-assisted RME
Four electronic databases served for the screening of potential ref­ [13] or maxillary protraction [27]). Table 1 describes the main char­
erences: PubMed (MEDLINE), The Cochrane Database of Systematic acteristics of the selected systematic reviews; according to this infor­
Reviews, EMBASE, and Dentistry & Oral Science Source (EBSCO); un­ mation, there was considerable variability in the reported
published or gray literature was not explored. The following primary methodologies in each included review. Risk-of-bias assessment through
concepts were introduced: “rapid maxillary expansion” AND “nasal the ROBIS tool (Table 2) showed an average global moderate/high
airway” AND “breathing OR respiratory disorders” AND “children and quality (risk of bias) among the included studies [1,3–7,10–12,14].
adolescents” AND “systematic reviews and meta-analyses”; these con­ Table 3 summarizes the results of the different included meta-analyses.
cepts were combined with synonyms, keywords, and MeSH (subject Globally, the selected systematic reviews aimed to measure the

A. Garrocho-Rangel et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow chart for literature search.

changes in airway dimensions (area or volume), and function (breathing reviewers address similar clinical questions, examine similar outcomes,
resistance) in the nasal and oropharyngeal areas, through different nasal and reach the same conclusions [29]. Thus, the present summarized
airway diagnostic techniques (e.g., computed rhinomanometry, acoustic overview was structured from systematically and critically appraised
rhinometry), 2D radiographs (cephalometric analysis) or 3D imaging published systematic reviews, to establish how best to translate the ev­
(magnetic resonance imaging, conventional computed tomography, idence about the revised topic into clinical practice and to suggest
cone-beam computed tomography, and digital photogrammetry), before available references for future research.
and after the RME procedure in pediatric patients with or without upper Maxillary or palatal expansion is a very commonly used therapy
airway (breathing/respiratory) disorders. approach for the improvement of skeletal narrowing or constriction of
the maxilla, increasing its transverse width through the opening of the
4. Discussion midpalatal suture [30–32]. This orthodontic/orthopedic procedure can
be achieved using different expansion rates (rapid or slow) and forces
Clinicians should thoroughly consider the information based on the employing diverse appliances; the appropriate choice among these al­
literature evidence throughout the decision-making of clinical problems ternatives can influence the clinical treatment outcomes and the po­
through the highest levels of published evidence, such as systematic tential relapse [31]. Therefore, we intended to address the present
reviews, meta-analyses, and umbrella reviews -the overview of existing clinical topic through a systematic appraisal of the evidence, using a
systematic reviews- [28]. Systematic reviews with meta-analysis are transparent methodology; regardless of its positive qualities, this um­
considered the superior level of evidence-based oral health research, and brella review still exhibits some constraints. One concern was the vari­
each review possesses an individual methodological quality according to ability among the research designs of the included studies in the current
diverse concerns. According to this, the main focus of umbrella reviews review, namely randomized and controlled clinical trials,
is to deliver an ample outlook of the best information associated with a non-randomized (before-after) trials, prospective cohorts, or retrospec­
specific issue and bring into focus where the evidence is consistent, or if tive case-control studies, which are more or less prone to different
incongruent or conflicting findings exist, and exhibit and detail the methodological biases. Another shortcoming to consider is the homo­
reasons why [19,23]. With the increase of published and available sys­ geneity among the pooled data from the eligible systematic reviews. In
tematic reviews and meta-analyses in pediatric dentistry as well as in the current overview, the observed high heterogeneity made the per­
orthodontics and craniofacial orthopedics, a logical next step during formance of an overall quantitative/statistical analysis impossible given
clinical research is to offer the evidence obtained from these compre­ the very different methodological designs employed, the tools or scales
hensive reviews. So, an umbrella review only considers the selection of for assessing the quality of eligible individual articles, and some re­
the most transcendent evidence. This type of review provides a bird’­ strictions during the study selection (e.g., language, publication date,
s-eye view of those discoveries for specific clinical issues or phenomena. format, or sample size) [31]. Furthermore, an extensive variability could
It also allows the assessment and consideration of whether independent be observed in the number of selected articles in the systematic reviews,

A. Garrocho-Rangel et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

Table 1
Data charting of included systematic reviews.
First author, Total number Publication Methodology Sample Type of RME Measurement Main outcomes/findings
country, and of studies date range of characteristics appliance technique (s)
year and included
participants studies

Gordon et al. - 4 1900–2008 - Databases: ML, EMB, - Healthy - Hyrax. - AR for MCA. - Significant increase in
(Canada), - 202 CDSR, ACPJC, DARE, children with - Haas. MCSA.
2009 [14] CCTR, LIL, SCP, and transverse - Small changes in NCV
TIWoS. maxillary and ND.
- Hand search. deficiency.
- RCCTs only. - 4–14.1 yrs old.
- RBAT: Lagravère et al.25
- F–U: NR.
- M-A: No
Baratieri et al. - 8 1900–2010 - Databases: Ovid ML, SC, - Children with - Hyrax. - RMN, AR, - NCV increase.
(Brazil), - 260 SCP, VHL, and CochL. transverse posteroanterior and - Decreased
2011 [10] - Hand search. maxillary lateral Rx, and CBCT. craniocervical
- RCCTs only. deficiency. angulation with
- RBAT: Lagravère et al.25 - 7–16 yrs old. increases in posterior
- F–U: 6 months to 5 yrs. nasal space.
- M-A: No. - Reduction of NAR and
- Increase of MCSA.
Aziz et al. - 2 1974–2015 - Databases: Ovid ML, - Children with - Hyrax. - Frontal - Significant
(Canada), - 110 EMB, TIWoS, CDSR, decreased nasal posteroanterior straightening of the
2015 [1] CCTR, CMR, DARE, breathing due cephalogram. nasal septum in the
ACPJC, and NHSEED. to nasal septum middle and inferior
- Hand search. deviation. thirds of the nasal
- RCCTs only. - 5–17 yrs old cavity.
- RBAT: MINORS. - Better results in
- F–U: 12 weeks to 6 children than in
months. adolescents.
- M-A: No. - A second study
reported no positional
change in the nasal
- However, both studies
exhibited some
Buck et al. - 22 1946–2016 - Databases: ML (all - Children under - Hyrax. - AR, 3D Rx, and - Significant increase of
(Australia/ - 538 versions), EMB, CCRC, RME treatment. - Haas. digital TAV from baseline.
Germany/ ISRCTN registry, and - 7.5–14.5 yrs photogrammetry.
Greece), unpublished literature. old.
2017 [7] - Hand search.
- RCCTs, non-randomized
trials, and cohort
studies; each study with
at least 8 patients.
- RBAT: Cochrane
- F–U: 8 months.
- M-A: Yes.
Di Carlo et al. - 9 2005–2016 - Databases: ML, Ovid, - Children with - Hyrax. - CBCT. - Contradictory or
(Italy), 2017 - 244 and CochL. maxillary - Haas. inconsistent results
[8] - Hand search. transverse - McNamara. regarding head
- RCCTs and deficiency. posture, tongue
observational studies. - 7.8–16 yrs old. position, and NCV.
- RBAT: Cochrane
- F–U: NR.
- M-A: No.
Lee et al. - 9 2000–2016 - Databases: PubMed, ML, - Children with - Hyrax. - Cephalometric Rx - Significant changes in
(Taiwan), - 221 SD, and TIWoS. maxillary - Haas. (anteroposterior the upper airway and
2017 [12] - Hand search. transverse - Some studies linear changes) and nasal passage airway.
- RCCTs only. deficiency. included CBCT. - Non-significant
- RBAT: Newcastle- - 6–16 yrs old. facemask changes in the lower
Ottawa scale. protraction airway and the airway
- F–U: 6 months–2.5 yrs. appliances. * below the palatal
- M-A: Yes. plane.
Alyessary et al. - 20 2005–2016 - Databases: TIWoS, - Children with - Hyrax. - RMN, CBCT, - Non-surgical RME
(Malasya/ - 455 D&OSS, and PubMed. maxillary - Haas. conventional improved nasal
Irak/ - Hand search. transverse tomography, and Rx. breathing.
Singapore), - RCCTs and deficiency. - Increase of NC
2019 [3] retrospective/ - 7–15 yrs old. geometry.
- Decrease of NAR.
(continued on next page)

A. Garrocho-Rangel et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

Table 1 (continued )
First author, Total number Publication Methodology Sample Type of RME Measurement Main outcomes/findings
country, and of studies date range of characteristics appliance technique (s)
year and included
participants studies

prospective cohort
- F–U: NR.
- M-A: No.
Calvo- - 12 1980–2020 - Databases: PubMed ML, - Children with - Hyrax. - RNM. - Significant reduction of
Henriquez - 301 EMB, CochL, SCP, SD, maxillary - Haas. NAR.
et al. Scielo, and Trip. transverse - McNamara. - Significant increase in
(France/ - Hand search. deficiency. TNF.
Spain/USA/ - RCCTs, prospective/ - 7–13 yrs old.
Portugal), retrospective cohort
2020 [6] studies, and case-report
series, published in peer-
reviewed journals.
- RBAT: Lagravère et al.25
- F–U: 0–30 months.
- M-A: Yes.
Niu et al. - 24 1946–2019 - Databases: ML, EMB, - Children with - Hyrax. - CT, CBCT, and MRI. - Immediately after
(Denmark/ - 700 CCRC, unpublished and maxillary - Haas. RME: Significant
Italy), 2020 gray literature. transverse - McNamara. increase of
[4] - Hand search. deficiency. nasopharynx and
- RCCTs, non-randomized - 7–15 yrs old. oropharynx.
trials, and cohort - Three months later: NC
studies. and nasopharynx
- RBAT: Cochrane showed a significant
Collaboration; and a volume increase.
customized tool
developed for non-
randomized trials (based
on the Newcastle-
Ottawa scale and
empirical evidence of
bias in orthodontic clin­
ical research).
- F–U: 3–12 months.
- M-A: Yes.
Sakai et al. - 18 2003–2019 - Databases: Ovid ML, - Children with - Hyrax. - CT, Rx - In the short term, RME
(Brazil), - 887 EMB, and SCP. mouth - Haas. (teleradiography and promotes the
2021 [11] - Hand search. breathing. frontal enlargement of the
- RCCTs and cohort - 5–14.7 yrs old. posteroanterior dental arches and the
studies. radiography), AR, nasal and maxillary
- RBAT: Fowkes & and computed RMN. structures, thus
Fulton’s guidelines. improving mouth
- F–U: 0–30 months. breathing.
- M-A: No.
Santana et al. - 4 1980–2020 - Databases: PubMed, LIL, - Children with - Hyrax. - Cephalometric Rx - Increase in the
(Brazil), - 104 EMB, SCP, TIWoS, mouth - Haas. and CT. transverse dimensions
2021 [5] CochL, and gray breathing and/ of the maxilla and the
literature. or obstructive upper airway volumes,
- Hand search. respiratory 3 months after RME.
- RCCTs, non-randomized disorders. - However, the quality of
trials, and case-series - Up to 14 yrs evidence from the
reports. old. articles included was
- RBAT: ROBINS-1 and considered very low.
- F–U: 3–30 months.
- M-A: Yes.

Abbreviatures: ML = Medline. EMB = Embase. CDSR=Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. ACPJC=American College of Physicians Journal Club. DARE =
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects. CCTR=Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). CMR=Cochrane Methodology Register. LIL = Lilacs.
SCP=Scopus. SD=Science Direct. TIWoS=Thomson’s ISI Web of Science. SC=Scirus. VHL=Virtual Health Library. CochL = Cochrane Library. HTA=Health Tech­
nology Assessment. NHSEED=NHS Economic Evaluation Database. D&OSS = Dental & Oral Science Source. RCCT = Randomized Clinical Controlled Trials. RBAT =
Risk of bias assessment tool. F–U=Follow-Up. NR=Not reported. M-A = Meta-Analysis. AR=Acoustic rhinometry. RMN=Rhinomanometry. Rx = Radiography.
CBCT=Cone-beam computed tomography. MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging. MCSA = Minimum cross-sectional area. NCV=Nasal cavity volume. ND=Nasal di­
mensions. NAR=Nasal airway resistance. TNF = Total nasal flow. TAV = Total airway volume.
* Only those data from the RME without facemask group were extracted.

ranging from only two up to 24, even when similar interventions, pur­ included studies lacked control groups.
poses, and results were assessed. The presence of overlapping studies On the other hand, the different chosen orthodontic/orthopedic
across the systematic reviews was also notorious; this means that strategies, endpoints, control groups, and outcome measures in each
repeated articles appeared several times, which would have had unin­ selected systematic review also influenced this heterogeneity and hin­
tentionally a larger influence on the meta-analysis [22]. Finally, some dered the synthesis of results [22]. There were evident differences

A. Garrocho-Rangel et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

Table 2
Critical review of included systematic reviews.
Systematic review Study eligibility Identification and selection of Data collection and study Synthesis and Risk of bias in the
criteria studies appraisal findings review

Gordon et al. [14] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Baratieri et al. [10] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Aziz et al. [1] Low risk Low risk Unclear risk Low risk Unclear risk
Buck et al. [7] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Di Carlo et al. [8] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Lee et al. [12] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Alyessary et al. [3] Low risk Low risk Low risk Unclear risk Low risk
Calvo-Henriquez et al. Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Niu et al. [4] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Sakai et al. [11] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Santana et al. [5] Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk Low risk

Table 3
Summary of quantitative results from retrieved meta-analyses.
MA Measurement Mean difference (95%IC) Statistical significance

Lee et al. [12] Upper airway (anteroposterior linear changes in mm) PNS - AD1 (FMP + RME vs. Ctrl) 1.63 (− 0.14, 3.39) NS
PNS - AD2 (FMP + RME vs. Ctrl) 2.68 (0.37, 5.0) S (in favor of FMP + RME)
ST1 (RME vs. Ctrl) 0.80 (0.19, 1.41) S (in favor of FMP + RME)
Lower airway (anteroposterior linear changes in mm) ST2 (RME vs. Ctrl) − 0.20 (− 0.68, 0.28) NS
Buck et al. [7] Total airway volume mean increase (mm3) IA RME 1218.3 (701.97, 1734.63) S (in favor of RME)
ARP 1143.87 (698.85, 1590.9) S (in favor of RME)
Niu et al. [4] Nasal cavity volume mean increase (mm3) IA RME 1224 (− 278, 2725) NS
ARP 1604 (891, 2318) S (in favor of RME)
Nasopharyngeal volume mean increase (mm3) IA RME 829 (441, 1217) S (in favor of RME)
ARP 492 (70, 913) S (in favor of RME)
Oropharyngeal volume mean increase (mm3) IA RME 1424 (197, 2651) S (in favor of RME)
ARP 578.62 (− 301.45, 1458.7) NS
Calvo-Henriquez et al. [6] Nasal airway resistance mean reduction (Pa s/cm3) Quasi-experimental studies 0.12 (0.06–0.18) S (in favor of RME)
Controlled trials 0.02 (− 0.01, 0.07) NS
Nasal airflow mean increase (cm3) 29.9 (9.17, 50.64) S (in favor of RME)
Santana et al. [5] Nasal volume increase (mm3) 3.0 (− 0.25, 6.25) NS
Oropharyngeal volume increase (mm3) 2.18 (0.98, 3.38) S (in favor of RME)
Internasal distance (mm) 1.79 (0.95, 2.62) S (in favor of RME)

MA = Meta-analysis. PNS = Posterior nasal spine. PNS-AD1 = Distance between PNS and the nearest adenoid tissue measured through PNS-Ba (Basion) line. PNS-AD2
= Distance between PNS and the nearest adenoid tissue measured through a perpendicular line to S–Ba from PNS. ST1 = Shortest distance 1; the minimum distance
between the upper soft palate and the nearest point on the posterior pharyngeal wall. ST2 = Shortest distance 2; the minimum distance between the point where the
posterior tongue contour crosses the mandible and the nearest point on the posterior pharyngeal wall. FMP = Facemask protraction. IA = Immediately after. ARP =
– No significant. S = Significant.
After retention period. Ctrl = Control group. NS–

among individual studies regarding the RME protocols: active treatment breathing behavior in children and adolescents after RME treatment
length (from 28 or 30 days up to 6 weeks), type of appliance, screw were as follows. There were increases in (1) the nasal cavity volume/
activation schemes (e.g., 1 or 2 turns per day, or 4 turns on the first day width/dimensions (between 2.0 and 2.5 mm); (2) the minimal cross-
and subsequently 2 turns each day, or 1 turn every other day), amounts sectional area (according to the distance from the nostril into the
of maxillary/palatal expansion, and period of retention after the active nasal cavity, visually measured); however, it was not clinically signifi­
phase or follow-up times (0 up to 5 years). There were also differences in cant; (3) the posterior nasal space (from the posterior nasal spine to the
the type of outcome measurement (clinical, radiographical, cephalo­ basion area, or the area of the nasal valve and the inferior nasal concha)
metric, or by imaging); regarding this issue, the upper airway anatom­ or oropharyngeal space (up to 5.3 mm); and (4) a considerable align­
ic/volumetric, and breathing pattern/function changes after RME ment of the nasal septum and a positive effect in its asymmetry, but only
treatment have been traditionally evaluated by using different during childhood stage (however, individual studies for this condition
measuring techniques for a more reliable quantification on the breathing showed serious methodological limitations) [1]. As a result, the nasal
performance; these techniques include acoustic rhinometry, cephalo­ flow/breathing improved and the nasal airway resistance was reduced.
metrics and other 2D x-rays, 3D imaging, and polysomnography, among The best RME outcomes occurred before the fusion of the medial palatal
others [33]. Another source of heterogeneity was the study sample suture was established [11]. Some of these favorable changes were
characteristics: the range of the basal age (in some cases the treatment stable in the long term (11–60 months) after RME [10]; however,
started at the age of 5), and the inclusion of healthy subjects or with long-term effects could not be assessed in two studies [4,11]. In this
respiratory disorders. Additionally, data from Hyrax, Haas, and other regard, it should be considered that due to the complexity of upper
RME appliances were incorporated. Even when pooling collected in­ airway anatomy and function, the diverse measuring techniques
formation from diverse RME modalities presents superior evidence, employed across the studies had distinct purposes and could comple­
clinicians should consider that it can hinder the applicability of the ment each other to value the actual breathing variations after RME [10].
outcomes or findings in the clinical setting since the therapies may differ In the current umbrella review, five different systematic reviews/
in biomechanics and provide different effects [31]. Despite all of these meta-analyses contributed to the overall evidence summary [4–7,12].
concerns, we have attempted in the next sections to summarize the re­ These conducted meta-analyses were considered adequate because they
sults and findings of the thirteen selected systematic reviews. met the methodological and statistical criteria for the combined data
The main findings reached about upper airway amplitude and analysis, for example, the measurement of heterogeneity among the

A. Garrocho-Rangel et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 171 (2023) 111633

original studies (Q and/or I2 tests), the construction of forest plots for Author’s contribution
the magnitude of the observed effects, and the reporting of pooled es­
timates (e.g., mean differences or weighted mean differences) with their All the authors confirm their participation to this study. Arturo
corresponding 95% confidence-interval calculation, by using the fixed- Garrocho-Rangel, Miguel Ángel Rosales-Berber and Amaury Pozos-
and/or random-effect models, to satisfactorily account for the diverse Guillén participated in conceptualization; Adriana Ballesteros-Torres,
RME modalities, patient characteristics, upper airway regions, and Zaira Hernández-Rubio, Joselin Flores-Velázquez, Esthela Yáñez-
measurement techniques [4,7]. Publication bias (funnel plot and Egger’s González and Socorro Ruiz-Rodríguez contributed to Methodology and
regression) and sensitivity analyses were also detected. The data sum­ Investigation; Arturo Garrocho-Rangel, Miguel Ángel Rosales-Berber,
mary of retrieved meta-analyses is detailed in Table 2 [4–7,12]. Adriana Ballesteros-Torres and Zaira Hernández-Rubio performed
Treatment of transverse maxillary deficiencies has largely been Writing-Original Draft, and performed final Writing-Review & Editing.
related to breathing problems and discussed by pediatric dentistry All authors agree with the manuscript.
practitioners, orthodontists, and otolaryngologists because of the close
anatomical relationship between the oral and nasopharyngeal spaces.
Several studies have demonstrated the nasal width increasing above the Declaration of competing interest
expanded mid-palatal suture. In this regard, maxillary hypoplasia or
constriction has been recognized as a risk factor for obstructive sleep No conflict of interest.
disorders (snoring, and adenoid or tonsil hypertrophy) in children and
adolescents and is considered the most important influence associated Acknowledgments
with therapeutic failure in the adenotonsillectomy procedure [5].
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that included sick children, enlarged tonsils and narrow maxillary participation in the writing and editing of this manuscript.
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