Alicorp Quality Management Systems

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1. Definitions:
Systems of Excellence for quality management (SEC).
Quality Assurance Standards (NAC).
2. Implementation of systems of excellence (Develop the Theory)
Yes: How did they do it (10 year period)?
No: Suggest how it should be done?
3. Implementation of Quality Assurance Standards (Develop the Theory)
a) What were the Management theories previously applied.
- How they do it today
b) If they haven't done it, how should they do it.
4. Explain how to develop the production process
a) Preparation or Manufacturing
b) Responsible (MOF) – Organization
c) Planning
d) Plant process
e) Control
f) Statistical Summary
5. Assessment
- Profitable competitiveness, Productive, low cost, Customer satisfaction
6. Conclusions


“Business Management System of the company…………. ”. As
2. What is business management? Of the company or other Concepts or
definitions. (5 bibliographic sources of documented texts or specialized
3. What is the importance of Business Management in the company? Opinions
of businessmen, managers and researchers? (5 bibliographic sources of
documented texts or specialized opinions)
4. What quality excellence system does it apply?
5. What quality assurance standards do you apply?
6. Object of the system.
7. System Organization.
8. Responsibility of Management.
9. Product Realization.
10. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement.
11. Conclusions.
12. Bibliography.

“Business Management System of the ALICORP company”

2. What is business management? Of the company or other Concepts or

definitions. (5 bibliographic sources of documented texts or
specialized opinions)
It is the business activity that seeks through people (such as institutional directors,
managers, producers, consultants and experts) to improve the productivity and
therefore the competitiveness of companies or businesses. Optimal management
does not only seek to do things better, the most important thing is to do the right
things better and in that sense it is necessary to identify the factors that influence
the success or better result of management.


Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University (USAT)
Department of business sciences

Business management, why is it important?

 Business management is that business activity that, through different specialized

individuals, such as: institutional directors, consultants, producers, managers, among
others, and actions, will seek to improve the productivity and competitiveness of a
company or business . Because for a given management to be optimal and therefore
give good results, it must not only do things better but it must also do better those
correct issues that directly influence success and that will be accessible through the
meeting of experts who help identify problems, provide solutions and new strategies,
among other issues.

ABC Definition, [Online Web]. <>

empresarial.php#ixzz2ytGRAiZ9 . [Consultation: 04-14-2014]

Through business management, a group of people is organized, directed and controlled to
achieve a collective objective, which is outside the scope of individual effort to ensure that an
organization remains innovative and productive to counter the growth of the globalized
market .

 Business Management deals with planning and business organization, based on

the vital importance that these elements have in relation to the proper
functioning of a company, it wants to show the correct procedures that allow us
to develop good business management, which, without a doubt, , will be one of
the keys to the success of our company.
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Slideshare,[Online Web].<> [Consulted: 04-


Nowadays, every company must have a properly structured organizational chart to

improve the flow of information and the effectiveness of workers.

Regarding planning, it is necessary for companies to have a plan based on an analysis of

the company's situation and its environment, based on which the most appropriate objectives
and strategies will be established to achieve success.

 Business management, also known as business administration or administrative

science, is a social science that studies the organization of companies and the way in
which the resources, processes and results of their activities are managed.
They are administrative sciences or economic and financial sciences, accounting,
corporate finance and marketing, administration, strategic management, etc. In a few
words, it can be said that managing is planning, organizing, directing and controlling all
the resources of an economic entity to achieve clearly determined purposes. It relies
on other sciences such as economics, law and accounting to be able to carry out its

Fundamentals of business management [Web online]. <>
[Accessed: 04-14-2014]

 Business management is the degree of use of resources to meet the designed

business objectives, seeking to optimize the processes by each department or
management area of the organization, through planning, organization, execution
and control of business activities.
Ability to organize and direct the resources of a business organization, seeking to
achieve the company's objectives and goals. Action and effect of managing
proceedings of public or private matters. Set of rules, procedures and methods that
allow you to effectively polish a business activity seeking to achieve specific
objectives .
Business Management-Transcript Presentation [Web online]. <> [Consulted: 04-14-2014]

3. What is the importance of Business Management in the company?

Opinions of businessmen, managers and researchers? (5
bibliographic sources of documented texts or specialized opinions)
 It is important because being a business manager is the one who obtains
knowledge, experience, management of the subject and at the same time serves as
a support, guide, with the ability to make a small and good idea become a business
and company opportunity.
To be a business manager is to have a great responsibility, to know an idea and to
take steps step by step to ensure that this idea grows and can bear fruit in a very
good source of productive money. That is when the business manager has the
ability to innovate, to create. Being a visionary of the future, he plans and goes for
the fixed because he has all the tools for a business opportunity to be realized and
successful, he knows the market, the opportunities and the disadvantages, he
studies them, analyzes them, he ensures that they are do.
A good manager has the characteristics of being a communicator, a good facilitator,
a planner and administrator of tasks and teams, he is a strategist, a good negotiator
and, ultimately, a leader capable of managing effectively, he is therefore an
important person who sets the tone. difference in a company or organization, since
it is the key to obtaining certain success in a market to which it opens doors.

Bligoo, [Online Web].<>
gestion-empresarial#.U0rUcvl5N1Y [ Consultation: 04-14-2014]

 The importance of business management is amplified in a cut-throat

competitive market and maintaining the frenetic pace of innovative ideas.

The importance of business management in the business world has

amplified for the following reasons:

Here's why business management is important:

1. The business is growing in size at a rapid speed: business management ensures

that an organization remains innovative yet productive to counteract the growth.

2. Job/Domain Specialization is a new trend: Business management takes care of

all specific areas and domains to recruit the right talent for the right job.

Competitive Business World: Business management ensures that the organization

remains true to its specific area or domain of knowledge yet is open to new areas
such as business and can sometimes lead the way.

4. Work: The most precious thing in business is people.

Business management ensures that all parties are kept in high spirits and their
demands are met.

5. Technology: Business management must be ahead of its competitors so that

technology is enabled to produce better results.

4. What quality excellence system does it apply?

What are quality assurance standards? Why is it important?
In all plants, improvements are made in the organization, signage and identification of areas, equipment and
tools; International labor methods and systems are also adopted, such as: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
and TPM (Total Product Maintenance).

The organization is aimed at increasing the overall efficiency of production systems through the "5 Basic Pillars":
Focused Improvement, Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, Training and Safety/Environment,
which includes better control and elimination of industrial waste, dangerous and non-dangerous.

On the other hand, steps are taken to achieve greater savings in electrical energy, fire fighting equipment is
improved and remodeling and other smaller works are carried out. A global efficiency system has been
implemented in all plants, which includes hourly control of quality, maintenance and production parameters.

 Set of planned and systematic actions, implemented in the Quality System, that are
necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product will satisfy given quality

It is important since these standards provide the basic rules for developing a Quality
system, being totally independent of the purpose of the company or the product or
service it provides. They are accepted throughout the world as a common language
that guarantees the (continuous) quality of everything that an organization offers.
EAFIT University, Quality Assurance – Bulletin 42, [Online Web].<>

 Quality Assurance was born as a natural evolution of Quality Control, which was
limited and ineffective in preventing the appearance of defects. To achieve this, it was
necessary to create quality systems that incorporated prevention as a way of life and
that, in any case, served to anticipate errors before they occurred. A Quality System
focuses on guaranteeing that what an organization offers meets the specifications
previously established by the company and the client, ensuring continuous quality over

Aragones Development Institute, [Online website]. <>
OpenDocument . [Consultation: 04-14-2014]
Quality assurance standards play a very important role in the market, since they
ensure and provide the confidence of acquiring a product in good condition and
effectively satisfying the customer's needs.
That is, the importance of quality translates as the benefits obtained from a better way
of doing things and seeking customer satisfaction, such as: cost reduction, presence
and permanence in the market and the generation of jobs.

5. What are models of quality management excellence?

 The EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) defines Excellence Models
as: “Management Excellence Models are practical references that help organizations,
measuring where they are on the path to excellence and analyzing the gaps that may
exist to achieve them.”

Focus Wine Cl, [Online Web]. <>

excelencia&catid=114&Itemid=138 [Consultation: 04-14-2014]

 This model was developed in 1999 to be applied to any public and private
organization and any sector of activity or size.
Its objective is the evaluation of the management of organizations, identifying their
strengths and areas of improvement that serve to establish progress plans and also
serve as information for development and strategic planning.

FUNDIBED, [Online website]. <> [Consulted: 04-14-2014]
 They are necessary tools for the company 's self-assessment. Some of these models
have been created and promoted by various organizations and institutions with the
intention that they be followed and applied by all companies. In fact, most of them
constitute the reference model for evaluating contestants for national and continental
quality awards. Therefore, in most cases a model of excellence can be associated with
a quality award.

The Deming Prize Guide 2004.


Modern companies know that to remain in the markets and guarantee good participation, they
must keep in mind that quality is currently very important to have well controlled, because it
involves fully satisfying the customer's needs, meeting the customer's expectations and some
more. .
The truth is that the Quality Management System is the set of interrelated standards of a
company or organization by which its quality is managed in an orderly manner, in the search
for customer satisfaction.

Finally, the total quality system constitutes a formal and systematic effort to turn the company
into a precision, dynamic and active mechanism, oriented to quality, which will lead to the
success of your organization.


 Systems of Excellence (Theory)

The term Quality has evolved, from ensuring product quality and limited only to manufacturing
environments, to becoming a new form of business management that seeks to make
organizations more effective and efficient by improving the satisfaction of all parties.
stakeholders (customers, shareholders, people, society) and optimizing the management of its
resources and internal processes.

Until the 1990s, there was a certain dissociation between what constituted, on the one hand,
Quality Assurance, including the famous ISO 9000 Certification, and, on the other hand, the so-
called approaches to Excellence or Total Quality, which in many cases had more of a superficial
component. , generally being away from daily management.
The current economic evolution towards an increasingly competitive environment, with fewer
economic borders, and growing globalization, has made companies and organizations rethink
the terms of Quality and Excellence, which beyond its historical origins and recent evolution,
today They are used to introduce innovation and continuous improvement in management, to
improve the overall results of the organization and especially the economic results.

The term Excellence, as a synonym for good business management, was coined with the
appearance of the Great Models in the West. The Malcolm Baldrige, appeared in
United States in 1987, the European Model published in 1991 and the Ibero-American Model
in 1999, not only include the name of Excellence in their title, but their criteria and the values
on which they are based constitute the benchmark for management and results " excellent.”
Until well into the nineties, the Models of Excellence were seen as a utopian reference,
oriented towards Excellence Awards, usable mainly by large companies and organizations with
advanced business cultures.

Management improvement methodologies and tools had their field of application but there
was ignorance and disconnection between their application, use and possible benefits.

The current competitive environment, characterized by globalization and extreme

competition, has meant that companies and organizations of all types and sizes, on the one
hand, have learned about business management, and on the other hand, use management
techniques and methodologies with a total orientation towards achieving better business
results in the shortest time possible.

Traditionally, Quality improvement had been linked to economic results via reduction of total
Quality costs, including both Quality and non-Quality costs. This model, widely used in the
eighties, was soon seen to be useful in its field of action, but not as a universal panacea, since
in many indirect functions it cost (and/or it was impossible to measure non-Quality) more than
the Benefits that were achieved. they got.

The emphasis on customer satisfaction as a mechanism to achieve customer loyalty was

another of the most used approaches to link Quality and economic results. Improving product
quality and in general improvements aimed at satisfying customer requirements and
expectations will make them buy more of our products and services, increasing sales volumes
and therefore economic profitability.

Malcolm Baldrige did not incorporate business results as a criterion until the 1990s. The
European Model, since its first edition in 1991, was a Management Model including criterion 9
of business results. The same thing happened with the Ibero-American Model, which included
business results from the beginning.
The initial skepticism that we referred to before has evolved and today the Excellence Models
are considered mechanisms of innovation and improvement through Self-Assessment, which
translates into improved business results. This has contributed to its growing use with the clear
economic benefits that this entails. A recent study by Doctors Sengal and Hendrich published
by the EFQM has revealed, as it could not be otherwise, the close relationship between the
overall improvement of an organization reflected in the score according to an Excellence
Model and the economic results. .

As we have previously indicated, Self-Assessment will allow an Organization to implement

plans that improve management and translate into improvements in business results in
general (stakeholders, clients, people, shareholders, society) and economic results in
particular. In fact, it must be highlighted that the first Fundamental concept of Excellence is
Orientation towards Results.

We can define Self-Assessment as a global, systematic and regular examination of the activities
and results of an organization compared to an Excellence Model. Thus, Self-Assessment is an
exercise through which the organization compares itself against an Excellence Model and
obtains its strengths and areas for improvement in relation to said model. This allows
establishing the necessary improvement actions in those areas that need it and subsequent
monitoring of the progress made.

The result of the Self-Assessment will materialize in a series of improvement projects, obtained
from a list of strengths and areas for improvement. The improvement plan will include those
responsible and a calendar for the implementation of the actions. The progress examination
may be carried out either by following the calendar and the implementation of the
improvement plans or by carrying out a new Self-Assessment and seeing the evolution of the
scores obtained.
There is no single correct way to carry out a Self-Evaluation, there are various approaches or
methodologies (Simulation of presentation for the award, Forms, Work Meeting,
Questionnaires, Improvement Matrices, combination of the above).
In some cases, the organization develops its own approach. Each of these approaches has its
own advantages and disadvantages and each organization must choose the most appropriate
one for it depending on the type of organization, its maturity on the path to Excellence, the
efforts it wishes to invest and the benefits it expects. reach. Thus, there is no approach worse
than others, but there will be approaches that can give more advantages than others to the
organization that intends to carry out its Self-Assessment.
General objective.-

Diagnose the current situation of the company “ALICORP” and implement a Quality
Management model that allows increasing the productivity, objectives and organizational
goals of the company.

Specific objectives.

Identify the factors that influence the results obtained by the company “ALICORP” Propose the
implementation of a Quality Management model that contributes to the achievement of the
goals and objectives of “ALICORP”



Alicorp is a company dedicated to the production of industrial, mass consumption and animal
nutrition products.
In all its production processes, Alicorp meets international standards of quality and
In recent years, the company has increased its production levels, consolidating its leadership in
various categories.
The company now known as Alicorp was started in 1956 as Industrias Anderson, Clayton & Co.
as a manufacturer of oils and soups in the port of Callao , Peru .
In 1971, the Peruvian conglomerate Grupo Romero acquired Anderson, Clayton & Co. and
changed its name to Compañía Industrial Perú Pacífico SA (CIPPSA).
The company survived during the years of military rule in Peru and during the 90s embarked
on several acquisitions. In 1993, it absorbed Calixto Romero SA and Compañía Oleaginosa Pisco
SA, which also belonged to the Romero Group.

In 1995 it acquired La Fabril SA, the largest food manufacturer in Peru from the Bunge y Born
Group of Argentina . CIPSSA changed its name to Consorcio de Alimentos Fabril Pacifico SA
(CFP) in 1995. CFP merged with Nicolini Hermanos SA and Compañía Molinera del Perú SA in
1996 and changed its name to Alicorp in 1997.

5. What quality assurance standards do you apply?


Certifications :

In all plants, improvements are made in the organization, signage and identification of areas,
equipment and tools; International labor methods and systems are also adopted, such as:
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and TPM (Total Product Maintenance).

The organization is aimed at increasing the overall efficiency of production systems through
the "5 Basic Pillars": Focused Improvement, Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance,
Training and Safety/Environment, which includes better control and elimination of industrial
waste, dangerous and non-dangerous.

On the other hand, steps are taken to achieve greater savings in electrical energy, fire fighting
equipment is improved and remodeling and other smaller works are carried out. A global
efficiency system has been implemented in all plants, which includes hourly control of quality,
maintenance and production parameters.

 Recertification in Quality, Environment and Safety

Management Systems
In April, the external recertification audit processes for our quality, environment and safety
management systems were successfully completed, thus extending our certifications until

The novelty in this process, which took approximately 23 days, is the migration of our safety
certification to the OHSAS 18001 standard, instead of the DNV one that we maintained, and
the update of our quality systems to the 2008 version of the ISO 9001 standard. The auditing
company was Germanischer Lloyd with representatives from Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Peru.

OHSAS 18001 standards:

OHSAS 18001 is the internationally recognized assessment specification for occupational health
and safety management systems. A selection of the most important trade bodies, international
standards and certification bodies have designed it to fill the gaps where there is no
international standard certifiable by an independent third party.

OHSAS 18001 is designed to be compatible with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 to help organizations
effectively meet their health and safety obligations.

OHSAS 18001 addresses the following key areas:

 Planning to identify, evaluate and control risks

 OHSAS Management Program
 Structure and responsibility
 Training, awareness and competence
 Consulting and communication
 Operation control
 Preparation and answer to the emergencies
 Measure, monitor and improve performance

ISO 9001:
ISO-9001, often misnumbered as ISO-90001, is a quality standard developed by the
International Organization for Standardization. Also known as ISO-9001:2008, its most recent
version was released in November 2008. By looking at the quality process and manifesting
product quality in a company's hardware, software, processed materials and services, ISO-9001
seeks to precisely define the complete processes inherent in each, from input to output and

ISO 14001
The ISO 14001 certification has the purpose of supporting the application of an environmental
management plan in any organization in the public or private sector. It was created by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an international network of national
standards institutes working in partnership with governments, industry and consumer
representatives. In addition to ISO 14001, there are other ISO standards that can be used as
tools to protect the environment,
however, to obtain environmentalAsAs owe
it ininour
Policy”, health
health and
and safety
protection certification only the ISO of our clients and consumers is a constant concern and very present in the processes
14001 standard can be used. The ISO Alicorp ducts. For this reason, we supervise and monitor compliance with rigorous standards
at each stage of our product circuit (product concept development, manufacturing and
standards group, which contains various
production, storage, distribution and service to clients and consumers).
international rules that have been standardized and are
voluntary, is widely applied in all industry At Alicorp we carry out detailed studies for the development of all our products. Our area
sectors. Market Research considers the needs of consumers and takes into account the recommendations
mentions from our clients.
HACCP: Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control The quality of Alicorp's products is based on the systematization of quality management in the
floors. Our practices of quality are based in the rules ISO 9001
Points (HAZARD andandand in he "Analysisof Risks
of Control
Critical Points (HACCP)”, international standards of “Good Manufacturing Practices
Through various means (labels, campaigns, etc.) we inform about the benefits of our products.
Hazard Analysis and Criticalducts. To date, Alicorp does not register product withdrawals from the market due to consumer demands
Control Points (HACCP) is a widely accepted management system to ensure food safety.

The food safety management system is a basic tool to be developed in the food industries,
restaurants, hotels and in general any organization that is involved with food production.


As we have defined in our “Integrated Management Systems Policy”, the health and safety of
our clients and consumers is a constant concern and very present in Alicorp's production
processes. For this reason, we supervise and monitor compliance with rigorous standards at
each stage of our product circuit (product concept development, manufacturing and
Production, storage, distribution and service to clients and consumers).
At Alicorp we carry out detailed studies for the development of all our products. Our Market
Research area considers the needs of consumers and takes into account the recommendations
mentions from our clients.
The quality of Alicorp's products is based on the systematization of quality management in the
Our quality practices are based in the ISO 9001 standards and in the “Analysis of
Risks and Critical Control Points (HACCP)”, international standards of “Good
Manufacturing Practices
Through various means (labels, campaigns, etc.) we inform about the benefits of our products.
To date, Alicorp has not recorded product withdrawals from the market due to consumer or
regulatory demands.

6. Object of the system.


For Alicorp, the safety of its collaborators has a high priority. Compliance regarding
occupational health and safety of the company exceeds what is required by law and has
been invested in 2010,
US$ 400,000 in security systems and equipment.
Since 2002, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System was also implemented.
based on international standards. In the International Safety Classification System of
DNV level 7 out of 10 was reached.
Between 2009 and 2010, the migration of the Health and Safety System was successfully
completed in the
Work to OSHA Standard 18001:2007. Certification in this international standard has allowed
time integrate this system with other Quality and Environmental Management systems.
In 2010, the lowest number of accidents in the last four years was recorded. The index of
Frequency of Disabling Accidents has been 3.4 per million man hours worked
and Severity, 66 days lost per million man-hours worked (indicators according to
ANSI Z16.1 standard); The latter is the third lowest value in the last nine years.
Annually, employees have preventive medical examinations, the results of which are
taken into account in the preparation of facility improvement plans, as well as in campaigns
information on nutrition, disease prevention, etc. Alicorp also has a medical topic
which provides emergency care 24 hours a day all year round.
The dissemination of occupational health and safety practices is also promoted through
five-minute daily newspapers, showcases with posters, emails and the SMAD system
Document Management Mechanism).
On the other hand, studies of working conditions and environment are carried out in all
including aspects such as noise, lighting, dust, ergonomics, etc.


Integrated Management Systems Policy

As Alicorp collaborators, we support and sustain the
growth of our Company assuming the commitments of:
• Exceed the expectations of our customers and consumers
offering them healthy products and services in constant
innovation, with the application of demanding quality standards.
• Prevent the pollution environmental,ensure he use
of resources, promote safe behavior to avoid
that people suffer injuries or damage to their health in our
installations and to eliminate material damage in general.
• Achieve with the requirements legal applicable and
volunteers that
the Company assumes and protects our activities against its
possible use by illicit organizations.
• Develop to our staff.
• Be socially responsible with our around.

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