Blue Sky WS - Flash Report

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EPAA Blue sky Workshop

1-2 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium

New Ideas for Systemic Toxicity

The EPAA organised a Blue Sky Workshop on “New Ideas for Problem formulation for the safety decision to be made
Systemic Toxicity” from 1-2 October 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. needs to be reassessed, to be fit for purpose, and the works-
The Workshop was chaired by Drs George Daston and Cathe- hop foresaw a move from the traditional need for regulatory
rine Mahony and involved 31 experts from Europe and North requirements to that of safety-based information. This is a
America representing cross-sector industries and regulatory large challenge, potentially disruptive in nature. The goal will
agencies, the European Commission and academia. The ove- be to ensure human health protection moves away from the
rall goal of the Workshop was to formulate strategic research reliance on traditional tests. To achieve this, solutions may
elements to derive a list of recommended actions to identify be mechanistically or knowledge (i.e. data) based. The prefe-
new ideas for repeated dose systemic toxicity. The focus was rence is for mechanistically-based technologies spanning the
on how specific scientific areas and new approaches might be full range of computational and in vitro methods. Integrated
applied in regulatory frameworks. systems modelling is thought to be an opportunity that can
The Workshop agreed that there are many technologies, or support both read-across and ab initio alternatives to the cur-
New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), that have evolved over rent paradigm.
the last decade and can provide an insight into the systemic Currently few, if any, data from NAMs are provided to agen-
effects of chemicals as well as supporting read-across. The cies as part of regulatory submissions. A new openness from
NAMs discussed included computational chemistry and bio- both sides is required in the use of NAMs. Standardisation and
chemistry methods focussing on the 3D structure of potential validation of NAMs data will assist in this process and will un-
ligands; high throughput and content techniques; the use of derpin confidence and trust building. Good communication
big data from omics including “deep proteomics”; the applica- as well as novel concepts in understanding and quantifying
tion of microphysiological systems e.g. organoids; the role of uncertainty, benchmarking technologies and case studies are
in silico models and virtual organs; as well a Mode of Action essential.
ontology that can provide a framework for organising data in Overall, the Workshop acknowledged the significant level of
a safety assessment context. stakeholder involvement required in making better assess-
It was observed that much knowledge already exists for the ments of systemic toxicity. The successful workflows will be
traditional tests and NAMs. A key challenge and priority is the based around mechanistically derived computational and
sharing of all types of data. There is an aspiration that data non-animal data used in appropriate strategies. There is a
should be made freely available and accessible from a com- need for these new approaches to be in line with the protec-
mon platform. Whilst this is currently achievable, incentives tion goal, transparent, reproducible and accessible.
may be required to facilitate release of more, high quality and
mechanistically relevant, information.

In addition to the present Flash report, a video with highlights from the Workshop has been produced and will be available on the
EPAA website shortly. Moreover, the main discussions and recommendations of the Workshop will be reported in a peer-reviewed
About EPAA

EPAA is a Public-Private Partnership across seven industry sectors and between European Commission and Industry
stakeholders. Launched in 2005, it gathers 37 companies, 8 European trade federations and 5 Directorates-General of
the European Commission.

Further information is available on


EPAA European Partnership for Alternatives

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