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Version 2.03 040708

P. 1 of 32 Version 2.03

















P. 2 of 32 Version 2.03

^ KEYPAD (DRIVER NODE ): Located on the dashboard, it allows the driver absolute
control of the air conditioning functions of all areas of the bus, allowing you to choose
completely automatic or manual regulation. All the sensors that control the climate and the
status of the components in the driver's area are connected to this node.

The functions of each key are listed below:

No. 1: This key allows the driver's air conditioning system to be put into operation to reach
and maintain the established set displayed on the Display. It also allows the automatic
operation of the driver's air conditioning to be resumed in the event that the speed of the
engines or the position of the flaps has been manually modified.
If we are in automatic mode – that is, the LED is on – by holding down this key we will turn
off the driver's air conditioning.

Driver's air conditioning unit off.

Nº2: Activation of the anti-fog hatches in the driver's area. On the first press, the flaps are put
into recirculation and the corresponding symbol is indicated on the screen. On second press it
changes state.

Driver flaps in recirculation.

P. 3 of 32 Version 2.03
Nº3 : Serves to regulate the speed of the anti-fog fan in the driver's area, increasing it.

Selection of the speed of the driver's air

conditioning unit.

No. 4: Serves to regulate the speed of the anti-fog fan in the driver's area, reducing it.

Nº5: Increase the temperature chosen for the Driver Set. The temperature range goes from 17
to 27 ºC. After selecting the maximum temperature level, an additional press will place a Set
“HI” which means maximum heating.

Forced heating in
driver's area

Nº6 : Decreases the temperature chosen for the Driver Set. The temperature range goes from
17 to 27 ºC. After selecting the minimum temperature level, an additional press will place a
Set “LO” which means maximum air conditioning.

Forced air conditioning in

driver's area

No. 7: This function allows you to operate the foot hatches or the driver's glass so that we can
put it in the desired position by pressing the key.

Driver flaps in foot

position - window

Nº8: This key allows the start-up of the passenger air conditioning system to reach and
maintain the established set displayed on the Display. It also allows the automatic operation of
the passenger air conditioning to be resumed in the event

P. 4 of 32 Version 2.03
that the speed of the motors or the position of the hatches had been manually modified.

If we are in automatic mode – that is, the LED is on – by holding down this key we will turn
off the passenger air conditioning.

Passenger Air Conditioning Unit off.

Nº9: Operation of the roof hatches. On the first press, the flaps are put into recirculation and
the corresponding symbol is indicated on the screen. On second press it changes state.

Passenger flaps in recirculation

No. 10 : Used to regulate the speed of the ceiling fans, increasing it.

Selection of the speed of the Passenger

Air Conditioning Unit.

No. 11: Serves to regulate the speed of the ceiling fans, reducing it.

Nº12: Increases the temperature chosen for the Passenger Set. The temperature range goes
from 17 to 27 ºC. After the maximum temperature level has been selected, an additional press
will place a Set “HI” which means maximum heating.

Forced heating in
passenger area

P. 5 of 32 Version 2.03
Nº13 : Decreases the temperature chosen for the Passenger Set. The temperature range goes
from 17 to 27 ºC. After selecting the minimum temperature level, an additional press will
place a Set “LO” which means maximum air conditioning.

Forced air conditioning in

passenger area

Nº14: With the first press of the key the ECO function is activated. If held down, the TIME
function is activated.

ECO: Disables the use of the compressor.

TIME: Allows us to program the clock.

Nº15 : Temperatures. With one press it displays the interior temperatures of the driver area,
passenger area and exterior.

Actual temperatures of the Driver

and Passenger areas

No.16 : Dehumidification (REHEAT). With this key we activate the function for
removal of fogging from the interior windows for 15 minutes.

Dehumidification mode

Nº17: Preheater. One press allows you to manually activate and deactivate the
preheater. A long press gives us access to the preheater programming menu.

P. 6 of 32 Version 2.03
^ DISPLAY: All system parameters are displayed on the display, using an easy and direct
screen display system, according to the user's requirements.

^ PASSENGER NODE : Located in the roof unit, it is where the sensors that control the
climate and the status of the components of the passenger area are located. It has direct
communication with the driver node.

^ TEMPERATURE SENSORS : The Iriconfort has several temperature sensors to control

interior comfort.

All temperature sensors are PTC1000 type and their resistance-temperature equivalence is
shown in a table below.

These sensors are located at the following points:

Driver interior temperature sensor : Located in the interior air intake of the Driver
Climate Control Unit (UCC). Accessible from the center console of the dashboard.
Driver duct temperature sensor : Located inside the UCC after the air supply fans to the
duct. For service, it can be located from the front access of the bus.
Driver anti-ice temperature sensor . Located inside the CCU between the batteries and
the fans. Access is possible from the outside of the vehicle through the cover on the left
side (right for Anglo-Saxon countries) of the UCC.
Exterior temperature sensor : Located on the outside of the vehicle behind the front
Passenger interior temperature sensor : Located in the intake of the roof air
conditioning unit. Accessible from the left intake grille.
Passenger duct temperature sensor : Placed on the left duct at a distance of 1 to 1.5
meters towards the rear of the bus from the end of the evaporator.
Passenger antifreeze temperature sensor : Placed between the batteries and the roof
equipment fans. Its service is carried out from the outside of the equipment through the left
evaporator covers.
Water temperature sensor : Located in the heating unit in the engine compartment.

P. 7 of 32 Version 2.03


Relative Humidity Sensor: Located in the suction of the ceiling air conditioning
equipment. Accessible from the left intake grille.
Passenger compartment dirty filter sensor: Located in the intake of the roof air
conditioning system. Accessible from the left intake grille.
Driver compartment dirty filter sensor: Located in the interior air intake of the Driver
Climate Control Unit (UCC). Accessible from inside the vehicle through the center
console of the dashboard.
Solar radiation sensor: Located on the dashboard.


As soon as the Iriconfort connector is connected for the first time or after connecting the
battery (i.e. it receives voltage at the +MCS input), the message DOWNLOAD appears on the
screen. This message will remain on the screen for approximately 30 seconds, after which it
will be replaced by a screen showing the bus with the time that will have the value 00:00.


Subsequently, when the battery disconnector is activated (input +30), all outputs and inputs are
checked to detect possible short circuits and adjust the position of the foot-window flaps of the
Driver's Air Conditioning Unit.

During the check, the message IRICONFORT CHECKING appears on the screen. If the air
filters of the driver and passenger air conditioning units are saturated, this will be indicated by
the appearance of the corresponding error message.

If there are no problems with the filters, the progress of the check will be indicated by dots on
the screen.

Check screen.

Once the check is completed, a screen is displayed with information on the errors detected; if
there are no errors, no message is displayed.

P. 8 of 32 Version 2.03


In any of the operating modes, by pressing key number 14 for two seconds we enter the day
and time programming screen.


To select the day, hour or minutes we will do so using keys 5 and 6 in such a way that the
selected field will appear in reverse video (white letters and black background).

Once the field we want to change is selected, we will modify it using keys 12 and 13.

To validate the new programming, we will press key number 14 or we will allow a few
seconds to pass for an automatic validation to be carried out.


The preheater has two operating modes: Normal Mode and Scheduled Mode.

Normal preheater activation mode : In this mode, the preheater can operate automatically, as
required by the engine temperature, or manually for a fixed time determined by the user.

To enter the Normal Mode for activating the preheater, simply press key 17 briefly. When
doing so, the Iriconfort will show the following screen:

1. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION...............................................................................3
^ OTHER SENSORS...........................................................................................................9
2. ON: AUTO-CHECKING..............................................................................................9
3. PROGRAMMING THE DAY AND TIME................................................................10
4. PROGRAMMING AND ACTIVATION OF THE PREHEATER............................10
...... . . . faith....................................................................................................................13
Indication of possible ice on the road: T............................................................................13
5. CONNECTION OF THE UNIT..................................................................................14
II. CONDUCTOR NODE................................................................................................14

P. 9 of 32 Version 2.03
CN1. Power Connector-Hispacold Node Connection............................................................16
CN2. Screen Connector..........................................................................................................16
CN3. Input-Output Connector................................................................................................18
CN4. Probes Connector..........................................................................................................18
III. PASSENGER NODE..............................................................................................19
CN1. Power Connector-Hispacold Node Connection............................................................19
CN2. Screen Connector..........................................................................................................20
CN3. Input-Output Connector................................................................................................20
CN4. Probes Connector..........................................................................................................20
6. CONTROL MODES AND STATES..........................................................................21
7. DIAGNOSIS...............................................................................................................23
9. ERROR MESSAGES ON SCREEN...........................................................................30
10. CHECKING THE SENSORS.................................................................................33
11. TROUBLESHOOTING..........................................................................................34
^ The screen does not show anything................................................................................34
^ The message WAITING NODE appears on the screen..................................................34
^ When you activate the battery disconnector, the SLEEPING mode screen does not
^ The automatic operation indicator LEDs do not light up:...............................................35
^ The message COMM ERR appears on the screen:.........................................................35

We have three options that we select with the 5 and 6 keys. The selected option will appear in
reverse video.
AUTO : In this case, the preheater will be connected if the engine water temperature is
below 55ºC and will stop when it exceeds 75ºC. This option only works if we are in AIR
CONDITIONING State and the Action is HEAT.

OFF : This option disconnects the Normal Mode, stopping the operation of the preheater
whether it was in AUTO or ON mode.

P. 10 of 32 Version 2.03
ON : In this option, the preheater will be activated for the time selected in the right
column using keys 12 and 13. It works in any mode (Sleepy, Wakeup, Active) and in the
OFF and Air Conditioning states. After the operating time ends, the AUTO option is
automatically selected again.

The MAX option activates the preheater continuously and keeps it running for up to two
hours after removing the +30 (stopping the vehicle's engine), or until the option is
manually deactivated.

On the Normal Mode preheater activation screen, the flame symbol will indicate - if filled -
that the preheater is operating. If it is operating in Normal Mode, with the time selected by the
user, a counter will appear with the remaining operating time.

Programmed preheater activation mode : In this mode it will be possible to program the
preheater so that at a certain time both the bus engine and its interior are at an appropriate

To enter the Programmed Mode for activating the preheater, press key 17 for 5 seconds. The
screen shown below will appear:

2 2:5 8 AUTO

It is possible to carry out two different programmings that are distinguished by the number that
accompanies the preheater symbol on the screen. Once the first program has been completed, it
will be possible to access the second by pressing key 17 for 5 seconds.

For each of the programmings we must enter a day and a time, which refer to the time at which
we want the interior of the bus to be warm. That is, to find the vehicle warm at 8 in the
morning, we will schedule that time. An internal algorithm will be responsible for calculating
the time at which the preheater should be connected sufficiently in advance.

With keys 5 and 6 we will move through the DAY, HOUR, MINUTES and ACTIVATION
fields and with keys 12 and 13 we will change their value. When we place ourselves in a field,
it is put in reverse video and in the case of the DIA field the selected option flashes.

Once the DAY, HOUR and MINUTES have been selected, it is necessary to set the activation
field to AUTO. If we want to deactivate it we must choose OFF.

P. 11 of 32 Version 2.03
The DAYS can be from MONDAY to SUNDAY and you can also choose 7 DAYS, that is,
every day of the week.

Single-day programming is deleted once it has been executed and is automatically set to OFF.
The 7 DAYS option remains activated for the next day.
The preheater programming works in any mode (Sleepy, Wakeup, Active) and in the OFF and
Air Conditioning states.

From the Sleeply screen you can see if the preheater is programmed, since if so, an icon of a
hollow flame with a 1 will appear, if programming 1 is programmed, or an icon of a hollow
flame with a 2, if it is programmed programming 2.

If, apart from being programmed, it is working, said flame will be filled.

...... . . . faith
Indication of possible ice on the road: T
If the outside temperature drops below 3ºC, the “possible ice on the road” symbol will appear
on the screen.

P. 12 of 32 Version 2.03
The comfort control unit consists of three nodes connected to each other.

These nodes are:

Display Node: It is the means through which the Iriconfort exchanges information with the
user, be it the driver, the installer or the technical service.

Driver Node or Keyboard: It has two missions, on the one hand it is used to introduce the
necessary commands to the system for its manual operation, on the other hand it controls the
Driver's air conditioning elements.

Passenger Node: Controls the passenger air conditioning elements.

Each of these nodes is connected as follows.


The Display Node has a 9-way connector AMP Junior Power Timer Ref.
1-0967621-1, with the following functions:
Pin Name Service
3 +485 Hispacold screen
4 -485 Hispacold screen
7 VLCD Power Screen
8 GND Earth Screen


The Conductor Node has 4 AMP connectors from the Junior Power Timer series with the
following references:

Connector Pins Ref. electronic connector Ref. connector installation

CN1 12 966140-3 1-0967622-1
CN2 9 966140-4 1-0967621-1
CN3 21 966140-6 1-0967625-1
CN4 18 966140-1 1-0967624-1

P. 13 of 32 Version 2.03

CN1. Power Connector-Hispacold Node Connection

Pin Yam Service I Nominal I Maxim

1 GND Land 5A 5A
2 CAN1L Communication. Hispacold
3 CAN1H Communication. Hispacold
4 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
5 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
6 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
7 +MCS 24VDC power 5A 5A
8 +MCS 24VDC power 5A 5A
9 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
10 +30 24VDC power 5A 5A
11 +30 24VDC power 5A 5A
12 +30 24VDC power 5A 5A

CN2. Screen Connector

Pin Yam Service
1 PROG1 Rescheduling
2 PROG2 Rescheduling
3 +485 HISPACOLD screen
4 -485 HISPACOLD screen
5 CAN0L SCU communication
6 CAN0H SCU communication
7 VLCD Power Screen
8 GND Earth Screen
9 -------- NOT USED

P. 14 of 32 Version 2.03
CN3. Input-Output Connector

Pin Yam Service I Nominal I Maxima

1 TR1+ Feet/Moon + 2A 5A
2 TR2- Renewal hatches- 2A 5A
3 TR2+ Renovated hatches+ 2A 5A
4 V1- Anti-fog valve - 2A 5A
5 V1+ Anti-fog valve + 2A 5A
6 TR1- Feet/Moon - 2A 5A
7 SAL3 Bomb 5.5A 24A
8 V2- Heater Valve - 2A 5A
9 V2+ Heater Valve + 2A 5A
10 OUT1 Ad heater Cond. 5.5A 24A
11 SAL2 Free 5.5A 24A
12 SAL4 Preheater 5.5A 24A
13 SAL5 Ad heater Speed 1 5.5A 24A
14 IN 1 Open door Active L ----
15 IN 2 Close door Active L ----
16 SAL6 Ad heater Speed 2 5.5A 24A
17 IN3 Return Precalen. Active H -----
18 IN4 engine started Active H ----
19 SPD1 Antiv Fans 100mA 1A
20 VEL2 FREE 100mA 1A
21 VEL3 FREE 100mA 1A

Note: The anti-fog heating valve is normally open (NO), that is, it is open at 0VDC. The driver's auxiliary heater
valve is normally open (NO).

CN4. Probes Connector

Pin Yam Service
1 RAD_SUPPLY Food radiation
2 RAD_SIGNAL Solar radiation sign
6 FILTER_SUPPLY Power filter (5V)
7 SIGNAL_FILTER Signal Filter
12 RHETOR. TRAMP Feet/Moon Position
13 CHN Temp. Signal Duct
14 ICE Ice Sign
15 CHN_ICE_GND Mass temp. Canal and Ice
16 SEN1 Outdoor Temp Signal
17 INT Temp. Indoor Sign
18 INT_SEN_GND GND temp. Int and Ext.

P. 15 of 32 Version 2.03

The Passenger Node has 4 AMP connectors from the Junior Power Timer series with the
following references:

Connector Pins Ref. electronic connector Ref. connector installation

CN1 12 966140-3 1-0967622-1
CN2 9 966140-4 1-0967621-1
CN3 21 966140-6 1-0967625-1

Pin Yam Service I Nominal I Maxim

1 GND Land 5A 5A
2 CAN1L Hispacold Communication
3 CAN1H Hispacold Communication
4 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
5 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
6 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
7 +MCS 24 VDC power supply 5A 5A
8 +MCS 24VDC power 5A 5A
9 -------- NOT USED -------- --------
10 +30 24VDC power 5A 5A
11 +30 24VDC power 5A 5A
12 +30 24VDC power 5A 5A

P. 16 of 32 Version 2.03
CN2. Screen Connector
Not used.
CN3. Input-Output Connector
Pin Yam Service I Nominal I Maxim
1 TR1+ FREE + 2A 5A
2 TR2- Trap doors - 2A 5A
3 TR2+ Hatches + 2A 5A
4 V1- FREE - 2A 5A
5 V1+ FREE + 2A 5A
6 TR1- FREE - 2A 5A
7 SAL3 Ceiling Valve 5.5A 24A
8 V2- FREE - 2A 5A
9 V2+ FREE + 2A 5A
10 OUT1 Compressor 5.5A 24A
11 SAL2 Recirculation pump 5.5A 24A
12 SAL4 Floor Valve 5.5A 24A
13 SAL5 Ad heater Speed 1 5.5A 24A
14 IN 1 Open door Active L ----
15 IN 2 Close door Active L ----
16 SAL6 Ad heater Speed 2 5.5A 24A
17 IN3 High pressure Active H -----
18 IN4 Low pressure Active H ----
19 SPD1 Right Fan 100mA 1A
20 VEL2 Left fans 100mA 1A
21 VEL3 Fans Cond. 100mA 1A
Note: The ceiling and convector valves are normally open (NO), that is, they are open with 0VDC.

CN4. Probes Connector

Pin Yam Service
3 HUM_SUPPLY Supply humidity (5V)
4 HUM_SIGNAL Humidity signal
5 HUM_GND GND Humidity
6 FILTER_SUPPLY Power filter (5V)
7 SIGNAL_FILTER Signal Filter
9 AIR_SUPPLY Q. Supply air
10 AIR_SIGNAL Q. Air Signal
13 CHN Temp. Signal Duct
14 ICE Ice Sign
15 CHN_ICE_GND Mass temp. Canal and Ice.
16 SEN1 Temp. Water Sign
17 INT Temp. Indoor Sign
18 INT_SEN_GND GND Temp. Int and Water

P. 17 of 32 Version 2.03

The description of the operation of IRICONFORT can be made based on:

^ Control modes ( DEAD, SLEEPING, WAKEUP, ACTIVE ) that depend on the voltage on
the +BAT, +30 and Alternator (+15D) inputs.


^ Control Actions for the AIR CONDITIONING State: START, HEAT, DO NOT HEAT,
The Iriconfort Control Modes depend on the voltage in the following inputs.

+MCS: Central Security Command. Pins 7 and 8 of CN1 of the Conductor Node.
+30: Battery disconnector. Pins 10, 11 and 12 of CN1 of the Conductor Node.
+15D: Alternator charging. Pin No. 18 of CN3 of the Conductor Node.

Below is a table with the four operating modes depending on the voltage at the aforementioned
inputs, as well as the characteristics of each mode.

Mode +MCS +30 +15D Characteristics.

dead <16V Does nothing.
Screen off.
sleeping 24V <22V OFF state.
DIAGNOSTICS can be entered.
The keyboard does not light up.
The screen lights up for 30 seconds. if any key is
The display shows a windowless bus with the
time and, if applicable, the programmed preheater
and low battery symbols.
Wakeup 24V >22V OFF state.
You can enter DIAGNOSIS and AIR
The screen and keyboard light up.
The AUTO LED of the nodes does not light up.
Asset 24V >22V 24V AIR CONDITIONING status.
You can enter DIAGNOSIS and DISPLAY.

P. 18 of 32 Version 2.03
The screens that can be seen in each of the operating modes are the following:

Mode Possible screens


(720:20 72

4720:20 72 4720:20 72
LJL^J (gk4

28% 7 23?
(2208 z= 7) z= 7)
[(208 [(208 238
28== -Item mu mu
“202 23? , 2329,232
-——— ? -- tea - -
pxJ V> ECO M

The possible Control States are the following:

^ OFF (For Wakeup and Active modes): The Control maintains its outputs canceled (logical
disconnection, which does not mean 0V). It only activates the preheater and its pump
and opens the valves if the preheater programming indicates it and the battery level is
greater than 22V. For Sleeping mode, the OFF control state leaves all outputs without

^ DIAGNOSIS: Upon entering this state, the control cancels its outputs and it is the user
using the keyboard who can activate/deactivate them, regardless of the battery voltage.

^ AIR CONDITIONING: It is the control working mode, which can be automatic or manual.

There are a series of elements or actions that can be governed by the control in an automatic
way or by the user in a manual way.

P. 19 of 32 Version 2.03

These elements are:

For the Conductor node: Recirculation flaps, Feet/moon flaps and Air speed.
For the Passenger node: Recirculation flaps, Air speed.
General: Dehumidification, Preheater, Econ.

If any of these elements or actions are carried out manually, the control will display its
MANUAL screen, with the action the corresponding manual action icon.
In the case of node elements, if any of them are operated manually, the auto LED of the

corresponding node will turn off.

If the auto key corresponding to one of the nodes is pressed, that node will automatically place
its elements and the general actions will also be automatically set.


The diagnostic mode is a powerful tool that allows us to check the different elements used for
air conditioning, helping us to verify their correct operation, as well as the electrical

The four main functions of Diagnostic Mode are:

^ Checking the inputs/outputs, activating them individually and detecting short circuits or
open circuits.
^ Checking the operation of the keys.
^ Checking the values read by the different sensors.
^ Selfchecking.

To enter the diagnostic mode for checking inputs/outputs, press keys 5, 6 and 15
simultaneously. The Driver Node input/output diagnostic mode screen shown below will

FB 2 S2 2 DO 2 B.T. 2
H.B 2 PR 2 G.E. 2 30 2
P.M 2 R. 2 PR 2 NP 2
F.V. 2 C.F. b D.C. 2 F1 0
H.V 2 E.T c
S1 2 DS201H30

P. 20 of 32 Version 2.03
The symbol located next to each of the outputs or inputs defines their status.

Name Denomination Possible states

FB UCC fan speed 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, N, S, ?
H.B. Conductive additional heater. Speed 1 7 , 2 , N, ?
P.M Water Pump 7 , 2 , N, S
F.V. UCC water valve 7 , 2 , N, S
H.V. Driver additional heater water valve 7 , 2 , N, S
S1 Additional heater speed 1 guide 7 , 2 , N, S, ?
S2 Additional heater speed 2 guide 7 , 2 , N, S, ?
PR Preheater 7 , 2 , N, S
R.C. Driver recirculation flaps 7 , 2 , N, S
F.W. Feet / Moon air flaps F, W, B, N, S
E.T. Temperature scale C,F
DO Open Door Sign 7, 2, ?
G.E. Alternator charging signal (+15D) 7, 2
PR Preheater Return 7, 2
D.C. Driver door closing sign 7, 2, ?
B.T. Battery voltage (+MCS) 7, 2
30 Battery voltage (+30) 7, 2
NP Communication with Passenger Node 0, 1
F1 UCC air filter 7, 2
d Soft version. and Hard. of the Conductor Node XXXXX


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 These are the fan speeds.

2 Means 24 VDC at the corresponding output or input.

Yes It means that the output has been activated with 24 VDC but is shorted.
7 It means 0 VDC at the corresponding input or output. The output has something
N Means that no device connected to that output is detected. If this symbol is present when the
output is turned off (i.e., N appears instead of ? ) will be because that device is not
? You can't tell whether or not there is load connected to the output because there is no
F It means trapdoors driver directing the air to Feet.
W It means trapdoors driver directing the air to Moon.
b It means trapdoors driver directingthe air to Feet and Moon.
c Temperature indication in degrees Centigrade.
F Temperature indication in degrees Fahrenheit.
XXXXX They are 5 digits that indicate the following:
^ If fans have been selected: A value based on the selected speed.

P. 21 of 32 Version 2.03
^ If Feet-Moon has been selected: The return of the flaps position in millivolts.
^ If you have selected any other output: The Software and Hardware version.

To select a different output we will move with keys No. 5 and 6.

To activate and deactivate the outputs, press keys 12 and 13.

To go from the driver input/output diagnosis screen to the passenger input/output diagnosis
screen , press key number 9.

The Passenger Node input/output diagnostic mode screen will appear as shown below:

R.B 2 S1 2 DO 2 B.T. 2
L.B 2 S2 2 LP 2 30 2
. 2
C.B R.C. 2 H.P. 2 F1 0
CP 2 GC 2 D.C. 2
VR 2 FP 2

The symbol that appears next to each of the outputs or inputs defines its status.

Name Denomination Possible states

R.B. Passenger right side fan speed 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, N, S, ?
L.B. Left side fan speed Passengers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, N, S, ?
C.B. Condenser fan speed 0, 1, 2, 3, N, S, ?
CP Compressor 7 , 2 , N, S, ?
VR Water valve Roof Passenger 7, 2
F.V. Water valve Passenger Convectors 7, 2
S1 Additional heater speed 1 Passengers 7 , 2 , N, S, ?
S2 Additional heater speed 2 Passengers 7 , 2 , N, S, ?
R.C. Passenger recirculation flaps 7,2,N
GC Gas Charging Mode 7, 2
FP Recirculation pump 7, 2
DO Open Door Sign 7, 2, ?
LP Low Pressure Switch Signal 7, 2
H.P. High Pressure Switch Signal 7, 2
D.C. Door Closing Sign 7, 2, ?
B.T. Battery voltage (+MCS) 7, 2
30 Battery voltage (+30) 7, 2
F1 Passenger air filter 7, 2
Q Soft version. and Hard. of the Passenger Node XXXXX

P. 22 of 32 Version 2.03
To go from the input/output diagnostic screen of the Passenger Node to inputs/outputs of
the Driver Node, press key number 2. To exit Diagnostic Mode press key #1 or #8.

If you wish to enter the diagnostic mode to check the operation of the keys , once we are in
the Input/Output Diagnostic Mode, press keys 16 and 17 simultaneously. The following screen
will appear:


Each time one of the keys on the Keyboard or Driver Node is pressed, the screen will indicate,
if the key works correctly, its number.

To exit the key operation check, press keys No. 1 or No. 8 for 2 seconds.

Within the input/output diagnostic mode, by pressing the temperature key #15, we will see the
sensor check screen.

I.C. +XX.X I.C. +XX.X

Name Denomination
INT Indoor temperature probe
CH Pipeline temperature probe
I.C. Ice temperature probe
EXT Outdoor temperature probe
RD Solar Radiation Sensor
F.W. Feet/Moon flap position return
W.T. Engine water temperature
LIME Internal parameters
+XX.X Probe reading.

If SH or NC appears instead of the numerical value of the probe reading, this means that the
sensor in question is short circuited or open circuit.

P. 23 of 32 Version 2.03

Exiting the sensor diagnostic mode is done by pressing key #1 or #8.

The autocheck function is usually carried out automatically when the unit is turned on
(appearance of +30), but in certain circumstances the autocheck can be forced by
simultaneously pressing keys #5 and #6 from the Diagnostic screen.

This can be useful if after locating a problem and having made the necessary repair, you want
to verify that the problem has disappeared.

P. 24 of 32 Version 2.03
The Display screen allows you to see the status (Active/Inactive) of each of the outputs and the
value of the inputs, both of the driver node and the passenger node, when the system is
operating in air conditioning mode, although this is not possible. modify its status.

Preheater error codes are also shown on the display screen.

In the event that the Iriconfort detects a problem in the preheater, the message FXX will be
displayed on the driver's display/diagnosis screen following the text RP instead of the
preheater activated symbol 2 being shown . The numbers XX indicate the detected error code
that must be consulted in the preheater manufacturer's manual. The error will also be displayed
after the initial diagnosis.

FB 2 S2 2 DO 2 B.T. 2
H.B 2 PR 2 GE 2 30 2
P.M 2 RC 2 RP FXX NP 2
F.V 2 F.W.B.DC 2 F1 0
S1 2 DS201H30

Additionally, from the Display screen you can see the following values:

^ Driver Node inputs/outputs.

^ Passenger Node entrances/exits.
^ Sensors.
^ Hour meters or operating cycles of the different systems.
^ Internal variables.
^ Hardware and software version.

To enter the display screen, keys 12 and 13 must be pressed simultaneously.

The input/output screens are the same as those described in Chapter 7. Diagnosis and change
from Driver Node to Passenger Node and vice versa by pressing keys No. 2 and No. 9.

The compressor can be requested by the Driver Node or the Passenger Node and will be
connected only if high or low pressure or ice problems are not detected. The display screen
will indicate that the compressor is connected if it really is, that is, if it is requested by either of
the two Nodes and there are none of the previous errors preventing its connection.

P. 25 of 32 Version 2.03
To see the values of the system sensors, press key number 15. The screen displayed is the one
described in Chapter 7. Diagnosis.

To enter the hour counters and operating cycles screen , press key number 14.

PM 000000 CP 000000
F.V. 000000 RV 000000
H.V 000000 FV 000000
FB 000000 EB 000000
CB 000000


Code Element Units

P.M Water Pump Hours
F.V. UCC water valve Cycles x 1000
H.V. Driver additional heater water valve. Cycles x 1000

FB CCU ventilators Hours

CP Compressor Hours
VR UCP ceiling valve Cycles x 1000
F.V. UCP floor valve Cycles x 1000
E.B. UCP evaporator fans Hours
C.B. UCP condenser fans Hours

To view the internal variables, press key 16.

CP 7 , 2 CP 7 , 2

P. 26 of 32 Version 2.03
To view the Hardware and Software version, press key number 17.



The columns on the left show the driver node version and the right columns show the
passenger node version.


There are two types of error messages. On the one hand, those that are shown on the screen
indefinitely until they are repaired, since they make the Iriconfort's operation impossible, and
on the other hand, those errors - which, although they must be repaired as soon as possible - do
not represent an impediment to the operation of the Iriconfort. unit since it is programmed to
work in certain emergency modes.

Permanent errors are displayed on the screen within the bus outline as shown below.

The text that appears on the screen corresponds to the detected error:

COM ERRR If there is a communication error between nodes.

LP If the compressor low pressure switch has detected continued problems with
low pressure.

The errors that allow the Iriconfort to operate, even in emergency mode and with some of its
limited features, are indicated each time the battery disconnector is activated.

P. 27 of 32 Version 2.03
Check screen.

P. 28 of 32 Version 2.03
Once the check is completed, a screen is displayed with information on the errors detected.


Screen indicating errors.

A maximum of 4 error codes will be displayed simultaneously. If there were more errors, they
would appear as those initially presented are resolved.

The error codes that may appear are:


1 RAD Short or Open Radiation Conductive Probe
2 DINT Short or Open Internal Conductor Probe
3 SAYS Short or Open Ice Conductive Probe
4 DCHN Short or Open Conductor Channel Probe
5 EXT Short or Open External Conductor Probe
6 DHB Driver Additional Heater Output Short
7 PMP Short Driver Pump Outlet (Main)
8 PRE Conductor Preheater Output Short
9 D+30 +30 driver missing
10 P+30 +30 passengers missing
11 DFV Short Conductor Anti-Fog Valve Outlet
12 DHV Conductor Heater Valve Output Short
13 FWF Short Exit Hatches Foot-Moon Driver
14 DRF Conductor Recirculation Flap Exit Short
15 DFB Short Output Fans Evaporator Driver
16 DFBN No Conductive Evaporator Fans
17 RH Short or Open Passenger Humidity Probe
18 PINT Short or Open Interior Passenger Probe
19 PCHN Short or Open Passenger Channeling Probe
20 PICE Short or Open Passenger Ice Probe
21 WTR Short or Open Passenger Engine Water Probe
22 CMP Short Passenger Compressor Outlet
23 PRV Passenger Roof Valve Outlet Short
24 PFV Passenger Floor Valve Outlet Short
25 PSB1 Short Heater Output Speed 1 Passengers
26 PSB2 Short Heater Output Speed 2 Passengers
27 PRF Short Exit Passenger Recirculation Flaps
28 PRB Passenger Evaporator Right Fans Exit Short
29 PLB Passenger Evaporator Left Fans Outlet Short
30 CNDB Short Passenger Condenser Fan Outputs
31 PRBN No Right Fans Passenger Evaporators

P. 29 of 32 Version 2.03
32 PLBN. No Left Fans Passenger Evaporators
33 CNDN No passenger condenser fans
34 FXX Error in preheater nºXX
35 DSB1 Short Heater Output Speed 1 Driver
36 DSB2 Short Heater Output Speed 2 Driver

P. 30 of 32 Version 2.03

If the preheater is Webasto brand, the preheater error codes will correspond to the following
types of faults:

F01 Does not start within the safety time.

F02 There is no combustion, the restart has not been successful.
F03 Detects low voltage.
F04 Photoelectric cell detects flame when there is no flame.
F05 Photoelectric cell faulty.
F06 Faulty temperature probe.
F07 Electro valve does not open.
F08 Fan motor does not work.
F09 Water pump faulty (U-4851 water pump only).
F10 Thermal fuse blown.
F11 Faulty spark emitter.
F12 Locking of the device due to an interrupted fault (After five start attempts, if no flame has
been produced, the device goes into lockout).


All Iriconfort temperature sensors are type PT1000.

To verify the operation of the temperature sensors, the attached table must be used, which
indicates the relationship between the temperature and the resistance that must be measured
between the probe terminals.

Temperature Endurance
-30 624,00
-20 684,00
-10 747,00
0 815,00
10 886,00
20 961,00
30 1040,00
40 1122,00
50 1209,00
60 1299,00
70 1392,00

P. 31 of 32 Version 2.03
80 1490,00

For values not included in the table, interpolate between the closest values.

The measurement range of the probes is from –30ºC to +80ºC.

P. 32 of 32 Version 2.03
To verify the correct operation of the relative humidity sensor, you must act as indicated

^ Verify that there is 5 Volts DC between terminals No. 3 and No. 5 of the CN4 connector of
the Passenger Node.
^ Verify that between terminals No. 4 and No. 5 of the CN4 connector of the Passenger Node
there are approximately between 1 and 3 Volts

The solar radiation sensor is a diode and therefore can be checked as such by measuring
between its ends with a multimeter in a position to measure diodes, it should mark between 0.5
and 0.6 volts in one direction and open circuit in the other.

Another possibility is to bring it close to the electric light and check the voltage difference
between its ends, which should be approximately between 0.1 and 0.2 Volts.


Below are the most common breakdowns that maintenance personnel may encounter, and the
possible solutions.

^ The screen does not show anything.

Check body fuse for +MCS.

Check the power supply to the driver node. There must be 24 V between pin 7 of CN1 and
Verify the connection between the screen and the driver node. There must be 8V between
pin 7 of CN2 and ground.

^ The message WAITING NODE appears on the screen

It is because there is no communication between the driver node and the screen. Check the
connection of pins 3 and 4 of CN2.

^ When you activate the battery disconnector, the SLEEPING mode screen does not

P. 33 of 32 Version 2.03
Verify that there is 24 V +30 voltage between pins 10,11,12 and ground.

P. 34 of 32 Version 2.03
If the low battery symbol also appears on the screen, this means that the battery voltage is
less than 22 VDC. In this case, the air conditioning will not start working unless the
engine is started and the battery voltage is above 22VDC.

^ The automatic operation indicator LEDs do not light up:

These LEDs light up as soon as the bus engine is started. The presence of 24V with the
motor running must be verified between pin 18 of CN3 and ground.

Also verify that the node has not been turned off manually.

^ The message COMM ERR appears on the screen:

This is because there is no communication between the driver node and the passenger
node. Check CAN1L and CAN1H according to the connections in the electrical diagram.

^ The passenger node does not turn on automatically (the red LED does not turn on or the
programmed temperature does not appear on the screen)

Enter the Driver Diagnostic screen and check if NP=1, otherwise check the supply voltage
+ passenger BT.


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