Crops MCQ

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In which of the following states wheat is not produced?

(a) Maharashtra

(b) Karnataka

(c) Tamil Nadu

(d) West Bengal

The maximum area under crops in India is used for the cultivation of :
(a) Wheat

(b) Rice

(c) Sugarcane

(d) Cotton

Under which plan did the Government introduce an agricultural strategy which gave rise to Green
(a) Sixth Five-Year Plan (FYP)

(b) Second FYP

(c) Fourth FYP

(d) Third FYP

Which of the following is not a Kharif crop?

(a) Rice

(b) Wheat

(c) Sugarcane
(d) Cotton

Which is the home of “Alphonso mango”?

(a) Ratnagiri

(b) Benares

(c) Malda

(d) Vijayawada

Cultivation of wheat requires ___________.

(a) moderate temperature and heavy rains

(b) humid temperature and heavy rains

(c) humid temperature and moderate rains

(d) moderate temperature and moderate rains

The crops are grown after the summer monsoon are called
(a) Kharif

(b) Rabi

(c) Annual

(d) Seasonal
Which of the following is the main spice producer?
(a) Deccan trap

(b) Malabar coast

(c) Coromandel coast

(d) Sunderbans delta

Which of the following has not been a component of the agricultural strategy that brought about the Green
(a) Greater intensity of cropping

(b) Guaranteed maximum prices

(c) New agricultural technology

(d) Package of inputs

Green Revolution was most successful in

(a) Punjab and Tamil Nadu

(b) Punjab, Haryana and UP

(c) Haryana

(d) UP and Maharashtra

In which of the following grouping of States of India is rubber grown on a commercial scale?
(a) Maharashtra-Gujarat-Madhya Pradesh
(b) Kerala –Tamil Nadu – Karnataka

(c) Sikkim-Arunachal Pradesh-Nagaland

(d) Orissa-Madhya Pradesh-Maharashtra

The largest irrigated area in India is occupied by

(a) Sugarcane

(b) Rice

(c) Cotton

(d) Wheat

Which of the following is considered a cash crop in India?

(a) Maize

(b) Gram

(c) Onion

(d) Wheat

Which of the following are not grown in the Kharif season?

(a) Bajra and rice

(b) Maize and jowar

(c) Barley and mustard

(d) Jowar and rice

Rotation of crops means

(a) growing different crops in succession to maintain soil fertility

(b) some crops are grown again and again

(c) two or more crops are grown simultaneously to increase productivity

(d) None of the above

Jhum Cultivation is a method of cultivation that used to be practiced in

(a) Himachal Pradesh

(b) Central Highland

(c) Coastal Tamil Nadu

(d) Nagaland

Of the gross cropped area in India, the foodgrains occupy

(a) more than 70%

(b) 60% to 70%

(c) 50% to 60%

(d) less than 50%

Which one of the following is not an HYV of wheat?

(a) Sonalika

(b) Ratna

(c) Kalyan Sona

(d) Girija

The term “Green Revolution” has been used to indicate higher production through
(a) creation of grasslands

(b) planting more trees

(c) enhanced agricultural productivity per hectare

(d) creation of gardens in urban areas

after was a substantial increase in foodgrains production especially wheat production, during the period
(a) 1954

(b) 1964

(c) 1965

(d) 1966

Mechanization of Indian agriculture on a considerable scale is not possible due to –

(a) small holdings

(b) lack of tractors

(c) poverty of the peasants

(d) indifference of the people

Green Revolution was started in

(a) 1960

(b) 1970

(c) 1980

(d) 1990

Which of the following is called “brown paper”?

(a) Jute

(b) Cotton

(c) Rubber

(d) Tea

Crop rotation is being adopted

(a) to increase the productivity of the land

(b) to increase the crop yield

(c) to increase the soil water

(d) to increase the crop resistance to pests.

The state which produces the largest quantity of wheat is

(a) Haryana

(b) Rajasthan

(c) U.P.

(d) Punjab

The State which occupies the first place in India in the production of Tobacco is
(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) West Bengal

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Maharashtra

The packaging technology which brought about Green Revolution comprised mainly of
(a) man-power, mechanical cultivators, and electricity

(b) changes in crop patterns, industrialisation, and chemical fertilizers

(c) irrigations, bio-chemical fertilizers, and high-yield varieties of seeds

(d) electricity, irrigation, and introduction of dry farming

Fibre crops are
(a) jute, sugarcane, linseed, and rice

(b) cotton, maize, tobacco, and banana

(c) cotton, hemp, jute, and mesta

(d) hemp, cotton, maize, and saffron

The Indian Rice Research Institute is located at

(a) Kolkata

(b) Vardhman

(c) Trivandrum

(d) Cuttack

A bulk of natural rubber in India is produced in

(a) Andhra Pradesh

(b) Kerala

(c) Karnataka

(d) Tamil Nadu

Name the crop season in India that opens in May-June with major crops like rice and millet.
(a) Rainy season
(b) Rabi

(c) Kharif

(d) Winter season

High-yielding plants can be produced by

(a) Crop Rotation

(b) Hybridisation

(c) Inter-cropping

(d) Mixed-cropping

What is India’s rank in the world in milk production?

(a) Fourth

(b) Third

(c) Second

(d) First

Name the food crop which gives the highest output in India.
(a) Wheat

(b) Jowar
(c) Maize

(d) Rice

How many agroclimatic

Agriculture zones are there in India as far as the official categorization of the Ministry of
is concerned?
(a) 123

(b) 126

(c) 127

(d) 122

Which of the following is not a Rabi crop in India?

(a) Wheat

(b) Barley

(c) Rapeseed

(d) Jute

Which state is rich in jute?

(a) West Bengal

(b) Tamil Nadu

(c) Kerala
(d) Orissa

Agricultural Commodities are graded with:

(a) ISI

(b) Eco-products


(d) Green Product

Jhumming is shifting agriculture practiced in

(a) North-eastern India

(b) South-western India

(c) South-eastern India

(d) Northern India

Dry farming in India is extensively practised in

(a) Kanara Plains

(b) Deccan Plateau

(c) Coromandal Plains

(d) Ganga Plains

Social forestry is
(a) growing different types of plants together on private land

(b) management of forests by cooperative societies

(c) growing one type of plant on government-owned land

(d) growing and management of useful plants on government-owned land

A crop grown in zaid season is

(a) Watermelon

(b) Soyabean

(c) Maize

(d) Jute

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Indian agriculture?

(a) Multiplicity of crops

(b) Predominance of large farms

(c) Overdependence on nature

(d) Low level of productivity

The Kharif crops are harvested in:

(a) October — November

(b) May — June

(c) March — April

(d) June — July

Which State is called the ‘Rice Bowl’ of India?

(a) Kerala

(b) Karnataka

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Tamil Nadu

Which Indian State is not known to produce the tea?

(a) Assam

(b) Kerala

(c1) West Bengal

(d) Chhattisgarh

Which State is the largest producer of pulses in India?

(a) Bihar

(b) Rajasthan

(c) Madhya Pradesh

(d) Maharashtra
The most ideal region for the cultivation of coffee in India is the
(a) Indo-Gangetic Valley

(b) Brahmaputra Valley

(c) Rann of Kutch

(d) Deccan Plateau

Among the following districts of Tamil Nadu, which district is unfit for cultivation due to increased salinity:
(a) Coimbatore

(b) Tiruchirapalli

(c) Nagapattinam

(d) Ramanathapuram

The largest producer of Lac in India is

(a) Chhattisgarh

(b) Jharkhand

(c) West Bengal

(d) Gujarat

The most ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in India is

(a) The Brahmaputra Valley
(b) The Deccan Plateau

(c) The Indo-Gangetic Valley

(d) The Rann of Kutch

The blue revolution is related with

(a) Fish production

(b) Food grain production

(c) Oil seed production

(d) Milk production

At the time of independence, predominantly India practiced

(a) Subsistence agriculture

(b) Mixed farming

(c) Plantation agriculture

(d) Shifting agriculture

Endosulfan spray on cashew crops resulted in pollution to the tune of tragedy in:
(a) Kerala

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Karnataka

(d) Tamil Nadu

Bailing, mustering, and shearing are some activities connected with

(a) Rearing of Lama

(b) Cotton cultivation

(c) Sheep rearing

(d) Poultry farming

‘Yellow Revolution’ is associated with the production of:

(a) Poultry

(b) Gold

(c) Sunflower

(d) Oil seeds

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