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Transcription of Dictatorships of Juan Vicente Gómez and Marcos Pérez

Dictatorships of Juan Vicente Gómez and Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Differences and Similarities

Social Aspect
The dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez was the longest and cruelest that our country suffered.
During this period our people suffered great humiliation, great misery, suffered many diseases
and disrespect for human dignity. It suffered the longest period of murders and repression until
the movement called generation 28 emerged, it was the first successful mass movement in the
political history of Venezuela.

Regarding the economic situation, Agricultural Venezuela continued, the country continued to
depend on coffee prices worldwide, until oil appeared.

However, perhaps his only great contribution to the country was the creation of the National
Army. Gómez managed to modernize and equip the army, professionalizing it by creating the
Military School (1911) and the Aviation School (1920). However, this had consequences since
a new opposition arose among the military in mutual agreement with the students, who
conspired against the dictator. These conspiracies manifested themselves in the form of
protests. On December 17, 1935, the most despotic ruler the country has ever had died: Juan
Vicente Gómez

The dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez can be considered a little milder compared to that of
Gómez, this government had a conservative tendency, Perezjimenista Venezuela can be
designated by the euphoria of civil constructions and the devotion to reinforced concrete, super
highways and daring technicians of local architecture and North American construction

Among these visionary and technologically cutting-edge infrastructure works are the Caracas -
La Guaira Highway, the Caracas-Valencia Highway (Central Regional Highway), the Francisco
Fajardo Highway, the Mérida Cable Car, the Caracas Cable Car, the Simón Bolívar Center and
the Torres del Silencio, the Military Circle in Caracas and other cities, the Humboldt Hotel, the
University City of Caracas (started before assuming the presidency) among others.

Economic aspect
Domestic policy
The government of Juan Vicente Gómez carried out the liquidation of the caudillismo, the
creation of a national army and the road network were measures that served as a basis for a
greater concentration of political power, strengthened the government and made the outbreak of
revolutions such as those impossible. which were frequent until 1903. The revolutionary
attempts were quickly put down by the government. During this government the rest of the
traditional parties, conservative and liberal, were liquidated.
While during the other government of Marcos Pérez Jiménez, the government focused more on
works and industries to have a better quality of the increase towards the state, such as the
Korean War in 1951 and the closure of the Suez Canal in 1956, favored the increase of oil

Their governments were totally dictators
They built roads and many other works
They were both military
They based their political permanence on three main points: control of the army, use of high
finance and rapprochement with the church.

Foreign policy
What did the administrative plan implemented by Juan Vicente Gómez consist of to cancel the
internal and external debt?
Why was the generation of '28 important?
How important was oil exploitation in the country's economy during the Gómez government?
Did the Juan Vicente Gómez regime give priority to public education? Because?
What role did foreign companies play in strengthening the Gómez dictatorship?

Juan Vicente Gomez

Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Marcos Pérez Jiménez

It was characterized by the growth of the country

Low inflation

High levels of employment

All this under the doctrine of the “New National Ideal”

Oil Production:
Going from 1.80 million barrels per day (quoted at $2.14) to 2.77 million barrels per day
(quoted at $2.65)

According to the United Nations Statistics Division in its 1964 Statistical Yearbook, the
growth of the Venezuelan economy from 1952 to 1958 was the highest in the Western
Hemisphere, above powers such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Employment rose 21% between 1952 and 1956, measured according to the employment index
in the Caracas Metropolitan Area maintained by the Central Bank of Venezuela. Meanwhile,
the highest inflation recorded during the period occurred in 1956, with a 1.4% increase in prices
throughout the year.

Juan Vicente Gomez

Economic Aspects
The prices of coffee and cocoa, and the value of exports of these fruits, reached their highest
Starting in 1920, the increase in oil production and the growing income it provided to the
government produced the dislocation of the traditional economy.
Exports of traditional products began to decline and some of them disappeared from the list of
exported products.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, oil began to emerge as a vital energy for the industrial
development of the world.
By breaking with Castro in 1908, Gómez strengthened his ties with foreign companies.
The increase in oil exports has brought with it an unparalleled increase in government revenues.
President Gómez paid special attention to the cancellation of the Venezuelan external debt.

Juan Vicente Gómez and Marcos Pérez Jiménez

Public roads and highways


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