Case Company

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Top 2
1. ES: CQ => S => I
2. Insight 1: Why have to change? (key driver)
- To attain SDG
- To reach patient’s need & demand
- Cause Novo Nordisk want to be a Driver, not a waiter for change
- To implement & reach goals (eliminate waste as much as possible)
 Task: To become key players in SC (Patient, Doctor, Factory, Production, Transport)
3. Insight 2: Where?(USA)
- Region with highest risk
- Projected Diabetes rate
- No of patients, Cost of healthcare, Free Market approach
 Increase outreach by investing in patient well-being & Diminish environmental impact by
pilot circular econ
4. Insight 3: At what process? And by simplest explanation – HOW (In customer journey, through
circular econ)
- 6 areas of SC where NN can take leadership in reducing environmental impact
 Already has greated achievements in sustainability
- Hvw, NN only accounts for 10% of its waste
 More sustainable in customer journey through circular econ
5. Insight 4: Overview of what we’ll do (On customer journey)
- Awareness Campaign: Life doesn’t stop at Diabetes
- NovoPen & NovoApp
- Give device 2nd life: Refill & recycle catridges & needles
6. Strategy 1.1: Capturing Lost Margin
- Strategic goal
- Brief in4, data, facts about high risk ppl
- How to target that group: ADA & Workshop
7. Strategy 1.2: Patient centric Marketing Campaign
8. Strategy 2.1: APP
- To achieve 5 core patient needs
9. Strategy 2.2: Game & Incentive
- To raise environmental awareness
10. Strategy 3.1: Future process for sustainable goal
- Reused: Pen
- Multi-use: Cartridges
- Source of energy: Needle/Syringe
11. Strategy 3.2: Circular Econ
- Syringes: Transport to 3rd party with MAGS. Burnt into Biochar which is safe to dispose in land.
And provide thermal energy to run the plant itself
+ Acquistion of Terragon (Take ownership of waste, Ensure scalability of solution, Ensure
+ Annual Sales X (Industry average + Premium) = Enterprise Value
- Catridges: Refill
12. Impact 1:
- Projected Sales
- Projected Costs
+ Operational Expenses: Admin, RD, Sales and Dis., Awarness campaign
+ Capital Expenditures: PPE-MAGS, Operating capex, PPE-autoclave, App intangible value
- Projected Results
+ Incremental free cash flow
+ Earning per share => CAGR
+ Current value per share + Project value per share = New implied value per share
13. Impact 2 (Implementation)
14. Summary
- Objective, Strategy, Impact
- KPI’s:
+ Share price increase
+ Saved Plastic
+ Energy generated

ii. Top 1
iii. Top 3
iv. Case company
1. Financials
- Victoza® sales decreased by 30% measured in Danish kroner and by 28% at CER to DKK 8,664
million as the GLP-1 market is moving towards onceweekly and tablet-based treatments
(thuoc vien). The sales decline was mainly driven by North America Operations.
- Sales of insulin decreased by 9% measured in Danish kroner and by 6% at CER to DKK 48,022
million. Sales decline at CER was driven by declining sales in the US and Region China.
- Sales of Rare Disease products decreased by 16% measured in Danish kroner and by 15% at CER
to DKK 17,163 million.
+ Sales of Rare endocrine disorder products decreased by 46% measured in Danish kroner and by
47% at CER to DKK 3,836 million reflecting a reduction in manufacturing output. Novo Nordisk
is working on re-establishing supply of rare endocrine disorder products. Sogroya® has now been
launched in five countries, and the initial feedback from patients and physicians is encouraging.
Novo Nordisk has a value market share of 19.3% (MAT) in the global human growth disorder
- The cost of goods sold increased by 26% measured in Danish kroner and by 28% at CER to DKK
35,765 million, resulting in a gross margin of 84.6% measured in Danish kroner compared with
83.9% in 2022. The increase in gross margin reflects a positive product mix, driven by increased
sales of GLP-1-based treatments. This is partially countered by costs related to ongoing capacity
expansions, a negative currency impact and lower realised prices mainly in the US and
Region China.
New metrics to learn in measuring Impact

o Operational Expense (Chi phí Vận hành): Là chi phí liên quan đến hoạt
động hàng ngày của doanh nghiệp và thường được ghi nhận trực tiếp vào
bảng cân đối kế toán trong kỳ tính toán (ví dụ: chi phí nhân viên, điện,
nước, chi phí tiếp thị).
o Capital Expenditure (Chi phí Đầu tư): Là chi phí liên quan đến việc mua
sắm, xây dựng, hoặc nâng cấp tài sản cố định (ví dụ: máy móc, nhà xưởng)
và thường được ghi nhận như là một tài sản dài hạn trên bảng cân đối kế
- Ảnh hưởng Đến Lợi Nhuận và Thuế Thu Nhập:
o Operational Expense: Ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến lợi nhuận thuần (net
profit) và giảm thuế thu nhập, vì nó được ghi nhận là một chi phí trong kỳ
tính toán.
o Capital Expenditure: Không ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến lợi nhuận trong kỳ
tính toán, nhưng sẽ ảnh hưởng đến lợi nhuận qua thời gian thông qua việc
khấu hao và được trải phối trên nhiều kỳ tính toán.
- Chu kỳ Sử dụng và Hiệu Quả Đầu Tư:
o Operational Expense: Liên quan đến chi phí duy trì hoạt động hàng ngày
và thường xuyên của doanh nghiệp.
o Capital Expenditure: Liên quan đến việc mua sắm hoặc nâng cấp tài sản
cố định, có tầm ảnh hưởng lâu dài và ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất tài chính
trong chu kỳ dài hạn.
- Operating profit, Patients helped…
- Market share
- EPS earning per share
- Projected costs
- Value per share/Per share price

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