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INTRODUCTION: Working conditions and occupational risks of
Prevention of occupational risks in the highway exploitation personnel

3.1. Head/coordinator of this tion, toll collector
0.1. Introduction to the highway subsector
0.2. What is occupational risk prevention? Working conditions and risks borals associated
with electronic tolling
0.3. Rights and obligations of workers in
matters ventive 4.1. Risks associated with im plantation of
electronic toll
19 4.1.1. Regarding the risk of being run over
Working conditions and occupational risks of in the event of an accident on the perimeter
general services personnel of the islands
4.1.2. Regarding the risk of being run over
1.1. Personnel who develop their work in transit areas
exclusively in offices 4.1.3. Regarding the risk of being run over
by truck loads overturning

Working conditions and occupational risks of 4.2. Proposals

maintenance and conservation personnel 4.2.1. Regarding the risk of being run over
in the event of an accident on the perimeter
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and of the islands
operations operator 4.2.2. Regarding the risk of being run over
in transit areas
2.2. maintenance operator toll systems 4.2.3. Regarding the risk of being run over
CHAPTER 3. by truck loads overturning
C.0. Introduction

1. Introduction to the highway

2. What is occupational risk
3. Rights and obligations of
workers in preventive matters.
c. 0. Introduction
1. Introduction to the highway subsector

THE PREVENTION OF tures; Here, it is the private sector that,

OCCUPATIONAL RISKS IN THE within the framework of an
administrative concession regime, has
assumed responsibility for
TO THE HIGHWAY SUB-SECTOR infrastructure development for about
40 years.
In our country, the
development The development of Some friends are born like this
existing high-capacity road girls who concentrate the experience
infrastructure, as well as the knowledge and knowledge of previous
construction of new ones, seems to be business initiatives in different fields
linked to the formulas of the fi private (engineering, construction, financial
financing, whether partial or complete. and even industrial) but whose basic
objective is not the ration of these
If we try to have a historical businesses if not to develop a new and
perspective of this phenomenon At original activity on which they
least, we will have to recognize that concentrate their efforts: the
among the instruments that They management and operation of
articulate collaboration between the highways and other toll roads.
ministrations and the private sector,
the figure of the administrative This, then new, sector of
concession is especially important, re activity was born to solve a need:
gulated in Spain already in the 19th development, with crite rivers of
century. However, it cannot be said maximum demand and efficiency cia,
that the participation of the initiative high-capacity road infrastructure.
deprives has been the axis of the
development of investments in our The economic context at that
infrastructures. The public sector has time, of the inability of the internal
traditionally been the protagonist of market to respond to the financing
most of these works. needs of projects of this magnitude,
the support of the administration was
In Spain and the countries necessary. tion to the projects.
around us, the way of private sector
corporation to high-capacity road
infrastructure contains different notes
compared to other infrastructure
Despite the difficulties, the re own growth.
The result was the incorporation into BUT ALSO OF NOTE
the country of a series of BLES RESTRICTIONS:
infrastructures that continue to
contribute today, in a very important J decrease in the weight of the

way, to its development. public sector in the economy

mine from the EU
Currently, after some years of 4 important limitations on
stagnation in terms of new projects, public spending.
we have seen in Spain the
“reincorporation” of the sec private The set of toll highways in

sector, not only as the operator of Spain occupies the ac more than 5,000

some of the most important employees are directly employed. By

communication routes in the state, a activities the largest set The worst is

role that it has not stopped playing toll collection, which accounts for

since the 1970s, but also manages two nearly 60% of the total. In the

new works of great magnitude and Maintenance activity we find 25% of

complexity that have been carried out the group, and in General Services

and are being carried out in different 15%.

areas of the country.

At the end of 2007, the network

The sector moves today within of Spanish highways financed by the

a framework of: toll system reached 3,361.38 km. (if we

take into account ta the autonomously
DEMAND: owned concessionaires, those that are
in concession construction and those
j Willingness to integrate into a projected are achieved are 3,981 km),
common European space which represents a growth of 9.00%
j Willingness to “spread compared to tion to the previous year.
development” in the territory
j Infrastructure demand those The Average Daily Intensity on
that make possible that “di toll highways throughout 2007 reached
fusion” and 25,110 vehicles, which represents a
j Need to adapt infrastructure growth of 3.20% in relation to the
networks as a result of one's previous year.
c. 0. Introduction
1. Introduction to the highway subsector

The percentage of trucks that

circulate on the highway network Toll
rates remain around 14% of the total.

2006 2007 VARIATION

LIGHT IMD 21.015 21.486 2,24 %

HEAVY IMD 3.316 3.624 9,29 %

TOTAL IMD 24.331 25.110 3,20
IMD: Average Daily %
The general data of these
infrastructures in our country at the
beginning of the year are detailed in
the following table:

Spanish Highway Network 01/01/2008

Concessionaire companies 33

Network length 3.378,38

2 x 2 lanes 3.001,64

2 x 3 lanes 335,84

2 x 4 lanes 40,90

Number of km under construction 77,00

Commissioning forecast 27,70

Annual toll revenue 1.992.464.545

Permanent cash 5.258

Average traffic per day Light Vehicles (LV) 21.486

Average traffic per day Heavy Vehicles (VP) 3.624

Average traffic per day VP+VL 25.110

Number of toll stations 231

Number of tracks 2.253

Number of roads equipped with electronic toll 1.581

Number of electronic toll subscribers 1.038.695
employers: evaluate the risks of both
the workplace and each of the
positions; planned carry out
preventive activity and adopt
corrective or preventive measures
You will proceed in each case.

Highway workers They are

labor-related to different
concessionaire companies, each of
them with certain criteria.
own actions in matters of
From the sea general
point of view regulatory
ventive, the framework, from
occupational which a set of
health of workers provisions are
downers in the developed that
sector is contain the
protected through minimum safety
the Law of Pre conditions that
Convention on must be respected
Occupational in all work
Risks, hereinafter centers, with the
Law 31/1995, final ability to
which establishes protect workers
the general against the risks
principles related derived from the
to the prevention provision of their
of occupational services.
risks to protect
the safety and To achieve
health of workers. this goal, im
places a series of
This obligations on
establishes the Occupational
c. 0. Introduction
1. Introduction to the highway subsector

Health & Safety. that aim to

This I have cho, preserve the
has been safety and health
translating into of workers, that
unequal treatment is especially, in
received by these moments in
workers in which we are
matters of already
protection. witnessing the
protection of their management of
health depending the electronic toll
on the system on our
concessionaire roads.
company for
which they
provide their

as the union
have been
denouncing, there
is an urgent need
in this subsector,
to article lar
tending to unite
ficate the different
criteria of ac
tuation in
matters, as well as
to commit the
parties involved,
to develop
preventive actions
Specifica highways,
lly in this sense caused by the
From the absence of
perspective of regulations.
UGT, the
multiple The
configurations issues that
of toll lanes that must be
currently house addressed
toll stations are today The
being Prevention
articulated and Delegates in the
organized. ized multiple Health
under a and Safety
principle of Committees
efficiency reiterate:
which often J Speed
conflicts with Moderati
the duty to on ity in
protect the toll
safety and plazas J
health of Cushioni
workers and ng
users. Our Systems
union points tion and
out, in the origin Redirecti
and cause As a on of
result of this vehicles
situation, once on toll
again, the roads,
unequal lanes,
preventive J
action of each Eliminati
of the on of
companies pedestria
confers sions of n
c. 0. Introduction
1. Introduction to the highway subsector

confluenc proximity
e (users of fixed
and tra resource
downpipe s to
s) in attend to
situations incidents
of open Signal
and clarificatio
continuo n specific
us traffic. zation of
J toll areas
ion of the J
situation Protocols,
of the Instruction
roads, s, Rules for
payment Action on
lanes, the Track.
g to their For this
typology reason we believe
(automati that a guide like
c-manual, this is a Useful
cash- informative tool,
electroni both for workers
c tronic) and for union and
dependin business
g on the representatives of
movie the au subsector.
coarsene topistas, since it
ss will allow them to
inherent cone certify the
to the main occupational
payment risks inherent to
system each job, and to
and not which workers are
the exposed, as well
as the main
measures that can
be adopted to
prevent var your
health and

This is the
context in which
we are going to
develop the
contents of this
Guide on WORK
LAYS, for which
you have We will
take into account
the following
c. 0. Introduction
1. Introduction to the highway subsector

a) From a enter pose risks

preventive point to people's health
of view, working sonas (for
conditions unsafe example: run
bass, as well as over, after
the inade when musculoskeletal
operation of any lathes,...), so Law
ra of the elements 31/95 establishes
involved in the the obligation to
production adopt pre-
process: work treatment
organization, measures.
technologies interventions
used, work aimed at
equipment, eliminating,
products in reducing or
employment, controlling the
signage, etc., risk, continuing
increase so the with the two
possibility that he examples above
works dor suffers interiors:
damage to his maintenanc
health as a e and
consequence of conservatio
carrying out the n:
tasks of his job. developme
nt of action
b) It is protocols
evident that some with a
of the working correct
conditions, provision
specific to the of human
position occupied resources
by the worker us and
(collector, materials.
maintenance J Faced
operator,...), can with the
risk of for the term health
musculosk is established the
eletal World Health
injuries due Organization
to poor (WHO), which
postural dates back to
practice: 1948 and goes
developme beyond the
nt of concept concept
training of absence of
processes disease. The OMS
and defines the
awareness concept of health
campaigns as “the state of
zation. complete
physical, mental
c) From and social well-
the preventive being as opposed
point of view, to mere
when we refer to absence.” cia of
occupational harm, pain or
health, we follow illness.”
the definition that

J Faced with the risk of being

run over llo on roads equipped
with television toll: systematic
and uniform limitation of the
speed of passing tolls.
J Faced with the risk of being
run over llo in maintenance
c. 0. Introduction
2. What is occupational risk prevention?

2. WHAT IS OCCUPATIONAL RISK serious damage to the health of workers.

Considering what I said As in the
previous point, we can define
in the absence of prior measures specific
PREVENTION as the set of activities or
measures, create risks to the safety and
measures adopted or planned in all
health of the workers who develop or use
phases of the company's activity in order
to avoid or reduce the risks derived from
work (Art. 4.1. Law 31/1995 PRL). J WORK EQUIPMENT: any machine,
apparatus, instrument or installation
To successfully approach the
used lized at work, examples, scales, data
evaluation of the working conditions of
display screen,…
each of the positions in the highway
sector (general services, maintenance and J LOCKING CONDITION
conservation and operation personnel) JO: any characteristic of the job that can
and identify the main occupational risks have a significant influence on the
of each of them. , it is necessary generation of risks to the safety and
beforehand to clarify a series of cons health of the worker. They are waiting
concepts are the following: cifically included in this


possibility that a job worker suffers
certain damage derived from work.


WORK: these are the diseases
ailments, pathologies or injuries
suffered for any reason or
occasion sion of work, that is, it
takes shape in work accidents and
occupational diseases.


OCCUPATIONAL RISK: that which re
rationally likely to materialize in a future
immediate tour and can your cause
definition: characteristics of the five groups of different types:
booths, toll areas, electronic Safety, Environment physical
toll passage, characteristics well-being, chemical and
characteristics of changing biological contaminants,
rooms and rest areas, renewal workload and work
of indoor air, free space bre per organization.
worker,… prevent and control those risks
that could cause work
J RISK FACTOR: conditions
accidents and occupational
and circumstances present at
diseases, are the following: tes:
work that increase the
Safety at Work, Industrial
possibility of a risk
Hygiene, Ergonomics and
materializing in damage. Risk
Applied Psychosociology and
factors can be classified into
Occupational Medicine.
intended to be carried or held by work lowering device to protect you
from one or more risks that may threaten your safety. ity or your health
at work, as well as any complex ment or accessory intended for this
purpose, for example, harness, reflective vest,….

J PREVENTIVE TECHNIQUES are the disciplines, basically aimed at

c. 0. Introduction
3. RIGHTS AND A periodic health surveillance service
OBLIGATIONS TIONS OF WORKERS must be guaranteed based on the
IN PREVENTIVE MATTERS. risks of work. It can only be carried out
if the worker gives his consent feeling,
Law 31/95 on the Prevention of there are exceptions nes contemplated
Occupational Risks recognizes the in Annex I of RD 39/97 for those
following rights to workers res of the activities considered dangerous.
highway sector: (Article 22 of Law 31/95).

J Right to have equipment pos In addition to these rights, the

of individual protection. (Article 17, of law recognizes a special protection
Law 31/95). protection to workers considers two
J Right to information, especially sensitive, given their
consultation and participation of personal characteristics sonals,
workers lowerers. (Article 18 of Law known biological status or duration of
31/95). The employer has the the employment relationship, is
obligation gation to adopt appropriate specified in the following points:
measures so that workers receive all
the necessary information cesarean in J Lock protection agents
relation to: the risks to their safety and especially sensitive to certain risks.
health, the preventive measures and Ensures will protect workers who, due
emergency measures. to their personal characteristics
J Of the workers. (Arti clause known biological conditions or states,
19 of Law 31/95). The training will be including physical, mental or sensory
focused specifically on the job or disabilities. (Article 25 of Law 31/95).
function of each worker. J Right to maternity
J Right to protection against protection. Risk assessments Gos
emergency situations and to leave the should include the determination of
workplace in case of serious and the nature, degree and duration tion of
imminent risk te (Article 20 and 21 of the exhibition of the worked in a
the Law of Pre vention). situation of pregnancy or recent
J Right to health surveillance. childbirth, to procedures, agents or
working conditions that may
c. 0. Introduction
3. Rights and obligations of workers in preventive matters

negatively influence the health of foreseeable risks, machines, devices,

workers or the fetus, adopting tools, dangerous substances and, in
appropriate measures. (Ar article 26 of general, any other means with which
Law 31/95). you carry out roll out the activity.
J Right to protection of J Correctly use protective
minors. The employer must evaluate means and equipment fa requested by
the positions to be held by minors the employer, in accordance with the
under 18 years of age before they join instructions received by him.
the job, in order to determine the J Do not put out of operation
nature, degree and duration of their ment and correctly use the safety
exposure to agents or conditions. devices available. try
work activities that may endanger the J Immediately inform your
health of these workers. dores. (Article direct superior, and the workers
27 of Law 31/95). designated for the area. lization of
J Worker rights temporary or protection activities ction and
fixed-term contracts. These, like those prevention, or, where appropriate, to
hired by employment companies the Prevention Service, about any
Temporary equipment should enjoy situation that, in its opinion, entails a
the same level of protection in matte risk to the safety and health of
ria safety and health than the rest of workers.
the company's workers. (Ar article 28 J Contribute to compliance of
of Law 31/95). the obligations established by the
competent authority.
Law 31/95 on Occupational J Cooperate with the employer
Risk Prevention, in its article 29, also so that he can guarantee safe working
establishes the following These conditions.
obligations to workers in the highway

J Use appropriately, in
accordance with their nature and
Working conditions and occupational
risks of general services personnel

1.1. Personnel who carry out their

work exclusively in offices
1. Personnel who carry out their work exclusively in offices






This group refers to those workers who carry out their

work exclusively in offices and who do not transit or
operate on the runway due to their work. They can perform
one or more of the following tasks:

• Treatment and processing of written information

through writing, transcription and integration of
texts, graphics and data, using in each case the
appropriate office applications and techniques.
GENERAL • Transmission and internal and external
COMPETITION communication of the information generated by the
activity through different channels - personal, postal,
telephone or others.
• File organization, updating and maintenance
thereof, and controls and supports the organization
of the service's activity agenda and its managers and
the operation of the office and its equipment.
• Customer service and access control.
• Others belonging to the administration and
services staff.
Below we list the main risks of the position and the preventive measures
against them.


Due to the existence of fixed stairs in the work center

J Due to the use of elements not suitable for climbing on them to reach
high objects, such as chairs with wheels, trash cans, etc.
Due to the existence of wet, slippery, dirty floors in poor condition.

Due to the existence of obstacles in the passage areas due to the lack of
order and cleanliness in the facilities.

J Due to the presence of

cables on the floor.


J Fixed stairs will be navigated using the handrail and not going quickly.
J Manual ladders must always be kept in good condition by securing all the
elements of the ladders, placing non-slip supports and paying attention to
the angle of placement and shape of support. They must be used in
accordance with the standards established by the manufacturer.

■ Chairs, tables or similar elements will not be used as “ladders”.

J Adequate conditions of order and cleanliness will be maintained in the

work center.
c. 1. Working conditions and occupational risks
of general services staff
1. Personnel who carry out their work exclusively in offices


J Due to the use of scissors, cutters, staplers and other office materials
such as the guillotine or paper drill, which can cause cuts or blows.

Due to the possibility of hitting furniture elements due to lack of space in

the workplace.


Tools or office elements such as guillotines, drills, etc. They must always
have safeguards against dangerous elements.

J Whenever possible, cutting tools will have protections.

J Once all tools or equipment that may cause cuts or blows are used, they
must be stored in their corresponding place.

J Office items will be kept in good condition and when they break down,
their repair will be processed when necessary.

J Keep passageways in the workplace clear.


J Due to incorrect use of plugs, cables, tools or equipment with electrical

power , etc.

J For handling electrical appliances with wet hands.

J By removing the protective casings from electrical appliances without

first disconnecting them from the power supply.


J No electrical appliance should be handled with wet hands.

J To unplug electrical equipment, do not pull on the cables, always pull

on the plug.

J Sockets will not be overloaded with thieves or other elements.

J The interior of the electrical equipment (PC, photocopier, etc.) will not
be manipulated nor will it be dismantled.

J The person in charge will be checked and notified if there are bare
cables, plugs in poor condition,…

J Electrical appliances will not be plugged in without their corresponding


Care will be taken to ensure that the cables spread across the floor, in
certain areas, are collected so that they do not cause accidents.
c. 1. Working conditions and occupational risks
of general services staff
1. Personnel who carry out their work exclusively in offices


j Because the workers who occupy these jobs are regular users of PVD, they
are exposed to the risk of suffering from visual fatigue, resulting in ocular
itching, increased blinking, tearing, and heaviness in the eyelids or eyes.

j Because the lighting of the workplace may not be adequate with respect to
light sources, the worker may suffer from visual fatigue.

J Due to the possibility of glare and reflections on the display screen, due to
the proximity of natural light sources from windows that do not have blinds or
elements of a similar nature.


j Screens, keyboards and documents to be copied must be placed at the

same distance from the eye; For convenience, it is advisable to place work
documents on a lectern and at the height of the screen.

i Adequate lighting will be available, avoiding reflections on both the

screen and the user. Display screens must be placed perpendicular to the
lights, eliminating the risk of reflections, and avoiding windows being
located in front of or behind the screen. workplace, if this were not possible,
blinds or elements with similar characteristics would be placed.

Viewing angle <30º ,
(user preferred area)

Working plan
1Source: NTP 602: The ergonomic design of the workplace with display screens:
the work team. INSHT.
J It is recommended that the screen image be stable, without phenomena
less flashing, flickering or other forms of instability.

J The worker must be able to easily adjust the brightness and color fret of
the screen, and easily adapt them to the conditions of the en turnstile.

J It is recommended that the screen, keyboard, and written documents

cough are at a similar distance from the eyes (between 45 and 55 cm), to
avoid visual fatigue.

J It is recommended that the screen be between 10º and 60º below the
horizontal of the operator's eyes.

J It is advisable to do exercises to relax your eyes, such as For example,

blink often and look into the distance.
c. 1. Working conditions and occupational risks
of general services staff
1. Personnel who carry out their work exclusively in offices


Working with display screens, (PVD), positions and devices

tions in the workplace.

Because for much of the day you remain seated do (sitting) which
generates physical fatigue.
J Due to maintaining posture in front of the data display screen, which can
cause musculoskeletal injuries during work. lowerer 2

2Due to the possibility that the worker does not have adequate furniture
elements: table, chair, footrest, etc., which causes forced postures to be

J Due to lack of space, the worker adopts inappropriate postures days that
cause you to suffer habitual pain in the cervical, dorsal or lumbar region,
tension in the shoulders, neck or back, discomfort in the legs (numbness,


J When you remain seated, you must keep your back straight.

J When you remain seated, try to keep your legs bent at right angles or
slightly extended, but always pre, resting your feet on an inclined plane.
J Incorrect postures should not be adopted, such as sitting stand on one
leg or sit cross-legged.

J The headset should not be held with your shoulder.

J Inappropriate movements should not be made, for example: turning on the

chair using sudden movements of the trunk instead of turning with the help
of the feet.

J You should not force your position to reach distant objects, it is with It is
necessary to get up to pick up objects.

J It is recommended that the seat and backrest have some padding,

especially in the lumbar area.
J It is recommended that the work table has the natural height of the elbow
and that it be located as close as possible to the body, so that the arms are
unloaded from the shoulders.

J It is recommended that the chair used provide the necessary support

caesary through seat and backrest adjustments. The seat must be lower on
its front edge, to reduce pressure on the thighs. The backrest must support
and adapt to the concavity of the lumbar spine, helping to maintain the
vertical balance of the head and neck. upper spine, paying attention to the
posture adopted.

J It is recommended to use chairs with 5 floor supports.

J The screen must be adjustable and tiltable at will, easily adapting to the
needs of each worker.

J It is recommended that the keyboard be tiltable and independent of the

screen, to allow the worker to adopt a comfortable posture that does not
cause fatigue in the arms or hands.

J There must be enough space in front of the keyboard for the lock Jador
can support his arms and hands.

J The space available in the work area must allow workers Keepers maintain
a comfortable position.

J It is recommended that the work surface occupies between about 160 cm x

90 cm.

J The height of the work table is recommended to be between 68 and 84 cm.

Source: NTP 232: Data display screens (PVD): postural fatigue. National Institute of
Safety and Hygiene at Work.
c. 1. Working conditions and occupational risks
of general services staff
1. Personnel who carry out their work exclusively in offices

J Keep the wrist straight to avoid pressure on the median nerve.

J Perform tasks avoiding uncomfortable body and hand positions and try to
keep, as much as possible, the hand aligned with the forearm, the back
straight and the shoulders in a resting position.

J It is advisable to take periodic breaks to allow yourself to recover. relieve

tension and rest.

J Develop tasks that encourage alternation or change to ensure that

different muscle groups are used.

J It is advisable to start daily activity with 10 minutes of exercise Hand and

finger stretching exercises (open and close the fingers and flex and extend
the wrist).

J When the first symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor,
because the good evolution of the syndrome will depend, to a large extent,
on early diagnosis and correct treatment.

- Because the tasks and activities that involve direct dealings with people outside the
company (customers, users, etc.), can lead to performing the tasks in very different working
conditions. you give.

J Because the working methods are different both depending on the service provided and
the place of provision: computer and telephone, personal attention, direct resolution of
incidents, etc...

J At certain times of the year, fatigue can be due to the tension generated by various types of
stress such as rush,
Working conditions
low and occupational risks inherent
to maintenance and conservation

2.1. Maintenance, conservation and

operations operator

2.2. Toll systems maintenance

C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator






MAINTENANCE CHIEF: is the worker who takes part in

the work and who directs and supervises a group made
up of other officers and trade assistants who are
dedicated to work of the same nature or convergent to
a common task.

FIRST OFFICER: is the worker who, with mastery of a

trade and in possession of a driving license, carries out
the maintenance, conservation and operation tasks
that are necessary for the proper functioning of the
highway and its facilities, in addition to those of his or
GENERAL her own. job.
SECOND OFFICER: is the worker who, even without
mastery of a trade and in possession of a driving
license, contributes his effort, attention and skill to
carry out the tasks inherent to the maintenance,
conservation and operation necessary for the proper
functioning of the company. highway and its facilities.

All of them, regardless of the degree of dependency

and autonomy they have, have among their main tasks
the following:
• Maintenance, conservation, repair, cleaning and painting
of the Highway, facilities, machinery and vehicles,
dependencies and everything related to the Highway,
using the necessary machines and elements.
• Active intervention in tasks leading to preventing,
stopping or eliminating the consequences of any type of
• Signaling and traffic orientation when needs require it.
• Assistance that the user or their vehicle may require, in
accordance with the standards established by the
• Snow removal and flux spraying using appropriate
machinery, when needs require it.
• Establishment, maintenance and removal of occasional
• Skewing and clearing
• Tree pruning
• Replacement of safety barrier, repair of railings and
placement of prefabricated New Jersey.
• Repair or cleaning of signs, posters, porches, banners.
• Road cleaning with sweeper.
• Snow removal with push machinery.
• Cleaning of tunnel gables.
• Review, repair or cleaning of tunnel luminaires.
• Cleaning of dams, gutters, leaves,…
• Removal of dead animals.
• Temporary patching with cold agglomerate.
• Replacement of beacon elements.
• Attention to accidents/incidents and cleaning of spills.

Below is a list We describe the main risks of the position and the preventive
measures against them.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J Due to the possibility of working in an area where there are ditches, wells, trenches,...
without adequate signage .

J Due to the possibility that there are openings with the possibility of falling and that
lack adequate protection measures, fences, perimeters, railings

Due to lack of order and cleanliness in the

workplace, for example, tools abandoned in the
passageways, debris, boards, materials,….

J Due to the possible existence of spills on the ground, water, oil

J BRUSHING / MOWING: During the performance of these tasks when it is necessary

to access areas with vegetation that are high up, on slopes or in places with steep
unevenness .

J TREE PRUNING: During the performance of these tasks that involve working at

j MISCELLANEOUS OCCUPATIONS: When frequently getting on/off the crane

trucks, the formwork machine, the snow plow, ..…

J REPLACEMENT OF BARRIERS: During the replacement tasks of the safety barrier and
New Jersey barrier, because they are usually located in areas with steep slopes or
. .............................................. ....
J CLEANING OF TUNNELS / PANELS / LUMINAIRES: When cleaning elements located at
height, workers use lifting platforms or boom trucks with baskets, which bring them
closer to areas that are between 5.5 and 6 meters.

J During tunnel gable cleaning tasks where the products used can make the ground
conditions more slippery.

J During the change and cleaning of the tunnel lighting.


J The work area will always be kept in good order and cleanliness, “everything in its place and a
place for everything.”
J When any spill or discharge occurs, it will be collected immediately.

J The collection of materials will be done correctly.

J Workers will wear safety work shoes with non-slip rubber soles.

J When working at a height of 2 m or higher, the safety regulations will be followed: use of a
harness or fall arrest belt with safety anchors/lifeline.

J When working and the atmospheric conditions are adverse, wind, rain, fog... special attention
will be paid in order to carry out the work in safe conditions.

J Every unevenness, ditch, trench, well, opening with the possibility of falling to a different level
must be suitably marked and perimetered.
J When carrying out work in areas where there are slopes greater than 25%, operators will use
fall protection equipment (harness) anchored to a fixed point.

J When carrying out safety barrier replacement tasks / New Jersey, in areas with steep slopes or
unevenness, workers will wear a safety harness with anchors to a fixed point.
J When getting on and off work vehicles, care must be taken to avoid falls and trips.

J To access the vehicle cabins, they will have correct running boards, with a sufficient number
of steps covered with non-slip material.

J It is prohibited to climb into the cabin of vehicles leaning on the wheel bolts,…

J When cleaning and maintenance tasks are carried out on the tunnel lighting, the operators will
use lifting platforms, baskets, etc. supported by crane or boom trucks. Before the operator
begins to climb, these will have been conveniently leveled using the stabilizing jacks.

□ The maximum authorized load in the baskets or platforms used will never be exceeded.

J When manual ladders are used, it will be done taking into account the basic safety rules: that
they are stable, in good condition, that they are shod, that they are used by two people -one of
them holding it from below-,...
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J Due to lack of order and cleanliness in the work area.

J For using work equipment without adequate protective

equipment, gloves, safety footwear,…

• For tampering with or disabling the safety mechanisms of work equipment.

□ By storing tools without their protections/cases.

J For using tools in poor condition.

J Due to the manipulation of the

signs, the cones, the panels,…

J CLEANING OF TUNNELS/PANELS/LUMINAIRES: Due to the possibility of impacts with

tools, for example due to the whip effect of the pressure hose when carrying out cleaning tasks.

BRUSHING / MOWING: Due to the improper use of brush cutters and blowing machines, during
the performance of mowing and clearing tasks. Due to the use of mowing tractors.

J TREE PRUNING: Due to the inappropriate use of chainsaws to prune trees.

J REPLACEMENT OF BARRIERS: Because operators often have

to jump over barriers to access certain areas subject to

J Due to the handling of metallic material, the use of the post-

driving machine, the digger, the compressor, the pneumatic hammer (drills and breakers),

J VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS: Workers who have to access higher levels and use mechanical
means, such as platforms or baskets, must always use a safety harness and have a restraint at a fixed
point on the platform or be tied to the hook of the platform. feather .

J The baskets will have safety railings all around and a 15 cm skirting board. To prevent falling objects
and tools.

Workers who carry out work from baskets or platforms will use them according to the equipment
instructions and will never overload them.

J SNOW REMOVAL: Workers performing snow removal work with push machinery handle fluxes
(sodium chloride) and may be hit while handling the bags.

J Tools will not be left in the work area.

J The work area will be maintained in good order and cleanliness.

J The appropriate protective equipment will be used for the task to be performed, work gloves
low, safety footwear with reinforced toe,…

J Workers will wear high visibility clothing with retroreflective stripes.

J Use work tools and equipment following the manufacturer's recommendations.

J Never override the safety mechanisms of work equipment,…

J When the tools are collected, they will be stored with their respective protections/cases.
J Use tools, machines, equipment that have “CE” certification and are put them in for the relevant

J When signs, cones, panels, etc. are handled, this will be done taking into account their size
and weight. If necessary, it will be manipulated by several people.

J To access areas protected by fences, operators will pay special attention.

J Workers who use brush cutters, blowers, chainsaws, etc. will maintain a safe distance
between their colleagues to avoid hitting or being hit.
J Before using the mechanical brush cutters, the condition of the protection skirts will be
checked and no person will be allowed in the area.

J Workers who use chainsaws must necessarily wear protective clothing. safety clothing for
chainsaws, safety footwear against cuts, gloves against mechanical risks, protective clothing for
users of electric chain saws tioned by hand.

J Entry of anyone to the cutting areas will be prohibited.

J All machines and work equipment will be used according to the manufacturer's instructions
and the workers who handle them will be equipped with protective equipment. individual tion
J The handling of the sodium chloride bags will be carried out with care. to avoid suffering
blows or cuts.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J MISCELLANEOUS TRADES: Due to the possibility that a worker is buried by the earth in a
ditch, trench, well, etc….
J Due to the possibility that vehicles or loads located on the sides of the ditches cause
landslides that bury the workers.

J Due to the possibility that work equipment located in nearby areas but the ditches cause
collapses due to their weight or vibrations. tions generated during its operation.

J Due to the possibility of poorly braced suspended loads being transported and falling when

J TREE PRUNING: Due to the possibility of large branches falling during tree pruning tasks.

REPLACEMENT OF BARRIERS: Due to the possibility of the fall occurring of metal
pieces or profiles or prefabricated concrete pieces,… during repair or installation tasks.


J When work is carried out in ditches, wells or trenches,… of a pro depth equal to or greater
than 1.20 m, these must be supported to prevent their collapse.
J All work materials, tools, debris,… will be stored if following the basic rules of order and
cleanliness at least 50 cm from the edge of the ditches.

J Routes of the passageways will be laid out in the vicinity of the crossings. to prevent
vehicles from traveling over the edge of the same.

J It will be prohibited for machines/vehicles that, due to their weight or the vibrations they
generate, to maneuver or work in the vicinity of the ditches, could cause collapses.

J The wood used to support the trenches must be in good condition. conditions of use and
must protrude at least 15 cm from the edge of the trench.
J When working in spaces with the possibility of objects falling from higher levels, a safety
helmet will be used.

J Before opening a trench, the necessary information regarding nothing with the supply
pipes (water, gas, electricity,...) that are in the area.

J Entry of anyone to the cutting areas will be prohibited.

J The margin corresponding to the cut lane will be pruned, which making pruning prohibited
on the lane open to traffic.

J The handling of metal profiles and concrete pieces is It will be carried out according to safe
work procedures: for example, carrying out the collection of materials on wooden sleepers and
arranging the materials in layers perpendicular to the profiles. So I can We must avoid the collapse or
fall of these, which could cause the operators to be crushed.
J The passage of suspended loads over people or vehicles will be avoided. The support of a
signalman will be used to guide the operations in the event that the crane driver does not have
good visibility.

J Workers who carry out their tasks in places where there is a possibility possibility of falling
or collapsing objects or elements, they must wear protective helmets.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J VARIOUS TRADES: Due to the possibility of inhaling dust during work. tion of
conservation/maintenance tasks.

JI Due to the possibility of inhaling the vapors/gases from the burning of tar supplied by
asphalt tank sprinklers.

J Due to the possibility of coming into contact with cement, asphalt, etc. when carrying out
maintenance and conservation tasks, for example watering the asphalt.

J Due to the possibility that the chemicals

used in the production tion of works come
into contact with the skin.

J Because workers who perform cold

patching use aglo asphalt surface from which vapors emanate.

J Because when emergency services are provided for accidents on the roads, operators
could come into contact with merchandise.
dangerous substances.

J Due to the use of paints and solvents to carry out the repainting of road lines.

J BRUSHING / MOWING: By handling products such as herbicides and growth limiters for

REPLACEMENT OF BARRIERS: Due to the performance of oxyfuel welding (oxygen and

acetylene cylinders), which entails the possibility of inhaling toxic vapors and gases, during
the performance of the replacement tasks. position of safety barriers.
CLEANING OF TUNNELS / PANELS / LUMINAIRES: Because the operations Workers who
clean inside the tunnels may be exposed to foul atmospheres.


J Masks will be used against exposure to suspended particles (dust).

J Masks will be used against organic gases and vapors when cold paving and patching tasks
are carried out.
J The work surfaces in the pit will be moistened, in order to prevent the dispersion of dust
into the environment.

J When watering the asphalt / patching tasks, the Protective equipment, such as apron and
gaiters, will be used to avoid direct contact of these substances with any part of the worker's
body. lowerer

J Rubber work gloves will be used and, if necessary, others with protection against contact
with chemical substances, e.g. This is especially true when paving or fumigation tasks are
carried out.

J Do not apply products against the wind.

I Minimum hygiene standards will be observed, for example, washing your hands before

J Chemicals used to control pests and growth Weed control should be used as provided in
the product safety sheet.
J Workers who handle chemical substances will use protective gloves against possible
accidental contact, as well as face masks. te to vapors when the product handled requires
protection against this type of exposure.

J Workers will use particle masks when carrying out weeding and mowing tasks, to protect
themselves from inhaling particles in their pension.
J Workers who carry out oxyfuel welding will be provided with protective masks against
organic vapors, to avoid inhalation. tion of toxic vapors and gases derived from combustion.

J The workers who carry out the cleaning inside the tunnels will have atmospheric condition
meters, and if they detect that the air renewal is not adequate, the operators will be notified.
forced to leave the work area.

J If the emergency attended to involves contact with Dangerous Goods, the action protocol
regulated by the specific regulations must be followed.

J When line repainting tasks are carried out, operators will be responsible for keeping
containers containing solvents closed, and will store them in dry and cool places. Likewise,
they will use masks against exposure to organic vapors.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES: Due to the possibility of splashes occurring when transferring

liquid substances used in carrying out professional tasks. maintenance and conservation
J Due to the possibility of flying sparks, splinters, or similar elements that impact the worker.

BRUSHING / MOWING: While carrying out clearing tasks due to the possibility of flying
fragments of stones, vegetation, remains of machinery, etc.

J TREE PRUNING: During tree pruning tasks.

J REPLACEMENT OF BARRIERS: Because workers who

perform welding can suffer burns from hot metal splashes
cent, as well as coming into contact with hot objects being soldered.


who carry out cleaning tasks in tunnels, in luminaires, etc. may suffer splashes from
the chemicals used.


J Protective glasses will be used against splashes and projections.

J When transferring liquid substances, the worker will be equipped with protective gloves
against this type of contact and with glasses against splashes.
J Workers who carry out clearing and mowing work, uti They will use glasses or screens
against projections with side protection, anti-impact overalls, gloves and safety boots.

J Workers who use the chainsaw must have a safety helmet and glasses with side protection
against the impact of fragments.

J Sparks produced by the torch must be prevented from reaching or falling gan on bottles,
hoses or flammable liquids.

J Workers who carry out cleaning tasks on the gables of the tunnels For luminaires, they will
use protective glasses against splashes.
J Maintain adequate signage of the routes of heavy machinery at all times.

J Warn road users through appropriate signage. zation that maintenance/conservation tasks
are being carried out in the area.

J Place warning signs at least 150 m from the beginning of the work.

J The distance between the signs placed along the route of the work will be less than 100 m.
J The position sign will be located in the immediate vicinity of the work.

I Driving and handling mowing tractors can only be carried out by authorized personnel
trained in the handling of this type of machine and the presence of any person will not be
permitted during their use. na in the work area.

J The handling of vehicles with booms and baskets will only be handled by authorized
workers who have been trained for this purpose. The boom/or basket will never be

C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of

maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator

J Vehicles that carry a boom or platform will always be leveled before lifting the
operators using their stabilizing jacks.

J Boom trucks or cranes will never move with the elevated platform. vada, neither
with the basket raised, nor with workers inside them even if they have lowered them.

J Movements will always be carried out respecting the speed limits. madness and paying
special attention to driving.
J Snow plowing vehicles may only be driven by operators rios who have received specific
training for this.


J The person in charge of the flag will remain standing in the same place exposed to
inclement weather for much of the day.

J Workers who carry out maintenance tasks, placement and removal of occasional
signage, provide their services in conditions of extreme cold, very hot environments, very
strong wind, fog, snow, intense rain,…

J Workers may suffer from general malaise, decreased manual and intellectual dexterity,
numbness of the limbs,….due to exposure to very low, extreme environmental
temperatures .

J Workers may suffer from cramps, exhaustion, dehydration, heat stroke, skin rashes,
burns, drowsiness, etc. due to exposure to very hot extreme ambient temperatures .

J Workers who carry out cleaning, mowing and clearing tasks maintenance, snow
removal,... provide their services exclusively exposed to inclement weather.


J Protective creams will be used to prevent skin damage caused by the sun's rays.

J A space with a roof will be provided to protect the operator in charge of the flag from the
sun and rain.

J Operators will use work clothing appropriate for each time of year, that is, clothing for
warmth and protection against rain in winter and breathable fabrics in summer. Work clothing
will always be reflective.

J When atmospheric conditions do not allow working under conditions In safe conditions
work will be stopped until it can be resumed.

J Workers when working in hot conditions will drink cold drink water to avoid dehydration.

J They will take breaks in the shade periodically.

C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator

J Asphalting tasks will always be carried out following a safe work procedure.

J When carrying out asphalt tasks, special attention will be paid to possible ignition sources
present in the work environment, such as heat sources, chemicals that emit flammable

J Smoking will be completely prohibited in the work area.

J The tanker trucks will be equipped with extinguishing means.

J Every effort will be made not to carry more fuel (diesel, oil, etc.) in the vehicle than is
necessary to carry out the tasks.

J The workers who drive the tankers will be trained to use the appropriate extinguishing

J Before starting to weld, check that the equipment is in good condition and that in the area
close to the weld there are no flammable materials, cardboard, plastics, or other elements
that could They catch fire as a result of a spark, for example flammable paint.
J Smoking is prohibited while carrying out vehicle/machine refueling tasks.

J The liquefied gas cylinders (oxygen and acetylene) must be in good condition (they have a
pressure gauge, rubber bands, non-return valves not flame,...) and the operators who are
going to carry out the welding must wear the appropriate protective equipment (face
protector, protective screen). visual tion, gloves,…)

J Gas cylinders must be stored in a vertical position, be identified fied, store them in cool
and dry places, avoid prolonged exposure exposed to the sun, and have means of restraint
during transport.

J Smoking is prohibited in the presence of cylinders containing gases (sol oxycutting


J The torch must be handled with care and under no circumstances should it be hit with it.
During the ignition operation, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

O Slowly and slightly open the corresponding torch valve tooth to oxygen.
O Open the acetylene torch valve about 3/4 of a turn.
6 Ignite the mixture with a lighter or pilot light.
o Increase the fuel input until the flame stops gives smoke
0 Finish opening the oxygen as needed.
0 Check the pressure reducer.
J If an acetylene bottle is heated, it may explode when released. To detect this circumstance,
you should close the tap and cool it with water, if necessary for hours.
J If the tap of an acetylene bottle catches fire, try to close it, and if this is not possible, put it
out with a dry ice or powder extinguisher.

J After a backfire or a canister tap fire acetylene, it must be checked that the bottle does not
heat up by itself.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J MISCELLANEOUS TRADES: Because workers use numerous work equipment whose

maintenance is electrical.
J Due to the possible poor condition of the protective casings of the work equipment, due to
the presence of bare cables, due to the existence of plugs in poor condition,…


generators used by workers may not have a ground connection.

J Due to the use of generating equipment in the presence of atmospheres with high relative
air humidity (fog, rain,...).

a CLEANING OF TUNNELS/PANELS/LUMINAIRES: Due to the use of cho pressurized

water jets to clean tunnel gables, luminaires, panels, signs,…


J The generating sets used will have the “CE” marking.

J The protective casings of the generating equipment will never be removed.

J Generating equipment will have electrical risk signs.

Before putting generating equipment into operation, it is put will occur with grounding.
J The generating equipment will be used for the purposes for which they have been
designed. ned under the conditions established in the Equipment Instruction Manual.

J Live work will be suspended in the presence of rain, fog, snow, etc.

J When cleaning tasks are carried out in live areas (for example, tunnel lighting), workers will
wear insulating rubber gloves with protection against electrical contact and footwear with
rubber soles.

J When the cleaning to be carried out is carried out in electrical installations, before working
on the network, the current flow will be disconnected and the will prove that there is an
absence of tension (Five Golden Rules).

J ALL TRADES: Because the workers carry out their work on roads, on whose banks there
are native animals, such as rabbits, snakes, sheep, pigeons, deer, cows,….


J Special attention will be paid to signage indicating the presence of native animals in the
area, to avoid accidents as a result of colliding with them.

J Workers will wear work clothes with long pants and closed shoes. to avoid the possibility
of stings and bites by rodents and reptiles.


J MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES: The worker in charge of the flag can be accidentally run over.

J During the performance of establishment, maintenance and removal tasks Due to

occasional signaling, workers can suffer accidents.

J While carrying out work on the road.

J Because of the possibility of getting out of the vehicle

quickly and being run over due to parking in a place of poor visibility d.

J GAUGERATOR: The worker who performs gauge tasks can be run over by vehicles that
circulate through the area in which he is located.

J BRUSHING / MOWING: During the execution of the

mowing and clearing, since many of them were still carried out on the road .

J Due to the presence of self-propelled sweepers on the roads.

J CLEANING OF TUNNELS/PANELS/LUMINAIRES: Because the ta Road cleaning activities

are carried out on the road.

SNOW PLOW: Due to the presence of snow plows on the roads,

You see (truck with a push blade) that do not have spotlights on the top and the front lights
are covered by the snow plow wedge. As well as the low speed at which they advance.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J During the carrying out of the clearing and mowing work, the res will remain protected
by screens whenever possible.

J The instructions on the flag will be respected.

J The worker in charge of the flag will be placed in a place with good visibility (in a place
where he can be seen by drivers from at least 170 m), and will be located about 50-80 m
away from the end of the zone of work.

J The worker who performs gauge tasks must carefully calculate the distance nce and
speed of passing vehicles and if in doubt, wait.

J All workers will wear high visibility clothing with retroreflective stripes.

J Rain gear will be high visibility and with retroreflective bands.

J When carrying out the tasks of establishing, maintaining and removing occasional
signage, workers must have the following means: signs, panels with posts, beacon
cones, luminous lists, signal-carrying vehicle with turning headlight, pre-marking
vehicle signaling are turning beacon and light signals,... so that the points where they
operate are easily visible to users.

J When workers carry out tasks on the road, they will be protected tected by the pre-
signaling vehicle and by the carrier vehicle, allowing tasks to be carried out between
both of them.
J The worker will place the signs in the same order in which he will the user will check
them and remove them in the reverse order of their placement, thus always pre will be
protected by the preceding signals.

J The lower edge of the signs will be 1 m. high from the ground and the pictogram
perpendicular to the axis of the road, so that they are easily visible.

J The marking cones will be at a maximum distance of 5 to 10 m on curves and twice that
distance on a straight line. When visibility conditions are adverse, they will be reinforced
with luminous elements every 3 or 5 marking elements.

J Vehicles and machines used to carry out work on the roads must have at least 4
rotating or flashing amber lights located on the top, which are easily visible to drivers.

J Workers will be attentive to traffic, avoiding crossing the road; if it is necessary to do

so, it must be done in safe conditions.

I When working aboard a self-propelled sweeper, the time of least traffic flow as well as
the width of the roads will be taken into account.

J When push trucks with wedges are used to remove snow from the tracks, spotlights
must be placed on the upper part of the cabin so that it is easily visible to others. Always
keep the execution of these works correctly marked.

J The cleaning of the tunnel gables will be carried out in good visibility conditions and
work will be carried out in the lane with traffic blocked.

J When the vehicle is about to stop, the relevant signals will be enabled. luminous signs
and parking will be done in a place that is easily visible to other drivers.

J Operators must always wear their seat belts when traveling in vehicles.

J Workers who drive machines / equipment / vehicles will do so in compliance with the
traffic rules of the highway code.

J When driving through areas with ice or snow, always drive We will ride with the chains
placed on the wheels of the vehicles.

J Prior to the start of the tasks, the person in charge or team leader will inform the
operators of the section to be signaled, its characteristics, lanes, shoulder, exits,
incorporations, and lane cutting times.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J Due to the use of machines and auxiliary work equipment that emit noise and
vibrations during operation, such as brush cutters. manual blowers, chainsaws,…

J Due to the operation of snow plows.


J Workers who use work equipment / machines that emit noise and vibrations during
operation must have appropriate protective equipment, such as hearing protection
against noise (helmets, earplugs, etc.) that do not completely prevent traffic from being
heard and gloves that absorb the vibrations generated by the machines.

J Workers who drive snow plows, boom crane trucks, etc. should use anti-vibration


J REPLACEMENT OF BARRIERS: Due to the use of oxyfuel welding.

J The radiation produced by oxyacetylene welding is very important. tants affecting the
eyes and face of the operator.

J ALL TRADES: Because workers are outdoors in areas where solar radiation can
damage their eyesight, for example in areas with snow.


J Workers who carry out oxyfuel welding will always be provided with a face and eye
protection screen against this type of radiation.

J They must be adequately protected against its effects by using full-frame glasses
combined with helmet protectors and hand restraints. nual appropriate to the type of
radiation emitted.

J Workers must wear sunglasses with protection against UV rays.


J STOPPER: Due to the collection of dead animals on the roads that is carried out by
the stopper staff, it can be a source of infections.


J Workers who carry out tasks of collecting dead animals on the roads will be
equipped with rubber gloves and work clothing that avoids direct contact with the body
parts of the dead animal.



J VARIOUS TRADES: Due to the handling of loads, materials, tools tas, cement, sand,

Due to the handling of forklifts loaded with debris and elements of a similar nature.

J Because workers carry and operate auxiliary work equipment tools such as manual
brush cutters, manual blowers, chainsaws... that force the worker to remain standing
while performing the task.

J Because most of the tasks performed by workers involve handling loads, moving
signs, beacons, mate rials intended for maintenance , screens,…

J BRUSHING / MOWING / PRUNING: Due to the handling and loading of manual brush
cutters, blowers and chain saws when trying to access areas that are difficult to access.

J CLEANING OF TUNNELS / PANELS / LUMINAIRES: Because the operators who carry

out cleaning tasks on tunnel gables, light narias,…. They sometimes adopt forced
positions to reach points that are difficult to access.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.1. Maintenance, conservation and operations operator


J Before handling the load, its weight and volume will be taken into account to plan how
to carry out the lift.

J Whenever possible, mechanical means of lifting will be used. loads.

J When handling the load, it should be kept close to the body.

J Lifting the load above the shoulders and head will be avoided.

J Manual handling of loads will be carried out following safety regulations.

□ When operating the forklift, it should stand up by bending the legs and keep keeping
your back straight.

J When handling loads, the weights of each hand will be leveled.

J When brush cutters / blowers / chainsaws are used, the Most people will not perform
stretches that involve adopting inappropriate postures to access areas that are difficult
to access.

J All manual equipment intended to be carried by the worker must be have a design that
allows the load to be carried and distributed appropriately.

The workers who carry out tasks of cleaning tunnel gables, luminaires,…. They
should not adopt forced positions to reach difficult access points; the platforms/baskets
on which they are working should be lowered and repositioned.

J Workers who use brush cutters, manual blowers, chainsaws, must position the
equipment as established in their manuals, so that they are properly secured, preventing
other parts of the body from being overloaded.
C.2. Working conditions I and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll system OF PROTECTIONS
maintenance operator








He is the one who, with direct command over the Toll
Machinery and Electronic Systems Maintenance Operators,
and under the orders of their respective Bosses, has
responsibility for the work, discipline and safety of the
personnel. He is responsible for organizing the services,
telling his subordinates how to carry out whatever work he
orders them to do, as well as collaborating in their

GENERAL Principal functions:

COMPETITION • Organize the work shifts of the personnel under your
• Take care of the discipline, neatness and correctness
of the personnel under your charge.
• Distribute and supervise the different jobs to be
carried out, as well as their correct execution.
• Monitor compliance, by the Operators under their
orders, with safety and hygiene standards.
• Take care of the good condition, order and cleanliness
of the machinery and facilities in your charge. If
necessary, take appropriate measures dents to traffic
• Monitor and report any anomalies of all kinds that occur and
that affect their mission.
• Report to your superior the results of your work, within the
expected deadlines and manner.


It is the worker who, with sufficient knowledge to carry out his
specific trade, and in possession driver's license class "B"
preferably performs the installation, control, repair and
surveillance launch of equipment and pedestrian control systems
heh, as well as communications and highway signage.

Principal functions:
• Computers, maintenance, repair, program management, data extraction, car ga of tables,
• Know, maintain and install tape recorders, monitors and TV
• Idem. of power equipment (power supplies and UPS).
• Control and measurement of land.
GENERAL • Assembly, maintenance and cleaning of equipment after air
COMPETITION conditioners.
• Commissioning, installation and maintenance telephony,
intercom, SOS systems, ra gave and any communication
system that existed.
• Assembly, maintenance, repair, collection data, etc., from
traffic counters.
• Management, conditioning and repair of automatic
signaling systems, regardless of their power source (signs,
gates). traffic or information signs, etc.).
• Assembly and repair of auto toll roads automatic and
manual, both input and output and open and closed
• Preparation of breakdown tickets.
• On-site or workshop repairs of all electronic and
mechanical equipment, pro sellers of electronic equipment
and canons that are in your charge.
• Carrying out preventive maintenance of the systems under
your responsibility.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll systems maintenance operator
Below is a list We describe the main risks of the position and the preventive
measures against them.


J Because the worker travels through areas where there are ditches, zos, trenches,...or other
types of openings at different levels that lack adequate signage or adequate protection
measures, such as railing, fence,...
J Due to the possibility that there is a lack of order and cleanliness in the workplace, for
example, tools abandoned in the passageways, debris, boards, materials,….because the
operator normally moves and provides assistance at points where there is presence of others
operates rivers of maintenance, conservation,…

J Due to the possible existence of

spills on the ground, water, oil,
grease,... or due to the possibility that
the nature of the surface is slippery.

J While carrying out on-site repairs,

assembly, installation, maintenance maintenance, data collection of the road systems on which
the ope Rarely has to access points that are difficult to access, for example repairing antennas
in the mountains, which are located at height, on slopes or in places res with strong slopes.

J When getting on/off the platforms/baskets of the crane/boom trucks to carry out repairs,
assemblies, installations,…. at points located between 5.5 m and 6 m.

J Due to the possibility of the worker accessing work points located two in height and is
positioned on structural elements that are not designed to support weight, for example roofs,
frames, thresholds,...


J Maintain the work area in good order and cleanliness, “everything in its place and a place for
J When any spill or discharge occurs, it will be collected ger it immediately.
J Workers will wear safety work shoes with non-slip rubber soles.
J When working at a height of 2 m. or higher, safety regulations will be followed: use of
harness or fall arrest belt with safety anchors/lifeline.

J Workers will use PPE appropriate to the type of risk to which they are exposed, depending
on the place in which they carry out their activity. dad. For work at height, they will use an
individual protection system against falls from a height (fall arrest system) that guarantees the
safe stopping of a fall, so that:

• The fall distance of the body is minimal,

• The braking force does not cause bodily injury,
• The operator's position, once the fall has been stopped, is such that it allows the user,
if necessary, to wait for help.

J Operators will be provided with a fall arrest system consisting of: anti-fall harness falls,
connection to attach the fall arrest harness to a safe anchorage point (the connection can be
made using a fall arrest device or an ab energy sipper).
J When working and the atmospheric conditions are adverse, wind, rain, fog... special attention
will be paid in order to carry out the work in safe conditions.
J If you have to access areas with snow, crampons and mate will be used mountain gear that is
necessary (ropes, boots,…).


1. Tight
2. Secondary band
3. Subgluteal band
4. thigh band
5. Adjustment element
6. hitch element

Source: INSHT. Guidance guide for

the selection and use of PPE against
falls from height.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of maintenance
and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll system maintenance operator

J Every unevenness, ditch, trench, well, opening with the possibility of falling to a different level
must be suitably marked and perimetered.

J When work is carried out in areas where there are steep slopes Above 25%, operators will use
fall protection equipment (harness) anchored to a fixed point.

When getting on and off work vehicles, care must be taken to avoid falls and trips.

J It is prohibited to climb into the cabin of vehicles leaning on the wheel bolts,…

J When work is carried out that requires the use of lifting platforms, baskets, etc. supported by
crane or boom trucks. These before the operator's promotion begins will have been suitably
level. sides through the stabilizer jacks.

J The maximum authorized load in the baskets or silver will never be exceeded forms used.

J When manual ladders are used, it will be done taking into account the basic safety rules:
that they are stable, in good condition, that they are shod, that they are used by two people -
one of them holding it down-,…
J The work area will be maintained in good order and cleanliness.

J Protective equipment appropriate to the task to be performed, work gloves (leather and
protection against electrical contact), safety footwear will be used. ty with reinforced toe,…

J Workers will wear high visibility clothing with retroreflective stripes.

J Use work tools and equipment following the manufacturer's recommendations.

J Never override the safety mechanisms of work equipment,…

J Use tools, machines, equipment that have a “CE” certificate and subject them to the relevant

J When handling mechanical, electronic equipment, etc., its size and weight will be taken into
account. If necessary, it will be manipulated by several people.

J To access areas protected by fences, operators will pay special attention.

J All machines and work equipment will be used according to the manufacturer's instructions
and the workers who handle them will be equipped with the necessary personal protective
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll system maintenance operator


J Due to the possibility of a worker being buried by the earth in a ditch, trench, well, etc. when
carrying out installation, maintenance, etc. work. in areas located below ground level.

J Due to the possibility that work equipment located in areas close to the trenches causes
collapse due to its weight or due to the vibrations generated during its operation. ing.

J Due to the possibility of falling elements of the equipment that are being manipulated during
maintenance, repair, installation, etc. tasks.


J When work is carried out in areas with risk of collapse or in below-grade areas, access to these
areas will always be accompanied and communication with the outside will be possible at all

J Routes of the passageways will be laid out in the vicinity of the ditches to prevent vehicles
from traveling over the edge of the ditches.

J Workers who carry out their tasks in places where there is the possibility of falling or
collapsing objects or elements must wear protective helmets.


Due to the possible inappropriate use of vehicles with a lifting basket/platform, so that
operators can access places that are difficult to access (luminaire, gables, panels,...).

JI Due to the possibility of operators traveling at excessive speed.


J The handling of vehicles with booms and baskets will only be handled by authorized workers
who have been trained for this purpose. The boom/or basket will never be overloaded.

J Vehicles that carry a boom or platform will always be leveled before lifting the operators using
their stabilizing jacks.

J Boom trucks or cranes will never move with the platform raised, or with the basket raised, or
with operators inside them even if they have lowered them.

J Movements will always be carried out respecting the speed and pressure limits. paying special
attention to driving.


J Workers who perform maintenance, placement, repair stop electronic/mechanical

equipment, on many occasions they have to travel to specific points outside, so they
provide their services in conditions of extreme cold, very hot environments, very strong
wind, fog, snow, heavy rain,...
Workers may suffer from general malaise, decreased manual and intellectual dexterity,
numbness of the limbs,... due to exposure to very low extreme environmental

J Workers may suffer from cramps, exhaustion, dehydration, heat stroke, skin rashes,
burns, drowsiness, etc. due to exposure to very hot extreme ambient temperatures.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll system maintenance operator

J The generating sets used will have the “CE” marking.

J The operator must verify before starting his work whether there is the presence of
tension lines in the vicinity, with the purpose of: determining the prohibition zone of the
line and the reach area of the height element, assessing the possibility contact and
determine the situation tion of existing risk.

J The protective casings of the electronic equipment must never be removed. Genos.

J The generating equipment will have electrical risk signaling. tricos.

J Before putting generating equipment into operation, it must be will occur with

J The generating equipment will be used for the purposes for which they have been
designed. ned under the conditions established in the Equipment Instruction Manual.

J Live work will be suspended in the presence of rain, fog, snow, etc.

J When cleaning tasks are carried out in live areas (for example, tunnel lighting), workers
will wear insulating rubber gloves with protection against electrical contact and footwear
with rubber soles.
J When the cleaning to be carried out is carried out in electrical installations, before
working on the network, the current flow will be disconnected and the will prove that there
is an absence of tension (Five Golden Rules):

o Opening of the circuits. Isolate all sources of voltage that may provide power to the
installation in which work must be done, through elements cutting cough.
o Blocking of cutting devices. Block, if possible, and in position opening mechanism,
cutting devices. In any case, place a sign prohibiting handling on the controls of these
devices. open it.
6 Check absence of tension. The verification will be carried out on each of the conductors,
as well as on the metal masses.
o Grounded and shorted. This operation must be carried out as close as possible to the
workplace and in each of the ducts. tension-free tors.
6 Delimit and mark the work area.


J Because the workers carry out their work on roads, on whose banks there are native
animals, such as rabbits, snakes, sheep, pigeons, deer, cows,….


J Special attention will be paid to signage indicating the presence of native animals in the
area, to avoid accidents as a result of colliding with them.
J Workers will wear work clothes with long pants and closed shoes to avoid the possibility
of stings and bites from rodents and reptiles.
C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of
maintenance and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll system maintenance operator


While carrying out establishment, maintenance and removal tasks, workers may suffer
Due to the possibility of getting out of the vehicle in a hurry and being run over for
parking in a place with poor visibility.

The worker who performs gauge tasks can be run over by vehicles traveling through
the area in which he is located.


While carrying out the work on site, the workers remain They will be protected by
screens whenever possible.
J The worker who performs gauge tasks must carefully calculate the distance nce and
speed of passing vehicles and if in doubt, wait.

All workers will wear high visibility clothing with retroreflective stripes.

Rain gear will be high visibility and with retroreflective bands.

When workers carry out tasks on the road, they will be protected guided by the pre-
signaling vehicle and by the carrier vehicle, they must do tasks together.
Vehicles and machines used to carry out work on the roads must have at least 4
rotating or flashing amber lights located on the top, which are easily visible to drivers.

Workers will be attentive to traffic, avoiding crossing the road. If it is necessary to do

so, it must be done in safe conditions.

Work inside the tunnels will be carried out in good visibility conditions and work will be
carried out in the lane with traffic blocked.

When the vehicle is about to stop, the relevant signals will be enabled. luminous signs
and parking will be done in a place that is easily visible to other drivers.

Operators must always wear their seat belts when traveling in vehicles.
J Workers who drive machines / equipment / vehicles will do so in compliance with the
traffic rules of the highway code.

J When driving through areas with ice or snow, always drive We will ride with the chains
placed on the wheels of the vehicles.


J Due to the development of work in areas where machines and equipment are used
auxiliary devices that emit noise and vibrations during operation,…


J Work carried out in the presence of work equipment / machines low that emit noise and
vibrations during operation, must have adequate protective equipment, such as automatic
protection. noise-reducing devices (helmets, earplugs, etc.) that do not completely prevent
you from hearing the traffic.


Because workers are outdoors in areas where solar radiation can damage their
eyesight, for example in areas with snow.


J Workers must wear sunglasses with protection against UV rays.

C.2. Working conditions and occupational risks of maintenance
and conservation personnel
2.2. Toll system maintenance operator



Due to cargo handling, ma materials, electronic equipment, bread carvings, tools,…

Load grab
Because most of the tasks performed by
workers dores involve access to difficult-to-reach
areas that require forced postures.


J Before handling the load, its weight and volume will be taken into
account to plan how to carry out the lift.

J Whenever possible, mechanical means of lifting will be used. loads.

J When handling the load, it should be kept close to the body.

J Lifting the load above the shoulders and head will be avoided.

J Manual handling of loads will be carried out following safety regulations.

J When handling loads, the weights of each hand will be leveled.

J When auxiliary equipment is used, they will not perform stretches that
their adopting inappropriate postures to access areas that are difficult to

J Operators who carry out work in elevated areas, for example roofs or
walls of tunnels,…. They should not adopt forced positions to To reach
difficult access points, the platforms/baskets on which they are working
must be lowered and repositioned.
Working conditions and
occupational risks specific to the
person operating system

3.1. Head/coordinator
station, toll collector
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector




This group refers to those workers who carry out their

work in stations with different toll systems (vehicle
entry or exit or both at the same time) and who transit
and operate on the runway due to their work. They can
perform one or more of the following tasks:

In the case of Station Chief/Coordinator:

• organization,
• staff,
• collection and
• relations with the user in the accesses and toll
GENERAL barriers of the area, zones or work centers
COMPETITION assigned to them.

Being able to develop one or more of the following

• Training of new personnel.
• Take care of the discipline, neatness and
correctness of the personnel under your charge.
• Organize the work shifts of the Toll Collectors.
• Be responsible for currency exchanges.
C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel

• Take care of the good condition, order and

cleanliness of the machinery and facilities in your area.
• Adopt the necessary measures to achieve the
necessary fluidity in traffic.
• Monitor and report any anomalies of all kinds that
occur in your work area.
• In case of need for the service, proceed to the
opening and closing of roads, collection of taxes. toll
bearing and consequent operations.
• Report to your superior the results of your work,
within the expected deadlines and manner.

In the case of Toll Collector:

• Collection of the amount of the toll and/or its
transportation, custody and counting.
• Manipulation of currency exchanges.
• Use, preparation and monitoring of collection
• Provide your services at Stations with process
automatic or manual payment system, inside or outside
the cabin.
• Carry out the necessary operations on the tracks,
on the Station esplanade or in the station building itself,
aimed at providing good service to the user: turning on
and off the lighting of the station and its annexes, colo
cation of signals and delivery of information rigidity to
traffic, change of traffic devices when necessary,
communications, attend to the Communications Service
(SOS posts, interior and exterior service telephones rior,
station, etc.),…
• Dealing with the highway user, giving in training
related to the needs that the user may have when
traveling on the highway.
• Address any claims that may arise be solved,
solving them verbally or easily giving you the complaints
• Communicate anomalies detected in the ma toll
• Custody and transportation of collections
• Others related to your job, for example,
implementation of security measures, collaboration with
operation and maintenance services, etc.
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector

In addition to the functions described, they may provide

other functions of the Station Chiefs in relation to the
operation of accesses and ba toll roads of the area, zones or
centers assigned to you.
• Distribution of traffic and personnel according to
incidents (outside quadrants).
• Troubleshooting cam issues currency bios
• In case of emergency, traffic organization co in terms
of opening or closing of roads and signaling
corresponding zation.

Below we list the main risks of the position and the preventive measures against


Due to the existence of slippery floors in the stations.

Due to the presence of fixed stairs at the stations.

J Because the floors are wet or have grease stains,

which can cause workers who pass through them to fall.

Because workers may use inappropriate footwear due to the height of the mimes'
heels, lack of heel support elements, slippery soles, etc.

J Due to the possibility of using inappropriate elements to access higher planes, such
as tables, chairs,…


J Handrails must be used when going up and down fixed stairs.

J Passage areas must have minimum safety conditions. rity that guarantee safe transit.

J The floors of toll stations must be resistant, uniform and non-slip.

C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel

J Elimination of slippery floors outside the toll station buildings, by partially replacing
them or adopting systems that provide them with greater grip.

□ Any accidental spillage will be immediately marked and collected. liquid dental that
may take place in the toll areas.

J Workers must wear closed-toe shoes with rubber soles.

Use ladders to access higher levels according to safe use regulations.

C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector


Due to the possibility of workers hitting protruding parts of the furniture.

a Due to the possibility of workers being hit by protruding vehicle elements, such as the
rearview mirror,….

J Due to the possibility of workers being hit by elements, equipment type of work,
furniture inside the cabins as a result of a possible lack of space.

J Due to the possibility of workers suffering small cuts, blows, trapped fingers, etc. with
furniture elements, such as drawers, etc. jones, tables, chairs,…

Due to the possibility

of being hit by the boom
leaving the road when
performing tasks in that
area, for example, pushing
a vehicle.

Due to the possibility of suffering damage due to falling machine elements during
maintenance tasks, for example, casings. protectors, sheets, metal boxes, screws,…


J Provide cabins with furniture elements that do not have edges or sharp parts.

J Organize the interior of the cabins taking into account that they must have enough
space inside so that the worker is not exposed to risks of this type.

J Ensure good visibility through the glass panels of the cabins, providing the area with
adequate lighting means if necessary.

J Placement of elements that prevent contact of elements that are They protrude from
the vehicles with the worker's hand/arm.

J Installation of boom locking systems from the cabin keyboard itself or from the boom
machine panel.

J Placement of travel limiting means in the mechanical opening parts of the elements.
C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel



J Due to the possibility of a vehicle colliding with the cabin.

J Due to the possibility of the load of a vehicle shifting against the cabin.

J Due to the possibility of the load of a vehicle falling on the personnel traveling through
the toll area, lanes, islands,…


JI Placement of Bumpers in the front part of the islands in order to protect them from
possible collisions.

J Placement of Biondas and/or New Jersey in the perimeter area of the islands.

J Placing signage on type of road and speed limit in an easily visible place, for example
on shelters and on the road.

J Placement of anti-load displacement bars on both sides of the track.

- Installation of cabin anchors.

J Delay the opening of the boom on roads equipped with electronic tolls. On manual
roads until the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector

and the grounding with which the cabins are equipped.

J Use work equipment with “CE” marking.

J Inform the superior of any anomaly detected in the instructions damage and/or damage
to equipment, such as frayed cables, loose plugs, etc.

J Workers will not carry out maintenance tasks that involve manipulating the active parts
of the equipment without first cutting off the power supply to the equipment.

J Provide workers with relevant protective equipment, for example, gloves against
electrical contact.

J When carrying out tasks that involve the possibility of coming into contact with live
elements, the worker will be trained to follow the 5 golden rules against the risk of
electrical contact:

o Opening of the circuits.

Isolate all voltage sources that can power the
installation in which work must be done, by
means of cutting tools.
C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel

o Blocking of cutting devices. Lock, if possible,

the cutting devices in the open position. In any
case, place a sign prohibiting operating it on the
control of these devices.

o Check absence of tension.

The verification will be carried out on each of
the conductors, as well as on the nearby metal
masses (palomi llas, winds, boxes, etc.).

o Grounded and shorted. This operation must

be carried out as close as possible to the
workplace and on each of the conductors
without tension.

6 Delimit and mark the work area.

Source: INSHT. Technical notes

C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks of
exploitation personnel
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector



J Due to the possibility of acts of vandalism occurring.

J Due to the possibility of extraordinary police operations being carried out, such as
chases, raids, vehicle searches,…

J Due to the possibility of being attacked when entering/leaving the workplace in those
stations located in areas with greater insecurity.

Due to the possibility of suffering verbal humiliation that alludes to the worker's
sexual, racial, religious or physical condition or any other personal area by users.


J Always keep the cabin door locked.

J Follow the instructions contained in the emergency action plans: do not resist.

J Install alarm mechanisms connected to the emergency center, inside the cabins (for
example, alarm button, alarm pedal,...)

J Provide the stations with human means of night surveillance.

J Installation of closed circuit television or other analogous video surveillance system.

J In those stations that, due to their characteristics, are especially conflictive, promote
police presence.

J Provide the cabins with sheets resistant to bullet impacts.


J Because of the possibility of being run over when crossing the tracks.

J Because of the possibility of being run over when crossing the tip of the island.
... .
J Due to the possibility of being run over while carrying out marking change tasks.

J Possibility of suffering traffic accidents that are considered AT in itinere.

J Possibility of suffering traffic accidents when traveling for work from one station to
another, for example going to get change, relay you, carry mail,…


Installation on the perimeter New-Jersey wall island.

Placing light signaling at the entrances to the roads, which in form of the presence of

Place the signage indicating the veil in an easily visible place. maximum capacity at
which you can circulate.

Have marked passage areas.

Provide steps at different levels where possible.

C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks of
exploitation personnel
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector

J As a general rule, do not cross the ends of islands, do so through the spaces provided
for this purpose.

J Establish safety spaces consisting of a triangular area that protects the worker during
the performance of the task, through the closure of the roads adjacent to the marking.

J Signal that maintenance tasks are being carried out to protect the worker who
performs them.

J Placing rough strips at the entrance to the esplanade, these being able to be
complemented with sections of rumble strips in point approach. island tas.

J Use traffic direction flags made of high visibility material when marking changes.

J Place light signs next to the cones to reinforce the preventive message.

J Signal to users that such operations are being carried out so that they circulate with
greater caution.

J All workers will circulate respecting the rules of the General Traffic Regulations and
road safety regulations.

J All workers when traveling by vehicle will therefore carry Cough the seat belts.

J All workers who use vehicles to travel will be in possession of a valid driving permit.

J All workers who use their vehicle to carry out transportation ments due to his work, he
will subject the vehicle to the relevant ITV.
C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel


environment of suspended particles pro coming from the smoke from the combustion
of the engines of the vehicles that circulate through the stations.

Because workers are exposed to the inhalation of toxic gases, compounds among
others: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide no, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.


J Periodic hygienic measurements must be carried out to determine the degree of their

How this exposure affects work should be periodically monitored. dores through
carrying out specific health examinations.


J Due to the circulation of vehicles, the work environment is noisy.


J Provision of acoustic shielding systems in the cabins in order to reduce noise

exposure levels.



Due to the transportation of the collection bags.

J Due to carrying out the transfer of boxes or other elements to the storage areas.

J Due to the performance of tasks related to the placement and transfer of the cones
in the marking changes.

J Because carrying out the tasks of the position involves performing multiple
extensions of the arm.
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector

J Because when collecting the payment, the gesture of picking up and delivering is
repetitive for the hand/arm.

J Because the worker can carry out a large part of his day in the same position: standing
(standing), sitting (sitting).



Whenever a load is handled, it will be done following the handling regulations.
manual handling of loads in safe conditions.

When moving a load from one place to another, it will always be moved with
adequate visibility and without elements that block the field of vision.

When it is necessary to handle heavy loads, this task will be carried out with
auxiliary mechanical traction equipment, and if these are not available, said task will be
carried out with the help of another person.

Repetitive tasks should be alternated with non-repetitive ones, as well as periodic

breaks and breaks.

Sitting/standing positions should be alternated to avoid overloading different parts

of the body.
C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel

J Due to the position that the worker must maintain inside the cabin.

4 Due to lack of space inside the cabin.

- Due to the maintenance of forced postures to handle the collection equipment located
inside the booths, which can lead to musculoskeletal lathes.

J Because lighting conditions may be inadequate, which will cause visual fatigue in


J The cabins must have enough space inside to house the work equipment and for the
worker to have space to perform their tasks without having to adopt forced postures.

J Workers will receive training on postural hygiene for rope eliminate possible
musculoskeletal disorders.

J The lighting conditions will be adequate so that workers do not have to make visual

J Take periodic breaks during the day.

C.3. Working conditions and occupational risks
of the operating personnel
3.1. Station manager/coordinator, toll collector


J Because the worker does not reflect his emotions to the users, which means he has to
hide his emotions.

J Because they have no control over work and rest times tired (vacations, breaks,…)

■ Because workers have difficulties being able to be absent to take breaks,

to go to the bathroom,… 4 Due to difficulties in reconciling professional and
personal life.

■ Because the content of the

tasks is repetitive, monotonous
and routine tinary.
Working conditions and
occupational risks associated
with electronic tolling

4.1. Risks associated with

the implementation of
electronic tolling
C.4. Working conditions and occupational risks
associated with electronic toll
4.1. Risks associated with the implementation of
electronic tolling
We start from a general perception ral
consisting in that the Electronic Toll
ELECTRONIC TOLLING system allows payment of tolls
without stopping vehicles per pair. te
of driver users. In
Since mid- regarding the
2004, and until details of this
today, the multi- system.
category electronic
tolling system has In
been put into coordination with
operation. gorial the UGT union
(allows heavy and sections of the car
light vehicles) on dealership
the different companies larger
sections of tracks, as well as
concessioned toll with the State
highways (state and Highway Subsector
regional) reach of the UGT, this
There was an chapter has been
implementation prepared, whose
percentage of 98% aim and purpose is
in 2008 on toll none other than to
highways. From highlight certain
UGT and in principles derations
coordination nation around this system
with companions of and the security
different conditions that it
concessionaires, entails.
different visits have Currently, in the toll
been made to the areas of the
affected work different highways
centers, with the there are exclusive
aim of re get all the dedicated lanes, in
information which payment can
C.4. Working conditions and occupational risks
associated with electronic toll
only be made perception tion of
through this high risk by
system, and mixed highway workers.
lanes, in which
different payment From our
systems can perspective, we
converge (metal co, have analyzed this
credit card and system cen
Electronic toll) bringing the
hypotheses of
In this action into
regard, our
considerations start
from one initial
situation of lack of
information tion
regarding the
characteristics of
the passage of
vehicles equipped
with OBE (on-board
equipment); in such
a way that in many
cases it is not
known what the
maximum step
speed is, nor what
are the instructions
derived from it if
tuation in
prevention in
general and self-
protection plans in
particular. cular,
linked all of this to a
regarding the risks of being run over
in the event of an accident on the
perimeter of the islands, of being run
over in the passing and hit-by-flight
incidents truck loading co; they
reach some conclusions that we will
detail below:



Toll workers are exposed to

the risk of being run over directly
when traveling on the road and to the
risk of being run over llo in case of
invasion by vehicles of the island
due to a collision or accident.

Toll workers must circulate

on the island to avoid traveling on
the road, since it is designed for
vehicle traffic. In all the roads visited,
the process of boom rre forces you
to travel on roads. The doors of the
toll booths in manual lanes, depa
They are always on a road, so, both
to access and exit, it is necessary, at
one time or another, to travel on the
C.4. Working conditions and occupational risks
associated with electronic tolling
4.1. Risks associated with the implementation of electronic
The passage areas from one island to
another generally run through areas
that see them. vehicles occupy in the
processes of
In the different toll payment centers with detention, ob-
of company jobs, there is have roads blocking the movement of workers
equipped with electronic tolls that safely.
workers must cross at the same level,
without any signs zation that indicates
the presence of workers to drivers, with
the consequent risk of being run over.

There is limit signage speed

tation; It is generally installed on the
highway, to see ces accompanied by
rugo bands sas, depending on the
slope, on the esplanade where the toll
is located. On the roads equipped with
te letoll, where the cars circulate ches
in proximity to those worked res, which
can be found on the islands and can
cross the road at any time depending
on needs, there is usually no speed
limit signage city or pedestrian
crossing indication signage. There are
also no rough strips that force drivers
to drive at slow speeds when traveling
between the islands, which makes it
possible to avoid pose the risk of being
run over.
4.1.3. REGARDING THE RISK OF explained, they have borated the
TRUCK LOADS the adoption of measures preventive
and better measures levels of
There is usually no system or protection of the safety and health of
installation that can minimize the workers dores, and that the delegates
effect of a displacement. ment and/or of pre vention may be taken into
overturning of load. Thus, any account, requesting from the business
incident in this regard can cause party its adoption in accordance with
serious damage. workers who are in the provisions of articles 36.2 f. and
the area of action of a possible 36.4 of the Labo Risk Prevention Law
overturning of the load, being rales.
independent tooth, to the possible
effects, the ubi cation of the 4.2.3. REGARDING THE RISK OF
worker in the cabin or RUN-OFF IN CASE OF AN ACCI
After what has been

The installation of barriers on the

islands is proposed (to protect protect
both users and workers) located
parallel to the axis of the road,
covering the periphery meter of each
island and guaranteeing the
longitudinal continuity of the system
containment issue, so that they
intercept the trajectory, contain and
redirect out-of-control vehicles to
avoid a collision with structural
natural areas of the island, and that it
can pro cause damage to workers
heh. This continuity of systems
C.4. Working conditions and occupational risks
associated with electronic toll
4.2. Proposals
containment will only be interrupted with an impact cushion in the front
by the passage areas as protection (beginning
of pedestrians that are established. of the island).
The interruptions of the perimeter being run over or colliding.
protection of the islands that are It is considered that the
established for passage areas must protections (containment and
have an access door to the road that cushioning systems) must be
will open in the opposite direction to equalized at all tolls, to guarantee the
the road. same level of safety for all. two
workers. In this way, the multiplicity of
Barriers can be me tallic, with front bumper models that currently
the normal characteristics malized The quality that exists in the
corresponding to the type of vehicle concessionaires must be adjusted to
they must contain, when the maximum the needs that, with respect to the
degree of deformation during the cushioning and redirection of the
impact is not Allow the barrier to vehicles that transit, are proposed in
deform, so that workers can circulate. this document. crit.
lar behind the barriers, without risk of

Because the toll islands tend to have even reduced chutes and could
not possibly accommodate the deformation of a metal fence in the event of a
collision, nor guarantee the safety of workers, the installation of containment
systems is proposed. tion of type "F" concrete, since they work well in areas
where space is not available. The width of the island must also be taken into
account, and to this effect, if necessary nor 1.5 m., concrete is proposed
The protections installed, in in cars. tomatics, as well as other
addition to reducing the severity of repair and/or maintenance tasks,
accidents caused by users, must cleaning, etc. Therefore, passageways
protect workers. downpipes that are must be left free of obstructions.
located behind them. The containment tacles to prevent them from working
systems, if the circulation of all types drivers travel on the road, when do
of vehicles is anticipated, must be they have to open or close the pen.
compatible. Compatible for heavy
vehicles and light vehicles. The islands must be made
accessible from the cabin or
For the purpose of the above, machine. automatic collection system
any other bar can be applied. security to the extreme, so that the workers res
officer who has a certificate can access the fence (plus ma)
accrediting compliance ment of opening and closing of the road or
technical specifications mandatory lane and manipulating them, avoiding
specifications and/or document the risk of being run over by driving
accrediting the recognition of the on the road, whether it is the same
brand, seal or quality mark road or the adjacent one. These
established in UNE-EN-1317. pedestrian circulation paths within the
island must be a minimum of 1 m

These security measures wide, if technically possible. In case

must be applied and complemented this measure If it is technically

with the criteria included in the law. impossible, a motorized boom

current road safety legislation, taking opening and closing system will be

into account additional risks tionals installed.

that can be generated.



When traffic is very dense it

is difficult to cross on the road. ment
that no car approaches, to fulfill the
functions of responding to incidents
C.4. Working conditions and occupational risks
associated with electronic toll
4.2. Proposals
On manual roads, all vehicles
will be required to stop. nerse. The
electronic toll system is another
means of paying tolls and its
acceptance on these roads cannot be
of being detrimental to the safety of
workers; for all of which there will be a
challenge system of the opening of the
exit boom and turning the traffic light
to green that materializes an effective
stop of all vehicles passing through
manual toll lanes.

The set of measures positions

must be complemented with internal
regulations for those cases in which
there is a need for the worker to travel
on the road, to attend to users or any
other task, in places where different
from those marked.
limited speed and install it tion

The measures mentioned in of rough strips to slow down

the paragraph above are completed the entry speed of vehicles. In

they will lie with some of the yes any case, the vehicle detection

following systems or with others with process, co telematic brochure

similar effects: and opening of the exit boom,

will not allow the passage of
Preferably it is urged will be light vehicles at speeds greater
a step-by-step system different than 40 km/h for light vehicles
level in the ways Exclusive and 20 km/h for heavy vehicles
electronic toll roads, whether two.
underground or elevated.

The adequacy of the speed of

passage of vehicles, by means
of signaling
All this taking into account removing obstacles that may
There is the mandatory stop of get in the way. between those
any type of vehicle on roads and the driver at the distance in
with manual collection. This which they should be
measure is complemented will perceived, and avoiding the
have signage for users, on the crowd typlicity of signs.
one hand, and with doors
(previous mentioned) and sign This system must guarantee
warning of danger to workers, that the workers who cross
on the other. enter or cross the electronic
toll lanes, do so with sufficient
Regarding the signage for safety measures cient and
users, it is proposed that it appropriate.
consist of intermittent light
signage, which warns of the J The exit from the toll booths
pedestrian crossing. nes at the will lead to a SAFE AREA.
entrance to the toll, with Understanding as such the
voluntary activation river on the areas that are protected on the
part of the workers dores that perimeter with a type “F”
have to be crossed, and with a concrete wall. Under no
minimum time of signal circumstances will the exit from
termitancy due gives the the cabins lead the worker to a
distance that must be traveled. road with open traffic.
This signage will complement
the signage tion of pedestrian The security measures
crossing to the road. applied will have to comply comply
with current road safety legislation
The signage has the objective and never generating added risks
tive of quickly informing
vehicle drivers those about the
itinerary to follow, the dangers
and obstacles that we may
encounter and obligations.
When placing signs, care must
be taken to pay attention to the
conditions that must be met,
placing them in visible places,
C.4. Working conditions and occupational risks
associated with electronic toll
4.2. Proposals



The installation of rigid containment systems, anti-rollover of truck

loads, is proposed on the islands between which circulate.
on heavy vehicles with the possibility load displacement capacity; will be taken
into account for these systems issues that do not add other risks to workers
and users, to protect workers from the possible displacement of a truck's load.

The mini anti-tip system mitigates the effect of car rollover truck and
will have to be protected like the rest of the elements. ments of the island, to
avoid co injuries to users and damage to workers.

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