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No._______ Start Date: ___________________

I. TIME : CHILD CARE ACTIVITY : Greeting/Grooming/Feeding/Use of SS.HH/Changing of Clothes/ Departure
II. TIMING: AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITY AND FREE PLAY : Areas of Interest -Use of materials: -Concrete -Structured -
Unstructured (Observation Sheet Record and/or Anecdotal)
Name of the boy-girl Age Name of the boy-girl Age

2.CHARACTERIZATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS : Prioritized Interests and/or Observed Needs of the children specify the
behavior (what they do on their own initiative, how they do it, what they know, what their interest focuses on, what fears or insecurities
they have, How are your fears evident, what difficulties do you have when receiving care, physical or when playing.)
- Children move with ease and agility
- Boys and girls play to imitate roles, and represent activities, situations and roles related to their daily experience.
-they get excited and ask for support from the pec.
-The children request support from the pec. to participate in their games


Competence Learning Standard expected at the Performance What tells me about the child's
end of CYCLE I level of competency achievement
PS. He develops autonomously through his Interacts with significant adult, walks away Manipulates their games and
Live together feeling safe, then returns for support
motor skills when he explores and household items
and participate discovers his possibilities of
democratically in movement and the parts of his body.
the search for Performs basic motor actions in which
the common it coordinates movements to move and
good manipulate objects.

He develops Expresses bodily sensations in everyday Jump and clap when

autonomously situations through gesture, tone, posture Performs exploration actions and games in
accomplishing an action
and movements. which he coordinates movements of his
through his
hands and feet
motor skills.

material you will use, type of adult accompaniment .
Spaces: I condition the internal space with the home theme box: kitchen table images of fruits of autonomous activity,
clean, safe and spacious, so that the children can move freely, run, jump, use the materials, explore
Materials :
Home theme box: kitchen plates cups, cutlery,

Accompaniment: The PEC provides indirect accompaniment, observes, supports, interacts and directly when needed or
requested by the child when requested for materials, in moments of contention when they have conflicts.

Action Projects carried out by the children: What did the children do in the conditioned space? What
use did they give to the materials? What did they play? How do you feel? What emotion do you express? What type
of support did you need? Note: to describe or record the child's action(s), you can use different evaluation instruments, such as the
anecdote , an instrument for monitoring the development and learning of boys and girls from zero to three years old.

No._______ Start Date : ___________________

I. TIME : CHILD CARE ACTIVITY : Greeting/Grooming/Feeding/Use of SS.HH/Changing of Clothes/ Departure

II. TIMING: AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITY AND FREE PLAY : Areas of Interest -Use of materials: -Concrete -Structured -
Unstructured (Observation Sheet Record and/or Anecdotal)
Name of the boy-girl Age Name of the boy-girl Age

2.CHARACTERIZATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS : Prioritized Interests and/or Observed Needs of the children specify the
behavior (what they do on their own initiative, how they do it, what they know, what their interest focuses on, what fears or insecurities
they have, how their fears are evident, what difficulties they have when receiving care, physical or when playing.)
- Children move with ease and agility
- Boys and girls play to imitate roles, and represent activities, situations and roles related to their daily experience.
-they get excited and ask for support from the pec.
-The children request support from the pec. to participate in their games


Competence Learning Standard expected at the Performance What tells me about the child's
end of CYCLE I level of competency achievement
Communication He expresses himself spontaneously Expresses emotions and interests and reports Manipulates their games and
Communicate some experiences when interacting with people
through verbal language, relying on household items
in their family and local environment.
orally in your gestures and body language with the
native language purpose of interacting with other
people in his environment. Responds to familiar people in his family
environment who speak to him with signs,
gestures, smiles and looks, body movements

Discovery of the Explore Objects and Spaces in everyday Classify objects in the same
world situations, using your senses and your own It organizes and organizes objects and
strategies orders them through exploration with all
Solve Movement -Manipulate and play with
their senses in interaction with others.
and Location
polyhedra, geometric figures
calling it.
Establishes space relationships through
exploration with your body and all your
senses in your immediate environment

material you will use, type of adult accompaniment .
Spaces: I condition the internal space with the themed box images of the home: kitchen table images of fruits of
autonomous activity, clean, safe and spacious, so that the children can move freely, run, jump, use the materials, explore
Materials :
Home theme box: kitchen plates cups, cutlery,

Accompaniment: The PEC provides indirect accompaniment, observes, supports, interacts and directly when needed or
requested by the child when requested for materials, in moments of contention when they have conflicts.

Action Projects carried out by the children: What did the children do in the conditioned space? What
use did they give to the materials? What did they play? How do you feel? What emotion do you express? What type
of support did you need? Note: to describe or record the child's action(s), you can use different evaluation instruments, such as the
anecdote , an instrument for monitoring the development and learning of boys and girls from zero to three years old.
No._______ Start Date: ___________________
I. TIME : CHILD CARE ACTIVITY : Greeting/Grooming/Feeding/Use of SS.HH/Changing of Clothes/ Departure
II. TIMING: AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITY AND FREE PLAY : Areas of Interest -Use of materials: -Concrete -Structured -
Unstructured (Observation Sheet Record and/or Anecdotal)
Name of the boy-girl Age Name of the boy-girl Age

2.CHARACTERIZATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS : Prioritized Interests and/or Observed Needs of the children specify the
behavior (what they do on their own initiative, how they do it, what they know, what their interest focuses on, what fears or insecurities
they have, How are your fears evident, what difficulties do you have when receiving care, physical or when playing.)
- Children move with ease and agility
- It is observed that some children enjoy playing with balloons, they explore, manipulate, crush them, run, catch them, throw
them up and catch them, some use the words up-down
-Also with balls, cloth balls, sand balls, balls with relief, they are always looking to catch them,


Competence Learning Standard expected at the Performance What tells me about the child's
end of CYCLE I level of competency achievement
PSYCHOCOMOT. He develops autonomously through his Performs actions and movements autonomously
He develops motor skills when he explores and – in which he expresses his emotions – to
explore with his body and interact with the
autonomously discovers his possibilities of
environment: he runs, goes up and down steps
through his movement and the parts of his body.
alternating feet, jumps from small heights,
motor skills Performs basic motor actions in which experiments with his body about balance and
it coordinates movements to move and imbalance, It makes turns, climbs and slides
manipulate objects. down small slopes with confidence. Performs
exploration and play actions, in which he
coordinates movements of his hands and feet.
Expresses his bodily sensations and needs by
mentioning them in different situations of
interaction, play and daily care.
OFF WORLD Explores space in everyday situations using
Solve problems their senses and their own strategies, He uses verbal and non-verbal expressions in
moves, recognizes the position, location of his daily life such as some simple words up,
of shape and
objects and understands some simple down; in and out.
movement and
expressions related to their location.

material you will use, type of adult accompaniment .
Spaces: I prepare the autonomous activity space, clean, safe and spacious, so that the children can move freely, run, jump,
use the materials, explore
Materials : large and small balloons,
gebe, cloth and sand balls; I also put boxes, baskets within your reach

Accompaniment: The PEC provides indirect accompaniment, observes, supports, interacts and directly when needed or
requested by the child when requested.

Action Projects carried out by the children: What did the children do in the conditioned space? What
use did they give to the materials? What did they play? How do you feel? What emotion do you express? What type
of support did you need? Note: to describe or record the child's action(s), you can use different evaluation instruments, such as the
anecdote , an instrument for monitoring the development and learning of boys and girls from zero to three years old.


No._______ Start Date: ___________________
I. TIME : CHILD CARE ACTIVITY : Greeting/Grooming/Feeding/Use of SS.HH/Clothing Change/ Departure
II. TIMING: AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITY AND FREE PLAY : Areas of Interest -Use of materials: -Concrete -Structured -
Unstructured (Observation Sheet Record and/or Anecdotal)
Name of the boy-girl Age Name of the boy-girl Age

2.CHARACTERIZATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS : Prioritized Interests and/or Observed Needs of the children specify the
behavior (what they do on their own initiative, how they do it, what they know, what their interest focuses on, what fears or insecurities
they have, How are your fears evident, what difficulties do you have when receiving care, physical or when playing.)
They enjoy role-playing activities with dolls; They wash them, comb their hair, wrap them, bathe them
Use clothes to dress and undress them over and over again
They demonstrate concentration when performing role plays
Competence Learning Standard expected at the Performance What tells me about the child's
end of CYCLE I level of competency
achievement (evidence)
Build your identity by becoming aware of Recognizes their needs, sensations and interests, -Dresses and undresses
PERS. S.O.C. the aspects that make you unique. differentiates them from those of others, through dolls, puts them to bed
1.1Build your He identifies with some of his physical words, actions, gestures or movements. He does
-try to wash their hands,
identity characteristics, his likes and dislikes and some things on his own and makes his decisions
bathe them, wrap them,
interests, his name and his family count.
He feels part of his family, recognizes its members clean them
members. Participate in personal care and
and other familiar people. Takes the initiative to
in various activities based on your
carry out daily play activities and some personal
initiative and possibilities. Seek and care actions in accordance with their interests and
accept the comfort and company of their motor possibilities, showing joy and pride in doing
significant adult when they feel so. Asks for adult help when needed.
vulnerable and insecure, as well as when Expresses his emotions through gestures, body
some of their actions affect another. movements or words, and recognizes some emotions
in others when the adult mentions it to him.
Seek comfort and attention from the adult to feel
safe and regulate an intense emotion. Tolerates
waiting for short periods of time and manages the
frustration of some desires.
Communicates orally, listens to what Expresses their needs, emotions, interests and -talks with the dolls
COMMUNICATIO others say, asks and answers. It reports on some experiences when interacting with -Gives signs of affection,
N expresses itself spontaneously people in their family and local environment. Use
smiles, coos, gives kisses
3.1 Communicates through verbal language, relying on frequently used words, signs, smiles, looks,
orally in his/her gestures and body language, with gestures, as well as body movements, with the
native language the purpose of interacting with intention of communicating.
others. participates – in conversations or when listening to
stories, fables, riddles and other stories from oral
tradition – asking questions or responding with
everyday words to questions asked.

material you will use, type of adult accompaniment .
Spaces: I condition the space for autonomous activity, spacious, clean and with organized materials

Materials: I arrange dolls, clothes, socks, towels, tubs, baskets, blankets, purses, combs in the space; containers of shampoo,
soap, enough for each child
Action Projects carried out by the children: What did the children do in the conditioned space? What
use did they give to the materials? What did they play? How do you feel? What emotion do you express? What type
of support did you need? Note: to describe or record the child's action(s), you can use different evaluation instruments, such as the
anecdote , an instrument for monitoring the development and learning of boys and girls from zero to three years old.


No._______ Start Date: ___________________
I. TIME : CHILD CARE ACTIVITY : Greeting/Grooming/Feeding/Use of SS.HH/Clothing Change/ Departure
II. TIMING: AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITY AND FREE PLAY : Areas of Interest -Use of materials: -Concrete -Structured -
Unstructured (Observation Sheet Record and/or Anecdotal)
Name of the boy-girl Age Name of the boy-girl Age

2.CHARACTERIZATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS : Prioritized Interests and/or Observed Needs of the children specify the
behavior (what they do on their own initiative, how they do it, what they know, what their interest focuses on, what fears or insecurities
they have, How are your fears evident, what difficulties do you have when receiving care, physical or when playing.)
They show great affection when they see their family, when they go to pick them up from PRONOEI
They point out their family in photos, cards, on cell phones.
He looks and smiles when he sees his family.
Competence Learning Standard expected at the Performance What tells me about the child's
end of CYCLE I level of competency
achievement (evidence)
Build your identity by becoming aware of He feels part of his family, recognizes its members
PERS. SOC. the aspects that make you unique. and other familiar people. Takes the initiative to
carry out daily play activities and some personal
He identifies with some of his physical
care actions in accordance with their interests and
characteristics, his likes and dislikes and motor possibilities, showing joy and pride in doing
interests, his name and his family so. Asks for adult help when needed.
members. Participate in personal care and
in various activities based on your
initiative and possibilities. Seek and
accept the comfort and company of their
significant adult when they feel
vulnerable and insecure, as well as when
some of their actions affect another.
Communicates orally, listens to what Expresses their needs, emotions, interests and
COMMUNICATIO others say, asks and answers. It reports on some experiences when interacting
expresses itself spontaneously through with people in their family and local environment.
verbal language, relying on gestures and Use frequently used words, signs, smiles, looks,
body language, with the purpose of gestures, as well as body movements, with the
interacting with others. intention of communicating.
participates – in conversations or when listening
to stories, fables, riddles and other stories from
oral tradition – asking questions or responding
with everyday words to questions asked.

material you will use, type of adult accompaniment .

Materials: Family photos, with grandparents, photo frame baskets (Grandparents' Day)
Accompaniment: I provide indirect accompaniment, I observe, support, interact and then direct when the children need it or
when they request it.

Action Projects carried out by the children: What did the children do in the conditioned space? What
use did they give to the materials? What did they play? How do you feel? What emotion do you express? What type
of support did you need? Note: to describe or record the child's action(s), you can use different evaluation instruments, such as the
anecdote , an instrument for monitoring the development and learning of boys and girls from zero to three years old.

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