Advanced English Vocabulary

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What's up guys?
How are you guys doing this week? Let's hope very well since today you
are going to learn advanced English vocabulary . All the vocabulary
entries that we publish are focused on helping you improve your
Speaking or Writing both in general English classes and in official exam
preparation classes (see, Aptis General and Aptis Advanced ). They help
you, we hope, to better understand the Reading texts or fully understand
the Listenings. This is mainly aimed at all those students, teachers or
candidates who want to take an official English exam and obtain C1 or
C2. Anyhow let's get started!
Let's start with the personalities and their adjectives like
sophisticated ...learn some of them first so you don't get caught by
surprise, for example in the Aptis General Speaking Part .

1. Personalities in
English ( personalities )
 ambitious : having or showing a strong desire and determination to
 cynical : seeing little or no good in others, selfish and dishonest in a
way that shows no concern about treating other people fairly
 eccentric : tending to act in strange or unusual ways
 egotistical : considering oneself better than others
 irritating : annoying, bothersome
 picky : hard to please, too careful in choosing something
 sophisticated : having or showing a lot of experience/knowledge
about the world and about culture, literature, etc.
 thoughtful : consider yourself; showing concern for the needs or
feelings of other people
Have you noticed that the definition of an adjective begins with another
adjective or a gerund? Keep this in mind if you have to define words in
your official exam, such as in the practical English exercise Master's
Examinations .
Also in some real speaking Aptis Advanced model we would have to talk
about higher education . Some words from this vocabulary will surely help
you do an exercise worthy of C1.
2. Higher education
 apprenticeship : training in an art/ a trade ( used to describe
educational training programs, common in Europe and much of the
 to be funded : to be paid for, to supply the money for
 to major : to specialize in (a particular academic field)
 a major : the main field of study in which a university students
 to minor : to have a secondary specialization in (a particular
academic field)
 a minor : the secondary field of study in which a student specializes
 Ph.D .: doctorate, highest graduate degree.
If, for example, they ask you in an official English exam what you are
most interested in studying, you could say that you are interested in the
aerospace industry. Surely more than one will be left open- mouthed….

3. Aerospace industry
 aerospace : an industry that deals with travel in and above the
Earth's atmosphere
 controversy : argument/debate about something
 to coordinate : to bring people together so they can work more
efficiently or effectively
 to foster : to encourage (something) to grow or develop
 a liaison : a person who works as a representative or connection
between two or more companies, agencies, groups, countries, etc.
 a mission : the purpose for which a person or thing is sent; a
special military or technical project
 a probe : a machine sent to explore or check an area
 a stepping-stone : something that helps you get or achieve
 a venture : a project or course of action which involves risk or

…and returning to reality In case you happen to be thinking about

changing jobs and getting an apartment , this vocabulary can get you out
of any unforeseen situation so that your mind has not gone blank .
3. Job change
 competitive : liking competition, always competing with other
people used to describe personalities (used to describe markets,
industries or businesses)
 dedicated : very loyal; working hard for a company/idea
 to be bought out : to be purchased, taken over by another company
 to be laid off : to lose your job because the company wants to
reduce the number of employees
 to retrain : to reeducate someone for a job, train again
 to streamline : to improve the performance of something; to simplify
a process

4. Get an
 an application : a written request for an apartment, a job or
entrance into a school or an organization
 a credit report : a complete history of a person's paying habits
 a deposit : to put money in a bank
 to fill out : to complete (a form) by writing in the information
 a landlord/landlady : the man/woman who runs an apartment
building or property
 to sublet : to rent your apartment temporarily to someone else
 a tenant : a person who is renting a room or apartment
Even after having thought so much about work and looking for an
apartment, you may have already gotten hungry and decide to go to the
grocery shop/store to buy what you need...
5. At the supermarket
 a bill: a request for payment
 to deduct : to take away, subtract (an amount of money)
 a discount : a reduction in the cost of a product
 to issue : to officially give out or print
 pressed for time : (idiom) in a hurry
 to swipe : to put a card through a computerized machine quickly so
it can scan the information ( use this word with ATM cards, credit
…but not before remembering that item you purchased that is not worth it,
so the vocabulary of returns and refunds is necessary to know how to
communicate well.
6. Returns and refunds
 to carry : to offer a particular item for sale
 a defect : a technical problem, a flaw, a mistake in construction
 exchange : to change one item for another
 a policy : a plan or course of action in business or government
which is regularly followed
 to refund : to return money which a person paid for a product or
 to ship : to send something large through the mail
 store credit : a credit given to a customer which can be used to buy
a new product
 a warranty : a guarantee given by a company which ensures that
the product they sell is well made
You also think about that hiking you had planned for the weekend with
your friends.
7. Hiking/Trekking
 altitude sickness : an illness caused from being at high elevations
 a canteen : a container used for carrying drinking water
 dehydration : a physical condition caused by not drinking enough
 gear : equipment used for a particular purpose (camping, fishing,
 to hike : to go on a walk through nature for pleasure/exercise
 a porter : a person who carries gear and supplies on a trek
 a ranger: a person who is employed to take care of a national park
 trail : a path (through forest, grass, sand) created when many
people or animals walk back and forth over the same area
 trek : a journey over a great distance
You talked about it last week at the coffee house where there was a lot of
humor between all of you, without forgetting the opinions that you all
shared about all those entertaining films.
8. Cafes
 to appeal to : to attract or interest (a certain group of people) to
blendV. to combine, mix together
 to chat : to talk in a friendly, informal way/ a chat : an informal
 decaf : without caffeine, with reduced caffeine
 a fad : a trend, a short-term interest
 to hang out : to spend time at a place (just being with friends)
 overpriced : costing too much money
 to pop up : to suddenly appear
 to sip : to slowly drink
 trendy: too fashionable
9. Humor
 to crack up : to laugh uncontrollably
 dry : not obvious, subtle (sense of humor)
 to giggle : to laugh a little without opening your mouth very much
 to kid : to make jokes
 a stand-up comedian : a person who entertains by telling humorous
stories and jokes (usually live)
 silly : funny in a slightly stupid way;
 twisted : using sick or disgusting things in a humorous way
 witty : funny in an intelligent way
10. Entertainment Movies
 artsy : extremely artistic, overly artistic, too artistic
 entertaining : something which entertains; amusing and interesting
 hilarious : something which is very funny; something that makes
you laugh
 intense : 1) containing strong emotions or feelings 2) extreme
 mainstream : which something is usual, or commonly done
 suspenseful : something which makes you keep guessing or makes
you question how something will end
 thought-provoking : something which makes you think used to
describe many different things, such as movies, books,
conversations, ideas, issues, etc.
Oh, without forgetting the change of opinions regarding politics, the
presidential elections that are going to happen soon and were announced
on TV .
11. Presidential Elections
 to abandon : to leave something behind; to give something up
 to back : to give support to
 a ballot : the piece of paper you write your vote on
 a campaign : 1) the process of trying to get oneself (or someone
else) elected 2) an attempt or series of attempts to achieve a goal
 to cast (a ballot) : to put (your ballot) in the ballot box
 connections : social relationships which allow you certain
opportunities; someone who helps you to get a job, raise money
 a debate : formal argument on a controversial topic
 to elect: to choose someone to be a leader through a democratic
 election : the process of choosing a leader through a democratic
 to run for president : to campaign to be president, to try to become
 vote : to formally express one's choice in writing or by raising one's
hand; to make one's choice in an election

 a couch potato : a lazy person who sits around all day watching TV
 to kick back : to sit in a big comfortable chair or lie on a couch and
 prime-time : between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM every night
 a sitcom : called also situation show ; a show that is on TV regularly
and that is about a group of characters who are involved in different
funny situations
 trials and tribulations : problems and difficulties of life
 trivia : unimportant facts or details
Vocabulary source:
That's all friends!

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