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Name: Wenceslao, Allen Jasper M.

Date April 11, 2024

Section: BSEE 2-1 Subject: EE Laws

Reaction Paper: RA 7920 – New Electrical Engineering Law

Group No.1
Resource Speakers: Castilla, Austin Clark.
Dela Soledad, Janelle
Javier, Rhassel Rose
Pergis, Gwen Lyka
Reyes, Amiell
Sevilla, Djohlan Ysa
Date of Reporting: April 4, 2024

The reporting with regards to the RA 7920 – New Electrical Engineering Law, it is well

stated that this topic revolved on the regulation in the practice, licensing and the registration for

electrical engineers. Based on the article 1, the definition of terms correlating with electrical

engineering is well defined as it describe the commonly used terms or words under the field of

electrical engineering. Knowing and understanding these terms is a critical part when undergoing

with this field for the reason that it is the words that an electrical engineer should know in order

to comprehend and understand to render professional electrical engineering service in this field.

On the other hand, it is also discussed the Article 2 that includes the board in electrical

engineering. In this article, it is about the board of electrical engineering that tackles on the

composition of the board, power and duties of the board, the requirements you should have in

order to be a professional electrical engineer, the subjects that you need to study in order to pass

the board exams, qualifications of being a board member. Also, in the article 2 of RA 7920, it is

discussed that the board members in electrical engineering are Francis V. Mapile and Engr.

Jaime V. Mendoza.
Furthermore, the Article 3 that have been reported in this topic revolves around the

examination and registration in order to be a licensed and professional electrical engineer. It is

stated that for able to practice electrical engineering profession in the Philippines you must take

and passed the board exam first as stated under the act of RA 7920. Also, you must have a

registration and license before practicing the profession of electrical engineering. This article

also tackles about the fees that you should pay in order to take the exam, to register and toe get

your license. Lastly for the article 4, the reporters have discussed about the provisions relative in

practice of electrical engineering. This article covers the on what is the practice or the work of

electrical engineer under this field. The reporters presented that registered electrical engineers

covers the work under the supervision of operation, maintenance in electrical equipment,

manufacture of electrical supply, repair electrical suppl, teaching of electrical subjects, and

distribution of electrical equipment that is use in electrical engineering. Also, it is discussed the

personnel required under section 33 where electrical plants has it own maintenance that requiring

a registered master electrician for same as other plants like industrial plants or either watercrafts

or electric locomotive because all of these are requiring the use of electricity to operate and the

only one can maintain this is a registered electrical engineer.

Moreover, I’ve learned some of the aspects with regards to the electrical engineering field

including the definition of terms, board members, board examination and the practices of being

an Electrical Engineer. As a student in Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, I aimed

forward with acquiring the license as an electrical engineer in order to serve and cooperate with

this field. Studying and pursuing this course is critical in order to passed the Board Examination

since this serve as my training grounds before I take the exam and also for my preparation in the

work proper under this field. The technical matters that I can consider that relevant to my subject
is the Article 1 Section 2 where it covers the definition of terms that is used widely in the field of

electrical engineering. Understand and knowing these terms are critical in being an electrical

engineer because these are the terms you should know to practice in this field and these terms are

mostly tackle also on the subjects that I’m taking to thus this article is important for me to


As what have the reporters presented with regards to RA 7920, it is clear and well

presented. All reporters have discussed their part well and elaborate every article in simple terms

where you can understand it easily. Since this act has a lot of articles, the reporters only

presented every important part but discuss it detailed on every part. Thus, the overall report is

most likely to be clear and precise. Besides, the purpose of the report is to understand the first

steps that you need to know in order to be an electrical engineer starting from the terms you

should know up until to the coverage of board exam that you will taking to be license, and lastly

the practice of an electrical engineer and its field. Moreover, understanding this Republic Act

No. 7920 is not just valuable but also important when you’re taking the course of Electrical

Engineering since every article that covers this republic act is a critical part in becoming a

licensed electrical engineer. Every part of the report that is initiated is very informative since the

articles revolve on the process on how to be a licensed electrical engineer.

In conclusion, the entire report about the RA 7920 – New Electrical Engineering Law is

instructive where it will lead you on the process in becoming a licensed electrical engineer. Thus,

every part of it is informative and crucial because every article is a must-know in taking the field

of electrical engineering. And to sum, understanding every aspect of the report is very important

for me as I take this course and it’ll lead my way in the future of becoming a licensed electrical


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