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Objective: Know verbal and non-verbal language through

various types of examples.

verbal and non-
Communication is a fundamental part of human
What is communication?

□ The act of communicating is a complex process in which two

or more people relate and, through an exchange of messages
with similar codes.

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Types of communication

Verbal communication :

□ □ It is the use of words in oral (sounds-

phonemes) and written (letters-graphemes)

For example : “I love sleeping on the weekends.”

□ Non-verbal communication
It is communication that does not use phonemes
or graphemes. Humans use different languages,
complementary to each other, to communicate and
express more precisely what we want to say.
Parts of non-verbal communication

□ Gestures
□ Gestures are movements of the face and hands with
which we express various emotions and help us

□ Example: Smile, wink, peace sign with your hands.

□ Proxemic Language

Not only gestures make up non-verbal communication.

There are also certain codes associated with the distances
we assume in
certain situations

Example: The distance with your teacher.

o Iconic language

o Type of communication whose message is delivered through

an image or drawing. In most cases, information is provided
It is the technique that humans use to communicate through
□ Para-verbal language
control of the tone of the voice, timbre, and intonation.

□ 1.-Identify the use of verbal language in at least 3 dialogues of the

Ex: swallow!
The actor uses a raised tone of voice for reasons of pain when seeing his friend die.

□ 2.- Write 4 examples where different types of proxemic language are

□ 3.- write 4 examples of iconic language and explain their importance.
□ 4.- Write a continuation for the end of the play “The Happy Prince”. And
read it in front of your classmates, using verbal language.

1 .- Identify the use of verbal language in at least 3 dialogues of the work.

Ex: swallow!
The actor uses a raised tone of voice for reasons of pain when seeing his friend die.
2 .- Write 4 examples where different types of proxemic language are presented.
3 .- Write 4 examples of iconic language and explain their importance.
4 .- Write a short work about the life of the happy prince when he was alive, using
verbal language, then read it in front of your classmates.

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