The Milkmaid

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The milkmaid.

A long time ago, on a farm

surrounded by animals, lived young
Elisa. One summer morning he woke
up earlier than usual.

Congratulations, Elisa! - his

mother told him -. I hope that
today the cows give a lot of milk
because then you will go to sell it to
the town and all the money they
give you for it will be for you. That
will be my birthday gift.

Now that was a surprise! No wonder Elisa thought that

something good was going to happen to her! She, who had never
had money, was going to be the owner of everything they gave
her for milk. And if that were not enough, it seemed that the
cows had also agreed to congratulate her, because that day they
gave more milk than ever!

When she had a large jug filled to the top with delicious milk,
the milkmaid set off.

He had begun to calculate what he would get for the milk when
he heard a cart being pulled by a donkey. In it Lucia went to the
town to sell her vegetables.

-Do you want to come with me in the car? - he asked him.

- Thank you very much, but I won't go up because with the

bumps the milk can leak and today what I win will be for me.

-Whew...! good luck! - Lucia exclaimed -. Surely you already

know what you are going to spend it on.
When Lucía left, Elisa started thinking about the things she
could buy with that money.

I already know what I'm going to buy: a basket full of eggs! I

will wait for the chicks to come out, take care of them and feed
them very well. and when they grow up they will become
beautiful roosters and hens.
Elisa was already imagining the chickens grown and beautiful
and continued thinking about what she would do next.

- Then I will go to sell them at the market, and with the money
I earn I will buy a little pig, I will feed it very well and everyone
will want to buy the pig from me, so when I sell it, with the
money I get, I will buy me a calf that will give much milk.
Wonderful! It will be like every day is my birthday and I have
money to spend.

Elisa could already imagine selling her milk in the market and
buying dresses, shoes and other things.

She was so happy with her fantasies that she accidentally

tripped over a branch on the ground and the pitcher broke.

-Goodbye to my chicks and my hens and my little pig and my

calf! Goodbye to my dreams of having a farm! Not only have I
lost the milk but the jug has broken. What am I going to tell my
mother? All this serves me well for being such a fantasist!

And that's how the milkmaid's story ends. However. When he

returned to the farm he told his mother what had happened. His
mother was a very understanding mother and spoke to him like
- Don't worry, daughter, when I was your age I was just as
fanciful as you, but thanks to that I started doing businesses
similar to what you imagined and in the end. I managed to have
this farm. Imagination is good if it is accompanied by a little
care with what you do.

Elisa learned a lot that day and from then on she was careful
when her mother sent her to the market.

Adaptation of the fable of La fontaine.

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