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Nagar 
-600 101

Annual Examination 2022-233887


Class XI Date 01.03.23

Name Roll No.
Max.Marks 70 Duration 3 Hours

General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.

2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice
is given in Q35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

Select the most appropriate option out of the options given for each question.
1 Convert 1110010111012 = ( __________)8 1
XI Computer Science Annual Examination – CSC A Page 1 of 6
a)E5E18 b) 71358 c) E5D8 d) 36778
2 What will be the output for the following statement. 1
print (n = 58)
a)58.0 b) 58 c) n = 58 d) error
3 Single line comments in Python begins with_______ 1
a)% b) >>> c) # d) ’’’
4 Find the output for the following: 1
for i in range(1,15,3):
print(i,end =’,’)
a) 1,20,3, b) 1,4,7,10,13, c) 1,3,5,7,9,11,13, d) 0,3,6,9,12,14,

5 How many times loop will execute: 1

q = 35
while p<= q:

a) 35 b) 6 c) 5 d) 7
6 What will be the output of following program: 1
str = "Annual Examination”
print (str.capitalize())

a) ANNUAL EXAMINATION b) Annual Examination c) Annual examination d) aNNUAL eXAMINATION

7 What will be the output of following program: 1

print("abbdcccaccaccabcd".count('cca', 2, 5))
a) 2 b) 1 c) 0 d) -1
8 What will be the output of following program: 1

a) [1, 3, 5, 2, 4] b) [2,1, 3, 5, 2, 4] c) [1, 3, 5, 4] d) error

9 What will be the output of following code- 1

a) 2 b) 7 c) 5 d) 4
10 ________ function adds a single item at the end of the existing list. It modifies the 1
original list rather than a new list.
a) extend() b) append() c) concatenation d) pop()
11 ________ returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to x. 1
a) ceil() b) floor() c) range() d) random()
12 What will be the output for the following Python statement: 1
a) 12 b) -12.8 c) 12.8 d) -12
13 1
_______ is called the act of stealing someone’s personal information like name, login
details, etc.
a) Phishing b) Plagiarism c) Hacking d) identity theft

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14 Unauthorized monitoring of other people’s communication is called _______ 1
a) Spamming b) Malware c) Eavesdropping d) Adware

15 A self-replicating program that eats up the entire disk space or memory is called_______ 1
a) Trojan horse b) Worm c) Virus d) None of these
16 Ravi received a mail from IRS department. On-clicking “Click Here” (a link provided in 1
the email) he was taken to a site designed to imitate an official looking website such as He uploaded some important information on it. Identify the cybercrime being
discussed in the above scenario from the following:
a) Phishing b) Plagiarism c) Hacking d) Virus Attack

Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct
choice as
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is false but R is True.

17 Assertion(A): Both max() and min() functions are implemented on lists as well as tuples 1
in Python.

Reasoning(R): The max() and min() functions return the highest and the lowest among
a set of values stored in a list or tuple respectively.
18 Assertion(A): You can add an element in a dictionary using key : value pair. 1
Reasoning(R): A new (key: value) pair is added only when the same key doesn’t exist in
the dictionary. If the key is already present, then the existing key gets updated and the
new entry will be made in the dictionary.
19 Convert the following: 2
1256.7510 = (________)2 = (_________)16
20 Evaluate the following expression: 2
a) 16-8**2//6+8
b) True and (16//4+1)
21 Find error(s) in the following code (if any ) and correct it by rewriting the code and 2
underline the corrections:
a = int(“enter the value of a:”)
for i in range(0,11):
if a= b:
print (a*b)

22 Consider a list L= [0,1,[‘All the’, ‘Best’], (‘list’,0)] and answer the following questions: 2
a) L[2][1]
b) L[0:4]
c) L[3][0][2]
d) L[ : : 2]

23 Write the output for the following codes: 2

XI Computer Science Annual Examination – CSC A Page 3 of 6

d = {5:50,10:100,15:200,20:400,25:800}

Predict the output of the Python code given below:

tuple1 = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55 ,66)

list1 =list(tuple1)
new_list = []
for i in list1:
if i%2==0:
new_tuple = tuple(new_list)

24 What are the possible outcome(s) from the following code? Also, specify the maximum 2
and minimum values that can be assigned to variable PICK.

import random
PICK=random.randint (1,3)
for I in CITY:
for J in range (0, PICK):
print (I, end = "")
print ()

a) b) c) d)

25 What is the difference between Free software and Free and Open - Source software? 2
What is Cyber Stalking?
26 Verify the following Boolean expressions using Truth table: 3
a) (A+B)’ = A’ + B’
b) A(A+B) = A
27 What will be the output of following program: 3

s="annual examination 2023"

n = len(s)
m=' '
for i in range(0, n):
if (s[i] >= 'a' and s[i] <= 'm'):
m = m + s[i].upper()
elif (s[i] >= 'n' and s[i] <= 'z'):
m = m + s[i-1]

XI Computer Science Annual Examination – CSC A Page 4 of 6

elif (s[i].isupper()):
m = m + s[i].lower()
m = m + '#'

28 Write a Python program which accepts a number from the user and prints the frequency 3
of the number in the list L, it should print “Number Not Found” if the number is missing in
the list.
Write a Python program to exchange the first- half elements of list with the second half
elements assuming the list is having even number of elements.
29 a) Write the output of the code given below: 3
d1={'rno':25, 'name':'dipanshu'}
d2={'name':'himanshu', 'age':30,'dept':'mechanical'}
b) Following are the statements for creating tuples. Find the errors in the statements
and rewrite the same after correcting them.
t1 = (10)
t2 = ((1,6,5)(4,5,6))
t3 = (‘a’,’b’[‘d’,’e’])

30 Mention some basic precautions to be taken to prevent cybercrime. (Any 6 points) 3

Explain the following terms:
a) Digital Footprints
b) IP address
c) Cyber Forensics
31 What are the etiquettes one should follow in social networking. 4
What are the different ways in which authentication of a person can be performed.
32 a) Derive a Truth Table for the given Boolean expression. 4
b) Convert the following :
1245.238 = ( )2 = ( )16 = ( )10
33 a) Write a program where you initialize a list (you need not input) with some integer 2+3
values and N with length of the list. The elements in the list should be changed in such a
way that each even element should be added by 10 and each odd elements should be
multiplied by 3. Also print the updated list.
Sample Input Data of the list
Array= [ 100, 33,22,44,68,13]

The updated Array should contain = [110,99,32,54,78,39]

Note: Assume only even number of elements are input by the user

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b) Given the following list :
Write the appropriate command using required functions or methods to perform the following:
i) Add an element “Hello world” at the beginning of the list.
ii) Remove the element 8 from the 2nd element of the list
iii) Convert the element “keyboard” to uppercase.

34 2+3
a) Write a program to accept values from a user in a tuple. Add a tuple to it and display
its elements one by one. Also display its minimum and maximum value.

b) Write a program to create a dictionary by using input command to input N employee salary in
the following format:
Also print the employee who gets the maximum salary.

35 Ifran wants to implement some methods in a string. But he is unable to remember the
appropriate methods . Help him complete the code by filling in the blanks with required methods
and functions.
String=’Annual Exam’
print(__________________) # i
String2=____________________ #ii
T = _________________#iii
print(___________________) #v
i) Write statement to print String in uppercase 1
ii) Write statement to assign the replicated String twice 1
iii) Write statement to assign the value that is returned while checking if String is in title case. 1
iv) Write statement to obtain String3 in such a way only ‘AE’ is sliced from String. 1
v) Write statement to print the value of String where the character ‘$’ is inserted in between as
follows:A$n$n$u$a$l$ $E$x$a$m by using required function .

The End

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