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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Dzogchen Lama: Jigme Gyatso: Manipa Terton, Rime Rinpoche’s

Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Table of Contents
I. Preliminary Practices Ngondro/ Alpak
A. Mantra’s Meaning First MODULE………1 min pg.
B. Calling the Lama Thikle/ Anu yoga Second MODULE……3 min pg.
C. Outer Set of Preliminary Practices Third MODULE……...4 min pg.
1. Stress
2. Interdependence
3. Impermanence
4. Preciousness
D. Inner Set of Preliminary Practices Fourth MODULE….....4 min pg.
1. Enlightened Mindset
2. Refuge
3. Mistakes
4. Generosity Thikle/ Anu yoga
E. Guru Yoga Thikle/ Anu yoga Fifth MODULE……….4 min pg.
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II. Generation Stage Tokal/ Maha yoga
A. Love’s Emphasis Sixth MODULE………4 min pg.
1. Mental
2. Interpersonal
3. Physical
4. Circumstantial
B. Letting-go’s Emphasis Seventh MODULE……4 min pg.
1. Mental
2. Interpersonal
3. Physical
4. Circumstantial
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C. Dance of Impermanence and Interdependence Eighth MODULE…....4 min pg.
1. Circumstantial
2. Physical
3. Interpersonal
4. Mental

III. Completion Stage Thikle/ Anu yoga

A. Five Body Regions Ninth MODULE……...4 min pg.
IV. Great Completion Stage Trekchöd/ Ati yoga
A. Five Perceptions Tenth MODULE……...4 min pg.
B. Five Mental Poisons Eleventh MODULE…..4 min pg.
C. Five Aggregates Twelfth MODULE……4 min pg.
D. Five Thoughts Thirteenth MODULE…4 min pg.
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V. Completion Stage Thikle/ Anu yoga
A. Pore Body Mandala Fourteenth MODULE 3 min pg.

VI. Great Completion Stage Trekchöd/ Ati yoga

A. Spontaneous Play of Mind Fifteenth MODULE 3 min pg.

VII. Closing Practice

A. Universal Mastery of the Eight-fold Path…….. Sixteenth MODULE…..1 min pg.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
First MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing Lama Kyeno’s Practice

of Calling the Teacher as from Afar
into Energy-work’s Path
of Bliss and Letting-go
Completion Stage Tantra
Bindu Mahamudra
Anu Yoga
Thikle Drop (which is short for channels, winds, and drops or Nadi, Prana, and Bindu)
Tantra Alpak or Gyu Ngöndro
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Lét us invite real or imagined

Gu-ru: A-mi-ta-bha Kar-ma Mu-dra
to the of oúr head

thát in the union

of Bliss and Letting-go
we máy train.
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Lama come
to this 1 collection of 4 sets of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Starting with Both Metaphoric Training Wheels
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Inhalation this very turbulent play of mind…

Exhalation relaxing into mind’s non-graspable nature!
1 collections of 2 sets of 17 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Second MODULE – 4 minutes

Outer Set of Preliminary Practices

which could be described
in Sanskrit as Sutra Alpak
or in Tibetan as Do Ngöndro
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Lét us courageously
exercise the vulnerability
to notice othérs’ STRESS

thát our seeds of empathy

máy grow.
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May I note
others’ STRESS 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ínstead of torturing ourselves

with the fear of Kár-ma

máy we view interdependence

as the opportunity for our love
to lighten the loads of óthers.
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May my love
HELP others 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ráther than torment ourselves

with the dread óf death

máy we view impermanence

as that which makes of grasping
an absurdíty.
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fuels release 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ínstead of STRAINING to
make the most of each precious
meditation opportuníty

wé could simply flow from the

centered spontaneity generated
by mindfulness and meditátion.
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FLOW state from

meditate 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Removing the First of Two Metaphoric Training Wheels
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Meditation: the 8 th fold of the Buddha’s Eight-fold path

Mindfulness perceive inhalation Sitting tall

Meditation release exhalation relaxing 1 collections of 2 sets of 17 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Third MODULE – 4 minutes

Inner Set of Preliminary Practices

which could be described
in Sanskrit as Tantra Alpak
or in Tibetan as Gyu Ngöndro
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Ín our compassion
may we long to free all beings
from the toxic tyranny of éver:

háting, craving, & clinging

metaphorically known
as the three mental poísons.
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FREE all from

Three Poisons 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ín our pragmatism
may our liberation of all óthers
bé fueled by our reliance on the Buddha’s:
example, instructions, and stúdents,
déscribed by the metaphor
of the Three wish-fulfilling Jewels;
Bud-dha, Dhar-ma, and Sáng-ha.
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the Three Jewels 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ráther than squander

our time and energy in defensíveness
hów much wiser could it be
to learn our mistakes’ léssons
thát effortlessly flow from the centered
spontaneity of mindfulness and meditátion?
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LEARN from all

my mistakes 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Á life squandered in competition and greed

leads NOT to peace and fulfillment;
better to live in cooperation and generosíty.
Át life’s end may this mind
shoot out ’s (snap)
púrifying, multiplying, & offering my stuff
to the beings of Nir-va-na and Sam-sá-ra!
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Out through
SHARE my stuff 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Loving-kindness: fifty percent of the Buddha’s Eight-fold path

Mindfulness perceive inhalation Notice this (Sam-sa-ra)

Meditation release exhalation relaxing! (Nir-va-na)
1 collections of 2 sets of 17 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Fourth MODULE – 3 minutes

Bringing Guru Yoga

also known as Lama Naljor
into Energy-work’s Path
of Bliss and Letting-go
Completion Stage Tantra
Bindu Mahamudra
Anu Yoga
Thikle Drop (which is short for channels, winds, and drops or Nadi, Prana, and Bindu)
Tantra Alpak or Gyu Ngöndro
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Lét us invite real or imagined

La-ma: Oh-pak-me Yab Yum
to our HEÁRT mind

thát in the union

of Bliss and Letting-go
we máy train.
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Lama blend
with HEART-mind! 1 collection of 4 sets of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Removing the Second of Two Metaphoric Training Wheels
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Effortless Effort: the 6 th fold of the Buddha’s Eight-fold path

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collection of 1 set of 16 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Fifth MODULE – 4 minutes
Let us View Letting-go through a Philosophical Lens
as we Bring the Illusion of the Horizontal Duality
of Us and Them
into the Dance of Impermanence and Interdependence
Known as Madhyamaka’s Yoga of Inconceivability
Generation (or Creation) Stage
Tantra Mahamudra
Maha Yoga
Tokal Leap-over (Jealousy and Pride)
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ÁLL circumstances or lots

could be as impermanent and interdepéndent
ás if they could blissfully melt
into rainbow light that could
delightfully absorb into this body ór form!
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Into form
all LOTs melt 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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ÁLL bodies or forms

could be as impermanent and interdepéndent
ás if they could blissfully melt into
rainbow light that could delightfully absorb
into this communication ór speech!
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Into speech
all FORMs melt 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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ÁLL interpersonal speech

could be as impermanent and interdepéndent
ás if it could blissfully melt
into rainbow light that could
delightfully absorb into thís mind!
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Into mind
all SPEECH melts 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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ÁLL minds
could be as impermanent and interdepéndent
ás if they could blissfully melt
into rainbow light that could
delightfully absorb into a vast, emptý void...
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líke the illusion of the infinite azure sky

on a bright and beautiful cloudléss morn
whích although tantalizing to the eye
could be non-graspable to thé hand!
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Into void
all MINDs melt 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Right View of Impermanence : the 1 st fold of the Buddha’s Eight-fold path

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 16 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Sixth MODULE – 1 minute

Mantra’s Meaning
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I invoke
the wish-fulfilling jewel of love
and the purifying lotus of lettíng-go
súpplicating with
“may love & letting-go be mastered bý all!”
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Seventh MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing the Experience

of the Four Bases of Mindfulness
into the CONVENTIONAL Path
of LOVE and Letting-go
where it is love that is emphasized
Generation (or Creation) Stage
Tantra Mahamudra
Maha Yoga
Tokal Leap-over (Jealousy and Pride)
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Ráther than indulge

our controlling tendencies with the follies
of: visualization, emotion, magick, & bélief;
wé could just recite these words of love
in harmony with our breathing and allow
our subconscious to do the heavy lífting!
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Máy all minds of all beings now be as

peacefully WISE as the mind of a réal or
ímagined Buddha symbolized by a Thik-le,
one syllable, seed or Bi-ja mántra!
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Bi-ja WISE
for all minds 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Bi-ja WISE… for all minds!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Máy all relationships of all beings

now be as joyfully LOVING ás a
réal or imagined Buddha’s communication
symbolized by the six syllable mántra!
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Man-tra LOVE
for all speech 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Man-tra LOVE… for all speech!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Máy all bodies of all beings

now enjoy the beautiful HEALTH
as seen in Buddhist statuáry
dépicting the blissful body of a real or
imagined De-vi or Yi-dam: an architype
of enlightenment such as Chen-ré-zik!
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for all forms 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Yi-dam HEALTH… for all forms!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Máy all circumstances or lots of all beings

now have the good fortune ór BOON
ás a Buddha’s real or imagined
paradise, pure land, or Vá-ti!
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Va-ti BOON
for all lots 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Va-ti BOON… for all lots!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Sit Training

1st week 5 minutes 2nd week 10 minutes

3rd week 15 minutes 4th week 20 minutes
5th week 25 minutes 6th week 30 minutes
7th week 35 minutes 8th week 40 minutes
9th week 45 minutes 10th week 50 minutes
11th week 55 minutes 12th week 60 minutes
13th week 65 minutes 14th week 70 minutes
15th week 75 minutes 16th week 80 minutes
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Wishing Love: the 2 nd fold of the Buddha’s Eight-fold path

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 17 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Eighth MODULE – 4 minutes
Let us View Letting-go through a Physiological Lens
as we Bring the Experience
of the Four Bases of Mindfulness
into the ULTIMATE Path
of Love and Letting-go
where it is letting-go that is emphasized
Generation (or Creation) Stage
Tantra Mahamudra
Maha Yoga
Tokal Leap-over (Jealousy and Pride)
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Lét us side-step the rigidity,

that confuses metaphors
for literal státements;
ánd relax into the flexibility
that savors the chants
explaining metaphors as simíles!
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Ás we inhale all circumstances or LOTs

could appear quite vívid,
yét as we relax into our exhalation they
could feel as non-graspable or void as a real
or imagined paradise or Va-ti óf light!
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All LOTs seen yet

void like Va-ti 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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All LOTs seen yet… void like Va-ti!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ás we inhale all bodies or FORMs could

feel quite sensúal,
yét as we relax into our exhalation they
could feel as non-graspable or void as a real
or imagined archetype or Yi-dam óf light!
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All FORMs felt yet

void like Yi-dam 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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All FORMs felt yet… void like Yi-dam!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ás we inhale the interpersonal experience

of communication or SPEECH
could sound quite resóunding,
yét as we relax into our exhalation it could
feel as non-graspable or void as a real or
imagined Man-tra óf light!
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All SPEECH heard yet

void like Man-tra 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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All SPEECH heard yet… void like Man-tra!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Ás we inhale we could notice all MINDs’

perceptions, emotions, intentions, cognitions,
recollections, and imaginings quite cleárly,
yét as we relax into our exhalation they
could feel as non-graspable or void as a real
or imagined Bi-ja seed syllable óf light!
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All MINDs clear yet

void like Bi-ja 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

All MINDs clear yet… void like Bi-ja!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Kind Communication: the 3 rd fold of the Buddha’s Eight-fold path

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 17 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Ninth MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing the Five Body REGIONS

into the Path
of Bliss and Letting-go
Completion Stage Tantra
Bindu Mahamudra
Anu Yoga
Thikle Drop (which is short for channels, winds, and drops or Nadi, Prana, and Bindu)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Lower abdomen we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as real or imagined A-mo-gha-síd-dhi’s
mústard seed sized
syllable Ah of gréen light.
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Into Ah
relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation the area

behind the Navel that we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable as
real or imagined Rat-na-sam-bhá-va’s
mústard seed sized syllable
Tram of góld light.
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Into Tram
relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Chest we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as real or imagined Ak-shó-bhya’s
mústard seed sized syllable
Hoong of blúe light.
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Into Hoong
relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Throat we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as real or imagined A-mi-tá-bha’s
mústard seed sized syllable
Hri of réd light.
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Into Hri
relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

or we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as real or imagined ’s
mústard seed sized syllable
of whíte light.
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relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Tenth MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing the Five Dualistic PERCEPTIONS

into the Path
of NON-duality’s Awareness and Letting-go
Dzogchen’s Great Completion Stage Tantra
Sutra Mahamudra
Ati Yoga
Trekchö Slice-through (the Duality of Dread and Desire)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

dualistic experience of
ór we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to melt
into the NON-duality
of simply .
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relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

dualistic experience of díscord
ór harmony we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to melt
into the NON-duality
of simply Héaring.
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relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

dualistic experience of foul or frágrant
wé might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to melt into
the NON-duality
of simply Smélling.
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relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

dualistic experience of disgústing
ór delicious we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to melt
into the NON-duality
of simply Tásting.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation

whatever dualistic experíence
óf pain or pleasure we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to melt into
the NON-duality
of simply Sénsing.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Eleventh MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing the Five Mental POISONS

into the Path
of Awareness and Letting-go
Dzogchen’s Great Completion Stage Tantra
Sutra Mahamudra
Ati Yoga
Trekchö Slice-through (the Duality of Dread and Desire)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation

whatever Hate we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable as
Mirror-like wisdom’s Cléar void.
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relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation

whatever Pride we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as the Equalizing wisdom
of Primordial voídness.
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relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Craving we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable as
Discerning wisdom’s Blíss void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation

whatever Jealousy we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as All-accomplishing wisdom’s
Void intéllect.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Into VIE
relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel as NON-graspable
as wisdom’s
Awarenéss void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Twelfth MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing the Five AGGREGATES

into the Path
of Awareness and Letting-go
Dzogchen’s Great Completion Stage Tantra
Sutra Mahamudra
Ati Yoga
Trekchö Slice-through (the Duality of Dread and Desire)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

or we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

sensation such as pléasure,
páin, or neither we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

appraisal of pleasure or pain’s intensíty
ór volume we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

impulse such as fucking, feeding, fíghting,
fléeing, fainting, or fawning we might
have noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation

whatever awareness of percéption,
émotion, intention, cognition,
recollection, or imaginátion
wé might have noticed during our
previous inhalation could begin to feel
as NON-graspable as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Thirteenth MODULE – 4 minutes

Bringing the Five THOUGHTS

into the Path
of Awareness and Letting-go
Dzogchen’s Great Completion Stage Tantra
Sutra Mahamudra
Ati Yoga
Trekchö Slice-through (the Duality of Dread and Desire)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation

whatever Emotion we might have
noticed during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Intention we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Cognition we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

Recollection we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable
as a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Ás we relax into our exhalation whatever

we might have noticed
during our previous inhalátion
coúld begin to feel
as NON-graspable as
a vast, emptý void.
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

relaxing 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Mindfulness perceive inhalation

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 12 rounds

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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Fourteenth MODULE – 3 minutes
Transcend the Illusion
of Samsara and Nirvana’s Vertical Duality
by Metaphorically Inviting all the Real or Imagined:
Buddhas, their paradises, and their Denizens
to Dwell in the 84,000 Pores of our Skin,
thus practicing the Body-mandala
of Duality’s Awareness and NON-duality’s Release
Generation (or Creation) Stage
Tantra Mahamudra
Maha Yoga
Tokal Leap-over (Jealousy and Pride)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Buddhas come
to these PORES 1 collection of 4 sets of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 16 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Fifteenth MODULE – 3 minutes

Bringing the SPONTANEOUS Play of Mind

into the Path
of Awareness and Letting-go
Dzogchen’s Great Completion Stage Tantra
Sutra Mahamudra
Ati Yoga
Trekchö Slice-through (the Tyranny of the Duality of Dread and Desire)
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Relaxing into THIS!

Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong
Om Ma-ni Pe-me Hoong 1 collection of 1 set of 4 repetitions
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Spontaneous Awareness and Letting-go

Mindfulness perceive inhalation This

Meditation release exhalation ease! 1 collections of 1 set of 16 rounds
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation
Sixteenth MODULE – 1 minute

Sealing this Practice

by Percussively Chanting
Loving Wishes for Universal:
Enlightenment and Well-being
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Máy all minds of all beings (lucid yet void) now

be as ENLIGHTENED as a buddha’s mind
symbolized by a one syllable Bí-ja!
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Máy all speech of all beings (resounding yet void)

now be as LOVING as a buddha’s speech
symbolized by a multi-syllable Mán-tra!
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Máy all forms of all beings (sensual yet void)

now be as HEALTHY as a Yi-dam
depicted in Buddhist statuáry!
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Kind Gaze’s Easy Meditation

Máy all lots of all beings (appearing yet void)

now be as fortunate as a pure land of lore
depicted in Buddhist páintings! 

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