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In the general analysis of the drawing, observe the following aspects:


 According to their sex; indicates that they identify with and stereotype the behaviors of their sex.

 Not according to their sex; indicates conflicts or ambivalence in sexual identification.

 If it is a profile figure; indicates an evasion of the environment and problems with the environment.

 The figure in front; It indicates a desire to confront the demands of the environment, it is frank and
it is socially stable.

 If you have a background; indicates a need for support to reduce concern or anxiety about conflicts
with the environment.

Figure size

 If it is large, it will indicate an exaltation of the ego, an undervaluation of the environment, a

propensity for fantasy and internal self-control.

 If it is normal, with a height of 12 to 20 cm. Approximately, it will indicate emotional balance.

 If it is small, it indicates overvaluation of the environment, possible concealment, going unnoticed

by the environment and a submissive reaction.

Drawing symmetry

 Excess symmetry can be interpreted as rigidity.

 The rigidity of the drawing can manifest itself as a defense against the environment.

 Very symmetrical drawings indicate perfectionism and exhibitionism.

Figure position

 If it is located at the top of the page, it indicates insecurity with a tendency to withdraw and act out

 If it is below it, it will indicate pessimism, insecurity, a tendency toward depression, and the
presence of little physical activity.

 If it is on the right, it indicates problems with authority, negativism, and resistance to change.

 If it is on the left it will indicate inhibition, it also manifests insecurity, avoidance and introversion.
 If it is in the upper left part, it reveals a tendency to withdraw from the environment, a need for
support and emotionality.

 If it is in the upper right part, it reveals the ability to actively confront the environment.

 If it is in the lower left part, it shows possible fixations with the conflicts that occurred in previous

 If it is in the lower right part, it shows the will and capacity for discipline, but at the same time,

 If it is centered, and in the middle of the leaf, it indicates emotional balance, ease of adapting to the
environment, and making positive decisions.

Drawing theme

 You should investigate whether the drawn figure is a stereotype, a specific person, or an image of

 If a ridiculous character is drawn as a representation of a person, it will indicate avoidance of

feelings of physical inferiority. These are usually smaller figures and will be towards the introverted
(left) side of the page.

 If the figure drawn is older, it could indicate identification with the parents.

 The head

o It is the center of the location of one's own self. It is the center of intellectual power, social
dominance and control of bodily impulses. Because it is the only part of the body that is
consistently exposed to view, it is involved in the function of social relationships.

o Young children are the ones who draw the most large heads and make the body very small
(the adult's head is the most important organ in relation to the child's emotional security).
It has been suggested that male children fixated on their mother draw the female figure
with a large head. Girls tend to draw larger heads, shorter arms, smaller hands, shorter
legs, and smaller feet than boys do; The reason may be that girls in our culture just have to
be prettier and boys have to be physically and sexually strong.

o Those who draw the head as the last feature of the human figure usually suffer from
disorders in interpersonal relationships.

o If the head is large, it can be interpreted as overvaluation of intelligence due to frustration,

frustrated intellectual aspiration and grandiose tendencies.

o If the head is small, it indicates problems with the environment and a sign of dependency.

o If the head was drawn blurry, it indicates shyness and withdrawal.

o If the head is elongated it can be an indicator of aggressiveness

o If the head is very marked it may indicate being a dominant and leader person.

o If the head is drawn in profile, and the body is from the front, it indicates avoidance of the
environment, and problems making decisions.


 The mouth appears in children's drawings almost as early as the head.

 The oral emphasis is seen in children's drawings.

 If the mouth is very emphasized, it manifests being verbally aggressive and a tendency to become
easily irritated.

 With forced smiles he indicates that he wants to please or have forced sympathy.

 If it has teeth it indicates aggression.

 If the language is drawn, orality is intensified at a more primitive level.

 If it has full lips it indicates effeminacy.

 If your beard is emphasized, it indicates that you have dominance tendencies and decision

 If the mouth is omitted, it indicates communication problems with your environment and shyness.

 Excessive emphasis on the mouth can express a whim to food, indecent language and bad mood.

 If the mouth is drawn with a thick broken line, it indicates aggression.

 If the mouth is in the shape of a wide line and turned upward, giving the shape of a clown's mouth
making faces, it indicates that one wants people's approval, or an inappropriate affection, its
meaning depending on other aspects of the drawing.

 The lips

 The lips contribute to the tone of facial expression.

 Thick lips on the male figure are considered a sign of effeminacy.

 The lips of the male figure differ from those of the female figure.

 Sometimes the lips develop with a particularly sensual line and can be interpreted
that way.

 The eyes
 It is a considerable part in the drawing of the human figure, since they indicate
social communication by being the basic organs for contact with the outside

 It has been suggested that paranoids place a lot of emphasis on the eyes (they are
very alert to all the details about them).

 If they are large, they tend towards extroversion, hypersensitivity to social

opinion and aggression problems.

 If they are small, it indicates introversion problems.

 If the pupils do not appear in the eyes, it indicates introversion and egocentrism
problems. Furthermore, he perceives the world vaguely, with little discrimination
of details.

 If you draw them closed, it indicates a tendency to deviate from reality, they close
themselves off from the world with the purpose of isolating themselves in their
own narcissism.

 If they are provided, it does not show any type of conflict.

 If a furtive eye is drawn it indicates ideas of allusion.

 The penetrating eye indicates a socially aggressive attitude.

 A large, dark, pointed, or threatening eye indicates hostility or suspicion.

 There are differences; Women draw their eyes larger and more elaborate than

 Making an empty eye indicates emotional immaturity.

 Hair

 Hair is related to sexuality.

 If hair is abundant, it indicates narcissistic tendencies, a desire for virility and


 If it is excessively shaded it indicates aggressiveness.

 If it is omitted, it indicates little physical activity.

 Its emphasis on the head, chest, beard or mustache indicates a strength in virility.

 Nose

 If the nose is too elaborate it can be interpreted as extreme attention to opinion

and sensitivity.
 Shadowed or cut nose indicates internal fears.

 If the nostrils are very marked, it is considered a specific accent of aggression.

 The neck

o The neck is one of the last parts that the boys insert in their drawings.

o If the neck is short and wide, it indicates problems with the environment and

o If the neck is long it indicates rigidity in behavior, formality and moralism, as well as
problems interacting.

o If it is long and thin, it indicates feelings of weakness and problems managing impulses.

o If it is of a proportionate size, it indicates that you manage your mood well.

o The omission of the neck indicates immaturity in children's drawings and poor ability to
manage impulses.


o In general, the direction and flow of the lines of the arms are related to the degree and
spontaneity of interpersonal contact within their environment, but it is also important to
observe the direction and type of drawing of the drawing to understand it.

o Arms appear in children's drawings from a very early age.

o If the arms are vigorous and extended, it indicates being an ambitious and aggressive

o If they are attached to the body, it indicates being a defensive person and having problems
interacting with their environment.

o If they are very large, it indicates the need for protection.

o If you have a muscular emphasis you tend to be an aggressive person with a desire for
physical power.

o If they are short, it indicates a lack of ambition, with feelings of inferiority in their

o If they are in the shape of jugs, it indicates being a person who tends to be anarchic and
arrogant towards weak people.
o If they are very extensive, it indicates being a person who appears to be simple, withdrawn
and without affection.

o If the arms are stiff at the sides, it indicates rigidity with their social environment.

o If they are shaded, it indicates anxiety regarding social contact.

o If the arms are very reinforced, it indicates a tendency towards aggressiveness and desire
for power.

o If they are bent, they indicate a hostile attitude and feeling of rejection.

o If they are relaxed and flexible, it indicates being a normal person.

o If they are omitted in the drawing of the opposite sex, it indicates a feeling of rejection by
the opposite sex.

o If the arms are drawn in simple dimensions and appear fragile or consumed, they indicate
deficiency and weakness of their physical reality.

o The omission of the arms should never be taken as a casual oversight. Without arms
indicates conflict with others.

o Extremely long arms are associated with ambition.

 Hands

Functionally they are related to the Self and social adaptation.

The hands are the most commonly omitted feature and then the feet.

o If they are blurred, it indicates a lack of confidence in yourself and in doing any work.

o If they are shaded, it indicates anxiety in social contact activity, aggressiveness and
impulsivity. If they appear strongly shaded, they indicate guilt.

o They can be placed behind the back in an evasive manner.

o If they are very small, it indicates a lack of contact with people.

o If they are in the pockets it indicates problems with authority.

o If they are in the shape of mittens, it indicates aggressive repression.

o Hands in bags are a sign of laziness.

o Excessive size in the hands indicates some compensation for weakness, or reaction against
some improper use of them. If they are very large, it indicates having problems with their
 Fingers

o They are very important for being the point of contact with their social environment.

o In children, fingers usually appear before hands.

o Short, round fingers indicate poor manual dexterity.

o If the fingers are very shaded or forced, they indicate guilt.

o The hand with the fingers carefully articulated, but closed by a line, expresses aggression.

o Elongated fingers indicate aggressiveness. Another expression of aggression is seen in

drawings with fingers projecting like claws.

 The legs

o The legs, like the feet, are a source of difficulty in many drawings.

o The person who is confined to bed, the depressed, the disillusioned, or the physically
disabled may show resistance to drawing legs and feet.

o In children with developmental disorders, large bodies with small, wasted, thin, trembling
legs are observed, as an expression of a feeling of decline or deficiency.

o If they are emphasized, it indicates depressive problems.

o If they are very long it indicates autonomy.

o If they are very short, it indicates that they do not know how to make their own decisions.

o If they are very reinforced, it indicates a tendency towards aggressiveness.

o If they are unequal, it indicates a need for independence.

o If they are very close together, it indicates being very rigid in their social environment.

 feet and shoes

o Women tend to draw small feet and men large feet.

o If they are highly emphasized, it indicates aggressive tendencies.

o If they are barefoot it indicates a sign of aggression.

o If they are elongated, it indicates being an insecure person and therefore will have
conflicts when making decisions.

o If they are small, it indicates insecurity and dependence.

o If they are omitted it indicates independence.

o The foot also refers to personal safety, it also has aggressive implications that stem from
its function of propelling and driving the body forward and as an instrument of attack

 The log

o If it is round it indicates a less aggressive personality and femininity.

o If it is wide and fat it indicates that one is projecting oneself.

o If it is very small and thin, it indicates a feeling of inferiority.

o If it is very large, it indicates that you have a lot of desire to improve.

o When it is more angular it indicates being more masculine.

o The especially thin body, as a representation of one's own sex, is usually indicative of
discontent with one's own body and also appears as compensation through an unpleasant
roundness of the figure.

16. The buttons

o The emphasis on buttons occurs especially in children, and even more so in men.

o They are used as indicative of clothing.

o The buttons are related to the attitude of maternal dependence.

17. The pockets

o Like buttons, boys put emphasis on pockets.

o If a child in the process of growing draws a large pocket full of sweets, it is an indication of
a self in full development and a certain maturity appropriate to his age.

o Pockets are also used by children as an expression of struggle for virility that antagonizes
emotional dependence on the mother.

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