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Precious!What’s the precious things in the universe?There’s are a lot to say like time is
precious,our life is precious and more.We really forget it,our parents love is a truly precious
gift from god.Unconditional love means loving not matter what,without any limits or love
without condition.In other word,it’s our parents.
There is no language can describe the love between parent their child.The love between a
parent and child is primary,pure and precious.We entered this world because of our
parents.Our parents is the first teacher in everyone’s life.They teach us how to be a perfect
person in this world.
Parents are those who sacrife their life to us.Their are survive many problems in every
day.Once they back home they are never show their problems infront of us because they
know it’s may hurt us too.They also lots their happiness to see our face on smile.We should
really repect their sacrifeces.
In our life the real superheroes is our parents.We can’t deny the role and value of parents
in our life.Do you know the life without parents is a worst life ever!The value of our parents
in our life can never be ignored.They protect us to make happy.They are like a guiding light
who take us to the right path whenever we get lost.
Our parents are the reason of our success and happiness in this world.We should love our
parents.They are standing behind us in every walk of our life.When we have problems in our
life our parents are the first who come and solve our problem.It’s doesn’t matter how old
are us.
Parents are kind people who taught their children to be strong and same.Moreover,if they
have arguments,the always wake up without letting it affect us.We should aspire to become
like our parents and should archive success in our life with their blessings.
The love of our mother is simply matchless.Mother is the one who we share all of our
secrets.She take great care of our health.She really can’t handle once we get any
injurious.As soon she wakes up,she starts thinking about us.

Our father are the first role model to their children.He also considered a unsung hero.The
responsibility of each and every father is always prideful..He is always rush to work because
he is the one who take care of our financial status.We all greatly love our father.
In the conclusion,we should try to help our parent by fulfilling their desires of being
succesfull.We are lucky to get the caring parents.We must thank God to blessing us with
support,guide and protection of our parents.They are the precious thing in the universe.

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