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Comparative table between vocation and teaching profession

Luis Enrique Pérez Díaz

Javier Alvarez Ruiz
Edgardo Osorio Zapata

San Alfonso University Foundation

Bachelor of Theology
Educational Epistemology


Comparative table between vocation and teaching profession........................................................2

Comparative table between vocation and teaching profession 2

Teaching Vocation Teaching Profession

Vocation is defined as the natural inclination The profession is defined as the activity
to dedicate oneself to the professional activity carried out by the professional to acquire and
of teaching with enthusiasm, commitment and share prior knowledge through the planning,
confidence in the power of education, special development and evaluation of teaching and
dedication and service to others. learning. Just as it has a field of knowledge
Therefore, it has to do with the person. that is its own. (Alvarez, 2015).
Therefore, it has to do with the job.
Way of feeling fulfilled: Way of feeling fulfilled:
In addition to the duty fulfilled and achieving
the goals of the professional activity, the He is satisfied with the duty fulfilled, when he
satisfaction of having achieved professional achieves the goals of the professional activity.
fulfillment is added.
The vocation is older and was historically The profession is relatively more recent,
linked to the Catholic religion and controlled because school education did not become
by ecclesiastics. widely widespread until well into the 19th
The vocation involves having attitude, The profession implies having certain
openness, service to the community and competencies, in terms of adequate scientific
working in flexible teams. and technical professional training that makes
one competent at all times in the exercise of
the profession.
The teaching vocation was linked to The teaching profession participates
effectiveness and a type of exemplary life of more in the production of goods and services.
irreproachable morality, oriented towards This integration or differentiated approach is
knowledge of ethical duties and rights, which greater in the knowledge society, where
can be assumed as a moral commitment and organizations take on a greater role.
demanded of others.
In the vocation, teaching others is conceived In the profession, teaching is conceived as a
as a work of mercy and it was not understood job or professional activity, carried out in
that someone would dedicate themselves to exchange for a salary, in accordance with
teaching without feeling the need to help accepted working conditions or a contract
others. with the employer, whether public or private,
for the achievement of purposes, as in any
labor process.
The teaching vocation is oriented towards the In the teaching profession, the person assumes
calling that the person has, with a sense of the responsibility of acquiring professional
service to others, of spiritual dedication and skills that prepare them to carry out their
refers to a type of teacher who is submissive, work with quality, knowing their duties and 3
adaptive and disinterested in material goods. rights.
The vocation has generally been associated Defends labor and professional interests. The
with spirituality and unconditional service. profession requires specific training that
The teaching vocation is, so to speak, more enables the legal practice of the profession
informal, spontaneous, altruistic and authorized by the competent academic
economic disinterest. authority, which avoids professional
intrusion and which allows access to the free
contracting market.
In today's society, vocation tends to be In today's society the profession is
considered something archaic, out of fashion. considered innovative, scientific and
Despite the vocation being older, it was In the profession, the existence of regulations
developed under religious regulations tending that regulate the functions and actions of
to consider teaching as a priesthood of “ teachers is required for the effective
well-balanced men, of ideal temperament, of performance of professional activities, an
love for all great things, of developed ethical code that binds the professional and
intelligence, of simple and noble tastes.” , of their clients, and control over professional
pure customs, healthy in spirit and body, and performance to maintain the quality of the
worthy in thought, word, work. teaching service.
work and even ways, of serving the sacred
cause whose pursuit is entrusted to them.”
The vocation has historically benefited The profession entails a social benefit
institutions for the most part; The dominant because the entire society can benefit directly
power has been the most interested in or indirectly from professional practice.
promoting the vocation as an instrument to There is an increasing increase in the
control who taught, what they taught and demands of the family and society on
how they taught it, and to make up for teachers, demanding new functions and
material and formal deficiencies necessary greater quality in the teaching-learning
for professional performance. processes.
The exercise of one's vocation does not allow The exercise of the profession allows the
full development from a professional and sustenance and development of working life,
economic point of view, since there is a lack family and social; since conditions are
of means to develop it as a profession, and in created for the exercise of the profession.
some cases, one is not sufficiently
professionally trained.
The vocation is a complement to the A good profession is developed with
profession. vocation.


Álvarez López, R. (2015). The teaching profession . Istmo Urban Normal School. Mexico.
Recovered from
Larrosa Martínez, F. (2010). Teaching vocation versus teaching profession in educational 5

organizations . REIFOP, 13 (4). Retrieved from

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