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The return of the books

As I have pointed out on occasion, unlike fleeting information, the book strengthens with the passage of
time, constituting a vehicle of reflective knowledge.

By Guillermo Jaim Etcheverry*

Every time the declining trend in reading is (6), Zuckerberg reformulates one of the essential
mentioned, it is argued that, on the contrary, there characteristics of the book.
has never been as much reading as in our time (1). It is about its ability to organize and structure
What is not made clear is that, almost exclusively, knowledge, which is why the book constitutes a
current reading material consists of short SMS or powerful line of defense of knowledge against the
WhatsApp messages, emails, tweets or, in the best of advance of information, which is nothing more than a
cases, some page (2) on the Internet. Isolated phrases, fragmentary set of experiences not related to each other
often poorly constructed and poorly written, constitute and whose only prestige derives from novelty.
our daily intellectual nourishment (3). As I have pointed out on occasion, unlike fleeting
That is why it has caused such an impact that the information, the book strengthens with the passage of
creator of Facebook, the technological guru Mark time, constituting a vehicle of reflective knowledge.
Zuckerberg – 30 years old and a fortune estimated at Value our experiences not for the momentary appeal
30 billion dollars – has set himself the goal of reading of facts, but for the permanence of their meaning.
two books a month for 2015 ( 4). Above all, it gives us back the value of time,
He has invited his millions of followers to devastated by the immediacy of information.
accompany him, a category that is currently equivalent Although in a confusing way, when looking at books
to “friends.” Although he found an important echo in a library we sense that the quiet voices they contain
among them, not everyone follows him in the exotic want to draw our attention to tell us about the deep
adventure he proposes. meaning of our lives.
But what is truly interesting are the reasons on which We perceive that there is something in them that
he bases his decision. could give order and meaning to the human experience,
Says Zuckerberg: “I'm excited about the challenge transcending the everyday.
of reading. I have discovered that reading books
provides important intellectual satisfaction. Books Question of culture
allow you to explore a topic completely, through a
deeper immersion than most current media makes Some time ago, the American thinker Daniel
possible. I hope to be able to shift my media diet Boorstin rightly pointed out that sustaining the vitality of
more and more toward reading books” (5). the book today “is affirming the permanence of
civilization in the face of the speed of the immediate.”
Unique properties It is that our civilization identifies itself by its books.
A house without books is, perhaps, a refuge, but not a
The habitual use of technological resources, of which house. Children and young people who do not read
he has been one of the main architects, has led great novels may be trained, but not educated (7).
Zuckerberg to rediscover the properties of the book. Acquiring skills with new technologies today
Even the most inveterate technophiles must have constitutes an essential tool for living, as is managing
harbored the suspicion that a quick glance in a virtual money and preparing for personal relationships. But
medium does not allow the acquisition of real it has nothing to do with culture (8).
knowledge similar to that achieved by reading an in- Screens help to obtain information in a simple and
depth study carried out by an expert in the field. instantaneous way and, above all, they offer
One is tempted to imagine what would have entertainment, sometimes not harmful.
happened in a world in which, after 700 years of the Precisely, the rise of modern technological tools
Internet, someone had invented the book in the 1990s. linked to fleeting experiences is explained by the
The fact that instead of trawling through oceans of contemporary discredit of the effort.
semi-reliable information it turned out to be possible to This same horror of effort explains the decline of
have a safe, portable and inexpensive source of reading, because reading a book requires making an
knowledge presented by someone who knows what it is intellectual effort that today few are willing to
about and how to present it through correct writing, undertake.
would have been considered a true miracle and
celebrated. as a great advance for humanity. Reflection time
By pointing out the fact that “books allow us to
explore a topic completely through a deeper Reading is a formative task, because reading – a
immersion than most current media makes possible” habit that is acquired during childhood and
adolescence – makes us reflective and rational, it That time is linked to reflection and imagination; In
teaches us to write and speak (9). Above all, it short, with the ability to think about the world and to
encourages us to meditate, to develop our imagination. think about ourselves.
It is no coincidence that some children, when asked Our young people must be introduced to this
about what they feel when they read, respond: “It's as if temporal dimension because, in addition to being
we were dreaming!” disciplined consumers, they deserve to be creators.
When he mentions that books allow a “deeper Creating means acquiring the habit of entering the
immersion,” Zuckerberg demonstrates that he has quiet slow time, as well as the ability to settle into it
perceived the importance of what I have sometimes comfortably before acting.
called “slow time,” the dimension of which we are Precisely, the revaluation of reading books is based
losing to the rhythm of the video clip that our on the conviction that it represents a gateway to that
existences have become ( 10). intrinsically human realm of slowness.

*Former rector of the National University of Buenos Aires

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