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for hitler

Date 12/2/2023

oi, you idiot, remember

you aren't on your own.
you have a family that loves you (probably/hopefully),
you have friends that love you (definitely/probably),

and ah well, maybe it's easier for me to say but

life can be tough, yep. it can.
it'll also get real better real soon.
remember allll the stuff you told me when i was....mElAnChOlIc?
in the lockdown period?
c'mon, re-remember them, i'd have said them all word by word but i don't
remember them anymore :*),
just the meanings.
also, you're an absolute braindead idiot.
who the fuck thinks about dying as a solution -
literally no one.
it's basically just...running away, you know.

for hitler 1
you, deer lady, are one heck of a person.
trust me on that, you are.
you might not have a heart of gold :)
but you're awesome.
also, even if dying was okay as a solution,
you're...idek, dumb that's for sure.
but ah well, c'mon we're all here.
talk to any of us whenever you want.
talk to shradha, ankita, or me, c'mon we're like what
one message away, and pretty darned we'd care if you said something has
we all love you after all.
also, if you die, life would go back to being a black n white movie.
....ah damn that sounds cheesy.

ah well, hang in there.

stay away from incense sticks :)

……yeah this was the….thing

its not even a poem the verses are fucked up…

ah well

for hitler 2

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