Exhcoba Guide

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Excoba Instructions
Basic Competencies Exam
Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................3
Basic Competencies Exam (Excoba)......................................................................................................1
Response types....................................................................................................................................1
The Excoba Demo..................................................................................................................................2
Demo Structure...................................................................................................................................2
Important information about the Demo...............................................................................................2
Demo Start..........................................................................................................................................2
Thematic guide of the Excoba of the University Baccalaureate.............................................................3
Autonomous of Querétaro......................................................................................................................3
1. Primary education........................................................................................................................3
1.1. Spanish.....................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Math.........................................................................................................................................3
2. Secondary education....................................................................................................................4
2.1. Spanish.....................................................................................................................................4
2.2. Math.........................................................................................................................................4
2.3. Natural Sciences.......................................................................................................................5
2.3.1. biology..............................................................................................................................5
2.3.2. Physical.............................................................................................................................5
2.4. Social Sciences.........................................................................................................................6
2.4.1. Geography.........................................................................................................................6
2.4.2. History..............................................................................................................................6
2.4.3. Civic and ethical formation...............................................................................................7


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Basic Competencies Exam (Excoba)

The Basic Competencies Exam (Excoba) is made up of a set of questions that evaluate the basic
competencies that are considered essential to successfully complete the first year of high school.

Table 1 presents the structure of the test. The number of questions in the admission exam is 120,
which are distributed as follows:

- 40 questions on basic primary education competencies;

- 80 questions on basic secondary education skills.

To know the topics that Excoba evaluates, consult the syllabus included in this document.

Table 1. Excoba structure by section, subject and number of Excoba questions

for admission to Higher Education.

Section name Competencies to evaluate Number of questions

Spanish 20
Math 20
Spanish 20
Math 20
Natural Sciences 20
Social Sciences 20
Total 120

Response types
The questions that make up the exam are semi-constructed answers. There are three ways to respond:
dragging elements (eg: classifying elements, placing them in images, in tables, among others),
selecting elements (involves choosing multiple elements in a text or image), and numerical and/or
algebraic writing.

Some questions require you to choose a single answer, which is scored as correct (1 point) or incorrect
(0 points). In others you are asked for more than one response. The latter are partially graded,
according to the number of correct answers; For example, if you must classify 4 elements, each correct
answer is worth: 0.25 point (total: 1 point). There is no penalty for not answering or answering
incorrectly, they are simply graded as incorrect (0 points).

We invite you to watch the informative video about the Excoba response types at:
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The Excoba Demo

The Demo is a set of questions structured according to the format and interface of the real exam. Its
purpose is for you, as a university applicant, to become familiar with the Excoba platform, with its
different question designs, and practice the ways of answering. It is not a syllabus, but rather a space
for practice.

Demo Structure
The Excoba for high school consists of 30 questions. These exercises correspond to the basic skills of
primary and secondary education. This part includes the areas of Spanish, Mathematics, Natural
Sciences and Social Sciences.

Important information about the Demo

• The Demo records the answers, so that you can answer all the questions in one session or in
several. You only have to enter with the same card number.
• At the end of the Demo, your grade per subject is shown; although you are not provided with
the key to the correct answers to each question.
• Answering this Demo DOES NOT guarantee admission to the higher education institution to
which you are applying.
• The content of this Demo may be modified in the future by the authors without prior notice.

Demo Start
When you run the Demo, the Excoba entry screen will appear. On this screen you must write your
token number in the upper left (for the demo you must invent one, e.g. 1234)*, then click with the
mouse on the “Search” button on the right.

On the next screen two fields will appear, in the first you must write your name and in the other you
must select UAA Baccalaureate .

Once your data has been captured, click the “Register” button and then the “Start” button. Once your
data has been registered, you can enter the Demo as many times as you want, using the same card
number with which you registered at the beginning.

• Note: In the admission exam you will be provided with your file number, and your name will
automatically appear.

In the next section you will find the Excoba thematic guide.

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Thematic guide of the Excoba of the University Baccalaureate

Autonomous of Querétaro
This thematic guide shows the major areas of knowledge that make up Excoba. Each of these areas is
made up of various topics and subtopics, from which the essential information for preparing the exam
questions is extracted. Excoba creates various reagents for each topic, so it is possible that more than
one question with the same content will be presented in the exam.
The guide contains the following topics:

1. Primary education

1.1. Spanish
1.1.1. Historical count. Identification of a chronological succession of events. Inference of dates and
places. Identification of relevant information.
1.1.2. Reportage. Identification of the general characteristics of a report. Interpretation of
information. Identification of the main idea. Selection of relevant information.
1.1.3. Scientific and popular texts. Identification of the characteristics of both types of texts.
1.1.4. Questionnaires. Identification of the forms of responses required in questionnaires.
Preparation of questionnaires, according to the purposes of the questions.
1.1.5. Spelling and punctuation. Use of v, b, s, c, z, ll, y, g, j, homophonous words. Accentation of
acute, serious, esdrújulas and monosyllables words. Use of punctuation marks in a paragraph.
1.1.6. Syntax. Identification of the parts of a simple sentence. Identification of sentence structure
and agreement. Identification of the type of compound sentences: juxtaposed, coordinated and
subordinate. Use of links.
1.1.7. Lexicon. Inferring the meaning of words according to the context. Use of the dictionary.
1.1.8. Tale. Identification of the parts of a story. Inference of character characteristics. Understanding
of rhetorical figures: metaphors, similes, analogies, repetition, among others.
1.1.9. Instructive texts. Preparation of diagrams and notes. Use of appropriate verb modes and
1.1.10. Information categories. Classification of information into thematic sections. Hierarchization
of information.

1.2. Math
1.2.1. Natural numbers. Meaning and use of the four fundamental operations: addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
1.2.2. Fractional numbers. Understanding the concept of fraction. Use in the four fundamental
operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
1.2.3. Decimal numbers. Understanding the concept of decimal number. Use in the four fundamental
operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
1.2.4. Flat figures. Identification of its elements. Calculation of perimeters and areas.
1.2.5. geometric bodies. Identification of its elements. Volume calculation.
1.2.6. Magnitudes. Use of units to calculate operations. Unit conversion.
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1.2.7. Proportionality relationships. Scale conversion. Problem resolution.

1.2.8. Notions of probability. Simple probability calculation.
1.2.9. Notions of statistics. Preparation of diagrams, graphs and tables. Interpretation of diagrams,
tables and figures.

2. Secondary education

2.1. Spanish
2.1.1. Masive means of comunication. Inference of advertising messages. Identification of the
elements that constitute the news. Identification of the author or source of information. Distinction
between facts and opinions. Contrast of message types in the news. Graphic supports in the news.
Analysis of the author's position in journalistic texts.
2.1.2. Informative texts. Identification of purposes and characteristics of informative texts. Search
and selection of information. Organization of information. Identification of the topic sentence. Use and
interpretation of graphic resources, such as: tables, graphs, diagrams, synoptic tables and concept
maps. Use of formal communication. Identification of different points of view in a text. Use of
expressions that prioritize information. Use of the comma to delimit adversative coordinates, causal
subordinates, conditionals and concessives.
2.1.3. Interview. Identification of the purpose and characteristics of an interview report. Use of
direct and indirect speech. Use of temporal and coordinating links. Use of diacritic and emphatic
2.1.4. Descriptive texts. Preparation of technical reports. Use of linguistic resources: technical
vocabulary, passive voice, impersonal form. Use of resources to ensure cohesion. Use of subordinants
and complements of the verb.
2.1.5. Literary texts. Identification of literary genres. Interpretation of rhetorical figures in poems.
Predicting the content of a work through reviews or prologues. Use of synonymous expressions and
pronouns. Lexical or pronominal substitution.
2.1.6. Legal and technical administrative documents. Preparation of letters for requests or
complaints. Interpretation of regulations. Analysis of documents to guarantee the rights and
guarantees of citizens. Preparation of documents to submit applications.

2.2. Math
2.2.1. Real numbers . Solution of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, potentiation and
establishment operations.
2.2.2. Meaning and use of literals. Solution of algebraic exercises of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, potentiation and radiation.
2.2.3. Arithmetic sequences. Obtaining the formula to generate an arithmetic sequence.
2.2.4. Polynomials. Solution of combined operations with polynomials.
2.2.5. Linear and quadratic equations. Development and solution of first degree equations.
Development and solution of second degree equations.
2.2.6. Systems of linear equations. Solution of system of linear equations with two unknowns.
2.2.7. Linear functions. Graphic representation of a line. Calculation of the slope of a line.
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2.2.8. Quadratic functions. Graphic representation of a parabola. Interpretation of the equation of a

2.2.9. Transformations in the plane. Identification and representation of axial symmetry, central
symmetry, translation and rotation.
2.2.10. Straight lines and angles. Calculation of angles between parallel lines and a secant.
Application of the Pythagorean theorem.
2.2.11. geometric bodies. Development of geometric bodies. Calculation of areas and volumes.
2.2.12. Likeness. Solving similarity problems. Application of Thales' theorem.
2.2.13. Trigonometry. Identification of trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent) in right triangles.
2.2.14. Proportionality relationships. Solution of inverse proportionality problems.
2.2.15. Diagrams, graphs and tables. Solving counting problems. Interpretation of pie and bar graphs.
2.2.16. Basic notions of statistics . Calculation of measures of central tendency and dispersion.

2.3. Natural Sciences

2.3.1. biology Biodiversity. Comparison of the common characteristics of living beings. Identification of the
mechanisms of adaptation and natural selection of organisms. Nutrition. Identification of the various forms of nutrition of living beings. Identification of
nutrients in foods. Breathing. Identification of the respiratory structures of living beings. Identification of the
different types of breathing. Relationship between respiration and nutrition. Prevention of respiratory
diseases. Reproduction. Assessment of responsible and safe sexuality. Identification of venereal
diseases (characteristics, causal agent, symptoms and prevention measures). Comparison of the
general characteristics of cell division and gamete formation: mitosis and meiosis. Identification of the
characteristics of sexual reproduction. Relationship between phenotype, genotype, chromosomes and
2.3.2. Physical The movement. Interpretation and calculation of position, velocity and acceleration. Use of
units of measurement. Representation and interpretation of graphs and tables. Description and
measurement of movement. The strengths. Interpretation of the concept of force. Interpretation of the effects of forces.
The description and prediction of motion using Newton's laws. Interpretation of the factors that make
up mechanical energy. Calculation of mechanical energy (kinetic and potential). Use of units of
measurement. The interactions of matter. Representation and interpretation of graphs related to heat,
pressure and temperature. Interpretation of the relationship between force and area. Technological
applications of different types of energy. Manifestations of the internal structure of matter. Interpretation of the simple atomic
model. Relationship between the behavior of the electron and macroscopic electromagnetic
2.3.3. Chemistry Material characteristics. Identification of the intensive and extensive properties of matter.
Interpretation of the principle of conservation of mass. Classification of substances. Relationship
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between the three-dimensional model of compounds and their chemical formula. Identification of the
characteristics of the scientific method. Diversity of material properties and their chemical classification. Distinction between
mixtures and other types of substances, based on their physical properties and separation methods.
Chemical representation of elements, molecules, atoms, ions and isotopes. Identification of properties
of the periodic table. Properties of link models. The transformation of materials: the chemical reaction. Representation of the principle of
conservation of mass. The formation of new materials. Applications of acids and bases. Identification of oxidation
and reduction, its main characteristics and applications.

2.4. Social Sciences

2.4.1. Geography Geographic space and maps. Interpretation of space through thematic maps of Mexico and
the world. Location of geographic points on a map using spatial elements (geographic coordinates,
scales, orientation, symbology). Natural resources and environmental preservation. Understanding of the concepts of
biodiversity, natural resources and sustainable development based on location, relief, climate and
vegetation. Understanding the astronomical factors that influence the distribution of natural resources
and biodiversity. Analysis of the impact and consequences that alterations to the environment bring
with them. Population dynamics and risks. Relationship between population changes and socioeconomic
implications in Mexico and the world. Interpretation of basic statistical information on the composition
and growth of the population, given by demographic indicators (age, sex, birth and mortality rate,
growth rate). Distinction of migration types. Identification of the causes and effects of the main
migratory flows. Economic spaces and social inequality. Understanding the concept of globalization.
Interpretation of some socioeconomic indicators, such as: human development index, education, life
expectancy, health and GDP. Cultural and political spaces. Understanding cultural diversity based on ethnicities, languages
and religions. Identification of the distribution of the cultural heritage of the people.
2.4.2. History Beginning of the 16th century to the beginning of the 18th century. Understanding of
scientific and technological advances, and the repercussions of colonialism in America. Chronological
location of the most relevant historical events and figures. From the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. Understanding of
the political ideas that gave rise to the Atlantic revolutions. Understanding of the characteristics and
implications of the Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic revolutions. From the mid-19th century to 1920. Understanding of the strategic, economic and political
importance of some regions of Asia, America and Africa in the run-up to the First World War. The world between 1910 and 1960. Identification of the main causes, effects and countries
participating in the First World War and the Second World War.
Page |7 Recent decades. Identification of the main social, political, cultural and religious conflicts of
today. Pre-Hispanic cultures and the formation of New Spain. Temporal and spatial identification
and contributions of the main pre-Hispanic cultures: Olmec, Teotihuacan, Mayan and Mexica. New Spain, from its consolidation to independence. Chronological identification of the main
characters, the causes and consequences of the political and religious expansion of the Conquest, the
Colony and the independence movement. Mexican Revolution. Chronological identification of the causes, consequences and main
characters of the Mexican Revolution.
2.4.3. Civic and ethical formation Adolescents and their coexistence contexts. Identification of factors that favor or put at risk
the quality of life of adolescents. Principles and values of democracy. Identification of the principles and norms that promote
democratic coexistence. Distinction of the general characteristics of the democratic political system:
representativeness, popular sovereignty and party system. The civic and ethical dimension of coexistence. Understanding the use of collective values,
social customs and cultural traditions within the context of the Mexican nation. Identity and interculturality for democratic citizenship. Understanding the use of norms and
rules for better social coexistence. Analysis of the sense of belonging and identity, in the context of a
multicultural society. Participation and democratic citizenship. Understanding of the concept of democracy, as
well as the elements that make it up. Identification of the characteristics and functions of the different
forms of social organization and citizen control. Identification of the components of the Mexican State
and its characteristics. Respect and appreciation of diversity. Identification of the various manifestations in society
that facilitate or hinder social coexistence.

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Educational Metrics, AC

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