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ON COURSE: Strategies for Creating Success in

College, Career, and Life

9th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox

Downing | Brennan,
Downing | Brennan, On Course:
On Course: Strategies
Strategies for in
for Success Success
College,in College,
Career, Career,
and Life, and Life,
9 th Edition,
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Chapter 8
Developing Emotional Intelligence

Downing | Brennan,
Downing | Brennan, On Course:
On Course: Strategies
Strategies for in
for Success Success
College,in College,
Career, Career,
and Life, and Life,
9 th Edition,
9 Skills
Study Edition, Study
Toolbox. Skills
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Ice Breaker:
What do you think “emotional intelligence” means?
When you feel stressed out, what do you do to try to reduce that stress?
Do you think it is possible to control our happiness? Why or why not?
What advice would you give to a friend with low self-esteem?
On average, do you think you get enough sleep? Why or why not?

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Chapter 8 Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
Identify the physical and mental signs of stress.
Describe stress and its psychological effects.
Identify ways to seek help in order to manage stress.
Describe exhaustion and its effects on mental health.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Developing Emotional Intelligence
Struggling (Fixed Mindset) Students . . .
Successful (Growth Mindset) Students . . .
Demonstrate emotional intelligence Allow themselves to be hijacked by
Effectively reduce stress emotions
Create happiness Take no responsibility for managing
their emotions
Frequently experience negative

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Case Study in Critical Thinking: After Math
Listed below are the five characters in this story. Rank them in order of their emotional intelligence.
Give a different score to each character. Be prepared to explain your choices.

DIVING DEEPER: Imagine that you have been

asked to mentor the person whom you scored a
1 (least emotionally intelligent). Other than
recommending a counselor, how would you
suggest that this person handle their upset in a
more emotionally intelligent manner?

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Focus Questions: What is emotional intelligence? How can you experience the full
range of natural human emotions and still stay on course to a rich, fulfilling life?
Four Components of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Self-Awareness: Knowing your feelings in the moment.
Emotional Self-Management: Managing strong feelings.
Social Awareness: Empathizing accurately with other people’s emotions.
Relationship Management: Handling emotions in relationships with skill and

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Knowing Your Own Emotions
Build a vocabulary of feelings.
Be mindful of emotions as they are happening.
Understand what is triggering your emotion.
Recognize the difference between a feeling and resulting actions.
Never make an important decision while experiencing strong emotions.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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In small groups, discuss:
What is stress?
What are the physical signs of stress?
What are the mental signs of stress?
What are some psychological effects of stress?
Reflection: Do you notice any of these signs or effects of stress in your own life?
How often do you feel stressed?

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Reducing Stress
Focus Questions: How can you soothe stressful feelings that make life
unpleasant and threaten to get you off course?
What is stress?
What happens when stress persists?
Unhealthy stress reduction
Healthy stress reduction

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Feeling Overwhelmed

Choose New Behaviors Choose New Thoughts

Separate from an external stressor Elevate

List and prioritize everything you need to do Trust a positive outcome
Discover time-savers Take a mental vacation
Eliminate time-wasters
Say “no”
Keep your finances organized
Get enough sleep

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Feeling Angry

Choose New Behaviors Choose New Thoughts

Separate Reframe
Exercise Distract yourself
Relax Forgive
Journal Identify the hurt
Channel your anger into positive

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Feeling Anxious

Choose New Behaviors Choose New Thoughts

Prepare thoroughly Detach

Relax Reframe
Breathe deeply Visualize success
Request accommodations Assume the best
Face the fear
Say your affirmation

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Feeling Sad

Choose New Behaviors Choose New Thoughts

Do something (anything!) toward your goals Dispute pessimistic beliefs

Exercise Distract yourself
Listen to uplifting music Focus on the positive
Laugh Find the opportunity in the problem
Breathe deeply
Remind yourself, “This, too, shall pass”
Help others in need
Identify others who have much more to
Journal be sad or depressed about
Socialize with friends and loved ones

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Choose Your Attitude
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by
changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects
of their lives.”
‒ William James

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Increasing Happiness
Focus Questions: Would you like to be happier? Do you know how?
Limits on happiness
Savoring pleasures
Strawberry moments

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Emotional Intelligence at Work
Improving emotional intelligence skills in college and your career will help
Manage your reactions and responses to difficult classmates, professors,
coworkers, customers, and supervisors more effectively.
Work more effectively on project teams and collaborate more skillfully.
Demonstrate stronger leadership skills and improve your chances of promotions
and positive evaluations.
Develop a more extensive social network that offers you support and opportunities.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
TECH TIPS: Self-Awareness
Awareness (Android, iOS)
Gratitude Journal (Android, iOS)
Track Your Happiness (iOS)
MindShift (Android, iOS)
Happify (online, Android, iOS)
Breathe2Relax (Android, iOS)

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Developing Self-Acceptance
Focus Questions: Why is high self-esteem so important to success? What can you do
to raise your self-esteem?
Our core beliefs—true or false, real or imagined—form the inner compass that guides our
Successful people accept the things they cannot change, have the courage to change the
things they can change, and possess the wisdom to know the difference.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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Healthy Choices: Sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to a host of health problems, including:

High blood pressure Weakened immune system

Heart disease Depression
Obesity Stroke
Cancer Automobile accidents
Diabetes Premature death

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
The Least You Need to Know About Sleep
“Experts agree that sleeping is crucial for memory consolidation and learning,
and that poor sleep negatively affects these much-needed abilities. Without
adequate sleep your brain becomes foggy, your attention dwindles, and your
memory stalls. This might not be news to anyone who has pulled an all-nighter
cramming for a test only to find they couldn’t recall most of the information the
next day.”
‒ Neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi, PhD

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
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ACTIVITY: Sleep and Mental Health
In pairs, discuss:
What is sleep deprivation?
How is your mental health affected when you do not get enough sleep? Use
examples and think about the difference in one bad night of sleep compared
with chronic sleep deprivation.
Reflection: How much sleep do you get per night on average? Is this enough?
What are some wise choices you can make to make sure you get enough sleep?

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Wise Choices: Sleep (1 of 2)
Wake up at the same time every day.
Exercise, preferably in bright natural light.
Nap no more than 30 minutes between noon and 4 p.m.
Avoid caffeine six hours before bedtime.
Eat a healthy dinner at least two hours before bedtime and limit snacking afterward.
Avoid nicotine and alcohol after dinner.
Create a relaxing nighttime routine.
Set an alarm for your regular wake-up time.
Don’t do schoolwork in bed.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Wise Choices: Sleep (2 of 2)
Ban electronics from your bedroom.
Make your bedroom completely dark, cool, and quiet.
Do deep breathing, progressive relaxation, and/or meditation.
If you lie awake or wake up, either relax until you sleep or get up and do
If pregnant, consult your doctor for ways for improving sleep without drugs.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Assessment: True or False?
1. Having mental intelligence (a high IQ) is all one needs to create great success in college,
career, and life.
2. Creators accept responsibility not only for the results they create in their outer world but
also for the emotions they experience in their inner world.
3. About 50 percent of our happiness is determined by a genetically fixed set point.
4. Many employers will use emotional intelligence as a factor in hiring a new employee.
5. Self-esteem is the reputation we have with others
6. If you don’t get enough sleep, your memory of both information and physical skills may be

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Chapter 8 Summary
In this chapter, we covered . . .
The four components of emotional intelligence.
Steps to become more attuned with your emotions.
How to manage and reduce stress by choosing new thoughts and behaviors.
How to create more happiness through savoring, gratitude, engagement,
contribution, and strawberry moments.
The value of emotional intelligence at work.
The effects of knowing and accepting yourself.
Wise choices around sleep.

Downing | Brennan, On Course: Strategies for Success in College, Career, and Life, 9 th Edition, Study Skills Toolbox. © 2023 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

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